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Searching for: Posts from SandeviRae.
Posted: Thu, 05/01/2017 00:58 (8 Years ago)
Also link to This bcuz sure y not

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Posted: Wed, 04/01/2017 13:18 (8 Years ago)
bless ur soul this is perfect ahhhh ;v;

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Posted: Mon, 02/01/2017 22:53 (8 Years ago)
Give me a fullbody !

Username - SandeviRae
Character Reference(s) - [x]
Payment - 300 nuggs
Password - garnet
Anything specific? - nah

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Posted: Tue, 01/11/2016 23:22 (8 Years ago)
I'm super sorry for the lack of responses on this thread from current tutors and advisors, whom I believe at this point in time are busy or otherwise preoccupied. I'm afraid this thread is largely inactive at the moment, and may remain so for an indefinite amount of time.

If anyone wishes to enroll as a student, though I am not myself a thread tutor or other member of authority, I'd be happy to help with anyone who'd wish to learn and improve. All that's needed is for one to pm me the form and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

As for potential and current tutors, I am currently unsure if you will be able to accept a tutoring position unless already doing so. If you so please, however, you are free to offer your expertise privately to possible students, even if they are already being tutored. You know what they say, the more the merrier!

Again, I'd like to apologize for this thread's inactivity as a fellow roleplayer and one of Omnia's close friends. Feel free to pm me at any time, though I'm afraid it may take several hours to get back to you due to academic reasons or otherwise.

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Posted: Mon, 19/09/2016 01:08 (8 Years ago)
The magpie clacked her beak in approval, pleased to see the girl had someone to return home with. With a squawk and a beat of her wings, she and her avian friends took to the air. It was getting a bit dark, and though Skata's companions had a nest to return to, Skata herself found it to be in her best interest to search for an inn or suitable roost. She turned her gaze to the streets below, taking note of those with unusual magical "scents." It wasn't too hard for her to pick out a strange few who might be accepting of someone to share a tent or room with --Skata prefered being in a flock after all.

She narrowed down her choices down to one poor fellow who seemed lost. He seemed like the type in need of directions, and perhaps one to foot the cost of a room? The corvid ran this thought through her mind, considering her other options. There didn't seem to be any better choices, being in an unfamiliar city, so she resigned herself to fluttering down into a nearby empty alley, landing soundlessly and slipping into her more human shape. She took a few moments checking over herself to make sure she hadn't missed shifting anything, before stepping out of the alley. She had shifted into her usual pale, short self, androgynous features and all, and casually strolled in the wanderer's general direction.

She raised an eyebrow at the man's solid black eyes and pale skin, his only a few shade's lighter. She breathed in an inexplicable feeling of dread woven through his aura. It wasn't an unwelcome feeling, more like a familiar one, or at least for Skata, being the horrible nightmare-eater she was. She quickened her steps just a smidge, a cheerful bounce in her step, pausing just in front of the stranger.

"Heya, you seem lost." She began, violet eyes flicking up-down-up, taking in his visage before calmly resting on his face. "You need some help there?"

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Posted: Sat, 17/09/2016 17:42 (8 Years ago)
Skata had long since been dome with snatching from the passerby, and was now resting on the roof of a building overshadowing an alley. She was quite content nesting there with several other birds, until the sounds of a scuffle caused most of her perchmates to flutter off.

With an annoyed clack of her beak, she peered over the side of the building to see what was causing the disturbance. It appeared to be a man seeking to rob a young girl, who was quite obviously distressed. Skata gave a displeased hum, shuffling over to the edge of the building, her form doubling in size.

With a screech, the bird swooped down at the man, sharp claws scrabbled for a grip on his scalp as two of her avian friends followed. Now, magpies aren't exactly small birds, so it was likely quite a surprise to the man to be accosted by such an abnormally large one, not including the two smaller ones that followed. As the man attempted to shoo the corvids off, Skata snapped her beak on one of his fingers, causing him to recoil in pain, spouting a curse or two.

After several moments of being attacked by a small flock of aggressive birds, the man seemed to have forgotten his objective of accosting the girl in favor of not having his eyes pecked out. With several swears and curses, he fled down the street, only escaping the harsh claws of the corvids as he rounded the corner. With a pleased clack of her beak, Skata and the magpies returned to the girl, their intelligent eyes seeming to be judging her condition, the tilt of her head implying an unspoken "Are you alright?"

