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Forum Thread

~~ The FlightRising Club ~~

Forum-Index Fan Clubs Inactive Clubs ~~ The FlightRising Club ~~
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 381
Posted: Wed, 20/05/2015 04:25 (9 Years ago)

A new thread is currently being made!
update; 2/23/17 - the new thread should be up and running in about a week -or less-! Thanks for your patience!

Welcome to the FlightRising Club! ♥ As FR has recently become very popular on PH because of the recent open account registration (It's no longer open at the moment, however), Kit and I have decided to create a club in which all of the FR fans/players can gather and talk about the game!

Without further ado, I'll just stick the rules onto here~
Make sure to read these before joining the club
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• Firstly, EVERY AND ALL Pokéheroes rules apply here. :b If you haven't read those rules, then go read them.

• NO, and I mean NO harassing other players here. This is meant to be a friendly club, and Kit and I will NOT tolerate any sort of unfriendly arguments here.

• Please do not post irrelevant topics here. You are free to ask or say things about Flight Rising, but you are not allowed to talk about anything other than this. (However of course, any mod is allowed to talk about something that this thread may be "rule breaking" if it does happen to conflict with anything. ^^")

• You are not allowed to beg somebody to sell/give their dragon(s)/item(s)/Treasure/Gems to you in any way if they do not state that they are selling/trading/giving this first.

• Remember, this is meant to be kept friendly, so please show respect for your fellow FR players!

• In the 'What's your favorite dragon from your lair?' part of the registration form, please select your favorite dragon from your lair if you have an account (this is to make sure you have read these rules)! :> If you do not have an account on there however, just state that you don't have an account. It is also required that you link/share a link to your favorite dragon!!

• Please, NO MINI-MODDING unless your rank in this club permits you to "mod" this thread.

• While you are allowed to post dragons that you wish to sell, please do not post more than one post about the same dragons being for sale! It is highly advised that you make a separate thread on FR if nobody in the club wishes to buy the dragon(s).

• If you wish to list more than 3 dragons in a post, please use the spoiler tag! The spoiler tag can be written as
[spoiler] put your dragons here [/spoiler]
This is to reduce the amount of lag that is made when other users (mobile, generally) browse the thread. :>

• Have fun!! ♥♥♥

As there are rules, there are ranks.
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Leaders: -Kit- & Fish

