Forum Thread
The bleppo farm[CLOSED]
Forum-Index → Fanmades → The bleppo farm[CLOSED]
“Hello there! My name is riley and im a breeder here at the bleppo farm! Welcome to - what is a bleppo you ask?”
what is a bleppo?

A bleppo is a small magical creature!
They are very fluffy and all have a unique look, personality and
likes. They are very small and fit in the size of your hand, they
also resemble a bean! Bleppo’s are very helpful creatures and love
to play . Every bleppo has a different scent and there are many
rare mutations to be found either in the wild or right here at the
ranch! bleppo's communicate by making squee like noises and
different squees depend on their mood !
“Now you know a little bit more about these cuties there are a few rules that need to be followed here on the farm.”

1) all PH rules apply
2)although you own your bleppo please credit me for the design as its my own species
3)these ARE a closed speices meaning you are not allowed to make your own!
4) i dont bite so if you have a question about these critters don’t hesitate to shoot me over a PP or a PM!password is owo
5)please PLEASE PLEASEEEE do NOT alter the design of your bleppo!
6) please dont be rude to me or my mods ;^; it makes me sad :(
7)please use the order form! (First two orders posted here were an exception-)
8)sub to the forum please! it makes it much easier to keep track of bleppos
9)i please ask for your patience when buying a bleppo, since i spend a lot of time working on these creatures and so do my staff. We dont always have the final design ready!
10) please note im still in school and if i even have a test or something going on i WILL temp shut down the shop . If you have ordered a bleppo before I shut down the shop please do not rush me!
11)posting here when the shop is closed will result in a temp ban until the store is open again
12)if putting them on toyhouse please credit me with my toyhouse account _Athera_
13)payment is to be sent BEFORE. I send you the bleppo, I do not accept until I have the bleppo sent to you.
Any rules that have not been followed will result in a strike or a ban!
2)although you own your bleppo please credit me for the design as its my own species
3)these ARE a closed speices meaning you are not allowed to make your own!
4) i dont bite so if you have a question about these critters don’t hesitate to shoot me over a PP or a PM!
5)please PLEASE PLEASEEEE do NOT alter the design of your bleppo!
6) please dont be rude to me or my mods ;^; it makes me sad :(
7)please use the order form! (First two orders posted here were an exception-)
8)sub to the forum please! it makes it much easier to keep track of bleppos
9)i please ask for your patience when buying a bleppo, since i spend a lot of time working on these creatures and so do my staff. We dont always have the final design ready!
10) please note im still in school and if i even have a test or something going on i WILL temp shut down the shop . If you have ordered a bleppo before I shut down the shop please do not rush me!
11)posting here when the shop is closed will result in a temp ban until the store is open again
12)if putting them on toyhouse please credit me with my toyhouse account _Athera_
13)payment is to be sent BEFORE. I send you the bleppo, I do not accept until I have the bleppo sent to you.
Any rules that have not been followed will result in a strike or a ban!
“Alright! Now the nasty part is outta the way let me take you to the current bleppo eggs we have up for sale!- Oh my! I almost forgot! There are different rarities of bleppo! Here i’ll explain!”
bleppo rarities!

Common bleppo’s:
Common bleppo’s have either a pattern or 1-3 colours and no mutations.
Cost: 25k per egg
Uncommon bleppo's:
Uncommon bleppo’s have 1-4 colours and have a few mutations
Cost: 50k per egg
Rare bleppo’s:
Rare bleppo’s have 1-5 colours and have around 5 mutations
Cost: 75k per egg
Ultra bleppo’s:
Ultra bleppo’s are one of a kind and cannot breed . These are expensive and exclusive bleppo’s that have loads of colours , mutations and some even have special talents!
Cost: 250k - 500k per egg (depending on how many mutations , colours and talents they have)
(Note: bleppo eggs vary from day to day !)
There are four crates with a few small eggs inside? Which one will you take with you?
common eggs

w-white strawberry-


nemo!? where are youuu?!
uncommon eggs
rare eggs
ultra eggs
“If you already have a bleppo you can send them to a adventure zone for a small fee of 5000 tokens! (5k pd) “
adventure zones
bleppo's can only be sent 3 times to a adventure zone! they only have little legs you know!

Cave zone -”a cool , dark, damp but beautiful cave with glistening crystals that peak out of the rocks “
Ocean zone -”a beautiful golden sanded beach with sapphire blue ocean that bubbled up onto the shore every so often . Tiny glimmering shells and shiny seaweed are dotted around”
Forest zone -”a thick but peaceful forest, small birds flitter though the trees and drop delicate feathers while the deer feast on sweet grass. The flowers here are beautiful and the trees are lines with moss”
Meadow zone -”the meadow is a beautiful lush green as far as the eye can see with small patches of poppies and pansy’s scattered about, theres a small babbling brook that protects silky smooth , round pebbles”
Badlands - the gate has been closed thankfully... so no more....
adventure form
lets go bleppo!
bleppo being sent:
sent more than once?: (still need to pay 5k fee each time!can only be sent 3 times per bleppo!)
“This is the bean stall! This is where you can buy beans and costumes for your bleppo’s and sell items that you find on adventures for a price!”

