Username: piggylover29
Nickname (if you have one and prefer to be called by this way) :
Usually piggy!
About how often do you get online?: About A Hour A Day.
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: I'm Kinda New, So It
Would Be Toothi Who I Got From The Auction House~
Which Flight do you like most and why?: Shadow, Mostly Because I
Love Horror, And I Thought It Was Suiting.
Username: PH: EmeraldTheSnivy FR: lovesnivy
Nickname (if you have one and prefer to be called by this way) :
About how often do you get online?: Everyday... or a lot c:
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: Emerald, my female fae
Which Flight do you like most and why?: Wind - it's basically air,
which is my favorite element
Username: Afrien for both PH and FR. Both are subject to
Nickname (if you have one and prefer to be called by this way):
Afri, or Kichi work.
About how often do you get online?: Everyday, at least.
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: I'd have to say my boy
Which Flight do you like most and why?: Arcane, because... I'm fond
of the community. They're nice and active, and very welcoming
Nickname (if you have one and prefer to be called by this way)
About how often do you get online?: everyday
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?:
Which Flight do you like most and why?: Ice because i love the cold
and freezing dragongs ^u^
Nickname (if you have one and prefer to be called by this way)
About how often do you get online?: Almost everyday
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?:Briar the steam punk dragon
Which Flight do you like most and why?:
I really love the shadow flight mostly because of the Trickmurk
Circus they have on February (My birthday month ^-^)