Forum Thread
Pokemon HQ Lab
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Pokemon HQ Lab

Number of total collected Pokemon:3769/5000
Number of shiny pokemon:120/500

Hello and welcome to the Pokemon HQ Lab. Here we come together as one for the good of pokemon everywhere from news to research.

This is our facility for all things pokemon related. before i continue with this tour let me review the rules with you

-Respect everyone in the clan (even in your pms with one another)
-No mini-modding
-Follow all PH rules
-No rude behavior
-If anyone in the clan is not respecting you please pm me that instant and provide proof of these actions
-Listen to your head of each part of the staff
-have fun
Are we quite clear with this? if not just off to another group then.
now with all this in might you can be 1 of 5 subgroups here

Researcher-these people will research pokemon not only for the good of the group's knowledge but to expand their own knowledge
Reporter-these people looks around from anything new from the Pokemon company itself such as game releases and new Pokemon
Interviewer-these people go around PH and interview anyone and their interviews are posted here
Shiny hunter-these people will hunt shiny Pokemon also catching pokemon. Note to get this you must have at least 3 or more shiny pokemon
Trainer-there trainers will catch pokemon and their shiny forms(if they so desire) and help to fill the pokedex for the researchers.
or other information please click here
whats that? you want to join in to help out alright sure just sign out 1 of the 5 applications depending on which you wish to work as. note you will be quizzed if you want to be a researcher or reporter.

[b]Which job do you wish to be[/b]
[b]What qualification do you have for this job:[/b]
[b]How much effort will you put into this job:[/b]
[b]Code from pm once accepted:[/b]
[b]Which job do you wish to be[/b]
[b]What qualification do you have for this job:[/b]
[b]How much effort will you put into this job:[/b]
[b]Code from pm once accepted:[/b]

Professor_Joe(Head of Research)
KrazyKarp(Head of News Reports)
GhostRayquaza(Head of the Interviews)
Shiny hunter:
Princess(Head of Shiny Hunters)
DeadMau5Pyro(Head of Pokemon Captures)
You will get a private message with a code edit your applications with the code each application code will be different.Have a nice day and keep well

Nickname:Most people call me by Mau.
Which job do you wish to be: Trainer!
What qualification do you have for this job:To be honest I'm rather around the place most of the time. Training my team, breeding. Trying to complete the Pokedex as I can.
How much effort will you put into this job:Everyday if I can.
Code from pm once accepted: DMP5

(I'm not sorry. C: )

(I'm not sorry. C: )
Which job do you wish to be:Trainer
What qualification do you have for this job:Well i love catching pokemon! I guess i'm a hoarder x3
How much effort will you put into this job:As much as possible!
Code from pm once accepted:raltevoir
Nickname: Anything you can come up with :p
Which job do you wish to be Reporter
What qualification do you have for this job: Just as I did with X&Y, I'm planning on stalking the Hoenn re-makes. I don't see why I can't share my stalking notes :p
How much effort will you put into this job: A lot.
Code from pm once accepted: karp24
Nickname:Anything that has to be with games and/or ice
Which job do you wish to be: Resercher.
What qualification do you have for this job:I read a lot about pokemons
How much effort will you put into this job: I wanna do my very best, like no one ever has
Code from pm once accepted:GIP03
1st Live and Learn
2nd Sonic Youth
3rd Knight of the Wind
4th What I'm made of...
5th His World
6th Reach for the Stars
Title: News
