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The Legion of Alice RP Signups

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up The Legion of Alice RP Signups
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2023 23:11 (1 Year ago)
we'll start in like a few days

i cannot find a forum post that displays your ability to write 3-4 sentences or 1-2 paragraphs minimum in third-person form, so you are rejected. do not make a nonsense post just to join this RP
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2023 23:18 (1 Year ago)
Username: RoyalUltima

Name of Character: Kaori Kim

Character Age: 14

Faction: (Legion of Alice / Le Monde Rouge) Le Monde Rouge~

Personality: INFP - she is an introvert who is often indecisive and daydreaming. But despite that, Kaori is also rather creative, coming up with complex yet often successful and clever plans.

Appearance: (Your character's physical form must be human) Kaori has long wavy black hair and fringe bangs that brush her sleet-pale grey eyes, and her skin is rather pale. She wears a long black dress, along with a belt. Nice black boots with silver buckles "top" off the look, as well as her minimal silver jewelry.

Backstory: Kaori was raised by an anonymous person who this person (me) would not/can not name, who tried to teach her the ways of good. Unsuccessfully. Those lessons ended years ago when Kaori set fire to the house and ran away, to never be heard of or seen again. But when the reality of her actions caught up to her, she tried to set fire to herself, ashamed of her actions- which failed and she gave up her soul to Le Monde Rouge, acknowledging the fact that she is physically and mentally unable to do good...

Constellation, Gemstone, and Magical Specialty: Veridian, Citrine, Elemental Tapping (can clarify if needed)

Weapons, if any: Two small hunting daggers :)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Palpad? You will be added into the group palpad, but you may leave whenever you like.


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1. I have read the Rules of this roleplay, and I promise to abide by them.

2. Next, complete the following sentences.
When they get there, they're going to return their scarf.
You're being ridiculous if you think I'm going to follow your gut instinct.

3. Finally, you must answer this fiendishly difficult trivia question: What color was George Washington's favorite black horse?

Was - in that case, it cannot be determined, as it is no longer alive and we cannot determine the color. Instead, we can check it's corpse, but the only remnants of it would be bone and no longer useful.


✿ Where there are bees there are flowers ✿
✿ And wherever there are flowers, there is new life and hope ✿
✿ And wherever there is new life and hope, there is love, and someone there ✿

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2023 23:19 (1 Year ago)
resd :D
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Mon, 15/05/2023 01:21 (1 Year ago)

Just comin through, res please~
[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Mon, 15/05/2023 01:24 (1 Year ago)
resd :)

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Tue, 16/05/2023 08:05 (1 Year ago)

“And so I’ll sing of wonders untold, till my dying breath my soul shall roam”
Username: andrea~

Name of Character: Jasmine [Dusk’s Symphony]

saudade | metanoia | orphic

Character Age: 17 y/o (208 years old)

Faction: Le Monde Rouge


INTJ The Intellectual | 3w4 The Expert | Sagittarius

Like Andrea, Jasmine is logical. Where she falls in intellect she makes up for in agility and other physical areas. Jasmine is more of a shadow, quiet, reserved and often unnoticeable. She is highly independent, and only does the work if it aligns with her beliefs. However, unlike Andrea, Jasmine prefers getting her hands dirty, killing and injuring others with elegance. Jasmine is easily able to differentiate truth from lies, and will win any argument she can, often criticising others for making fallacious statements.


Backstory: [wip]

Constellation, Gemstone, and Magical Specialty: Serpens Aeternus, Emerald, Blood Manipulation

Weapons, if any: throwing knives

Sexuality: bi

“The tongue has no bones, but bones it crushes”
Username: andrea~

Name of Character: Andrea [Dawn’s Dissonance]

lacuna | yonderly | alexithymia

Character Age: 17 y/o (208 years old)

Faction: Legion of Alice


INTJ The Intellectual | 5w4 The Philosopher | Sagittarius

She is confident, analytical, and ambitious in their behavior. Andrea loves to pursue knowledge and tend to be very logically minded. She tends to listen to her strong intuition and loves to see how everything connects together. She is focused on the bigger picture and may overlook small details.
Intellectuals are very logical and rational. She bases her decisions on what makes sense and might have a harder time connecting emotionally. Andrea is organized and prefer following a plan, loving to set and achieve goals.
Probably one of the more mentally unstable ones, Andrea is narcissistic and passive aggressive. She is described as a cynical, sadistic and psychopathic person, having long lost the very essence of what it means to be human. She is smart, not just in terms of intellect but also street smarts. But above all, she is manipulative. Is she ever truly on anyone’s side? She can be a saint, she can be a devil, a sweetheart or a monster, depending on her audience.