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Posted: Fri, 16/09/2016 16:08 (8 Years ago)
Skata raised an eyebrow at the strange girl at the gate, quickening her pace as she stepped around her. She made sure to stick to the sides of the street, largely unnoticed and out of sight. Her dark gray cloak swept around her ankles as she came to a stop near the entrance of a small alleyway, glancing around a bit to make sure no one was watching before stepping into the shadows. The change was natural, smooth and quick as she slipped into the form of her namesake, black and blue feathers vaguely iridescent, the white of her wings almost icy.

The magpie looked largely average, except for the violet glint in it's knowing eye, and wasted no time in taking to the skies. She soared over buildings as she neared her destination, close to the market's entrance, perching on a nearby roof. She sat in wait, her keen eyes observing the bustling crowd of people in the streets, watching for any dropped coins or similar prizes, swooping down to scoop them up and return to her perch. This behavior was common for Skata, one of her favorite ways of gathering spare change and trinkets in new cities. A strange avian smile slipped across her features for a moment before resuming her watch.

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Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 17:06 (8 Years ago)
Name : Goes by Skata and other various bird names
Age : At least 200 years, not counting the decades she's spent sleeping.
Gender : Female
Species : Dragon/Alp - Alps are basically stillborn children turned nightmare demon. Every alp has a hat or cloak called a tarnekappe, which enables their shapeshifting abilities. In Skata's case, she was a stillborn dragon who inherited the alp gene from her undead father. Most alps have a sort of proportional dwarfism, but if they have mixed ancestry, this is not always the case. Alps are not very well known, often mistaken for fae, demons, or vampires, though they're a far more elusive rarity.
Appearance :
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Skata's base alp form is that of an unusually, but not outlandishly short human, with pale skin and pointed ears. She appears as a somewhat androgynous young adult aged around 16~20, but is often mistaken for being male or a child due to her smaller build and masculine garb. When not in the mood for being mistaken as such, she often makes herself appear slightly older or more feminine. Her hair is black and fairly short, about chin length. It's straight most of the time, with two strands of hair, one in front of each ear, that are long enough to touch her shoulders. Her eyes are normally a pale lilac/lavender, though they occasionally shift colors to become more blue or violet, or to change darknesses. They rarely bleach so lightly that they appear an almost off-white, giving the impression of blindness. Her teeth are pointed, and her eyes occasionally have cat-slit pupils. She stands about five feet tall in this form, and alterations of this form are her most typical adopted forms.

Her midform -the form halfway between dragon and alp- looks much like her alp form, except about six feet tall and with much more draconic. She has four horns, one pair curling around her ears and twisting past her chin, the other curving over the top of her head, twisted and sharp. The first pair sprout from the sides of her temple, and have a small offshoot of horn each, pointing outwards and framing her face. The second pair of horns grows from the base of her hair, and also have an offshoot each, though they're more like spurs on the front of the base of each horn. Each horn is a sort of icy lavendar, with a smooth yet jagged texture, depending on which way you brush them. The horns almost look hollow and crystalline from the undersides, appearing to be full of a pale, shimmering, almost glowing, blue-violet liquid.
Skata has a pair of semi-opaque wings, with a wingspan of about 12 feet and scales matching the top side of her horns. They are large and webbed, with small claws on each tapering finger, the largest talons on each wingtip. Her arms and legs become covered in scales from her elbows and knees to her palms and soles of her feet. Her legs often shift to become a bit more draconic and crooked, a mix of reptilian and humanoid. Her fingers become tipped with sharp claws, and scales cover her back from the base of her neck to the beginning of her tail. A coating of smaller, paler, more translucent scales cover her front to match.
Her tail is long and slender, covered in hardened scales, smooth and sharp. The tip of her tail is topped with a wicked spade, sharp and deadly in close-range combat. She occasionally adopts one or more of her midform's features when in combat or in certain situations.

Her draconic form is covered in scales to match her midform's, albeit larger and more durable. Her dragon form is long and slender, with six legs -one pair of hind legs, and two front pairs, the second smaller than the other- two pairs of horns, and two pairs of wings. Her horns are basically larger, more antler-like versions of her midform's, not to mention sharper. Her wings are also basically larger and stronger versions of her midform's , one pair sprouting from her back, the other, much smaller, growing from her waist area. She has two rows of teeth in this form, and her scales often shift colors in the blue-purple spectrum to match the weather. She also has several small gemstones embedded in her underbelly. Her draconic form, at full size, is about the length of two school buses, from nose to the tip of her tail. She often scales this form down, however, typically ranging from as big as a moose to as small as a dragonfly.

Aside from these three base forms, Skata prefers the forms of magpies and other corvids, occasionally taking the forms of cats or lizards. Her tarnekappe takes the form of a strip of vaguely shimmery black fabric, soft but unnaturally durable, always tied around a wrist or leg. She typically wears dull or dark colored clothing, mainly men's garb in favor of the usual dress or gown. She's often mistaken for this, and the fact that she's a bit angrogynous.

