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Posted: Thu, 18/02/2016 03:44 (9 Years ago)
@kylo luv it
Park Hyung Sik #ZA:E #K-POP #I'M IN LOVE
Forum Posts: 939
Posted: Thu, 18/02/2016 03:45 (9 Years ago)
Anyone have any extra Apparel that matches with her current
Avatar done by JadeING
Signature done by JadeING
Posted: Thu, 18/02/2016 03:49 (9 Years ago)
Beautiful <3 I love Cherub/Butterfly/Glimmer ^^
Posted: Thu, 18/02/2016 03:55 (9 Years ago)
@kylo could u hold a drag 4 me please bc of nest needs hatching
Park Hyung Sik #ZA:E #K-POP #I'M IN LOVE
Forum Posts: 166
Posted: Thu, 18/02/2016 03:59 (9 Years ago)
@Four: Me too! It's one of my favorite gene combinations <3
@Seventeen: Thanks! And sure, just give me a few minutes to expand
my lair. I've been meaning to do that anyway. ^^
Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Thu, 18/02/2016 04:00 (9 Years ago)
I just got this beautiful gal for 12k. :3
I love sunshine and fire crystal so much.
Posted: Thu, 18/02/2016 08:11 (9 Years ago)
it looks as if the dragon itself is pretty much on fire XD
Just hached the nest of saint and shiva\got a buttugly coatl
but in exchange the most beautiful wildclaw ever TTwTT
Forum Posts: 715
Posted: Thu, 18/02/2016 09:03 (9 Years ago)
Got a plague egg today, which i'm selling because i need the
I have a pastel obsession with butterfly
They're all female :u
I'm a cat from the future
Kurumi OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 61
Posted: Thu, 18/02/2016 09:09 (9 Years ago)
RNG hates me recently D:
In the past two weeks I only got 1-2 eggs in my nests ;_;
Even for mixed breeds.
Posted: Thu, 18/02/2016 09:09 (9 Years ago)
Honi OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 65
Posted: Thu, 18/02/2016 09:36 (9 Years ago)
I am officially a windling now. owo
Disclaimer: This is my signature. This is not
directed to you personally but to everyone.
Kurumi OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 61
Posted: Thu, 18/02/2016 09:52 (9 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 286
Posted: Thu, 18/02/2016 12:05 (9 Years ago)
Username: Kampe
Nickname : Yato
About how often do you get online?: Well, along with
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?:
Which Flight do you like most and why?: Shadow. It just you know,
reflects my ideas.
Mikleo OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 67
Forum Posts: 890
Posted: Thu, 18/02/2016 12:27 (9 Years ago)
Finally, tomorrow, my 3 nest will hatch .w.
8 eggs in total
3 from Edna and Acelga (still best name) -spiral fae-
2 from Kryptonite and Yuri (butterfly chance) -snapper fae-
3 from Diva and Domino -snapper-
All are going to be really beautiful hatchlings since the parents
colors fit a lot >w<
Also, I think that tomorrow (or the next day) the nest of the
dragons I leave in Furret's charge will be ready to hatch too!
Grumpy Rogue (my fursona) by Navuso
Forum Posts: 720
Posted: Thu, 18/02/2016 12:27 (9 Years ago)
Ehh I have this first gen, has some gene plans.
No-one wants her she's going up to the Flamecaller ;;
Forum Posts: 800
Posted: Thu, 18/02/2016 12:36 (9 Years ago)
She makes a pretty Cherubutt. Have you tried selling her on the FR
I hatched the nest of my Butterfly Coatl... 50/50 chance for
butterfly; all hatchies get it. YAS.
Here are the pretty worms:
Two males (in spoilers)
I am thinking of keeping one from this litter, since they are the
best looking ones so far (in my opinion). I'm not sure yet.
Forum Posts: 720
Posted: Thu, 18/02/2016 12:38 (9 Years ago)
Kain: Not yet. But just then yes. I want to sell her though, I'm
too poor to scroll a gen 1 ;;w;
Greili OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 60
Forum Posts: 645
Posted: Thu, 18/02/2016 12:39 (9 Years ago)
Need Help D:
What looks better
Or should i mix both? @.@
Lupa OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 42
Posted: Thu, 18/02/2016 13:58 (9 Years ago)
@Scatterbrain You're a wisp? >w< Welcome to the Wind flight
then!~ <3
Shiny Pokemon I'm looking for:
*If you have time answer my poll? :3
hidden content
(F) Drifloon , Quiet, Timid,
(M) Serperior, Sassy, Rash,
(M) Arcanine, Brave, Bold,
(M) Absol, Lonely
*PalPad me! Looking for evo lines and other shiny pokemon. Can't
fit them here. Check my "About Me"
Posted: Thu, 18/02/2016 14:17 (9 Years ago)
selling these two please offer need treasuer 4 lair
Park Hyung Sik #ZA:E #K-POP #I'M IN LOVE