Co-Leaders: Twin and -Amour-

Mods: Eri_Lis14 and A_wild_CHARIZARD

Members: -Kit-, NightStorm, Ambiebear69, ~SpaceAbsol~, Wolf1792, ~Asriel_Dreemurr~, ArufaSama, PurpleThePanda, -Asriel-, Bear, ArcanicRose, Wooly, -Flamey-, rhunes, Furret, TheDeathslayer, Yellowbelt99, SeventeenFangirl, noobly_face, jdd5611, cerecalin, Pink~Kitty, BarakMisu, poland0202, BlackVeilBridesLover93, VonnyAloof, SweetSacrifice, Starlord, Apte, Professor_Maple, Arwen, Beautiful_Nightmare, est531, Thrawn, Miroshiku, Gyeommie_Bear, BoxyCat3D, Shizuka, LucasxVensot, LeChatBox, Austria*~, ScarlettRose123, -Amour- , Pilufa, LadyAvery, MettatonEX, EternityOfMagic, CougaRose, Leanna, Riesenraddieb, Abby,
AwesomeDude365, ola232, Yoretula, FenneCake, Essifox, WhisperingThief, OkamiShade, Mangepic, Honi, Rabou,
PromptoArgentum , Tega, Luca, Dcasom,Greili, Kinu, Evelyn, danielle102,The_Crazy_Dragon_Lady, Kainbunny, Shedinja, Stabilization, darkaxe, Kurumi, Niruth, Kalkallico, haileythetyrunt, Lovino_Vargas, Chicken, A_wild_CHARIZARD, ShiroIcezUsagi-chan, SissyFox, Shaymin, Yuki-chan Lupa, Noctis, Sumireko, naturerabbit, RaylongShiny, Flaaffy, lucrecia, Blacktiger5, TruffleTheKitten, vitorbacon, Aahan, Giltine13, LucarioLand, Piolla123, mojoryan2003, ~NinfiaLazuli~, Latias_Queen, Lady_Mew, Maymari, Maryzard, xCharizardx, Mikleo, BreloomPlayz, GinaNeko, Charingo, shiloh_kawaii_pika, madison28, ShadowFire234, AntyCoolerErc, Futurecat, ectoBiologist, Viper, Yodelqueen, Cyanasuras, WhiteAndBlack2, PrototypedSadness, Lampy, Kiyomii, Tamashi, Feuestern-Raika, Abrar , Bettalong, InfinityPlaysPokemon, Twin, Xipe_Totec, LordLucario, Bakaa, Glaffyn, Nino, Sylvia, Scribe, Four, TailsPrower, Eveva_Eon, Toothie, KrazyKarp, Derpydragonite, MommaNessy, Anime, SandeviRae, Skylea95, ~Gummy~, Mega_Sylveon,
Midnight_Rein, Ninja-Myuu, Farhaan, Judaiandjohan, EmeraldTheSnivy, Alsafoku, pokeknight, piggylover29, Aya_Drevis, Podunk, Dakar, Pestilence, Thebndjames, Severus, Daster, Finhawk, xLumille, Pann, Zephyr_Of_The_UnderNet, pokelover150, MayaChorona, Kaneki-Ken, SpicyPants, Eri_Lis14, xXImaPizzaXx, Queenbee, Afrien, Gothbutter, Absolite, Professor_Joe, MischiefHowl , NinexKing, Omosky, GlaceoQuaza, CuteGhostGem, Prince-Komahina, Tubbadough, TheHowlingWolf22, Lady_Ianite, Hulk, Craig, and MakotoYuki

