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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Eggs
Posted: Tue, 11/03/2025 18:28 (8 Days ago)
This page https://wiki.pokeheroes.com/wiki/Daycare says that “The best chance to get an Event egg by breeding is to put two Event Pokémon of the same kind into the Daycare like two Catercream for example.” and “If you pair an Event Pokémon with its Non-Event counterpart - Catercream + Caterpie - the chance of getting an Event egg is lower than if both parents are Event Pokémon.” But it doesn’t address whether, for example, Catercream and Metacream would have the same chance as two Catercream, or whether Catercream and Metapod would have the same chance as Catercream and Caterpie.

I understand that the Pokémon having different dex numbers would mean that they wouldn’t produce Eggs as quickly, but I’m wondering if them being from the same evolution line would still give them the same ratio of Event Eggs to Non-Event Eggs. Would Catercream + Metacream have the same chance of each egg they produce being Catercream as two Catercream would? And would Catercream + Metapod have the same chance of each egg they produce being Catercream as Catercream + Caterpie would? Since there still wouldn’t be any chance of any Eggs that aren’t Catercream or Caterpie being produced, I don’t see why it would make a difference, but I’m still concerned because these types of pairings aren’t addressed in the article.

Also, would Catercream + Ditto be the same as Catercream + Caterpie and/or Catercream + Metapod, since that pairing also wouldn’t have any chance of producing any Eggs that aren’t Catercream or Caterpie, although Ditto isn’t from the same evolution line as the Event Pokémon or its Non-Event counterpart?

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Posted: Tue, 11/03/2025 12:41 (8 Days ago)

Title: Milestones and goals

Zygarde Quest:
Show hidden content
21/ 130x Dragon
31/ 130x Fairy
✅ 100x Ground
✅ 100x Normal
✅ 70x Ice
✅ 70x Electric
✅ 70x Steel
✅ 40x Fire
✅ 40x Poison
✅ 40x Bug
✅ 40x Dark
✅ 10x Fighting
✅ 10x Flying
✅ 10x Rock
✅ 10x Ghost
✅ 10x Psychic

Kalos Eggs
Show hidden content
21/ 150x Dragon gems
✅ 75x Fire gems
✅ 75x Ground gems
75x Bug gems
✅ 75x Rock gems
✅ 75x Normal gems
75x Steel gems

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Posted: Mon, 10/03/2025 10:37 (9 Days ago)
Get lots money and buy eevee and starters from auction :D
(Also hatch lots Eggs for dex entry)

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Posted: Sun, 09/03/2025 19:44 (10 Days ago)
I know, but even legendaries can get a lucky break and give you several Eggs in a day, before hitting a dry spot. The fact you got quite some Eggs in a short(ish) amount of time does not mean that being unlucky for 2 days is a bug.

Despire what it "feels" like, fact remains that Minior (meteor) is clasified as an event. Maybe one with boosted odds (like Mr. & Van Bagon), but still an Event, with periods without Eggs.

Sometimes lady luck just doesn't feel like helping.

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Posted: Sun, 09/03/2025 19:41 (10 Days ago)
I’ve gotten 113 Minior (Meteor) Eggs (+ 4 cores) in a month; average rate of 4 Eggs per day. While Minior (Meteor) has the ‘Event’ rarity, there is no way that it has the same breeding rate as a regular Event. Like I said earlier, it is closer to the breeding rate of ‘Special’ rarity Pokémon. (Yes, Minior ([Colour] Core) behave like an event - where most Eggs are Meteor, and only few are Core - but I’m talking about the base form, Minior (Meteor) here)

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Posted: Sun, 09/03/2025 17:13 (10 Days ago)
I’m pretty sure Minior (Meteor) has the same breeding rate as the Special rarity, as I usually get 3-6 Eggs per day. Minior (Core) breeds like an event. It could be that I was just unlucky, which is believable for a 24 hour period, but not for 48 hours.

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Posted: Sun, 09/03/2025 14:59 (10 Days ago)

Legendary Spriting Contest

Important news, everyone!

We have discovered a lot of new Pokémon throughout the years, but it seems like the new Pokémon lurking around is from a completely different league. There don't seem to be that many of them and they all seem to have a presence to them, demanding our attention.

If you're lucky, you might've caught a glimpse of it, but no one seems to have a complete picture of it.

Maybe you guys have? If you have, please tell us everything you know! What legendary Pokémon came to Emera Town?

So. . . what exactly do you need to do? I pretend to hear you thinking
Create your own Legendary Event sprite!

Reward Time
As with all contests, there's something in it for everyone who joins. If you're the winner, not only is your event legendary going to be part of a site-wide event distribution, you'll also get a shiny of that event legendary as a prize!

There will only be 1 winning entry.

If you join, but don't win, as always there'll be a consolation prize as a thank you for joining (:

Sprite Requirements
!! Your sprite must NOT have been published elsewhere, anywhere. Only new and original sprites are allowed !!

