9/10; not a fan of the links outside the about me (custom widget);
I would've preferred if they were in a box like everything else -
but other than that, nothing really to whine about. :3 (Except for
maybe that I'm not a fan of the different colored paragraphs
either, but that's just a minor thing, sooo.)
Ahhhhh I love spacey themes, great work! *o* <3 Just a small
issue with the scrollbar that appears on the side, but asides from
that, I love it tons c:
I feel there's too much going; there's a gif on top then three
images below, it's confusing to my eyes tbh. ; v;
Also, I'm not a fan of the anime art of the horizontal picture in
the middle, and since it seemed bigger than the rest of the images,
I got immediately turned off ; o;
~Your format is... too... common for me
~~Needs more pictures, like actual art, (try not to steal art from
the web, but if you do acknowledge the artist).
~~~Add more style to your font(like add color, size, bold and
~~~~Add a little more creativity is the overall tip for all About
~~~~~But, It's nice seeing that your new.