Forum Thread
Undertale Club
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Undertale Clubbut like if you talk to sans at one of his post area things in waterfall, you can have a little battle with him and such
Anyway Imma go search that up
Unfortunately people are like that, they are called crack ships 'just because' people think they'd be cute together n' stuff. But yeah, it's incestual so even if people ship 'em it's p' weird.

the only time when the player can fight sans is at the end of a kill-all run. the track "song that might play when you fight sans" is completely unused.
do.. do people.. actually ship.. asriel and toriel? that's disgusting what the hell, what is wrong with people
in my defense though, it was really well made XP
Yep, sans were in so-in-character you'd thought it was real.
I'm trying to write a Undertale fanfic and I already ran out of ideas.
Its, like, a AU fanfic, the AU doesn't have set personality, just designs, snd you are allowed to do whatever you want, so, headcannons, yea, mine sucks.
I cracked laughing and fell off my bed on my cat thanks :')
Sexy people can wink, pranksters/tricksters can wink, basically people who know what's really up
And I usually don't know what's up
I usually am distracted by everything else that isn't up