Sprite Size: The size of the canvas you use should be 96 x 96 px . The sprite itself doesn't need to be that size, but please fill in the needed space with transparent pixels.

Sprite design: You are free to choose any legendary Pokémon as a base for your sprite. Whether you include an event for existing evolutions, is up to you.

Do not include new evolutions.
Do not include events for others in a duo/trio (if you pick one of those).
If you do, you entry will be disqualified.

Also keep in mind we're looking for a new legendary event, so using a legendary that already has an event equivalent will lower your chances at winning.

Legendaries that already have an event
Show hidden content
Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia, Latias, Latios, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Dialga, Heatran, Cresselia, Victini, Diancie, Calyrex

Legendaries that don't have an event yet
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Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Ho-Oh, Celebi, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Kyogre, Groudon, Deoxys, Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Palkia, Regigigas, Giratina, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Tornadus, Thundurus, Reshiram, Zekrom, Landorus, Kyurem, Keldeo, Meloetta, Genesect, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, Hoopa, Volcanion, Type:Null, Silvally, Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, Tapu Fini, Cosmog, Cosmeom, Solgaleo, Lunala, Nihilego, Buzzwole, Pheromosa, Xurkitree, Celesteela, Kartana, Guzzlord, Necrozma, Magearna, Marshadow, Poipole, Naganadel, Stakataka, Blacephalon, Zeraora, Meltan, Melmetal, Zacian, Zamazenta, Eternatus, Kubfu, Urshifu, Zarude, Regieleki, Regidrago, Glastrier, Spectrier, Enamorus, Wo-Chien, Chien-Pao, Ting-Lu, Chi-Yu, Koraidon, Miraidon, Okidogi, Munkidori, Fezandipiti, Ogerpon, Terapagos, Pecharunt

But, most importantly, have fun!

Obtaining: You are allowed to suggest a way to obtain* your event-pokémon. This is decided upon separately and will not affect your event-submission. It's possible for your event to win, but still be obtained differently.

Copyright: The sprite has to be done completely by you. You are not allowed to include (parts of) sprites from other artists, excluding official sprites, which can be used as a base. Previous sprites can also not be submitted. You are NOT allowed to publish your sprite anywhere during the contest and event time.

* example: "Collect 10 Ice Cream Cornets on Rumble Missions"

How to enter
Please use the following form and send it through PM to CatLady. If you post your event in this thread, it will be disqualified.

[b]Event name: [/b]
[b](Optional) Event description: [/b][that little text you can read on the Wondercards]
[b]PokéDex Entries: [/b]
[b]Type(s): [/b]
[b]Event sprites: [/b]
-Egg sprite
-Normal line
-Shiny line
[b](Optional) Evolution method: [/b]
[b](Optional) How to obtain this Event: [/b]

Your entry should look something like this [with your own sprites]

QuoteEvent name: Seatran
(Optional) Event description: "Dive into the ocean and search for the legendary pokémon, Seatran."
PokéDex Entries: Seatran: Its body is made of rugged steel. It lives deep down in the ocean.
Event sprites:
-Egg sprite

-Normal line

-Shiny line

(Optional) Evolution method: Seatran doesn't evolve
(Optional) How to obtain this Event: Win 500 Hangman

Due to this being a Spriting Contest for a legendary event, only 1 event legendary submission will win.

Please submit your finished sprite(s) through PM only

The deadline is April 4th, 23:59
The winner will be chosen by us, the staff, based on quality.

Please keep SPAM posts out of this thread (:

Most important of all, though, I hope you all HAVE FUN~

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Posted: Sun, 09/03/2025 03:21 (11 Days ago)
a few incorrect rewards listed in tall grass event
spoiled as the error is in the rewards spoiler on the wiki
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Orthworm rewards
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→ 40 returns: Increased shiny chance for Tadbulb from the Tall Grass during this event.
→ 50 returns: 100x Steel Gem (in the lab it says 50x steel gems, not 100)
→ 90 returns: Increased shiny chance for Tadbulb Eggs from the Tall Grass during this event.

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Posted: Sat, 08/03/2025 02:52 (12 Days ago)
Idk if this counts or no but who cares :/

Quote from Prof. RowanHey [Player]!
Thanks for helping me with the contest against Professor Oak! He became really depressed after I showed him my high levelled Pokémon. I have to admit that the way I won this contest wasn't exactly fair, but... Who bothers, right? You're one of my students, so you've got all of your skills from me! Which means - theoretically - I won the contest without your help.

*cough* However, I need to ask you for another favour. I recently ordered a bunch of Helioptile from the Gem Collector. Unfortunately, he got me Eggs instead of Pokémon and he doesn't want to hatch them for me. So will you help me and hatch them? I'll obviously give you a very nice reward!
Oh, and don't worry about breaking your chain if you're currently on a shiny hunt! I'll sprinkle some Anti-Radar powder over them which makes your PokéRadar not record them.

