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Trainerlevel: 65

Trainerpoints: 4,014/12,739


This user's party is empty.

Shiny Hunt

AHBEE is currently hunting Obsidianix.
Hunt started: 25/06/2024

Chain: 5
0 0 0


Last Visitors

CastaliaSat, 20/Jul/2024, 22:02
PurpleThickFeeshWed, 17/Jul/2024, 16:03
~MysteryMew~Thu, 11/Jul/2024, 14:00
SoleilLuxWed, 10/Jul/2024, 21:10
*CrystalWinter*Wed, 10/Jul/2024, 08:52

Game Records

Trainer ID: #718924741
Registration: 13/03/2018 (6 Years ago)
Game Time: 2519:07 Hours
Total interactions: 504,407
Money: 1,104,272
Starter Pokémon: Blaziken



You've been a member on PokéHeroes for more than 6 Years now!

And to think I started playing during piano lessons
piano was boring, I used this site as a way to escape it
4 Months ago

*receives 13 tickets*
4 Months ago
If I buy the event egg from the fun fair, does it break my chain?
4 Months ago
Im about to knock that yellow pendant right off their face 👹
4 Months ago
And the mass egg production begins
5 Months ago
Gonna do a little dance to get these pokemon to make me a better IV baby and more eggs
Idc what dance I gotta do to make them reproduce faster
I cant let this x4 interaction go to waste ⚰️
5 Months ago
Happy Birthday, AHBEE!
I wish you health and much happiness for the future!
Are you having a party with your friends today? Or are you spending your day at the Emera beach?
Whatever it is, I hope you have a very nice birthday!

Turning 20 tomorrow 🦐
Im getting old noooo
9 Months ago
Omw to watch the one piece live action movie 💃
10 Months ago
I feel, mentally drained ngl
Like there is some guilt in me that I know I shouldn’t feel. But yet, I feel it.
I’m not even involved and yet I feel the same amount of guilt as if I was.
11 Months ago
When It cant sit still 🦐
1 Year ago
We need this feature
Make our walls invisible to the people we block.
Cause I sure as hell want some certain people to stop looking my wall as if im here with my arms open for you.
My words are clear, I want zero interactions from you.
You know who you are.
1 Year ago
Will I be hunting burmy all year? Most likely
1 Year ago
The hashtag is useless and has alot of context missing.
This is just taking some disagreement to a whole new level that isn’t necessary at all.
1 Year ago
Where egg
1 Year ago
Interaction exchange anyone :)?
1 Year ago
Its gotta be Marshy the Zen Marshtomp
1 Year ago
Man I feel scammed
Bought one box just to get 450 dream points
Not much of a problem- if it wasnt for the fact its (500-2k) and I got a number under it
1 Year ago
New note to self: Pray that I get the job so I can start earning a income
1 Year ago
Note to self: Get a job
1 Year ago
To anyone who says they aren’t happy with their height for their age.
Look at me, the guy who’s 4’7 for the past what? 2? 3? Years and is currently 18 going to be 19 next month.
I can’t grow anymore, I’m stuck with being this short. Be happy that you’re taller than me, but be afraid if I’m rapidly approaching you.
1 Year ago

Give a ploosh/info about Me!

Heya, My name is TKBeta!

•The name is Abigail but I usually go by Abby
•My bday is Oct/22
•I’m not that social.. but I try to be!
•Credits to Hime-Nyan for the Shruxits plush art


If you are added into my blocklist, do not try to contact me or use someone else to talk on your behalf to me. It’s either personal, emotional, or something you had done caused me to have no interaction with you. Do respect these reasons as I will not do any attempts to interact with you.


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Newest gifts
Daisy-Brown 5 Days ago
CarnifexCoronatum 7 Days ago
PurpleThickFeesh 9 Days ago
~MysteryMew~ 15 Days ago