Backstory: [wip]

Constellation, Gemstone, and Magical Specialty: Lyra Nocturna, Moonstone, Sensory Manipulation

Weapons, if any: throwing knives

Sexuality: bi

andrea, pink hair, bottom | jasmine, blackish hair, top
andrea, pink hair, left | jasmine, blackish hair, right
andrea, pink hair, right | jasmine, blackish hair, left

my lack of skill is here ⬇️⬇️
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Andrea was about to drift away into slumber. She had long finished counseling the wolf. Her eyes fluttered shut, as she rested her head on her paws, letting her guard down slightly. Luck wasn’t on her side today, as she was soon awoken by the soft patter of padded paws, getting louder and louder and faster and faster. Andrea opened her eyes, just in time for a young pup to crash directly into her snout. Fool. “Sorry, Sister Andrea. Sorry sorry sorry sorry. I didn’t mean to, I promise.” Some pups had the privilege of keeping some small thing, some keepsake with them, a reminder of their past. It was their only source of light, as Andrea came to learn. A small object that they had managed to keep hidden, an object that slipped by the scrutiny of the higher ups. Whether it be a small charm, or piece of rag, or perhaps a slip of paper, they held it close to their hearts, never letting anyone know about them. Except Andrea. Andrea, the angel who listened to them. Andrea, the closest thing they would get to a mother. Andrea, the saint, the listening ear. This pup, in particular, had a small plastic butterfly charm hidden in their fur. Andrea sighs, grits her teeth and gets up into a more elegant position. She curls herself around the pup, waiting patiently, knowing sooner or later its poor ordeal would be poured out to her. True enough, the pup gets settled, and begins their story. Apparently they had to perform some complicated training of some sort, getting scolded harshly when doing it wrongly. “And- And you wouldn’t believe it, Sister Andrea! I messed up more than once, and they thought that that merited punishment! It’s so unfair! Look at my wound!” The pup gestures to a small cut, no longer than two centimeters in length, no wider than a sewing needle. Andrea laughs inwardly. That was nothing. How weak was this pup? To be complaining about a cut so minor? Clearly the pup hadn’t experienced nor witnessed a real punishment being given out. She looks down at the pup, before tenderly cleaning the wound. “Does it still hurt now, little one?” The pup walks around gingerly, before their entire face lights up, and they thank Andrea profusely as they scamper away. Andrea smiles after them, this time her smile genuine. Though it wasn’t because she was happy the pup was better- oh no. She shifts from her spot, revealing the plastic butterfly, which she had stealthily stolen whilst the pup was distracted. She grinned, as she placed the charm amongst her other stolen treasures. That would teach the little brats to trust those like her. But of course, they could never know. And soon that pup would come back running, this time complaining and weeping over their lost trinket. Then she would pretend to give them something “precious” of hers, build up that trust even more…..


Imagine if you can a beautiful young woman, perhaps the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. That would be Andrea. Hair a raven black color, one would notice the way the light catches in it and it shimmers as it flows with her every move. Her hair is very lengthy reaching down to the middle of her torso, so long in fact that it almost caresses the small of her back. If you were to run your fingers through her hair, it would feel as though you are touching some of the finest silken fabric ever woven. Soft, and almost liquid like, Andrea’s hair would flow over your fingers like water as you touch it. Her beautiful face is demanding of attention. Its high cheekbones calling your eyes to the statuesque bone structure underlying its gentleness. She has been graced with a look that could be that of royalty. She has heart shaped, rose colored lips that are always curved into a slight smile. The slight hint of moisture on her lips making them glisten in the light, causing them to look as though they are really a reflection on the waters of a pond and not really a part of her at all. Her emerald green eyes staring back at you as though to pierce your very soul and derive your thoughts and feelings. You can see the different shades of green streaking through her eyes, making them appear to be alive just as fire does when it moves and flickers, or twisting figures of snakes. Andrea had eyes that could make one neglect all else and freeze in a state of mystified awe, or horror, and once she had set her eyes on her target, one could feel hypnotized by her piercing gaze, cold yet unwavering, then again warm and kind. But under that fragile and ethereal looking figure, lies something dark, something powerful and something sinister. Caused by hatred, anger, and a burning desire that clawed at her, it was a ball of negative emotion, one that she would channel each and every drop into her project and desire to keep her people safe.