[FR USERNAMES] (Credit to Eri for the fabulous idea)
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Please note that this list is in need of serious updating just as the members list is! uwu That doesn't mean I won't review forms, though. c': I still check for that!
Kitkatfirestar (Kitkat)
Bettalong (Fish)
xXImaUmbreonXx (Kiyomii)
Mawilemaster2002 (Abrar)
alphasapphire (Cinamomo)
Kuraidesu (Tamashi)
Tonika (Feuerstern-Raika)
Pleione (Twin)
InfiniteDragons (InfinityPlaysPokemon )
AyaCakeChan (Aya_Drevis)
GhostGem (CuteGhostGem)
ZephyrTenjoin (Zephyr_Of_The_UnderNet)
Rumbelle (Xipe_Totec)
Frimp (TailsPrower)
xLilith (xLumille)
LatiosStar (xXImaPizzaXx)
iiAchlys (Absolite)
Afrien (Afrien)
Alsafoku (Alsafoku)
AnimeTheGamer (Anime)
Daster (Daster)
lovesnivy (EmeraldTheSnivy)
EvevaEon (Eveva_Eon)
Farhaan (Farhaan)
Finhawk (Finhawk)
GlaceoQuaza (GlaceoQuaza)
GlaciaSnow (Glaffyn)
judaiandjohan (Judaiandjohan)
ToTheArk (Kaneki-Ken)
Karpy (KrazyKarp)
Oddballme (Lampy)
LordLucario (LordLucario)
MakotoYuki (MakotoYuki)
pokelover150 (pokelover150)
monkeytear14 (Eri_Lis14)
ToribeyWishMaker (Ninja-Myuu)
ninotaurus (Nino)
Pestilence (Pestilence)
Podunk (Podunk)
UmbraSky (pokeknight)
piggylover (piggylover29)
NeonCat (QueenBee)
Cyanasuras (Rare_Pepe)
LockeDoore (Scribe)
Skylea95 (Skylea95)
Spicy (SpicyPants)
Deliriosity (Sylvia)
Snaptatron (Snaptatron)
Professor_Joe (ProfessorJoe)
Gothbutter (Gothbutter)
DragonsHowl (MischiefHowl)
Thebndjames (thebndjames)
KaliDesu (Prince-komahina)
MachinaKunagiri (NineXKing)
Tubbadough (Tubbadough)
MayaChorona (MayaChorona)
MegaEevee (Mega_Sylveon)
MommaNessy (Nessy)
SandeviRae (SandeviRae)
Fluffily (Flaaffy)
LadyLucrecia (Lucrecia)
BlackTiger5 (BlackTiger5)
Trufflethekitten (TruffleTheKitten)
VitorBacon (vitorbacon)
Aahan (Aahan)
Giltine13 (Giltine13)
LucarioLand (LucarioLand)
SpaceOrchid (Piolla123)
mojoryan2003 (mojoryan2003)
ItzaNyanCat (~NinfiaLazuli~)
PrincessIchigo (Latias_Queen)
wirewolfgirl (Lady_Mew)
Maymari (Maymari)
Maryzard (Maryzard)
ezridax (xCharizardx)
niverst (Mikleo)
BastarkDragon (BreloomPlayz)
GinaNeko (GinaNeko)
Charingo (Charingo)
shilohkawaiipika (shiloh_kawaii_pika)
MadisonFae (madison28)
ShadowFire23 (ShadowFire234)
PlasmaGhost (ectoBiologist)
ViperRedbird (Viper)
YodelQueen (Yodelqueen)
Hayate (WhiteAndBlack2)
EchoingSoul (PrototypedSadness)
Bakaa (Bakaa)
Fourzie (Four)
Toothie (Toothie)
derpydragonite (Derpydragonite)
Snapetatron (Severus)
MrPrince (Pann)
Omosky (Omosky)
Rabou (Rabou)
HarmonyWish (Lupa)
WhiteYveltal (Futurecat)
TheMagicWolf22 (TheHowlingWolf22)
Yukichan (Yuki-chan)
RaylongShiny (StarStruckPlayzGames)
naturerabbit (naturerabbit)
Mystogan (Noctis)
Luca20 (Luca)
Lovi (Lovino_Vargas)
iMakai (Sumireko)
Finnyzard (A_wild_CHARIZARD)
shayminluvr (Shaymin)
Berrymess (Chicken)
SissyFox (SissyFox)
Icez25 (ShiroIcezUsagi-chan)
Greili (Greili)
Dcasom (Dcasom)
tolovebad (haileythetyrunt)
Octopuslord (Kalkallico)
Angell (Kinu)
Niruth (Niruth)
darkaxe (darkaxe)
Kurumi (Kurumi)
Stabilization (Stabilization)
Kainbunny (Kainbunny)
Kindshed (Shedinja)
MidnightRein (Midnight_Rein)
Marl1nde (The_Crazy_Dragon_Lady)
BliksemFlame102 (danielle102)
organic (Bear)
DAG22 (Abby)
ola232 (ola232)
Hekoi (Tega)
ShatteringIce (Evelyn)
JackAgitoXIII (PromptoArgentum )
Forelle (Honi)
Mangepic (Mangepic)
WhisperingThief (WhisperingThief)
CometandAqua (Yoretula)
Leanna1026 (Leanna)
AquaBlazer (AwesomeDude365)
OkamiShade (OkamiShade)
Blackfirm (nele)
LannaRose (CougaRose)
Riesenraddieb (Riesenraddieb)
ArtTheHivemind (MettatonEX)
EternityOfMagic (EternityOfMagic)
Essi (Essifox)
ArcannaRose (FenneCake)
LadyAvery (LadyAvery)
Rayannelle (Magikarp_Lover)
Doucon (Buizel~)
Pilufa (Pilufa)
MegaDark (Apte)
ScarlettRose123 ( ScarlettRose123)
Austria (Austria*~)
LeChatBox (LeChatBox)
LucasxVensot (LucasxVensot)
BoxyCat3D (BoxyCat3D)
ShionAyame (Shizuka)
Mellark ( Miroshiku)
est531 (est531)
Thrawn (Thrawn)
SweetNightmares7 (Beautiful_Nightmare)
Melanime (Professor_Maple)
DarknessLight (Arwen)
TheStarLord (Starlord)
SweetSacrifice (SweetSacrifice)
SweetDespair (BlackVeilBridesLover93)
VonnyAloof (VonnyAloof)
KittyLove (Pink~Kitty)
poland202 (poland0202)
BarakMisu (BarakMisu)
cerecalin (cerecalin)
noobly (noobly_face)
jdd5611 (jdd5611)
Babwrocks (SeventeenFangirl)
Yellowbelt99 (Yellowbelt99)
TheDeathslayer (TheDeathslayer)
Hexis (Furret)
Rezhiram (-Flamey-)
ArcanicRose (ArcanicRose)
Shinjas (rhunes)
Kampe (Wooly)
SilverNight104 (NightStorm)
PurpleThePanda (PurpleThePanda)
KingShenzii (-Asriel-)
JakeEnglish (~Asriel_Dreemurr~)
Koorin (ArufaSama)
SpaceyAbsol (~SpaceAbsol~)
ShadowDragonWolf (Wolf1792)
MinTheYoongi (Gyeommie_Bear)
TripleL (Ambiebear69)
Whew, that took like. Forever to code. :'D Anyway, this is to simplify trading so nobody has to keep asking eachother "what's your username on FR?" ~ Again, thank you Eri for the fabulous idea! ♥ ♥
Note that I may not have all the names down on this list! THIS LIST IS NOT THE LIST OF PEOPLE ACCEPTED INTO THIS CLUB! ^^U There was quite a lot of confusion with that before.. The list as to all accepted members of this club can be seen under "As there are rules, there are ranks" within the spoiler.

