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~~ The FlightRising Club ~~
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Forum Posts: 214
Posted: Tue, 26/07/2016 22:59 (8 Years ago)
Trading this guy :V must go to an exalt free home - open to any
offer, just need space
also selling frostfire for 15k treasure
Cyanna OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 32
Forum Posts: 327
Posted: Wed, 27/07/2016 01:05 (8 Years ago)
Interest Check:
Pure Gen2 fully gened noc hatchlings
Primary: Jupiter Ivory
Secondary: Saturn Ruby-Mint
Tertiary: Underbelly Fire- Brown
Will be rdy to breed in about 2 weeks! :3
Price still being decided...
Posted: Wed, 27/07/2016 02:25 (8 Years ago)
can someone give me a good idea of a pd to treasure ratio? and a
nugget to treasure ratio? I'm looking to sell some nuggets and pd
for treasure, I want to expand my lair again
dkos OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 56
Posted: Wed, 27/07/2016 03:03 (8 Years ago)
ex 100k pd = 50k t
nugget:t is just the same as gem:t
click for art shop :]
Forum Posts: 56
Posted: Wed, 27/07/2016 16:30 (8 Years ago)
I just had to share this handsome fella! He's the first of his
color scheme, the first with his name onsite, and in my opinion one
amazing Skydancer. Meet Ozais!
Forum Posts: 785
Posted: Wed, 27/07/2016 17:49 (8 Years ago)
Anyone interested on buying either one of these pink cuties? :3
Let's say 35k Treasure each x'3 (You can also negotiate from the
price ;3)
Forum Posts: 28
Posted: Wed, 27/07/2016 17:58 (8 Years ago)
all the dragons except for the first one is for sale
here . I'm willing to take down any of the
dragons from the auction house and negotate a price as well.
Forum Posts: 693
Posted: Wed, 27/07/2016 18:02 (8 Years ago)
The first one seemed super familiar to me and then I realized that
my friend showed me her. My friend is super happy about that
dragon, ohmylord :'D
Posted: Wed, 27/07/2016 18:43 (8 Years ago)
*quietly puts this here*
look, she's up in the AH and she has art
|| My - If you post my art to your TH page, please credit
me under the name "Pearlousthetic". ||
Forum Posts: 693
Posted: Wed, 27/07/2016 18:45 (8 Years ago)
!! Heck, I have one of your dragons exactly like her and i want
this one too, but broke ;w;
Posted: Wed, 27/07/2016 18:46 (8 Years ago)
//sits here dying because they're all my precious
Posted: Wed, 27/07/2016 18:53 (8 Years ago)
i'm selling this female coatl
pretty red n all
i can lvl it a bit for you as well [if my internet connection is
stable enough]
Forum Posts: 890
Posted: Wed, 27/07/2016 18:54 (8 Years ago)
Venus is lovely~ <3
There goes all my savings, literally, I just expanded my lair
Promise to take care of her
By the way,
these 3 boys and girl are in the AH for a
really low price and no one gets sold
One of them is even a XXX
Grumpy Rogue (my fursona) by Navuso
Posted: Wed, 27/07/2016 23:24 (8 Years ago)
Is anyone selling Treasure or Gems?
I can pay with PD >> I think the PD to Treasure ratio is 2:1?
Not sure about the Gems, but I have 36 Nuggets if anyone would like
those more. Or I have an extra Shiny Heatmor I could trade to..
Forum Posts: 890
Posted: Thu, 28/07/2016 00:33 (8 Years ago)
Did a thing for my cutie Archy!
It's on his bio, check it if you want .w.
His cheek fluff was too fun to colorin, it's almost the same tone
of my dyed hair.
Grumpy Rogue (my fursona) by Navuso
Posted: Thu, 28/07/2016 02:39 (8 Years ago)
I have a forum thread for this but I have 2.2 million pd 346 boxes
and keys, and 125 nuggets for sale for treasure ( may also accept
gems ) I need about a million treasure to upgrade my lair
Greili OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 60
Forum Posts: 645
Posted: Thu, 28/07/2016 12:20 (8 Years ago)
Any name ideas for my 2 Gen Ones :D
Forum Posts: 888
Posted: Thu, 28/07/2016 13:46 (8 Years ago)
anyone want this noodle? she's 12.5k, but if you'll keep her for
over a month i'll give her for a few k or g
Posted: Thu, 28/07/2016 16:32 (8 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 715
Posted: Thu, 28/07/2016 17:20 (8 Years ago)
Hey guys! I've recently changed my username! I used to be
WhiteYveltal but now my username is Geckoe.
I'm a cat from the future