As the leader of her people, she was very well loved, constantly promoting ideas that would benefit her people’s well-being, encouraging equality, and making sure no one lacked a roof over their head, a warm bed to sleep in, food to eat or clothes to wear. Boutiques, restaurants, arcades and almost anything you could think of, intricately weaved alongside nature. Unlike the humans, whose cities reeked of pollution, theirs was a world where nature and Saakri-Lumens shared peacefully, a near perfect world. Andrea stands on the balcony of one of the many towers in her home, staring plainly at the border, and the world of the humans. The humans had taken the world, shaped it for their own violent, destructive ways, not caring for Mother Nature at all. And yet, their technology was superb. Destructive, yes, but incredibly useful. She exhaled, a sigh echoing through her home. She gazes at the horizon that stretches across her entire field of view in the most spectacular fashion. A massive expanse of crystal clear water is all she can see ahead of her with a miniature sail boat proudly sailing along with its small white sails catching the little sea breeze. This same breeze caresses her skin, keeping it pleasantly warm in spite of the slowing fading sun, making me feel like it is hugging me warmly. The beautiful colour which seems to be a mix of orange and pink fills the dark blue sky and colours the puffy white clouds. The calm ocean reflects this most amazing colour in the way which only it can. The waves gently lull on the sandy shore, slowly breaking then receding, always gracefully touching one’s toes. The smell which these waves conjure is not fishy and disgusting as it sometimes is but rather soft and a little salty which just so luscious. The sea gulls circle in the air, occasionally landing or catch their food. One sea gull dives from the air only to lift itself up again as it nears the water, making a small V in the water behind it. She finds herself thinking that their world has grown and developed, becoming a world unlike the humans, free of most pollution. From another tower, she could observe an exotic forest, connected to the ones that grew along the unmarked borders. That forest was different, far more beautiful with lush, rare, greenery, cascading waterfalls, streams, flowers and animals of of shapes and sizes. The Saakri-Lumens were indeed blessed. She thought to herself. Such a peaceful world, where nothing could, or would go wrong

A storm raged, and the heavens broke forth with a storm rivalling the rage of the seven suns. Thunder crashed, and lightning streaked across a dark electric blue sky. The first thing the little girl noticed was the pungent smell of dead, rotting, flesh from all her fallen comrades and enemies. The cool wind that blows around her doesn't seem to help to get rid of the disgusting smell, in fact it brings additional smells; Smells of dust, smoke and blood from the surrounding area. These smells bring in feelings of anxiousness and nervousness as she has no idea if she would be the next target, would she be joining those already scattered on the ground in pieces after the next massive explosion? The floor is a bloody battlefield, streaked with crimson blood and dead bodies, bullet shells and pieces of metal.

As she ventured further into hell the screams and shouts from nearby soldiers gets progressively louder. Gunshots and explosions are sounding closer as she continued creeping further into depths of hell. Debris from explosions are landing closer and closer around her..

She finally reached a friendly base that is under enemy fire, a young Saakri-Lumen quickly pulls her down to the ground by her shoulder just as a bullet flies over her head ricocheting off the tree several meters behind her. As she started to move from the ground to a nearby cover dodging bullets and grenades the adrenalin she had been waiting for to kick in has finally decided to take part, making her senses more aware than before and speeding everything up giving her the strength to continue and allowing her to forget about the foul taste of dirt in her mouth. Too young. Too young to be fighting this war, too young to be forced into this chaos, this madness. And yet still here, living, breathing, and fighting.

The little girl finds cover and cower in fear hiding like a small scared child, the sounds of machine guns and explosives are all around her; she was terrified, even the adrenalin rush is not enough to calm her down.

As she looked up, she notice the shiny, metallic bullet shells, freshly spewed blood, body parts and debris splattered all over the ground. An unknown ally collapses as his head was just blown off by an enemy sniper in the distance.

A lone M16 with a fully loaded magazine is within her reach; she grabs the weapon's cold, metallic, handle getting ready to spring up, aim down the sight and kill the first enemy she spots. She gets up and start shooting like a rookie in training, spraying bullets everywhere. While she is shooting this gun she notice the spent bullet casings ejecting out of the chamber and landing on the ground next to her. The soft metallic clinging sound and the smell of gunpowder overpowers her nose, distracting her from important matters at hand and then a THUD!

Realizing she have been shot she drops to the ground behind the cover. She looks over to her left shoulder and sees where the bullet hither. She feels the warm blood that starts running down her arm and see the bullet still imbedded into her shoulder. Mercury red blood dripped on the ground. The pain is so unbearable that she starts screaming and shouting for a medic to come and rescue her; Hearing her screams a Saakri-Lumen blessed with the power of healing rushes over to her side and pulls her to a safer location. He then examines your shoulder, pulling out the bullet with a pair of pliers and heals her with a warm glow. Just in time to save her life…..but not his. The humans had started the war and her mom, the previous leader of the Saakri-Lumens has sworn to end it. She remembered the screams of anguish of her father in the failed peace treaty they had with the humans. “Please, I’m begging you, listen to us! We only want good for both our species, we want to flourish and benefit together. Don’t do this to us, we have no intention to harm you.” And then his head was slashed off, humans giving off triumphant yells as they tossed a grenade that weakened and confused the Saakri-Lumens, before carrying his head away, a signal of their victory. And them days later they attacked, leaving Andrea an orphan.