Personality : Skata is often seen as pretty unnoticeable with a penchant for mischief, but revealed to be quite closed off and secretive. You could know her for years and still not know much about her. She has a soft spot for hybrid species, and seems to dislike authority. She appears to enjoy tricks and jokes, and sometimes struggles to uphold her "cold and impartial" front. Tends to alternate between kind and silly and harsh and secretive. Is both "Looks like cinnamon roll but could actually kill you" and "Looks like could kill you but is actually cinnamon roll." Doesn't seem to like either fighting nor confrontation. Gets attached to people but then doesn't tell them anything. She's completely made of conflicting facets like seriously Skata make up your mind.
Background information : Skata is the offspring of a dragon and an alp, made possible by their shapeshifting abilities. She was an only child, born dead inside her egg, but due to her father's alp ancestry, she came back to life as an alp. Both her parents were killed by dragonslayers shortly after she reached adulthood, leading to her wandering the country and neighboring territories. Currently, she's investigating the disappearance of Queen Arev, concerned about the wellbeing of the kingdom, but may also be searching for her for her own personal, hidden means. Not much else is known about her.
Abilities :
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Skata has the ability to shapeshift seamlessly into the forms of pretty much any creature imaginable, given that they're smaller than, say, an average dragon. Anything larger than that immensly drains her, and is often painful or uncomfortable. She also has the ability to transform into a sentient fog or mist and to turn invisible.
All of these abilities are only possible with her tarnekappe.
Shapeshifting without her tarnekappe is somewhat painful, as it's a more physical transformation, instead of a magical one. The only reason she can do so is due to her draconic ancestry, and the only forms she can switch between without hurting herself too badly are her alp, dragon, human, and mixed forms.

Skata is able to enter, manipulate, and feed off of dreams or nightmares, but only when in contact with her victim. She is also capable of possessing said victim whIle they're asleep, but it expends a great deal of energy and only works when she has her tarnekappe. It also only works when her posessee is unconscious, and she can be forced out of a body with iron or lemons.
Skata can also afflict minor curses and jinxes via her evil eye. She also knows a variety of spells, most having to with stealth or nature, ex: growing small plants or muting footsteps.
When in any of her partially draconic forms, she can breathe various breath weapons based on the weather, though these attacks are often laughably weak when she's not completely a dragon.

Skata is deathly allergic to lemons and iron, as all alps are. Pure iron burns her, heating up when in close proximity or when in contact with her, and metals with iron mixed in cause rashes and minor burns.
She's also effectively harmless without her tarnekappe, and, if stolen, is compelled to give a boon or fulfill a wish if such is asked or offered in return of the tarnekappe. Basically, if you steal the hat, you get a wish if you know to ask.
Anyone in possession of a tarnekappe can use the abilities bestowed by it, as long as they know how to.
Skata also does not actually have that much magical power, unless intentionally storing it up or siphoning from other magic users. She runs out of steam pretty quickly if she's not using her innate abilities over learned magic. Also sometimes she can see or sense magic? It's like a sixth sense, and it kind of weirds her out sometimes.

She's pretty decent with daggers and knives, and she's a formidable opponent when in any of her more draconic forms. Also a little bit of a jack of all trades, master of none.

Questions/Concerns : Tell me if this is too op? If so, I'll add more restrictions on her powers

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Posted: Tue, 23/08/2016 21:04 (8 Years ago)
I want to order art!
Username: SandeviRae
Request: full body
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sorry i don't have an actual ref image, this sprite's all i got rip
basically imagine my usual sona but color-swapped and tired of life

Payment: 50k pd
Password: alola necks

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Posted: Sun, 31/07/2016 22:30 (8 Years ago)
This is a school for roleplaying, not a roleplay itself, as said by the title and entirety of the first post. There is no actual roleplaying itself within this specific thread.

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Posted: Wed, 29/06/2016 18:42 (8 Years ago)
username : SandeviRae
type : full
payment : 85 nuggets & 22.5k pd
reference : [x]
other : nah

username : SandeviRae
type : headshot/bust
payment : 75k pd
reference : [x]
other : nope

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Posted: Fri, 10/06/2016 01:29 (8 Years ago)
I want to join the parade via the Pokesona Swap Draw!!
Username: SandeviRae
pokesona ref: [x]
pass: Requiem

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Posted: Thu, 09/06/2016 19:34 (8 Years ago)
Join my hashtag contest!
Hashtag to use: #RefRaf
Prize(s): First Place- 50k+ & A free drawing, p much anyway you want it
Second Place- 35k & A full colorless traditional drawing OR a flat color digital drawing
Third Place- 20k & A simple sketch
Additional requirements: Post a reference with one of your characters/sonas.
Interacting with my party and posting proof also gives you an extra entry.
Raffle ends when my next shiny castform hatches.

