So! 50 Ghost gems for Seatran
12 Poison Gems for Rokkyu (male)
12 Poison Gems for Valenfloon (double if it has an evolution)
12 Poison Gems for Snow Pachirisu
12 Poison Gems for Santa Delibird
12 Poison Gems for Buttercream
12 Poison Gems for Easter Diggersby
What is the price for Retro Delibird?
So, without Retro Delibird, 50 Ghost Gems and 72 Poison Gems,
potentially 84 if Valenfloon evolves (I am so new at this still
lol) I'm not sure if retro Deli is uft though ?
Valenfloon doesn't evolve but it does have a gender difference
(Male is blue and female is pink)
And I forgot that there was a Santa Delibird, as it is a bit harder
to get it its price is 20 gems.
The Retro Delibird is for trade, its price is ~70,000 so about
60-80 gems would be good :)
And sure for the others :)
Leapy: Out of those, only
Valenfloon would be available, the others go to Gimarie :)
Gimarie: Yup!
Rokkyu (male)
Valenfloon (male)
Santa Delibird
Easter Diggersby
Retro Delibird?
I'll set up all the trades in a second, send the gems Via DID
please~ ^^
Sure! I'll set up both the trades, send the gems Via DID please~ ^^
I have 3 Ghost and 14 Posion Gems; I would like to exchange 12
Poison Gems for a female Valenfloon and sell the rest
(1000+1800=2800 PD) if possible. :)