She was now older, the new leader after her mom had tragically died in battle. Shot by a human. A whole case of bullets emptied into her heart, another bullet to the head. Her mother didn’t escape in time. Andrea was only 6 when then incident happened, 6 when she crowned the new leader. She swore everything in her power she would keep the Saakri-Lumens safe back then, she would still uphold that promise now. Her eyes harden, her lips purse. Empty emotionless turquoise eyes stare into the mirror. She had grown up now. Things were different. She adjusted her coat, and headed to the town square. She had to give another speech soon….she wouldn’t want to be late. Besides, leaving early would give her a chance to make a small detour. Nobody noticed as her figure weaved through the crowd, and with barely a side glance at the crowd forming, she slipped away….somewhere.

#isuckatwriting part 2
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The warm glow of the sun slowly got brighter as Andrea tinkered with a piece of sea glass. She had been up all night working on her newest creation, a mechanical dragon with blue green glass eyes. Callused hands raked over the sharp shard, moulding it to a more circular shape. Long locks of blue-green hair fell past her ears, hiding her face from the sun’s glow. Andrea understood the fear of being chosen, or in the case of certain crackheads, joy in being chosen for the Reaping. Understanding didn’t mean she like it though. She wished everyone would just shut up. No point panicking when it was all a game of chance. Careful hands moved the final piece in place, and with a soft whir, her creation came to life. It flapped around unsteadily, before perching on her shoulder. Two clicks of her finger and the dragon could blink it’s eyes, one click to make it sit. The more complex movements were controlled by a complicated piece of metal shaped to fit her fingernails. She slid the metal bit onto her fingernail, hearing the satisfying click of it locking. She then taps out a certain pattern, and the dragon flies into the air, transforming into a sharp metal shard, flying towards Andrea. With her free hand, she caught the metal shard with two fingers. That would need just a tad more tinkering for it to fly towards a desired target. She dismantled its wings, and began fiddling with it. “Drea? Drea, time to go!” The voice of one of her only….no, her only friend reminded her. The two of them owned a small, shady store that earned barely enough to keep them afloat. Time to time, they had to resort to pickpocketing. She remembered when her friend stole money to buy her a present for her birthday. Her….birthday. What a funny word indeed. Celebrating each year you inched closer to death. Walking over to the drawer in the corner of the room, Andrea took out a metal hummingbird. Fingers delicately wiped the dust off, and it came to life with yet another controller. She slipped the metal ring on her ring finger, taking in the soft hum of the wings. “Once more, Ping. One more thing to do before the reaping. Waving goodbye to her friend, she set out of the house with her two mechanical animals, heading towards that horrendously pink house belonging to her despicable mother. She directed the bird into a beautifully decorated cage, then stepped up to ring the doorbell of her mother’s house. “Mother? I’m here again, I have a gift to give you before the Reaping.” Her mother opened the door with a sickeningly sweet smile that made Andrea want to throw up last night’s cold leftovers. Andrea grit her teeth and smiled back, passing Ping over to her, in the cage. “It’s an Anna’s Hummingbird. It looks very pretty and pink, just like you” Andrea lies. Her mother took it, and offered “Would you like to come in?” Andrea declined, and turned to ‘go’. The moment her mother entered her house, she opened the cage to let the hummingbird out. Andrea smirked, and she snapped her fingers, prompting Ping to transform into a spear like object, and hurtle towards her mother. Moments later, Ping returned, beak stained with blood. “Good job darling” Andrea purrs, before stepping into the house. She rips the diamond necklace off her mother’s neck, proceeding to collect the jewelry pieces and cash swiftly and silently. She exits through the back door, doubling back to her little hut, and placing it neatly on the bed for her friend to find. If she got chosen and died during the Hunger Games, at least Kai would be able to live happily. Andrea walked back out, and headed towards the place where the Reaping would take place.