Will you help me?

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Posted: Thu, 06/03/2025 14:20 (13 Days ago)
He probably gets dumped all the Eggs his breeder friend doesn't want. He ran out of egg space, the auction doesn't accept Eggs, and now he has to dump them somewhere, and we conveniently had a few spots empty.

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Posted: Wed, 05/03/2025 20:56 (14 Days ago)
As I mentioned, I asked Riako and he confirmed this is not a bug. Any Orthworm Eggs from the Tall Grass will count for your chain. (if you started an Orthworm chain through DayCare/Gem Collector first).

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Posted: Wed, 05/03/2025 16:16 (14 Days ago)


A shiny Nidoran (f) hatched out of one of your Eggs (Chain #104)!

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Posted: Wed, 05/03/2025 11:37 (14 Days ago)
By PokéRadar - 1 Hour and 57 Minutes ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Dunsparce hatched out of one of your Eggs (Chain #107)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.

Obtained :

oh hey!

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Posted: Wed, 05/03/2025 07:34 (14 Days ago)

Title: PokéRadar

Congratulations! A shiny Absol hatched out of one of your Eggs (Chain #43)!

Hatched with a mega-able right next to it. xD

Congratulations! A shiny Absol hatched out of one of your Eggs (Chain #72)!

Congratulations! A shiny Absol hatched out of one of your Eggs (Chain #96)!

Congratulations! A shiny Absol hatched out of one of your Eggs (Chain #104)!

Congratulations! A shiny Absol hatched out of one of your Eggs (Chain #107)!

Congratulations! A shiny Absol hatched out of one of your Eggs (Chain #123)!

Mega-able in the same party again.

Congratulations! A shiny Absol hatched out of one of your Eggs (Chain #143)!

Mega-able next to it again.

Congratulations! A shiny Absol hatched out of one of your Eggs (Chain #150)!

Congratulations! A shiny Absol hatched out of one of your Eggs (Chain #180)!

Hatched yet again with a mega-able right next to it.

Congratulations! A shiny Absol hatched out of one of your Eggs (Chain #304)!

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Posted: Wed, 05/03/2025 01:32 (15 Days ago)
Also on past tall grass events (example scavenger hunt), It was said that the Eggs wont break your chain, but if you are already hunting the requested pokemon it will count

Quote from Scavenger huntEggs of those Pokémon species will not count towards your PokéRadar during this event if they are adopted from the Tall Grass.
Exeption: If you are hunting one of those before the event started or if your PokéRadar is running without a recorded species yet it will count.

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Posted: Tue, 04/03/2025 20:39 (15 Days ago)

Hunting: Wurmple

Hunt started: 04/03/2024 -- Hunt ended: 11/03/2024
Total hatched: 130 -- Shiny Chance: 2.75 %

_ _ _ _





A shiny hatched out of one of your Eggs!

#43 - #62 - #76 - #85 - #115 - #117

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Posted: Tue, 04/03/2025 17:07 (15 Days ago)

Title: Diary 9

I've hatched about fifteen (plus) Riolus in the course of half a month. There was an unusually high amount of Riolu Eggs i the wild yesterday and the early morning. A whopping total of five and yet? None of them produced the one I wanted...again...I wait.

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Posted: Tue, 04/03/2025 10:21 (15 Days ago)
I guess it's because the Orthworm Eggs obtained from Tall Grass still count for the chain, despite not breaking it. Would recommend to check if hatching an Orthworm egg increases the chain number to confirm that.

I'm unsure if it happened with Tadbulb event too, but it should have if that's the case.

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Posted: Tue, 04/03/2025 09:15 (15 Days ago)
He is not shiny hunting
Quote from Prof. RowanHey my friend! How are you?
I've heard that shiny hunting is getting more and more popular. And I have to admit, collecting data about special colored Pokémon sounds very interesting. Have you bought your own PokéRadar already?
I'm not sure if I can help you with hatching shiny Pokémon, since I've heard that you have to hatch the same species very often - but still I'd highly appreciate your visit from time to time! I've never told you before, but it's always a fresh feeling to see you; such a motivated and gifted trainer. You remind me of myself when I was young.

That means that he is likely not shiny hunting.

Another fact that refutes your theory is that hatching different pokemon will break your chain. The fact that Prof. Rowan is giving out Eggs from different species of pokemons clearly denies the theory that he is shiny hunting :]

My theory is that Prof. Rowan gives us free Eggs is to do some research on the pokemon that we hatch. The fact that he got didn't expect us to "help him" hatch lots pokemon is also written in some of his dialogue in the lab.

But all of this is just some theory. Maybe we should ask the devs abt this?

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Posted: Tue, 04/03/2025 07:30 (15 Days ago)
Apparently his friend is a Pokemon breeder, if I remember correctly. Perhaps he's shiny hunting?

Or maybe he has too many Eggs, who knows.

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