Now hopefully, everything is clear so far!
If you do happen to want to register here, then simply fill out the form that I will now provide! ♥ (Note that you do not have to own a FR account. )

Nickname (if you have one and prefer to be called by this way) :
About how often do you get online?:
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?:
Which Flight do you like most and why?:

Please no more registration forms! qvq Kit and I will be working on a new thread for this club <3

Here's an example of a few completed forms if you need a reference as to how it should be completed:
Quote from Kitkat
Nickname (if you have one and prefer to be called by this way) :kit, Kitkit, or any name you can think of :>
About how often do you get online?: every.day.of.my.life
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: sidney bab
Which Flight do you like most and why?:Lightning clan because electricity is flashy and coooolio ouo

Quote from Fish
Username: Fish
Nickname (if you have one and prefer to be called by this way) : I prefer being called just Betta ouo
About how often do you get online?: I get online nearly every day.
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: Pretty imperial fantasyyyyy <33
Which Flight do you like most and why?: I love the shadow flight, not because it's "dark" but mainly because the shadow "god" of the flight looks so lonely in my opinion which is why I've taken a particular liking to the flight. :'>

If you have read this far (and you're considering joining), then that's great!! We'd be looking forward to having you join the club! :>
As for any current "events" that are taking place,


If you wish to link to this thread anywhere on PH/FR, feel free to use this epic banner Kit made!♥

Thank you for reading and hopefully, we'll be seeing you around here!! ♥
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 1,222
Posted: Wed, 20/05/2015 04:28 (9 Years ago)
Username: Dakar
Nickname: None.
About how often do you get online?: Eh, every day for about 6-7 hours I'd say.
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: Azrael, because he's my first Coatl.
Which Flight do you like most and why?: I like Shadow, because when I read the description, it felt like it was describing me, and not the flight itself.
Rage || More rage || Ultimate rage
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 2,505
Posted: Wed, 20/05/2015 04:29 (9 Years ago)
Hi, are you new to flightrising?
If yes, then I,as the second founder of this club, give you my sincere welcome <3
This post will be full of useful links and tips to help new(or old) fr players!