Lilith woke up to the sound of her mother’s voice, telling her to get up. Pushing silk sheets aside, she clambered out of bed, taking her sweet time to recalibrate her senses. She then proceeded to her walk-in closet, where her maid was waiting. “Miss Lilith, here is your outfit for today.” She flashes the maid a smile, gesturing for her to leave. The outfit today was an elegant yet simple black dress, along with pants with all sorts of pockets to hide things in. She combed her hair in front of the mirror, tying them into two plaits, adding red ribbons for the final touch. Lilith then slips on a pair of kid boots, lined with real polar bear fur on the inside, each with a pearl embedded on the buckle. She stares at herself in the mirror, placing one hand adoringly on her reflection. “No one could be as beautiful and youthful as I am…otherwise” Lilith giggles, then skips out of the bedroom for breakfast. No one could capture the elegance and charm that Lilith possessed, her district’s poster girl. Breakfast today was a spread of her favourite foods, with waffles buttered just right, omelets that were cooked to perfection, among other delicious dishes. Her mother fussed over her, worrying. “My little baby Lilith, all grown up and just the age for being reaped….ohhh it’s such a pity.” Her mother choked on her words, bursting into tears and leaving Lilith alone. She sighed in relief, that woman was overprotective, pretentious and highly irritating. Lilith rolled her eyes, her mother’s pathetic cries still audible. “My poor baby….she must be so worried, so frightened.” Her mother was far from the truth. Lilith was dying to be picked for the Hunger Games, and with no one from her District wanting to go, Lilith was sure they would be thankful for her. She hops off her chair, picking up her lollipop ready to head out. Unfortunately, yet another thing was in her way again, this time her annoying tutor. “You stupid fool, I’m not having lessons today. I’m going to go to the Reaping!” Her teacher puts his foot between the door, preventing Lilith from slamming it in his face. “Ugh, you’re so annoying, can’t you leave?” Lilith tries to squeeze past him to no avail, and he enters, shutting the door behind him. “We’re having lessons, like it or not. Now, I’m thirsty, so get me a drink before lesson starts” He announces, looking triumphant. “Fine fine, I’ll get you something to drink.” Lilith replies, her lips slowly twitching into a smile. She headed to the kitchen, getting a fancy wine glass to put the water in. She then unlocks a secret cupboard with a key around her neck, taking out a small blue pill that fizzled and turned colorless in the water. It was a handy, undetectable pill that would guarantee a satisfactory reaction. She hands it over to her teacher, watching as he downs it. “Thank you, now we really should begin after wasting so much time with your stupid prattle.” Lilith flashes him a psychotic grin, watching as his face contorts in horror. “What did you put in my drink?” He questions. Lilith doesn’t answer, messing up her hair and appearance in the mirror, before running to her mother, pretending to cry. “He abused me, Mother. Deal with him. He’s so mean to me” Her mother, concerned, jumps into action, and Lilith takes the time to smirk at the teacher as he is being dragged away, childishly pulling a face at him, throwing the finger before skipping out of the house despite her Mother’s protests. “I’m going to the Rea-ping, I’m going to the Rea-ping, there’s nothing you can do~“

ok fine this is just a dumping ground because I can’t find my character sheets for Andrea I’m sorry
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“You fried gizzard feet! You stained my dress!! The custom tailored white lace one I got from France!!! Do you even know how much it costs???” Andrea flings her silk slipper at her flustered maid. “Sorry, miss.” She replies, trembling as she fumbles into a curtsy. The frightened maid had been dealing with her mistress’s fiery temper ever since one of the other maids spilt a drop of coffee on the carpet floor— an insignificant mistake that with no doubt pushed Andrea’s mood over the edge. She scoffs, flicking a speck of dirt off her shoulder, dismissing the maid with a haughty wave. “Tsk. Can you believe it, Juliana? Stupid fools” She asks, cooing softly at the pure white albino snake around her neck. Silver and gold bracelets wrapped around pale wrists, and pretty necklaces adorned her neck. She had an abundance of gold rings on her fingers, way too dazzling and way too elegant for someone just staying at home. But then again, Andrea always did things extravagantly. Despite all the bling, she didn’t look overdressed or out of place, her home as elegant as her figure. She was wearing a poofy black dress, so wide she could hid several dead bodies under it. Underneath the curtain that was her dress, a neat row of knives, guns and more lay. However, the thing that took pride of place and bunned up her long locks of jet black hair with white streaks was a ornate Damascus knife inlaid with gold, with a blood red ruby embedded in its handle of white marble.

[a little while later]

