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Posted: Fri, 06/11/2020 09:17 (4 Years ago)

after finding the egg through granny-distraction, it seems to work fine again

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Posted: Fri, 06/11/2020 06:14 (4 Years ago)
So I have (now) noticed, there is a slight bug with the granny-upgrade and the recent update of the tall grass.

I have searched for feebas during the last days and narrowed it down to one single location. Then someone else took the last egg from the grass, which is not a problem, because the hunt continues automatically.
Now there has been some new eggs and the granny-upgrade still showed me only that one last location from last time. but when I clicked there, it said "the egg should not be far away" (obviously the position has changed, but the granny-upgrade doesn´t notice) and now after waiting the next 15min, the complete grass is greyed out.

If the tall grass decides to give the new egg a new location, probably the granny-upgrade should notice :)

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Posted: Thu, 07/03/2019 17:54 (5 Years ago)

Title: #BobsBagonBargain

I still have 450 Mr. Bagons and evos from my shiny megahunt which I´m looking to get sell for 5k pd eachand for this reason I´ve numbered all of them. But wait, there´s more:

END: 450 Bagon-events sold OR 30.04.2019, whichever happens first.

If I sell enough bagons from this box, I will give something away at the end. The prizes are:
200 Bagon-Events sold: megable lord salamence
450 Bagon-Events sold: additionally a shiny mr.bagon evoline

But how do you get tickets? It´s simple, you have to offer another pokemon on the trade in the GTS. This pokemon is replacing the event you recieve in the bagon-box. At the end of the Sale, I will pick a random pokemon and the ORIGINAL TRAINER of the pokemon gets the prize.
So you can buy tickets for yourself (make sure YOU are the OT of the pokemon you offer along with the 5k pd) or for another user (you need a pokemon with their OT). The number of tickets per person is not limited.
If you want one or more tickets, just set up a private trade with the pokemon and 5k pd for each event you want. Make sure you include the number of the event you would like in the comment of the trade!

Spreading the awareness of this Sale by sharing #BobsBagonBargain is also appreciated!

One last thing, please let me know (via poll on my userpage) if you like this kind of raffle (whether or not you participated) and if you have any improvement-ideas, my palpad/igm is always open.

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Posted: Thu, 07/03/2019 06:49 (5 Years ago)
Usernames of the contest holder(s): Gottesbob
Time period/overall goal of contest: 30.04.2019 or if reached before 450 tickets sold
Link to contest thread/post*: https://pokeheroes.com/forum_thread.php?id=74995

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Posted: Tue, 19/02/2019 16:17 (5 Years ago)
Which pokemon evolves at level 20?

Tyrouge, nincada and I forgot the third one?

Nincada and Tyrouge both evolve at level 20, but there are special circumstances to tyrouges evolution (about which pokemon it evolves into).
So I picked tyrouge but it was wrong. My request now is to eighter not show it at all in combination with this question or let it be a correct answer please, because being kicked out of the tunnel for a correct answer is quitee infuriating, should it happen on a higher level.


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Posted: Fri, 25/01/2019 08:06 (6 Years ago)
the trade pictures aren´t visible anymore, can that be fixed?

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Posted: Mon, 21/01/2019 13:43 (6 Years ago)
So I noticed the last few days, that some people flood the GTS with several times the same trade, which makes it quite annoying to scroll past, sometimes you have to go through several pages of just the same trade.
Also I haven´t seen this suggested with an answer in the past year or so, so I´ll start it.

Maybe it would work to have an option "create this trade several times", so for example you want to sell some dragon gems for pd, that doesn´t work at the gem exchange, neighter does it in the auction house. So instead you could go to the GTS, "Set up a new trade", select one dragon gem and state you´d like 50k pd for it. Additionally you add the option "create this trade several times", enter 30 and in one trade you would have the option to offer on a dragon gem 50 times without it taking up two and a half pages of GTS-trades.
This would work without any further thought for items, pokemon are a little different, because there is differences between them. But you could also set up a trade and create it several times, choosing the pokemon that are put up for it. Those might have to be same species as well as coloring and megability (shiny or non-shiny, megable or not).

Anyway, this would make setting up several equivalent trades a lot easier as well as keeping the amount of trades cleaner.

Thanks for your consideration

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Posted: Mon, 03/09/2018 12:58 (6 Years ago)
Have you ever lost a pokemon? wanted to store one of your favorites and afterwards couldn´t find it anymore because you accidently clicked on the wrong box without noticing?

