Forum Thread
Undertale Club
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Investigating the odd and novel is key to
any good merchant's success!
halberd, he/it/they or none,
adultJust kidding it's pretty bad but eeehhhh
I couldn't find one like it, so I was like "Welp, better write it myself."

Made by KaitoTemari!

Made by Kasumeme!

Made by CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen!
I came up with a concept for a China-based area while I was riding the bus and car. I don't have visuals, but I have an idea for the name of an enemy, Pandarin (Panda + Mandarin).

Investigating the odd and novel is key to
any good merchant's success!
halberd, he/it/they or none,
adult* INFO
* Its an Magical Lamp. It is writed "NO RUBBING!" in red in it.
* Are you sure?
* Yes, rub the Lamp * No

anyways ye, thats my OC, Eudjinne. I
tried to make his name as a pun (like Madjick is a pun of Magic),
so my friend, CoxinhaLazuli fused the name "Eugene" and "Djinn"
together. That picture miiight be ugly, because he its still an
"concept art" of him. But this also might be his only desing. Also
yes, he is wearing an oversized Tuxedo. just don't ask. Oh yeah and
black eyes with white pupils.