Soft white silk gloves slid gently across the table’s surface. Andrea put it up to her eyes, staring at it quietly, frowning when she spotted dust on her silk glove. “Anne!! Didn’t I tell you to get someone to clean this up? There’s dust! It’s not cleaner properly” She shrieks hysterically. Another small maid wobbles over, balancing a huge pile of laundry, and apologises hurriedly, scurrying off to go get someone to clean up the speck of dirt. Andrea was partially a germaphobe, she didn’t like it when there was even the slightest mess. She whistles, summoning the head maid over, and dismissing them all to go take a break after that mess was dealt with. The head maid nods gratefully, and Andrea sighs once the maids have all returned to their quarters. She rips off her jewellery and her gloves with scorn, letting her hair loose and slipping out of her dress to reveal decently normal clothing underneath. If you considered combat wear normal clothing, that is. She rearranged all her knives, before picking up her accessories and clothing and whatnot, going to her room and dumping it all there. Andrea walks in front of her floor to ceiling mirror, swiping her blood on the small scanner hidden in the mirror, as gears softly whir to life, revealing a pristine white laboratory, with all sorts of bubbling chemical brews poofing out colorful smoke. She selects a test tube with white solution inside, and minimal effervescence. Swirling it around, she nods approvingly, before pouring it into a bowl. She then takes out a mortar and pestle, and a clump of red looking rocks. Arsenic, and red metal cinnabar. She sprinkles a few dried leaves and a bunch more powders, checking it against some sort of journal. She pours it into a flask when ready, and pockets it. Next, she takes a needle, drawing out some of her own blood, and then gently uncoiling Juliana from her shoulder. “Spit” she tells the snake, and venom trickles into the test tube. She empties the blood into a separate vial, then some of the venom. She watches the blood, then dropping a few jasmine leaves in it, a special orangey-purple flower, leaf pulp, Good. The venom was no longer effective. She smiles, having gotten her desired results. She could the albino back around her neck, labelling the test tube. Whilst crooning softly, she picks up a pétri-dish, well labelled and pours agar solution into dish, setting it to solidify. Meanwhile, she takes a small container, using a micropipette to extract bacteria from it, then applying it to the agar. She spreads it, then sprays a bright pink solution onto it, before putting it into the incubator. If she was right, the growth should increase rapidly. Perfect for starting a biochemical war. Her lips curve upwards, tugging the corners of her mouth into a smile. The Purge was soon. This was going to be fun. She steps away from experimenting for now, hanging her coat and lab goggles, before stepping into another section of the lab, scanning her thumbprint, retina and her DNA, as a small slit in the door turned into a handle, swinging open to reveal disguises of all sorts, credit cards, fake documents and a singular, simple handgun with ammo. She tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear, then looks out the window. The idea of using guns disgusted hr, yet she was pretty sure they were all going to be blowing each other up anyways. Hip hip hooray. Maniacs, blowing everything up. But then again, she did have a wide collection of knives….soooo she couldn’t judge them either. She cleans up, locks everything, and with one last look, she locks the lab and steps out of the mirror.

She flops into the bed, and screams into the pillow, muffled, strangled shouts for some random reason. “Ughhhhh…oh sorry Juls, did I squish you?” She puts the snake on her stomach, lying spread-eagle, face up, staring at the ceiling. “Too much light….dammit I still have a biology paper to finish.” She snaps her fingers, hologram flickering to a starry sky. She groans, getting up, changing, before flopping back onto her bed, covering her eyes with a Hello Kitty blindfold, and taking a catnap. She would deal with more problems sometime…just not now. “Good evening, madam. How may I assist you?” A voice cuts through the peaceful silence, and Andrea groans again, throwing a pillow at the talking gadget. “Shut up, I’m trying to get some sleep here.” She mutters. “That’s not very nice” The digital voice speaks again. She flips it off, pulling her pillow to cover her ears. “I dont care.” She grumbled. “You seem down. How can I help?” The A.I repeats. Frustrated, Andrea moves her hand around blearily, smacking the device off the table and onto the floor. “That wasn’t very nice either.” The A.I says, from its spot on the floor. Andrea groans, getting up, and disconnecting the stupid Bluetooth…thing. She flings it out of her window, whines at the light outside, and flops back onto her bed. Juliana, sensing her frustration, hisses comfortingly, slithering around her hand. Andrea screws her eyes shut, puts the blindfold back on and takes deep breaths, slowly calming down. Barely 10 minutes have passed, and her phone rings, causing her to sit up in shock. “SHUT UP” She roars, staring at the phone. Great. A call from one of those pathetic, arrogant side companies. “Here missus, I’ve done up the draft for ya. Do take a look and tell me how great it is.” The man-child on the other end of the phone chirrups. “You’re fired, Daniel’s taking over. Goodbye.” And with that, she ends the phone call. What with the purge, her companies, and her own studies all converging into one, she sighs, throwing her phone across the room and going back to sleep.

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Tue, 16/05/2023 11:45 (1 Year ago)
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Username: Milotic6721

Name of Character: Aria Sonari

Character Age: 18

Faction: (Legion of Alice / Le Monde Rouge )

Personality: Cold, only nice to those she knows.

Appearance: (Your character's physical form must be human) A women with blond hair


Constellation, Gemstone, and Magical Specialty: Lyra Nocturna - all gems. Reading people's minds , teleporting and twisting thoughts

Weapons, if any: Blade kept in her pocket.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Show a recent RP post that demonstrates your ability to write 3-4 sentences or 1-2 paragraphs. Alternatively, complete the literacy test provided below:
1. I have read the Rules of this roleplay, and I promise to abide by them.
2. When they get there, they're going to return their scarf.
You're being ridiculous if you think I'm going to follow your gut instinct.
3. Black.
Celered, you torture me with the literacy test 😭😭
I barely passed English 💀

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Tue, 16/05/2023 14:36 (1 Year ago)
both accepted
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Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Tue, 16/05/2023 16:50 (1 Year ago)
accept :)
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Tue, 16/05/2023 23:12 (1 Year ago)

"Would you rather have the bitter Antidote or the Sweet Sweet Poison?"


