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blocking system/safety update

Forum-Index Suggestions blocking system/safety update
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Fri, 18/08/2023 19:40 (1 Year ago)
@pandabennington i agree with you on a lot of those points (sorry this is a bit late im a prettty slow typer and i wannted to make sure i articulate my thoughts in a way that makes sense dgfdjkh)

some things i wanna point out/add/bring perspective on:

im not sure how much of it falls on user error, i do my best to avoid userprofiles that have blocked me but it becomes difficult to keep track of when you have multiple people who have you blocked and you have to manually avoid them especially when theres no list to know who has you blocked you basically gotta make a list in your head on who to avoid and like stated earlier a lot of people block willy nilly so it can be hard to remember not to mention people blocking you that youve never spoken to
i feel this user errror can be avoided by just having a blocking system that works

another thing and why i think it be a good idea for people to have to sign in to view profiles is that if a user had been blocked they can just sign out and view your profile and avoid that aspect of the block

what i meant by people still veiwing contacts is that a lot of people put links and ways to find them in their about me and on their profile its self and rather than putting the responsiblity on the user to make sure to use the contact feature to keep unwanted people away, having the profile be only visible by someone signed in and unblocked seems like a better alternitive. when not signed in, the only real way to find a user your searching for is to search them in the userlist, its hard to not think of reasons on how that is being used nefariously
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 794
Posted: Fri, 18/08/2023 19:42 (1 Year ago)
Yeah, there should be a list that you can check which shows everyone you've blocked and the people who have blocked you.
Capitalism magalor
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Fri, 18/08/2023 19:44 (1 Year ago)
idk about that, maybe of users youve blocked but seeing a empty page that says "this person has blocked you" when you go to their profile should be fine for knowing you has you blocked
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 794
Posted: Fri, 18/08/2023 19:52 (1 Year ago)
yeah that can work too.
Capitalism magalor
Trainerlevel: 85

Forum Posts: 429
Posted: Fri, 18/08/2023 20:11 (1 Year ago)
I just thought of this and I'm not sure if it's possible or anyone has run into the issue?

But sending plushies to "completely random" users shouldn't include blocked users. (If it actually does.)
Trainerlevel: 101

Forum Posts: 8,480
Posted: Fri, 18/08/2023 20:44 (1 Year ago)
I'm not trying to stop the discussion (please continue, I'm sure this is very helpful for Riako 🙂 ), but I'd just like to address two things.

Quotesimply logging off to look at contact lists

The contact list is not visible if you're logged off, so this specifically isn't something that needs implementing with a new/improved blocking feature.

QuoteI think a ban appeal system would also be an improvement (if it doesnt exist already yet). Let perma banned users explain what happened the first time they get hit with a permaban and if mods find these reasons reasonable enough, they can give them a second chance.

This is unrelated to the suggestion of a new/improved block feature and is already a thing.
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Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 794
Posted: Fri, 18/08/2023 20:46 (1 Year ago)
Dannggg mod post noice
Capitalism magalor
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 266
Posted: Fri, 18/08/2023 20:53 (1 Year ago)
Good to see there's a ban appeal system! I wouldn't know since I have yet to be banned (and I hope to never do something that would warrant that).
I know it was slightly off topic but I wanted to include it in my little rant as I did not want to make a separate post about it. Hope that's alright. I won't derail with this any further.
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Trainerlevel: 85

Forum Posts: 429
Posted: Fri, 18/08/2023 20:54 (1 Year ago)
I already mentioned contacts aren't visible while in guest mode. Noticed a long time ago while interacting with my own Pokemon.

And that is a good thing to know since I still see so many users complaining they don't get to appeal.
Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 584
Posted: Sat, 19/08/2023 14:24 (1 Year ago)
Quote from this quote is for a better bg, having a hard time reading the text against the blueExperimenting with text layout for readability, sorry mobile users I'm not sure how this displays for you

There's already three pages worth of discussion and I will read up on it again,
but I was just thinking last night how annoying it can be to see a blocked user's feeds
on the notification wall and just wanted to add that if there were any way to block those out

((i.e. Censoring them if not removing them entirely))
I'd like that to be an additional feature of the improved block system.

