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No item

Level: 26
EXP: 439 /1,833

Health Points 80
Attack 58
Defense 40
Sp. Attack 40
Sp. Defense 44
Speed 46
Pokédex No. #913
Rarity Starter
Nature Lonely
Trainer RyantheGoofyTophatHATR
Origin. Trainer RyantheGoofyTophatHATR
Breeder RyantheGoofyTophatHATR
Obtained 1 Day and 22 Hours ago
Bred in the Daycare
Family Tree
Hatched 1 Day and 5 Hours ago


Quaxwell wants to train with you a bit!


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Marz_00, Glenlivet, rexou32, KitKat102, KnownBruh, Ashe012, ThCPro, WalkingOnSunshine, Maguro, TobiLikesToast, BobbaMan, MysteriousMe, tamla, GrimmeJunk, Keatah, Piplupfan6828, Bresrk, natjacker, Mirej, Blitzin, Menxi, Anya_Musume, Himari, MasterJeje, mimikboo, FireBlaze01, MeipandaQueen, Mooona, h0tsalsa, Queen_Mareep, DragonEmperor, Libbey, MorbidlyAnxiouss, Shiny, -Kim, DreamyDemon, GreenTaurus, BarnacleBoy, Free-Hugz, LukeShadow, AtlasCrow, magdral, Baklannich, EpicFailure, Boots, Ashikawa, arthurdx5, Oficial_Reed, Remi_Fox, Ashlie, OneShinyRobin, Shinekiara, Speed3Rman, TheGreatRoar, PotatoMan123, Nadgobus, Randolph4811, Thebookdevorador, Grenadelauncher123, cynda1, ShatteredDiamond, starbeat10, HyperBeam, AudibleLiquid.