[Name of Character]
Shieta LaVil [The Witch]

[Character Age]

Le Monde Rouge

| ISTJ-T | Logistician | Dry | Blunt | Slightly Cold to strangers | More of a follower than leader | Lactose Intolerant | Grumpy | Shy | Socially Awkward |

Shieta is usually an awkward and quite person due to the fact that many people think that she is quite hard to get along with, and is extremely stubborn when she sets her mind to something. Especially when her expression is dead set on being colder than the ice age.

Likes - | Quietness | Peace | Smell of Peachwood | Herbs | Nice Company |

Dislikes - | Obnoxious People | Ego Boosters | Smoke |

With soft curly silver locks that doesn't past her shoulders that is usually let loose or tied into a low ponytail, Sheita is 4'9, with black eyes that has silver-ish blue iris and malnourished pale skin. But unlike her malnourished appearance, she still has her baby fat on her cheeks that refuses to go away that flush read easily when worked up much to Sheita's displeasure.

She wears a either maroon or beige hood that covers her head like a witch hat, with a white or black dress shirt to pair with white cuffs. To complete the outfit, Sheita doesn't wear a skirt, but rather a flexible pants that are made with strong materials and some simple white combat boots that is always somewhat dirty.

Oh and for some reason, Sheita has really cold hands all year long.


Just like her personality, it is unknown what and where Shieta came from, and the only thing they know is that she has no parent, and a mysterious guardian who has many connections. As ever since people could remember, Shieta has been part of Le Monde Rouge as long as they could ever remember, despite the fact that the young girl was younger than most of the people there.

But it is without a doubt that her skills are the real deal. As not only has it killed thousands of lives, but most importantly, she has saved millions.

Lyra Nocturna

Lapiz Lazuli

[Magical Specialty]
Poison & Antidote

[Weapons, if any]
Sniper Rifle - Butterfly Knife for close combat


[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Wed, 17/05/2023 06:42 (1 Year ago)

Akari Nagai

QuoteUsername: Marginal~Red

Name of Character: Akari Nagai

Character Age: 16 (appearance)

Faction: Legion of Alice

Personality: As a lost soul residing in Elysium, Akari grapples with a sense of purpose and yearning for something greater. He is fiercely loyal to Alice Beaumontt-Devereux, finding solace and a sense of belonging within the Legion. He values friendship, trust, and the shared mission of fighting for not only themselves, but their goddess as well.

Of course, Akari is not without his flaws. He struggles with self-doubt at times, his inner turmoil stemming from his secret devotion to the Kami-no-Tokoyo, creating a conflict between his allegiance to Alice and his personal spiritual faith. Akari often finds himself torn between these two worlds, questioning his decisions and the paths he chooses to follow. Akari genuinely cares for those around him. He is empathetic and understanding, always willing to lend an ear to his fellow lost souls, as a member of the Legion.

Appearance: Akari possesses a distinct appearance that mirrors his unique character. He has light blonde hair that complements his fair skin, and he has warm brown eyes. Tall in stature yet a bit scrawny, his figure lends an air of both stability and vulnerability to his overall presence. He often dresses in a plain white short-sleeved shirt while adorning it with multicolor omamori. Fitted black pants complete his attire. On his right hand, he wears a black bracelet as well, and both his arms are wrapped in bandages.

Akari's journey as a lost soul began with a tragic realization - as time passed, the spiritual landscape in Elysium began to change. The worship of the Kami-no-Tokoyo gradually waned, replaced by newer beliefs and gods. The once vibrant and fervent devotion to the ancient deity dwindled, leaving only a few dedicated followers, including Akari. Without a god acting as a sort of anchor, their spirits were no longer bound, forcing them to roam Elysium as lost souls.

Stripped of his spiritual existence, Akari found himself adrift in a world that had moved on, detached from the spiritual foundation that had once given him purpose and meaning. As a lost soul, he longs for the days when the Kami-no-Tokoyo was revered and celebrated, and he, along with other followers, lived in bliss and stability.

Now, Akari navigates the realm of Elysium, finding solace and a renewed sense of purpose within Alice Beaumontt-Devereux's Legion of Alice. Through his allegiance to the goddess and her cause, he seeks to find a new place to stay, so that he, along with the other spirits of the Legion, may experience the true feeling of Elysium.

