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Leapy OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 105 |
Posted: Thu, 05/11/2020 21:09 (4 Years ago) |
Leapy OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 105 |
Posted: Wed, 07/10/2020 21:05 (4 Years ago) |
Leapy OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 105 |
Posted: Sat, 03/10/2020 16:16 (4 Years ago) |
Leapy OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 105 |
Posted: Mon, 28/09/2020 23:28 (4 Years ago) |
Leapy OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 105 |
Posted: Wed, 23/09/2020 23:36 (4 Years ago) |
-When I hit RESEND on my returning pokemon, it asks me to select a time limit(not every time but maybe 3/5 times). -When I START a Rumble Mission the Galar map shows 0.0% explored, but when I check he Rumble OVERVIEW the map shows 23% explored. I'm also wondering if these bugs have been the reason I have yet to see a boss fight. [Read more] |
Leapy OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 105 |
Posted: Thu, 17/09/2020 17:11 (4 Years ago) |
Starting Nidoran (m) next after I fill up my egg storage. [Read more] |
Leapy OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 105 |
Posted: Sun, 13/09/2020 15:11 (4 Years ago) |
Also, the last order you have there, I am actually not the breeder for the Crystal Aggron but MoodyAbba is. ^.^ [Read more] |
Leapy OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 105 |
Posted: Sat, 12/09/2020 03:22 (4 Years ago) |
Leapy OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 105 |
Posted: Sat, 21/12/2019 01:41 (5 Years ago) |
Premium: Yes How much are you online: 8hrs a day consistently during the week, weekends I'm constantly checking in. Accepted Currency: Gems Password: HI [Read more] |
Leapy OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 105 |
Posted: Mon, 04/03/2019 20:46 (6 Years ago) |
Title: Dr AppointmentI had my appointment. Omg. I am in love with this Dr. Ive never had a Dr just relax in the room and TALK comfortably. I cried. She almost cried. For me with my severe social anxiety and ever mounting depression it was a relief to honestly not feel judged. It's also the very 1st person I have ever ask the specific difference of my cutting. "Is it superficial to relieve anxiety? Or actively trying to harm where you would need medical attention?" Just fir her to ask it like that makes me want to cry in relief. She understood. I explained it how I usually see it as I can't fix the pain I feel inside but a cut i can see and feel physically and I can fix that. She was actually impressed with it. I'm going to be seeing her every 2 weeks until I'm either at a good place or she has done everything in her power and has to refer me to a psychiatrist. Also the Depression assessment I scored a 23/27... But I have Cymbalta, BusPIRone and Trazodone to help me sleep. Guys... I'm so excited. [Read more] |
Leapy OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 105 |
Posted: Thu, 24/01/2019 00:30 (6 Years ago) |
Title: MarriageIt is after all a diary right? I don't understand how someone can just act like their wife doesn't exist. Or act like horrible things werent said. I get that he wants to be civil, but acting like nothing is wrong: talking about how his boss has been riding him all week, asking whats for dinner, if we need anything from the store, telling me to let him know what times I selected for one of the kids teacher conferences, letting me know when/ where he's going at night... I can see him on Snapchat with I dont really know who... Taking pics with our daughter n sending them to, my guess, the girl hes interested in. It's killing me. I'm trying to not let it show how much I'm hurting infront of the kids, but when they go to bed and I go to my room I cant hold it in anymore. I've cried for HOURS straight and crying myself to sleep. I honestly dont even care about the girl. I'm hurt bc its somerhing we said wed never do to one another, but to be truthful- I would still want to try and make it work if he was only willing. I'm hurt bc he says they started flirting intently after I had already made the changes and was doing better. So I still wasnt enough. I had a special wallet made for his bday with the kids faces burned into one side and then found a foil packet on top of our fridge. The foil package was what he had in the Navy to pretext special things from the elements. Hes had it with him since 2009. Inside was a picture of us from 09 and 2 letters I wrote him back then when he went on his first deployment after meeting him. Hes never taken them out of his wallet. And seeing them out of it broke me even more. And it was before the final argument. The packet was also up there with his ring... To be fair he sprained his finger o it was in a splint for awhile but after it never made it back on... Today I realized February is fast approaching. All I can think of is hes going to be doing something super meaningful for this girl... And I'm going to be completely alone. I haven't been alone on vday in 9 yrs. I'm going to be a single mother of 3. I have no desire to date anymore- I mean really who would want that kind of baggage?? 2 baby daddies, and most ppl my age have kids of their own so that just seems like alot of possible drama. And yes I know I'm going to focus on my kids only and that's great, but seeing as how lonely ive been just this past year I can only imagine how much worse it will get. My mom is so gungho about getting my own bank accounts and such set up immediately and telling me to separate stuff NOW. She doesnt understand that I need time. I'm allowed to be sad that my marriage is/ fallin apart. She doesnt understand since shes the strong willed person that is basically a middle finger to whoever doesn't agree with her so the very next morning after I told her she was rattling off horrible things and scenarios about him prolly lying and cheating for a long time and then making a list on stuff I need to get going. Like. Please give me time to learn how to breathe again! [Read more] |
Leapy OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 105 |
Posted: Fri, 23/11/2018 01:50 (6 Years ago) |
![]() Incase the img doesnt work. [
Leapy OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 105 |
Posted: Fri, 02/11/2018 00:07 (6 Years ago) |
Leapy OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 105 |
Posted: Sun, 23/09/2018 01:53 (6 Years ago) |
Oh well, I hope there will be another, but good luck to those of you who entered!! [Read more] |
Leapy OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 105 |
Posted: Mon, 10/09/2018 15:10 (6 Years ago) |
The tag idea is cute! What about being able to trade them for Event Points? We already have so many ways to collect Festival Points, but after awhile there's not much left to buy, but with Event Points we always have the option to be able to get Event Eggs. Just an idea lol [Read more] |
Leapy OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 105 |
Posted: Mon, 10/09/2018 01:55 (6 Years ago) |
Leapy OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 105 |
Posted: Mon, 10/09/2018 01:36 (6 Years ago) |
BUT- now that you all have mentioned it, it could just seem like a Spam "Welcome" message. I know when I have joined some websites, you get that automated/autogenerated message in your inbox immediately welcoming to the website, etc. So, new users may think it is something like that and not really pay attention or have any indication of actually replying. If that makes sense... Also, do the Mentor Points actually allow you to do anything with them? [Read more] |
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