Forum Thread
Event EP Buffs, Nerfs, and Reworks
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Event EP Buffs, Nerfs, and ReworksLet’s face it, some people eventually just get tired, and even strained from the massive amount of clicking required to complete or do many main objectives in pokeheroes. I’m trying to aim and solve this issue while not entirely removing the aspect of interaction we know and love!
For event distributions, I see a few potential changes for the methods of gaining EP:
Interacting: 700 EP (Lowered from 750)
Game Center: 100 EP (Raised from 50)
NEW: Gardening: 120 EP (Replaces Battling, 1 EP for every Berry you harvest at the Berrygarden)
NEW: Wild: 100 EP (Replaces rumbling, 2-10 EP for finding eggs in the wild, rarer eggs give more EP, 4 EP for catching a pokemon at the honeytree, 2 EP for every pokemon you adopt at the safari zone, still gives you 1 EP for every Item found while rumbling)
Social: 80 EP (Raised from 50, Now also gives 5 EP for making a trade at the GTS, available once an hour, gives 1 EP for every 150 PD spent at the Item market)
Other: 100 (You can now also get 5-10 EP for battling)
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
Otherwise, supporting this idea. Its quite a bummer how event distributions are just "interacting every hour" in disguise.
Maybe I could change Other form 200 to 100 to bring it back up to 700?
I think the biggest problem is that doing 250 interactions is so much easier than spending time at the game center or making forum posts. It all needs to be rebalanced to provide alternatives that don't require more effort for the same (or less) gain.
Maybe It could be raised to 10, but 40 would honestly be way to high.
(Also for gardening I'm not talking about feeding berries, I'm talking about harvesting them at the berrygarden)
By feeding 1-2 berries I mean interacting. You only need to feed 250 berries to get 750 points, so any alternatives need to be a) around the same level of effort as clicking 250 times, which they're currently not, or b) interacting/feeding needs to be nerfed (which lots of people won't be happy with).
It's also meant to replace the ones people don't use, like battling and give more to the ones that legitimately need a buff like rumble (since let's be fair who in their right mind does 5 minute rumbles? We all go for 6 or 12 don't even deny it 😂😂)
As for IM, it's kinda just a nice bonus if you were planning on buying something, it's not entirely meant to be every hour unless you absolutely want to
(Also I didn't know about the berry thing that sounds pretty useful
At that point it's basically just giving in XD
A three minute egg (which I assume is the least you can go without Egg Radar nugget upgrade) seems like the best choice for it with a 2 points for 3 minutes of waiting. For the highest waiting time egg to be worth as many points, it'd have to be 15 minutes, which I know it's not. This means you'd be able to get 20 easy eggs or 40 points at max, and that's assuming you'll get every single egg perfectly, meaning you have to hit a 1/9 chance right every time, 20 times in a row. If you have Egg Radar+, this would technically be 40 eggs or 80 points if you get all of them right, somehow. This goal is literally impossible due to the time it takes.
A bit of a rant, but I just felt like I need to say that no one would be able to do it.
I don't think they won't mind about garden since some people use gardening to get berries for interaction .