Some of you may know about a year ago I did my shiny mega Gengar
hunt, but after 112 shinies and 24 mega ables out of 3500
eggs I failed to get my shiny mega, and I think it is the time
for round two with the ghosties!
So that's why I'm collecting Ghost and Poison gems
What I have:
1. Events:
- ⇨ RETRO BOX ⇦ ----↦Rokkyu (Female): 25 Ghost gems OR
30 Poison gems each ----↦Retros (Except delibird): 30 ghost
gems OR 40 Poison gems each ----↦Anything else : 10 ghost gems OR 12
Poison gems each
2. PokéDollars:
⇨ Available amount:500,000
600 per Ghost Gem ----↦
500 per Poison Gem
3. Shinies &
Easy Rarity
200 Ghost Gems || 250 Poison Gems
Medium Rarity
250 Ghost Gems || 300 Poison Gems
Hard Rarity
300 Ghost Gems || 350 Poison Gems
Mega ables
300 Ghost Gems || 350 Poison Gems
4. Other Gems:
Bug | Ice | dark | Fairy 1:2 Ghost | Poison
Normal 1:4 Ghost | Poison
Dragon 1: 70 Ghost | 80 Poison
Any other gem 1:1 Ghost | Poison
5. Nuggets:
⇨ Available amount:0
----↦ 1
per 4 Ghost Gem / Poison Gem Min 200 gems (Can be a mix of both) for 50 nuggets.
max, see my editted post. I mis-saw it by mistake. I have 7 more.I
will give you 3 more when my dragonite comes back from the rumble
mission. I can give you 7 for now, so please change your trade,
please or you can wait for few hours.