Important rules and guidelines
To start off our tour, first you might want to check these pages thoroughly
forum code of conduct
general FAQ
terms of use
rules and guidelines

Site activities
next, here are guides to help you with many of the activities on flightrising!
guide to flights
chest locations and contents
dragon bio resources
coliseum drop frequencies
coliseum loot and monsters
coliseum leveling and exalting guide
bbcode guide(READ IT ,yes its bbcode like ph, but its a bit different
baldwins bubbling visual guide
familiar bonding
fr tools for decoration

sites that will help make your life easier
now, here are some third party trustable sites that can make life much easier!!
fr drag calculator
flightrising item database
flightrising wiki
breeding cards
and a more in-depth newbie guide!!

I do hope you enjoy your stay in flightrising, and once again, welcome to flightrising <3!!!
whenever im posting as the admin/mod i post in red

for more depth on me, here's my staff post I guess 'v'
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Hi! You may know me as kit, and I'm the one who came up with the idea for this club along with Betta! I'm still pretty new at forums and such, but if you've got any questions about flightrising, feel free to palpad or pm me <3 I don't bite!
I also occasionally post my adoptable bases im trying out here, so maybe watch out for a chance for free! art! Bye for now 'v'<3



Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 561
Posted: Wed, 20/05/2015 04:31 (9 Years ago)
Username:Mawilemaster[Mawilemaster2002 there]
Nickname :Mawile
About how often do you get online?:daily
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?:DragonicOverlord
Which Flight do you like most and why?:Shadow and because its my favourite
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 1,208
Posted: Wed, 20/05/2015 04:33 (9 Years ago)
Username: Kiyomii
Nickname (if you have one and prefer to be called by this way) : Kiyo/Ima
About how often do you get online?: Everyday XP
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: Misca <3
Which Flight do you like most and why?: Wind, cuz I personalty like the wind ouo

Lemme be a Co-Leader //shot XP

Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 667
Posted: Wed, 20/05/2015 04:34 (9 Years ago)
Username: cinamomo(alphasapphire on FR)
Nickname (if you have one and prefer to be called by this way) : Amour
About how often do you get online?: Um, everyday :] If i didn't get online it's because i'm busy. ^^
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: My little princess Savannah. <3
Which Flight do you like most and why?: Lightning, because Electric is my 2nd favorite Pokemon Type tbh. '^^

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Savannah :3
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Wed, 20/05/2015 04:42 (9 Years ago)
Username:Tamashi (Kuraidesu on fr).
Nickname (if you have one and prefer to be called by this way) :
About how often do you get online?:everyday if i can.
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?:well i only have two so cloudsfall.
Which Flight do you like most and why?:shadow because it relates back to a old rp i was in.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Wed, 20/05/2015 04:43 (9 Years ago)
Username: Feuerstern-Raika (ApertureTanaka on FR)
Nickname (if you have one and prefer to be called by this way) : Raika or Tanaka is enough
About how often do you get online?: twice a day
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?:Let me introduce... (Portal-)Kantaira!
Which Flight do you like most and why?: I like Lightning, due to the Electric resemblemce, but I chose Arcane, because it sounds better and reminds me of the Psychic-type.
My feign ran out. Now it's time to reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my kindess.

