Forum Thread
~~ The FlightRising Club ~~
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → ~~ The FlightRising Club ~~EDIT:Mage's socks? Okay... Also a chest wrap, a few fossils (yass!), haunted stone orb (?), purple tail bow, ambers, plushies, frog's wing fans, canopic jars and some other worthless items from Rusted chests.
Copper necklace, intact clay pot, lion's arm guards, tattered parchment, trilobite fossils, lion's brestplate, about 5k t and 7 gems from Iron chests.
The three dergs are up for auction now. They also have adult preview and price in information.
I would like the female, please!
My FR username is SquidOfDestiny!
Question for me?
As well, is anyone interested in buying these two for about 4-5k Treasure each? I'm really disappointed shades of green somehow showed up in both of them D:
If no one offers, I'm probably just going to name them and exalt them.
Character owned by me, art by JadeING
I'd name the Nocturne BroHazard.
Question for me?
Item name|Stock|price per in tablets
Bug Gem | x3 | 1 tablet
Electric Gem | x7 | 1 tablet
Fighting Gem | x17 | 1 tablet
Flying Gem | x15| 1 tablet
Grass Gem | x21 | 1 tablet
Ground Gem | x1 | 1 tablet
Normal Gem | x26 | 2 tablet
Poison Gem | x54 |1 tablet
Rock Gem | x0 | 1 tablet
Dark Gem | x2 | 1 tablet
Fire Gem | x5 | 1 tablet
Ice Gem | x0 | 1 tablet
Psychic Gem | x22 | 1 tablet
Steel Gem | x8 | 1 tablet
Fairy Gem | x5 | 2 tablets
Brown | x7 | 10 tablets each
Light blue | x1 | 10 tablets each
Pink | x4 | 10 tablets each
Green |×6 | 10 tablets each
DK Blue | x1 | 10 tablets each
Purple | x4 | 10 tablets each
Red | x2 | 10 tablets each
Gold | x1 | 20 tablets each
Brown | x3 | 15 tablets each
DK Blue | x6 | 15 tablets each
LT Blue | x5 | 15 tablets each
Green| x2 | 15 tablets each
Pink | x2 | 15 tablets each
Red | x1 | 15 tablets each
So, selling the following for tablets:
1 brown box=15 tablets
1 light blue key=10 tablets
1 purple key=10 tablets
3 gold keys=20 tablets each
35 ground gems=1 tablet each
25 rock gems=1 tablet each
i made these bio banners with the flightrising coli venues. use them if youd like ! :)
tumblr - FR lair - FV village
So... I'm thinking of offering a leveling service for PD. As in, I'll level your dragons (any dragon of choice, 1 at a time) on FR in exchange for PD. No stats/stones offered, unless for some reason you want me to stat your dragon.
Thoughts? Anyone interested? I'm a little obsessed with Coli so it'd make me feel better to be productive~
Edit: this is me, btw
thank you, kaitotemari, for this signature!
Also, I have 30+ immaculate tablets I can sell for 1k each.
thank you, kaitotemari, for this signature!