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PokéHeroes 3D

Forum-Index News PokéHeroes 3D
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 28
Posted: Tue, 01/04/2014 16:43 (10 Years ago)
was the 3-d Eevee supossed to be in a egg or already hatch?
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 296
Posted: Tue, 01/04/2014 16:45 (10 Years ago)
Hmmm....If this is a April Fools prank, it is a very convincing one :P
I doubt it actually IS a prank, but, you always have to be careful on what you believe on April Fools day.
Ok, I believe it very well. :)
PokéHeroes 3D
Hmmm, 3D, happy blinding, sensitive eye people!
Lucky there is the ability to turn OFF the 3D when it is released :P.
Pokemon X Friend Code: 3196-5079-6682
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,133
Posted: Tue, 01/04/2014 16:45 (10 Years ago)
Bayuking, the latter.
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 28
Posted: Tue, 01/04/2014 16:47 (10 Years ago)
i don't get it, yes or no?
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,133
Posted: Tue, 01/04/2014 16:49 (10 Years ago)
Your question was not a yes or no question.
In any case, "the latter" means "the last option." It was supposed to be already hatched.
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,363
Posted: Tue, 01/04/2014 16:50 (10 Years ago)
I have to say I've been ignoring the whole "this is a prank" thing but don't make it seem like the spriters aren't working hard, especially after the spriters said so themselves like Toothless showed. I mean they did all of this, 3D sprites I can't imagine the work it took to make them.

Instead of going "ugh this is a prank." To make yourself look better than those of us who believe in it how about saying "Thanks spriters for your hard work I appreciate it"? If you think it's a joke don't put down those who worked hard by saying so. Simply don't say anything it's better that way.

And if you're still skeptical then when was the last time you thanked spriters for anything? Just in general? I know it's easy to over look event sprites but don't. If you think it's a joke you could just thank them anyway for their hard work. Making beautiful sprites isn't easy, let alone 3D ones.

So I appreciate the sprites, like my eevee, I'll admit I can't see it too well yet but I get all giddy knowing what it can become haha.

Sorry, I'm not usually that serious when I comment but seeing artists get pushed aside and their work called a joke isn't nice and makes me upset. I know people will still comment it's a joke but I hope they feel bad about it now .3.
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 79
Posted: Tue, 01/04/2014 17:19 (10 Years ago)
I want be a beta tester too >..< ihihih it's the best pokemon site ever, i love it <3
Ditto Hunt

Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 219
Posted: Tue, 01/04/2014 17:23 (10 Years ago)
I agree with Queen_Pumpkaboo in that last comment. (Y)

To the spriters: I love the 3D Eevee, he is so cute <3

I have signed up to be a beta tester. It's not the first time I have beta tested a game, but it will be my first for 3D. Can't wait to see who gets chosen to be a beta tester ^-^

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 223
Posted: Tue, 01/04/2014 17:28 (10 Years ago)
I want to be a beta tester

Pokemon I am hoping to obtain:

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 1,771
Posted: Tue, 01/04/2014 17:29 (10 Years ago)
@Queen "And if you're still skeptical then when was the last time you thanked spriters for anything? Just in general?"
I once got a PM... that's all ='D
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,363
Posted: Tue, 01/04/2014 17:31 (10 Years ago)
Aww, well I'll take the time to tell you now that I appreciate the sprites that the spriters have done xD some Pokemon I've never really looked at look cute in the event shop haha I want to collect them all
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 157
Posted: Tue, 01/04/2014 17:33 (10 Years ago)
@Queen_Pumpkaboo: I have to agree with your comment, because I didn't knew that until Toothless quoted what the Spriters said. I'm sorry if I offended any of the Spriters by saying it was a prank, I didn't mean to.

@Spriters & Staff: You did an really beautiful and great work on the 3D Eevee and also on the preview of the index of PokéHeroes in 3D. Congratulations on that.

I'll confess I had send my form to be a Beta Tester (Ah really? *Sarcasm sarcasm*), but I didn't do it only for the 3D Eevee, I did it also to help the Staff. It's my first time I apply for a Beta Tester rank. I wish everyone good luck. ^_^
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,808
Posted: Tue, 01/04/2014 17:33 (10 Years ago)
Ohhh, don't argue, guys :D
Both sides are clearly understandable - the ones who are excited for PokéHeroes 3D; and also everyone who is skeptical about this whole project, which was coincidentally first mentioned on April 1st.
However, when today's day ended, there will only be one truth and some people will have to accept that they were maybe wrong in their opinion.
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,488
Posted: Tue, 01/04/2014 18:20 (10 Years ago)
Lol you should've posted this on the 2nd or something, Riako. You threw everybody off with posting on April Fools Day. XD

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 27
Posted: Tue, 01/04/2014 18:21 (10 Years ago)
If you dont want the free 3D glasses?:/
Plz a Little help.

My spetial one.(Copying my friend Eryani)

Pet's name: Terra

Trainerlevel: 111

Forum Posts: 1,900
Posted: Tue, 01/04/2014 18:44 (10 Years ago)
I didn't think this was a trick. Because artists take their art seriously. I know I do. Anyway I can't wait to get my 3D glasses out of storage and try this out! 8D
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Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Tue, 01/04/2014 19:28 (10 Years ago)
I gotta admit I was slightly skeptical at first too but reading through all these posts, I'm slowly starting to believe Riako and the staff aren't pulling our leg after all. :d

Anyway, I also applied as a beta tester even though I have no fabulous 3D glasses. I hope it'll work out somehow (in an unexpensive way) if I'm chosen as a beta tester. :,D
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,666
Posted: Tue, 01/04/2014 20:03 (10 Years ago)
According to the application page, you'll get free 3D glasses if you are picked, so that's not something you should let stop you ;) (or be worried about :P )

Credits for avatar to ~Cookie~

Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
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Trainerlevel: 111

Forum Posts: 1,900
Posted: Tue, 01/04/2014 20:04 (10 Years ago)
Meh. I'm sure sooner or later you guys will get glasses. I mean, this world can't be THAT cruel. WE WANTS TO SEE OUR 3D POKEMANS!
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Trainerlevel: 53

Forum Posts: 172
Posted: Tue, 01/04/2014 20:22 (10 Years ago)
What date would players be told if they applied for being a beta tester?

Stay safe everyone