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Trainerlevel: 61

Trainerpoints: 9,465/11,223


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Scatterbug30 / 37
Rookidee20 / 48
Mantyke15 / 10
Cottonee14 / 8
Gastly28 / 48


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CheckYesJennifer 10 Days ago
Darkdragonbz80 13 Days ago
Pixer 14 Days ago
Feena 22 Days ago

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LALVOE hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #16943629
Registration: 20/05/2022 (2 Years ago)
Game Time: 1884:06 Hours
Total interactions: 2,048,048
Money: 3,929,851
Starter Pokémon: Empoleon


I wish the Ultra Sun Pokédex was like the one on this site so I could see how many Own Tempo Rockruff I’ve hatched.
1 Day ago
I got a Dusk Lycanroc from the GTS in Ultra Sun three years ago, and I decided today to do my first egg shiny hunt to try to get a shiny one. I didn’t realize the crazy amount of research I’d have to do to figure out the best way to do this, and I still have a lot of doubts, but I guess I’m going to be spending some time on this hunt every day for the foreseeable future. I hope I won’t run out of the Rotom Power that speeds up egg hatching.
5 Days ago
I just got some cream cheese spread out of the freezer and then saw that it says “DO NOT FREEZE” on it. Currently waiting for it to thaw so I can find out if it’s going to be a disaster. I was really looking forward to putting it on bagels.
8 Days ago
I wish there was a way to find people from specific countries who want to talk to people from where you’re from. Like, for example, an Icelander who wanted to talk to someone from New Zealand would be able to go to a website and be matched with someone from New Zealand who wants to talk to an Icelander, and then they can exchange messages with each other.

Being part of a diaspora makes me want to connect with people from other countries who are also part of the diaspora as well as people from our ancestral homeland whose ancestors never left. I feel an urge to somehow close the gap between us.
11 Days ago
Good news! Breton and Manx have been added to Google Translate! Now, the majority of the living Celtic languages—Breton, Irish, Manx, Scottish Gaelic, and Welsh—can be easily translated. I hope that the only other one—Cornish, which is the closest relative of Breton but has a very different history—will eventually be added, too.
27 Days ago
Until recently, I’d never started a new game on a Pokémon game I owned more than once, because I was never willing to erase my save data. And I still won’t ever do that with most games, because all of them are either games I started when I was a very young child with save files that are fundamental parts of my past that I want to preserve or games that I’ve invested enough time and effort in to collect a lot of rare Pokémon that I might not be able to get again in them, except for one: X.

I’m on my third leisurely playthrough of X right now, and I’m actually hoping that I won’t encounter any shinies because I don’t want to have to erase them or be unable to start a new game again, because I don’t have any way to transfer them to another game.
27 Days ago
Yesterday was the first day I haven’t checked this site since I joined over two years ago. I don’t really know why or what happened.
29 Days ago
Birds are so underrated.
1 Month ago
I really don’t have any faith in family trees at all. I recently found out that my grandmother has an Ancestry account, and, today, I decided to try to trace a particular line of her supposed ancestors with it, and not one person I looked at didn’t have a bunch of conflicting information about everything about them listed by different people. It’s all just guessing and assuming based on things that could never be verified unless someone dug up the bones and did a DNA test.
1 Month ago
Spiders have been popping up all over my house :(

They have no consideration for my arachnophobia.
1 Month ago
Interesting thing I just realized: In Welsh, “ni” means “us”, but, in Swedish, “ni” means “y’all”. So both refer to groups of people, but they mean the opposite depending on which language you’re speaking. The languages are distantly related, so maybe there’s some connection there.
1 Month ago
Another tornado watch. I’m so tired of this.
2 Months ago
I still haven’t figured out the best EV distribution for Jolly Midnight Lycanroc. I’ll probably just let it collect whatever it collects. I wish there was an item to just prevent it from getting any Special Attack EVs, though.
2 Months ago
I don’t play many video games, so I’ve always wondered if Pokémon music is as special as it seems to me to be or if it’s normal video game music.
2 Months ago
Were the main series Pokémon games the only games for the GB, GBC, or GBA that had special colors instead of being just plain grey? To this day, I’ve never seen a non-Pokémon game that had a special-colored cartridge. I appreciate that special treatment they got—I think it makes the games themselves feel really special, and maybe actually did a lot to help Pokémon get to where it is today (the most successful franchise of all time). It sounds silly, but it’s (sadly) true that the way something is presented has more of an effect on how it’s received than what it actually is.

Anyway, even with all their flaws, I’m glad that the Pokémon games were presented to me as the most special games at a very early age and that I’ve always been able to have them with me. The impression that they made on me and my own decision to let them remain something special and set apart from everything else in my mind have allowed me to keep getting some sense of magic from them, and that’s really helpful.
2 Months ago
I really want to do right by my shiny Jolly Midnight Lycanroc with its EV-training. I still have no idea what I should do, though.
2 Months ago
I’ve finally managed to catch a shiny Rockruff in Ultra Moon so that it’ll evolve into my dream shiny: Shiny Midnight Lycanroc.

I’m going to EV-train it, but I don’t know how I should. Does anyone have any recommendations for EV distributions on a Jolly Midnight Lycanroc?
2 Months ago
Another tornado watch. These things put me on edge so badly.
2 Months ago
The Ultra Wormhole is honestly ridiculous. I just encountered two shinies back-to-back. I’ve caught twenty shinies over the last two weeks just playing for maybe half an hour per day. There’s a very limited selection of Pokémon, though, so seven of them are duplicates. I don’t know if this is a typical experience or if I’m just the Master of the Wormhole for some reason.
2 Months ago
Well, something weird happened on Duolingo today. I was about to be 60% of the way through the course—about to finish my 33rd unit out of 55—but now it’s saying I’m on my 65th unit.

There’s this site I bookmarked a while back that has Duolingo course data, and there has always been data for two different Swedish courses listed, and it’s frequently updated and says that it’s been updated today, but it has the same info for both Swedish courses that it’s always had.

I guess I must’ve been switched from the 55-unit course to the 97-unit course. I don’t know why, though.

The units appear to be about half of their previous length. Which isn’t weird. But what is weird is that I guess I’m now over 66% of the way through the course. So, I guess the whole course is shorter now.

Is there any way to get it back how it was? I didn’t change anything myself. And should I be glad or disappointed that it changed? I hope there isn’t actually less in it now.
2 Months ago


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