Pink bean - “a sweet pink bean”
Red bean - “a very spicy bean”
Blue bean - “a strong sour bean”
Green bean - “A tough chewy bean”
Orange bean - “a juicy fruity bean”
Purple bean - “a mild bean”
Yellow bean - “ A cheesy tasting bean”
Good pink bean - “a very sweet shiny bean. Increases extra egg chance when breeding bleppo’s “
Good red bean a - “super spicy bean. Increases extra egg chance when breeding bleppo’s “
Good purple bean - “a incredibly mild tasting bean. Increases extra egg chance when breeding bleppo's”
Good green bean - “a very tough strong shelled bean. Increases extra egg chance when breeding bleppo’s “
Good blue bean - “a incredibly sour bean. Increases extra egg chance when breeding bleppo’s “
Good orange bean - “a very ripe juicy fruity tasting bean. Increases extra egg chance when breeding bleppo’s “
Good yellow bean - “a very strong cheddar tasting bean. Increases extra egg chance when breeding bleppo’s “
best pink bean - “the sweetest bean ever. Increases extra egg chance twice when breeding bleppo’s “
best red bean - “the spiciest bean ever. Increases extra egg chance twice when breeding bleppo’s “
best purple bean - “the mildest bean ever. Increases extra egg chance twice when breeding bleppo's”
best green bean - “the toughest bean ever. Increases extra egg chance twice when breeding bleppo’s “
best blue bean - “the sourest bean ever. Increases extra egg chance twice when breeding bleppo’s “
best orange bean - “the juiciest bean ever. Increases extra egg chance twice when breeding bleppo’s “
best yellow bean - “the cheesiest bean ever. Increases extra egg chance twice when breeding bleppo’s “

egg hatching potion "hatches breeded eggs fast!" 1 dose - 100k , 2 doses - 125k, 3 doses - 175k
gender swap potion "changes the gender of your bleppo (CANNOT BE REVERSED WITH ANOTHER POTION)" 1 dose - 250k , 2 doses - 275k, 3 doses 500k
reincarnation potion "brings a killed bleppo back to life (only works if you have DNA)" 1 dose - 250k , 2 doses - 350k , 3 doses - 750k
recovery potion "reverses the corrupt" 1 dose 200k , 2 doses - 350k , 3 doses - 550k

classic hoodie-“ a lovely snug hoodie for your bleppo!"-comes in ten colours-cost:25,000 PD
flowercrown:"ever wanted to flower? now you can!"-comes in 10 colours-cost: 25,000 PD
Warm gloves-"some gloves to keep your blep warm!"-(1/4 set item)-cost: 5000 PD
Warm scarf-"a scarf to keep your blep warm!"-(2/4 set item)-cost: 15,000 PD
warm parka-"a parka to keep your blep warm!"-(3/4 set item)-cost:30,000 PD
warm earmuffs -"earmuffs to keep your blep warm!"-(4/4 set item)-cost:15,000 PD
order form

apparel equip form
riley dress up my bleppo!
bleppo being dressed:
item being used:(note- you must have a item before trying to equip a item.)

abandoned or confiscated bleppo's will
end up here! keep in check to see if there's any that appear!
moon child
in bloom~


common:13,500 PD
uncommon: 25,000 PD
rare:37,500 PD
ultra:125,000 PD - 250,000 PD
Adoption form
Breeding center

here you can breed your bleppos and
get eggs! bleppos need to eat before they breed and depending on
the bean quality it can increase the chances of getting up to 3
eggs! (you can even breed with friends if they say you can use the
mother/father ! <the baby litter will be 2-4 and will be split
between the two owners>)

breeding form
I want to breed my bleppos!
mother image:
father image:
using a bean? (you must have bought a bean before using one):
Bleppo mods

these are my good pal's that will help
me run the bleppo farm! keep in mind these people should be the
ONLY ones modding here and are free to give out warnings if
- ~OyStar~
- ~OyStar~
Warnings and bans.

hopefully this isnt going to be
needed- if you end up getting banned from the farm (for what ever
reason) you will no longer own your bleppo's or items and they will
be put into the adoption center. you will no longer have any right
to your bleppo's. I do not want ANYONE. to attack anyone on this
list if have been found to do so YOU will be added to this
-Purpleeda -reason: rude multiple times to me or my staff
-Purpleeda -reason: rude multiple times to me or my staff
Egg buying form!

if you so wish you may tip the
bleppo's species! it helps fund the running of this place actually-
anything is appreciated! but please - label your payments or I
might accidentally accept it as a tip and not your payment!
tips so far!
x0 PD!
x0 Plushies!
x0 Shiny Plushies!
x0 Gems!
x0 DG!
x0 Items!
x0 other!
tips so far!
x0 PD!
x0 Plushies!
x0 Shiny Plushies!
x0 Gems!
x0 DG!
x0 Items!
x0 other!
bleppo being sent: Rascal
zone: Ocean zone
sent more than once?: Only once. UwU
lets see what loot he has found
(rolling for loot)
you place the following items into your bag
message in a bottle
conch shell
shark tooth
red bleppo shaped crystal
oh! you got a red bleppo crystal !! ive heard legends about bleppo shaped crystals and a special fountain... hmm..
bleppo being sent: Rouffy
zone: Cave zone
sent more than once?: only once
Give me time B)