We did mention forum posts, that I did remember, so again for those too-
if they can't be removed due to some fault in the code/some difficulty or otherwise, could they possibly be censored or show up as a different thing?

(Such as a nice little pokemon picture that blocks the entire post)
That way it's not annoying to just have gaps in the forums and the feeds but is actually mildly funny/pleasant to look at?

Just a thought. We still have to think about the kids, and I know they might not be comfortable blocking another user that's bothered them for some reason or another so I think the feature should look friendly and not like a bad thing to scare em off (no bold red YOU BLOCKED THIS USER type stuff.)

Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 584
Posted: Wed, 23/08/2023 17:53 (1 Year ago)
Does this suggestion now technically count as implemented?

Also thoughts on the latest patch? Anything that should be improved/changed? I know some users might still want improvements, blocked users' posts still show up on the notification wall for one-

I may return to discuss things later! I'm a bit busy at the moment, apologies for the short post :^)
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Thu, 24/08/2023 15:37 (1 Year ago)
the concern i have is that it seems like the blocking system is almost worse now if you choose to keep your account public, blocked users now become anonymous and can still see your feeds.

if you want to keep your account public best hope none of the people you block have bad intentions and continue to view your profile and feeds cuz now youll never be able to know whos doing that and theres no way to report it
Trainerlevel: 85

Forum Posts: 429
Posted: Thu, 24/08/2023 15:42 (1 Year ago)
My only issue is what if it was never about your feeds. What if they were stalking all of your profile panels and links within them to see what you were up to? They are still allowed to stalk that without having to log out to do so. I still feel that your entire profile should be private. That's all. But something is better than nothing I suppose.
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Thu, 24/08/2023 15:45 (1 Year ago)
i completely agree id much rather it be the full profile too, but idk how likely that is for riako to approve, ill still push for it tho

im not gonna be very active for a bit got some irl stuff going on, but if anyone happens to know what language ph is coded in could they let me know?
Trainerlevel: 85

Forum Posts: 429
Posted: Thu, 24/08/2023 15:46 (1 Year ago)
That's honestly a 50/50 shot. Either in English or his first spoken language
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Thu, 24/08/2023 15:47 (1 Year ago)
no no bsjkgbksd i mean coding language (sorry should have clarified)
Trainerlevel: 85

Forum Posts: 429
Posted: Thu, 24/08/2023 17:49 (1 Year ago)
Ah my bad. Since people are so good at manipulating it... I'd guess HTML. But I can't find the post.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,684
Posted: Thu, 24/08/2023 18:26 (1 Year ago)
Iridescent_Paradox: The latest update was not meant to consider this suggestion "implemented", as I know that this suggestion asks for a few more settings/additions.

Skippy: I disagree that this update makes it "(almost) worse". If users wanted to "stalk" you anonymously, they were always able to do that via guest-mode/incognito-mode. This update, however, IS actually preventing that now.
Also, making blocked users not be able to see your entire profile is (currently) pointless due to this very guest-mode.

But let me just assure you: There will be more privacy settings/more control over your privacy in the future. However, I ask you to please be patient, and in the meantime to be mindful about what to put and what not to put on the internet :)
Trainerlevel: 85

Forum Posts: 429
Posted: Thu, 24/08/2023 18:39 (1 Year ago)
Thank you for commenting. Like I said, anything is better than nothing. But I do hope you implement that your profile panels can be private in some fashion? I don't have super personal information on there but I feel like users will also "stalk" that to see what you're up to.

I think the point people are meaning by the new update is just that it's just made it so they can "stalk" anonymously WHILE LOGGED IN now.

I know as being a guest there's no way around that. Just to some it feels like a slap in the face? IDK.

Either way, I'm okay with it for the most part, at least you implemented something and I really appreciate that. I know coding takes time and you do have a life. Can't wait to see the rest of the updates regarding this issue.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 140
Posted: Thu, 24/08/2023 19:21 (1 Year ago)
I'm not saying this should be implemented and this is my personal opinion, but a way to stop the recent stalking could be to just disable some guest permissions, like viewing profiles. It could be an option in the settings where you disable views from guests, but multi accounting will still be an issue