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The Final Tale Book 2

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up The Final Tale Book 2
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 466
Posted: Tue, 23/02/2021 02:27 (4 Years ago)

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11 Years ago Team Light, Team Dark, and the citizens of Forest fought off Giratina and it's army of corrupted souls of dead pokemon, and emerged victorious as Giratina was killed permanently, 11 years later we return back to see what's changed, Meet friends, Grow bonds, Uncover unsolved mysteries. As of recent black goop similar to Giratina's resting area has appear tempting some of the pokemon who had a hand in killing Giratina back to the town, Including the leader of Team Light and the one who got the final blow, Shade "Kino Donut" Soul.

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1. No Powerplay
2. No controlling other players
3. DM @JesusBlyadd if you want to be any of the following Ultra Beast, Legendary, Mythical, Eevee/Eeveelution, and any fusion involving the previous mentioned.
4. Ask @JesusBlyadd before adding a sub plot
5. Rules are subject to change
6. Password: "Giratina shall forever be fallen."
7. Returning characters or mentioned characters can skip Rule 3, This includes Reye (BlackReshiram's Shaymin Chara), Zeri (UncleBruno's Zerora Chara), May (Nootbear's Red ringed Umbreon character), Meti (Chungus's Meltan/Melmetal Chara), and Summer (Yung's Leafeon Character)
8. Sign Up Form (Returning Characters) are for characters mentioned and or apart of the Final Tale Book 1 Includes previously mentioned in rule 7 along with Chad (Reshi's Shiny Charmander), Emerald (Yung's Riolu), Slick (Lukearch's Shiny Sligoo), Raven (Undyne's Corviknight), Blade (Lukearch's Honedge), Ace (Snookie's Croagunk), and Kami (Kiyoomi's Froslass)
9.Pokemon can have up to 6 moves
10. If you want to have moves your pokemon cannot normally know palpad @JesusBlyadd asking if it's fine
11. Romance is allowed, Just don't shift character focus to just the relationship

Sign Up Form (Returning Characters)
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Character Name:
What's changed in the last 11 years:
Move set:
Current motivations/Dreams

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Character Name:
Move set:
Current motivations/Dreams

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Shade/Former leader of Team Light, Now a Scientist, Chef, and Adventurer/Male/Age: 26/Umbreon [Purple Ringed]

Coco/Former leader of Team Dark, Now a Teacher at Forest Town's School/Female/Age:25/Lopunny

Reye/Former Team Light member, Has a kid/Female/Age:27/Shaymin

Zeri/Former Team Light member, Runs a Cafè/Female/Age:28/Zerora

Ace/Former Team Light member, Wishes to share the adventures with the future generations/Male/Age:28/Toxicroak

Kami/Former Team Light member, Became less shy and wants to have a normal life after being a Actress/Female/Age:30/Frosslass

Melody/Soul of a Meloetta now in a body of a Magearna, Shade's assistant/Female/Age:30/Meloetta-Magearna

Sun/New mon in town, Hopes to meet another Ampharos/Male/Age:16/Ampharos

Aidani/New to the town, She wishes to avenge her mother/Female/Age:14/Mawile

Princess/New to town, Trying to find a family/Female/Age:14/Diance-Eevee

Kivo/New to town, Find her parents/Female/Age:14/Galarian Articuno-Kanto Articuno

Willow/New to town, Studies legendary Pokèmon/Female/Age:7/Shiny Phantump

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(In Town)
Giratina's Grave
The Fountain
Sushi Shop
Crafts Shop
Rumble Guild
Housing District

(Out of Town)
Eevee City Ruins
The Tree/Grim Altar
Mt. Bolt
Mt. Blizz
Mt. Blaze
Wishing Star Cave
Meoter Falls
Frozen Ruins
Rusted Ruins
Eroded Ruins
Skull Ruins
Blackout Ruins
Mossy Ruins

Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 225
Posted: Tue, 23/02/2021 16:22 (4 Years ago)
Character Name: Sun
Species: Ampharos
Personality: Just like his name suggests, he's a happy pokemon with lots of confidence
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Move set: Thunder Wave, Power Gem, Confuse Ray, and Dragon Pulse
Current motivations/Dreams: He'd like to meet another Ampharos, (And yes he's gay), and hope they can be great friends.

"woah! that's swag dude!"
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 466
Posted: Tue, 23/02/2021 16:25 (4 Years ago)
Accepted! Please remove the password from your form!
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Tue, 23/02/2021 17:53 (4 Years ago)
Character Name: Aidani Welden
Species: Mawile

Personality: Even with her sharp mouth tail thingy, Aidani is a nice, happy-go-lucky, Pokemon with barely any mean glares or angry eyes stared at her. Under all the smiles and giggles, as all the Pokedex entries say, she is a true predator when left alone without anybody. This behavior is due to attachment issues (see History for more details)

Gender: Female
Age: 14
Move set: Fairy Wind, Play Rough, Swallow, Taunt

History: Aidani was born into this town to see only her mother's face. After about three years with her mother, Aidani's mother died protecting her from Giratina. She now lives in her inherited house, a homely cottage at the edge of town.