I propose a solution to this:
on the pokemons profile page there is a small button "find pokemon" and it tells you where the pokemon currently is in a small popup. Bonus would be if it added if and how the pokemon is busy at the moment (rumbling, honeycombs etc.)

just to clarify, you usually find the pokemon page over your profile page because most people publish their favorites there

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Posted: Tue, 07/08/2018 08:25 (6 Years ago)
resuts are coming and will be anounced in the first post

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Posted: Wed, 01/08/2018 11:14 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 15/07/2018 20:28 (6 Years ago)
So it has happened more than ten times in the last days, that I´m trying to fill my Egg-storage with close-to-hatching eggs and one of those eggs got on index. I still put it in Egg-storage and it kept blocking the index page.

Not too long ago that was changed somewhat, before when you interacted on index with an egg in egg storage it just wouldn´t accept that inteeraction, now it DOES interact but doesn´t get any EHP anymore. Still there´s one egg close to hatching blocking the index page.

I suggest to put a new egg up, should the egg from index get moved to storage during that time

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Posted: Wed, 16/05/2018 19:53 (6 Years ago)
This suggestion sounds really nice, but no support.

This would make things way too easy, the fountain is good the way it is

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Posted: Tue, 15/05/2018 14:08 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 10/05/2018 13:43 (6 Years ago)
Username: Gottesbob
Payment: 200 Grass Gems and 200 Poison Gems
Total Number of Tickets: 400

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Posted: Mon, 16/04/2018 20:25 (6 Years ago)
same as argentis

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2018 12:21 (6 Years ago)
Numbers assigned to:
01. heha192
02. MoltenSodiumChloride
03. Gottesbob
04. Gottesbob
05. Kaiy
06. Gottesbob
07. Gottesbob
08. Gottesbob
09. Gottesbob
10. Gottesbob
11. Gottesbob
12. Gottesbob
13. Gottesbob

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2018 10:31 (6 Years ago)
Usernames of the contest holder(s): Gottesbob
Time period/overall goal of contest: 12 tickets for 80k pd each sold
Link to contest thread/post*: here

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2018 10:31 (6 Years ago)
UPDATE! I´m adding one more slot and will throw in a megable mr. bagon. ALSO this will end sunday 23:59:59 server time. I will then fill up all the slots not taken with my own name.
Additionally you can now purchase up to 4 slots per person!

I want to raffle off some megable pokemon, the exact ones being Beedrill, Pidgeot, Haunter, Onix, Pinsir, ampharos, Aggron, sharpedo, Altaria, Salamence, garchomp and riolu.

For this matter I´ve decided to hold a raffle where you pick a number from 1 to 12 and once all numbers are taken each number will be assigned a random megable (so just because you picked number one doesn´t mean you´ll definately get the beedrill). For now just one ticket per person, this might increase i a while if the raffle doesn´t end.

So this raffle has exactly 12 tickets to give out for 12 prices:
Obviously this ends as soon as every ticket is bought.

For this reason tickets will be 80k pd each (calculated prices for the megables in the spoiler below), to get a slot in this raffle please palpad me, numbers will be shown in the post below this one.
Once you have a number assigned to you you will set up a private trade with one releasable pokemon and 80k pd and comment your assigned number on it. Once the raffle has ended, I will offer the random pokemon you´ve won on that trade for you to accept.
(Please note once you´ve made your choice of number, there is no backing out anymore, not accepting is a reportable offense, no matter if you´re happy with what you got or not. This is a lottery, so there is an element of luck involved!)
Show hidden content
all prices are in pd
Beedrill 50k
Pidgeot 60k
Haunter 50k
Onix 100k
Pinsir 180k
ampharos 100k
Aggron 180k
sharpedo 150k
Altaria 120k
Salamence 230k
garchomp 200k
riolu 120k
=> total of 1.55mil, an average of 129k pd for each megable

here´s the original list
Show hidden content
Lord Salamence

and here it is in random order with the numbers next to it
Show hidden content
1. Haunter
2. Salamence
3. garchomp
4. Beedrill
5. ampharos
6. sharpedo
7. Pinsir
8. Lord Salamence
9. Pidgeot
10. riolu
11. Altaria
12. Onix
13. Aggron

this means that haunter, salamence and ampharos have been won and are offered on the trades.

Thanks for your participation

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Posted: Wed, 07/02/2018 10:54 (6 Years ago)
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Posted: Tue, 30/01/2018 13:26 (7 Years ago)
Battle ID: 593
Log Counter: 7103

So my gyarados (for complete information purpose: the one I borrowed from oak for the weekly challenge) faced kyogre, both level 80, and after a few rounds I selected "attack" "flying" and it led me to the first choice again, so I had to select "attack" "flying" again, before it actually went through with the round.
The rest of the battle ran smoothly

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