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Forum Thread

Spelling Mistakes

Forum-Index Bug Reports Spelling Mistakes
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,808
Posted: Mon, 01/07/2013 15:33 (11 Years ago)

Spelling Mistakes

Hello, I'm Riako - from Germany. I'm the programmer of this browser game!
But why do I tell you that?
Because of one reason: English is not my mother tongue!
I'm trying hard at school to improve my English as best as possible, but it's still not good enough to avoid every spelling mistake all around this site.

So if you ever find any spelling mistake all around this game, please report them here!
(Also grammar mistakes, of course.)
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Wed, 18/06/2014 06:29 (10 Years ago)
In the Emera Mall, item shop image, it says:
"All what you need!"

This should be "All that you need!" or "All you need!"

If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,808
Posted: Sat, 28/12/2024 16:24 (2 Months ago)
Fixed all spelling errors*, hence why this thread is empty again :)

* except for the Emera Mall image, as I cannot edit artwork text unfortunately...
Trainerlevel: 120

Forum Posts: 33
Posted: Sat, 28/12/2024 16:51 (2 Months ago)
Here is the new item shop picture if it's okay.
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,808
Posted: Sun, 29/12/2024 08:22 (2 Months ago)
Thanks a lot! I have updated it :) (Might need a few hours so your cache notices the change)
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 238
Posted: Fri, 03/01/2025 08:00 (1 Month ago)
More of an inconsistency, the Iron Bundle/Scream Tail event says, "...there's something awfully... paradox about them" while the Paldea Research page itself says, "There is just something... paradoxical... about them". Paradoxical sounds more grammatically correct.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 782
Posted: Sun, 19/01/2025 16:07 (1 Month ago)
Weather Balloon description

"An evolutionary item that allows you to evolve a Castform. It's evolution depends on the current weather."

"It's" should be "Its"
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 94
Posted: Wed, 29/01/2025 17:11 (1 Month ago)
Light Rock description
An ancient rock that shines as bright as a lightning.

‘as a lightning’ is grammatically incorrect: it should be ‘as bright as lightning’. Or it should be ‘as bright as a lightning bolt’
Trainerlevel: 46

Forum Posts: 126
Posted: Sat, 22/02/2025 18:55 (8 Days ago)
I'm unsure if this is where to post pokeheros wiki spelling mistakes but I thought id post just in case!
On the ph wiki in the puzzle collection page, the puzzle named "little flowers" is spelt "littel flowers"
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Wed, 26/02/2025 00:21 (5 Days ago)
1. The message that appears when you click the small Zeraora after having chosen your reward reads "Zeraora has disappeard into the shadows. Keep up with interacting and it might come back!"
Should be disappeared ;D

2. When feeding a berry you don't have in your inventory anymore, you get the following error message: "You don't have a ... Berry!"
If the berry's name starts with a consonant, this is fine, but when starting in a vowel sound, it should be an Oran / Aspear / Enigma Berry. (This, however, does not apply to "Iapapa Berry", I think, because it is pronounced with a y-sound in the beginning regardless of the i-spelling.)