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Dead Ringer: Cloak Type: Feign Death
Leave a fake corpse on taking damage

Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 1,237
Posted: Wed, 20/05/2015 05:14 (9 Years ago)
current club owner

Username: Twin
Nickname: Twin or Levi
About how often do you get online?: eh I just joined, so that will be determined as I get used to the site, but probably everyday when I can manage.
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?:

Monet !! My dragonified pokesona
Which Flight do you like most and why?: Water, because water dragons are so pretty <3

Art :
The thread moves so fest so I'm posting links to all the art I post here

Skydancer busts:

click for art shop :]
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 874
Posted: Wed, 20/05/2015 05:39 (9 Years ago)
Username: InfinityPlaysPokemon
Nickname (if you have one and prefer to be called by this way) : Infinity
About how often do you get online?: Everyday (unless my parents don't let me :b)
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: Techno bby

Which Flight do you like most and why?: Electric, I've always loved Electric types, whether it's Pokèmon, or something else owo
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 172
Posted: Wed, 20/05/2015 08:57 (9 Years ago)
Username: Aya_Drevis (AyaCakeChan on FR)
Nickname (if you have one and prefer to be called by this way) : Aya or Trish ^^
About how often do you get online?: Mostly 6-14 hours a day (and less when there's school Dx)
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: I have two actually xD But my real fav is Glacia <3
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Glacia <3

Nighty <3

Which Flight do you like most and why?: Shadow <3 It kinda represents me because I like alone and hidden most of the time >u< And I really like dark colours >u<
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 381
Posted: Wed, 20/05/2015 13:20 (9 Years ago)
Apologies for the lateness apparently, sleep exists :'D but besides that, everyone who has posted their forms so far has been accepted into this club!~ ♥ (And I have to admit that all of you have very pretty dragons ouo )
So welcome to the club!! ♥♥

Annnnd to start a topic, because awesome looking dragons :'> who else adores Imperial dragons~? :> ♥

Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 1,222
Posted: Wed, 20/05/2015 13:32 (9 Years ago)
Meh, I personally think Imperials are really awesome, but the race that takes up my heart are Coatls <3
Rage || More rage || Ultimate rage
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 172
Posted: Wed, 20/05/2015 14:45 (9 Years ago)
I really like Imperials <3 But I only have 2 ;u; but I like coatls better <3
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 1,501
Posted: Wed, 20/05/2015 15:00 (9 Years ago)
Username:CuteGhostGem (My Nickname Is Mu Username On FR)
Nickname (if you have one and prefer to be called by this way) :GhostGem
About how often do you get online?:A Lot. I Am Only Off When I Am Grounded,Going Somewhere Or if it is Sunday(Witch i am only off for a few hours)
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?:IcyWind (Yes. Yes i did name her after a Pokemon move)
Which Flight do you like most and why?:Ice because of 3 things. 1 I love Ice Dragons a lot. 2 I collect stuff and it says the Ice Flight are collectors. 3 The land for the Ice Flight looks so cool.
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Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido Hype~!

~Sprites Made By CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen~
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 2,505
Posted: Wed, 20/05/2015 16:12 (9 Years ago)
Yes Coatls are adorababs

Their little tongue and all <333333

Also welcome to the club people :>



Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 1,501
Posted: Wed, 20/05/2015 16:17 (9 Years ago)
Thank you. I am still getting use to FR. I strangely cant play the games on it for vary long.
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Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido Hype~!

~Sprites Made By CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen~
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 381
Posted: Wed, 20/05/2015 17:08 (9 Years ago)
I have to agree, Coatls are super flooffy and adorable ;u;;; When I wanted to find a white dragon for my lair, I came across a random thread on the FR forums with somebody looking for a white dragon as well, and what did I find? Somebody managed to find and offer to buy

that cutie for them, but the person searching for a white dragon already got what they wanted, so I had to sell so many things to be able to afford it and make sure I'd get it on time from the Auction House even though it wasn't that expensive :'D <3333
But enough of my irrelevance - I would love to have a Coatl dragon in reality to cuddle with :"D
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 172
Posted: Wed, 20/05/2015 17:22 (9 Years ago)
How about I breed you some? >w< I'm planning to breed Stone and Syrus in around 6 days ^^ I can give you a coatl hatchling if you want ^^ Or I can give you an extra cute Coatl when I get another one *w*
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 1,237
Posted: Wed, 20/05/2015 21:34 (9 Years ago)
Just bought a coatl from the auction house.

click for art shop :]