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Posted: Sat, 04/06/2016 15:45 (8 Years ago)
So uh
Is this dead already?
I mean it's been more than two weeks so I mean

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Posted: Wed, 18/05/2016 23:58 (8 Years ago)

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Name: Memetown Mavuto Nixid
Species: Spiritomb
Gender: Female??? Male?? Nobody knows. Very androgynous most of the time
Height: Seems to be tall most of the time? Casts illusions a lot so it's kind of hard to tell. Probably actually a smol.
Age: At least 17, most likely older than that
Pronouns: Honestly doesn't care, but typically uses they/them
Due to almost constantly using illusions, they tend to change between more feminine or masculine forms. They tend to wear uniforms in the least proper way possible, the rebel they are. They always wear a worn chain necklace with a small carved runestone attached to it. Their eyes are almost always a faintly glowing purple, and though their hair switches between light blue and purple, it's nearly always either, while long, in braids or simply all over the place. You could probably hide a machete in that hair. They're often seen with small violet wisps floating around them, typically when their powers are used.
House: New // Crescent
Skills: Mavuto is talented at pretty much anything resulting in pranks/tricks, especially jinxes and illusions. They're also pretty adept at hiding things and causing massive confusion, and has the ability to kind of walk through most objects/people. Also surprisingly good at necromancy. They are often followed by small violet wisps that act a bit like small orbs of energy, and these can be manipulated by them. They're pretty mediocre at everything else.
Personality: Absolutely bonkers. They're very, extremely mischievous and not to be trusted most of the time, except when they're being serious(?). Point is, Mavuto is kind of extremely unpredictable, but despite being a bit of a wild card, they don't really mean any harm. Has some conflicting aspects of their personality, and has very quickly changed opinions about most things. This little demon will absolutely sneak into your room at 3 am to show you the latest memes. Never sleeps. Possibly not as crazy as they seem? Seems to have some issues with being made out of dead people. Has no concept of personal space.
WHY you applied to this school: They really just kind of wanted to try something new, and learning new magic is a great perk to it. They also kind of crave interaction with other people their age(?).

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Name: Lanh Aeives
Species: Togekiss
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5"
Age: 17
Pronouns: She/her
House: New // Crescent
Skills: Lanh has a great talent for summoning, and an even greater potential for healing. She's also decently skilled in enchantments, though not quite as skilled as her family wishes she was. Compared to her parents, she's not very skilled, and is thus a bit of disappointment, despite being one of the more skilled students her age. Has some mixed ancestry, so she's better at curses than she wishes to be. She's not that fast of a learner, but she's awfully hard working. Has the capacity for flight, but has a bit of a fear of heights, so it's mainly hovering for her.
Personality: Typically very restrained and ladylike. Basically trained to be "perfect from birth," and absolutely hates this. A vicarious shipper and Memetown™ x Edgy mcEdgelord is her otp. Secretly kind of wild when left unsupervised. Usually all prim and proper, but is actually pretty hardcore when she wants to be. Would jump off a roof for you if she weren't so scared of heights.
WHY you applied to this school: Her parents basically forced her to, though she didn't object. She does enjoy the learning part of this experience, and she definitely doesn't miss being around her parents all the time.

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Posted: Wed, 18/05/2016 17:56 (8 Years ago)
Ahh congrats to everybody who made it to the MIT phase!

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Posted: Fri, 29/04/2016 22:52 (8 Years ago)
Username: SandeviRae
Requested drawing: [x] (the sprite is the most accurate ref I have atm whoops)
Medium: Traditional watercolours
Type of drawing: Coloured detailed
Offer: 90k
Other: ahh your art is great <3

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Posted: Thu, 28/04/2016 18:08 (8 Years ago)
Accepted, I'd be happy to teach you, if I have time
Again, there's expected to be some delay on getting tutoriels posted, so thank you all for your patience

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Posted: Thu, 28/04/2016 14:32 (8 Years ago)
Sorry for double posting, but I've got a lot of work to do so those tutorials are going to take a while longer
Sorry for the wait, my life is just kinda hectic recently, with all the near-end-of-year testing and all

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Posted: Tue, 26/04/2016 17:44 (8 Years ago)
Shen, I want a full body!
Username: SandeviRae
Reference: [x]
Specific background or transparent?: Transparent
Extras?: N/a
Password: Snarf

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