Current motivations/Dreams: She wishes to avenge her mother, but doesn't truly know how until the black goop came along. Since the black goop, she has devised a plan to find out exactly what it is. There is a big map of the town and undescribable red dots all over it. The map is illegible with the help of Aidani

Password: (error 404, password not found)
I may seem like a bunch of useless text, but I LIVE HERE and I don't welcome visitors >:(

"You should smile more~" - Loba Andrade, Apex Legends

Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 466
Posted: Tue, 23/02/2021 18:01 (4 Years ago)
Accepted, Please remove the password
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Tue, 23/02/2021 22:28 (4 Years ago)
(I used to be UncleBruno)

Character Name: Zeri
What's changed in the last 11 years: She has gotten injured during some adventures (including an eye scar and a partially torn ear), now runs a café/teahouse/lounge area. She still has her Team Light scarf (though she tore a small strip of it off to make a headband) and the blue cape she got from her alternate self. She also wears a white cloth over her left eye like an eyepatch (She still has that eye, don't worry, she wears it because it looks cool). Somehow, she has still yet to get a girlfriend.
Move set: Power-Up Punch, Plasma Fists, Focus Blast, Blaze Kick, Outrage, Thunder Wave
Current motivations/Dreams: To live a quiet life

Character Name: Kivo Kurivuu
Species: Articuno (Kanto/Galar fusion, Ice/Flying)
Appearance: She has Galarian Articuno's coloration and the "mask" of feathers around her eyes, but otherwise, looks like a normal Kantonian Articuno, albeit smaller than most due to not being fully grown. She has a pastel blue ribbon around her right leg.
Personality: Exciteable, adventurous, can be kinda immature at times
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Move set: Freezing Glare, Ice Shard, Shadow Ball, Triple Axel, Air Slash, Steel Wing
Current motivations/Dreams: To explore the areas outside town and find out who her real parents are
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Tue, 23/02/2021 23:17 (4 Years ago)
Character Name: Reye
What's changed in the last 11 years: Not much, other than her having a child that's now off with a friend of hers
Move set: Energy ball| Natural gift| Seed flare| Aromatherapy| Psychic| Air slash
Current motivations/Dreams: To travel the world and see new sights, as well as protect her friends and family.

Character Name: Princess
Species: Diancie/Eevee fusion
Personality: A young, naive spirit that's shy when approached due to the loss of her parents. She's sweet once you get to know her, but that doesn't stop her from being somewhat stubborn, with a sassy never-back-down attitude when upset.
Gender: female
Age: 14
Move set: Psychic| Telekinesis| Swift| Diamond storm| Moonblast| Dazzling gleam|
Current motivations/Dreams: To try to make a new 'family' in a new place, so she won't have to be lonely all the time.
Password: ^^
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 466
Posted: Tue, 23/02/2021 23:42 (4 Years ago)
Accepted, Please remove pasword
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Wed, 24/02/2021 21:14 (4 Years ago)
Character Name: Ace
What's changed in the last 11 years: Ace has evolved into a Toxicroak, and has started to teach small children. He seems pretty happy about it. Ace is still pretty cheerful and excited bit he's become a little more hesitant. He is still pretty excited about being a hero in a sense, but he uses his moves a lot less after the fight with Giratina.
Move set: Revenge, Poison Jab, Feint Attack, Venoshock, Poison Sting, Mud Slap
Current motivations/Dreams: Ace is currently very content with his life, and he really only hopes to pass on a spark of adventure in the newer generations.
Password: password

Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 466
Posted: Wed, 24/02/2021 21:39 (4 Years ago)
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Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 151
Posted: Wed, 24/02/2021 22:00 (4 Years ago)
Character Name: Kami
What's changed in the last 11 years: She has turned to a rather peaceful life, leaving what happened with Giratina in the past , Now being 30 (I think she was 19) years old, she has pursued Her dreams to be an Actress/ contest star. She isnt as shy anymore and has gained some courage, even popularity. She prides herself with being able to mask her true identity due to her acting, making her a good spy/liar. yet she has tried to keep that as hidden as possible, trying to be herself more often
Move set: Blizzard, Shadow Ball, Will-O-Wisp, Psychic, Draining Kiss, Destiny Bond
Current motivations/Dreams: Wants to continue acting and live a normal life, but she knows that wont last long
I apologize for not being very active I´ll do my best to be active here though, school´s just a bit stressful but I hope I´ll be able to post more)
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 466
Posted: Wed, 24/02/2021 22:10 (4 Years ago)
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Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 466
Posted: Thu, 25/02/2021 13:22 (4 Years ago)
1 more Roleplayer neede for us to start
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 212
Posted: Thu, 25/02/2021 16:00 (4 Years ago)
Character Name: Willow
Species: shiny Phantump
Personality: Willow is a sweet heart and loves to help, she is a little shy at first but loves to play , she likes to study legendary Pokémon and loves the rich history .
Gender: female
Age: 7
Move set: sucker punch, tackle ( In Future : will-o-wisp , physic )
Current motivations/Dreams: to study all Pokémon and learn, make freinds , her dream is to travel
The stars shine bright and are calling me to go

Advi From Demon Slayer season 1
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 466
Posted: Thu, 25/02/2021 16:04 (4 Years ago)
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