Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → improvementhe is spending so much money in this site what will happen if he spent some more money and make this site best!!
and this is not really detroying our opponents we could make club, start league, that will be lot of fun!!
pokeheroes will be the best site..
they aren't going to add this because this is an adoptable site, not an mmorpg, if you'd like that then you're welcome to go on showdown
and yoru is female!! lol!!
If riako did make the battle system more like pokemon showdown (I dont know what that is most likely it has pokemon moves though..) Then that'd be a lot of coding to make a certain move do a certain thing or each pokemon to have ability's like in the games
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs
and I am not telling that it will take place in a month it might take much time
Anyways this was suggested and rejected so many times.. Why? The focus of this site is collecting, hatching and training pokemon, not battling. I personally like the battle system on here because it's different - If you really want to be in battles that are like the ones in pokemon games go to Showdown, it's free and nice battling simulator.
then everyone will go to showdown like this!! :)
If you want to hatch and raise your adoptables, then spend your time on PokeHeroes.
As stated by the users already, the main focus of this game is to adopt, hatch and train - as well as spending your time on neat little side features like the Game Center, Route 53, Rumbling or (small) Quests and Tasks from the Lab or Ancient Cave. I prefer this well over a fully working battle simulator - which already exists on so many websites and in the original games.