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Poison Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 57

Trainerpoints: 7,826/9,803


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Gosth Jr.
3,28317,672,732 / 38,714,535
Luvdisc213 / 15
Swinub23 / 24
Espurr215 / 19

About me

Visitors fee :P

Hi, I'm Gosth and I love Ghost types, I like shiny hunting and my favorite method is pokeradar, is hard but soo fun. My favorite Pokemon is gengar and I like white shinyes (only were it works), the first Pokemon game I got was Pokemon x and my starter was fennekin. I like cooking
I want to be a great poketuber but I don't even have a computer...
I live on BC Mexico, and no, is not all desert like in the.
Art and avatar made by AlienSnowflake

My palpad is always open, please dont use PM, the icon scares me :/
Trainer ID

Special mons

Gosth gang

Jelly man

First shiny Legendary

First on site

Shortest shadow chain

The Shadow Nidoking has been caught succesfully! Chain 2
First shiny

First Shiny event

First Shiny Dynamax and maybe first on site

Fastest shiny

First Emera Beach Shiny

First mega


First event

First mon stolen from greg

First Shiny stolen from greg

First premium shiny

First 50 chain Shiny

First Full odds shiny

Sprite collection

Made by -sans-

Made by Jcxtian

Made by Nightsky

Made by Jcxtian

Made by Icefox

Made by TheFancyOwl~

Made by Sparks


Sprite workshop
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Menxi 6 Days ago
Menxi 6 Days ago
Menxi 6 Days ago
Menxi 6 Days ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Game Records

Trainer ID: #310966265
Registration: 08/07/2018 (6 Years ago)
Time Played: 2295:56 Hours
Total interactions: 763,731
Money: 105,949
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


Yay... a 10 ehp MEDIUM egg
Yesterday, 16:27
Why you can't use an awakening or a chesto berry to awaken a sleeping snorlax?
2 Days ago
Khekhe, you won 1x Old Vinyl!

Yay! 74 more to go!
3 Days ago
You have reached 106 Points!
Now you can either claim a Bug Pokémon Egg or try again at the Minigame.

And the best they could give me was ilumise and volbeat 🙄
10 Days ago
Puts water to boil, grabs cup noodles, turns pitcher off, opens cup noodle, closes them, goes to bedroom, opens netflix, puts a movie, waits 5 minutes, opens noodles, gets disapointed by my own intelligence
13 Days ago
One of your eggs hatched into a Riako!
15 Days ago
"Me: researchs about charles darwin because curiosity"
Google: best i can do is the amazing world of gumball
16 Days ago
Pokejesus obtained
20 Days ago
Gengar defeated Zapdos (Galarian)!
Zapdos (Galarian) escaped, but left a rare item.
Your Pokémon put it into the Explorer Bag and embarked on the way back.
21 Days ago
Area: Galar (Level 73)
Mission started: 15 Hours ago
Collected money: 450
Explorer Bag: 3 Items

Oop legendary smash!
21 Days ago
When I arrive home gotta grind for manaphy at game center haha
21 Days ago
At wich lecel piloswine evolved?
22 Days ago
Someone has a johtonian sneasel to sale?
22 Days ago
Got a warning for clocking off my break no jk 5 seconds earlier
22 Days ago
Pokegods said yes, and gave me a glameow egg
22 Days ago
Could the purrugly i havd on daycare give an egg before gping to sleep that way i can put a bronzor on daycare?
22 Days ago
Look! A wild Wurmple () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
Quantity: 26 Quantity: 22 Quantity: 104

Scare away
22 Days ago
Question: When breeding burmy on daycare, is the form random or it depends on the parents
23 Days ago
So ive discovered some crazy things

Croagunk only takes 2k ehp points to hatch
Hapiny takes 10k
23 Days ago
Is there a way to check information like how many pokemon youve caught from the honey tree or eggs adopted from tall grass
23 Days ago


Last Visitors

KimChayVegasPeteToday, 01:18
Purple_GuyYesterday, 16:31
GOTOYesterday, 14:34
MysticSunsetVTMon, 10/Feb/2025, 19:22
Espy2015Sun, 09/Feb/2025, 19:04

Gosth is crazy!

Live Gem countObviously not stolen
Hello, i love gem hunting so i will keep track here of the gems i have, currently im not searching any especific gem
2,388 Bug Gems 2,091 Water Gems 2,256 Electric Gems
1,144 Dark Gems 2,994 Fighting Gems 803 Fire Gems
2,159 Flying Gems 2,792 Ghost Gems 2,884 Grass Gems
698 Ice gems 2,338 Ground Gems 651 Psychic Gems
2,302 Normal Gems 899 Steel Gems 23,524 Poison Gems
1 Dragon Gems 25,428 Rock Gems 217 Fairy Gems


Why did I block you?

I don't use the block list very often but if you are on my block list here are some possible answers to "why I block you?"

1. I am on your block list
2. You made me lose my time (example, asked me to breed a shiny just at the end not paying for it) with some exceptions
3. You made me feel harrashed
4. Being an entitled user (an user who believes that it deserves something by nothing) or a choosing begar (an user that demands something valuable for a low price or an user who is offered a free service (like
boiling) and getting angry for the result like getting a black box instead of the megastone)
5. Asking for a "free win" on one of my giveaways, or getting angry for loosing one
#. Visiting my profile and not sending me a gengar plushie Just joking

I am tolerable especially with newbies but if I get annoyed I will block you.