Constellation, Gemstone, and Magical Specialty: Lyra Nocturna - The Night Harp | Spectrolite - Enhanced spiritual communication and spell effects | Shielding magic and light manipulation (Compressing and dilating light)

Weapons, if any: Akari wields a ceremonial dagger usually used to draw blood.

Sexuality: Bisexual

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I think I'll manage :D

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Wed, 17/05/2023 19:25 (1 Year ago)
accepted btw
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Thu, 18/05/2023 23:19 (1 Year ago)
[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Thu, 18/05/2023 23:30 (1 Year ago)
accepted again

add in aria's constellation and gemstone and you're accepted :D
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Thu, 18/05/2023 23:48 (1 Year ago)

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 00:16 (1 Year ago)
dammit not another lyra nocturna character
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 00:33 (1 Year ago)
Username: andrea~

Name of Character: Lifei Vaknov [Gaia’s Alchemist]
arcane | kalon | azura
Character Age: 27

Faction: Le Monde Rouge

Personality: ISFJ The Caregiver | 2w1 The Companion

They tend to be altruistic and purposeful in their behavior. They have the will to alleviate human suffering and desire love and acceptance above all else. They are service-oriented and humble, seeking to help better the lives of those in their community.
In their unassuming, understated way, they help make the world go round. Hardworking and devoted, people with this personality type feel a deep sense of responsibility to those around them. They can be counted on to meet deadlines, remember special occasions, uphold traditions, and shower their loved ones with gestures of care and support. But they rarely demand recognition for all that they do, preferring instead to operate behind the scenes.
She is capable, with a wealth of versatile gifts. Though sensitive and caring, Defenders also have excellent analytical abilities and an eye for detail. And despite their reserve, they tend to have well-developed people skills and robust social relationships.


Constellation, Gemstone, and Magical Specialty: Serpens Aeternus, Garnet

Weapons, if any: A whip and a fan (with dart like daggers)

Sexuality: bi
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 75
Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 02:08 (1 Year ago)
Username: Junghyun

Name of Character: Adrienne Tourmaline

Character Age: 18

Faction: (Legion of Alice / Le Monde Rouge)

Personality: She is sadistic and cold. She can be awkwardly sarcastic sometimes. She likes to be by Alice's side thinking of herself as being "important"

Appearance: (Your character's physical form must be human)A black-haired girl with red eyes, a contrast to Ariadne. She wears a crown of spider silk metal, with jewels made with frozen blood. She wears black battle armour. Looks a lot like Anastasia Blackthorne.

Backstory: Adrienne was found on a snowy mountain by Alice 18 years ago, it was back when she was banished from Black Garden. Alice who pitied the baby took her and raised her like a sister.

Constellation, Gemstone, and Magical Specialty: Serpens Aeternus - The Eternal Serpent, Garnet.

Weapons, if any: A long spear

Sexuality: Ase first, then discovers that she's lesbian.
ੈ✩‧₊˚Hi I'm Junghyun♡ ⋆。˚

and this is Lily <3

₊˚ʚ Pfp Credits ❥・@pinterest/google
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 02:09 (1 Year ago)
cool. accepted
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 03:12 (1 Year ago)

Gloria Murphy

QuoteUsername: Marginal~Red

Name of Character: Gloria Murphy

Character Age: 18 (appearance)

Faction: Le Monde Rouge

Personality: Gloria Murphy is a charismatic and adventurous soul, driven by a thirst for thrills and the excitement of uncovering hidden treasures. Her charm often draws people to her, and she possesses a natural charisma that allows her to navigate social situations with ease.

Despite her daring nature, Gloria is also highly strategic, always considering the risks and rewards before leaping into action. Her quick thinking and ability to adapt to unexpected situations is an invaluable asset in the world of treasure hunting.

Appearance: Gloria has milk chocolate-colored skin. Her black, curly hair cascades down her shoulders, framing her face with a unique elegance. Dark brown eyes sparkle with an adventurous glint, hinting at the adventures that lie ahead.

In her everyday attire, Gloria typically wears a simple tunic and pants, allowing for freedom of movement during her expeditions. However, her love for all things shiny and valuable is evident in her adornments. Gold and jewelry in various forms, from delicate necklaces to ornate bracelets, grace her person, reflecting her appreciation for the beauty and allure of precious artifacts. These trinkets not only add a touch of opulence but also serve as reminders of the treasures she seeks and the risks she's willing to take to obtain them.

Backstory: Gloria's journey as a treasure hunter began when she discovered her unique dowsing magic. As a child, she had a natural affinity for sensing hidden energies and magical artifacts. Realizing the true potential of her abilities, she dedicated herself to the pursuit of uncovering ancient relics and mystical artifacts. With each successful find, her reputation as a skilled treasure hunter grew. Eventually, she caught the attention of Anastasia herself, who recognized Gloria's talent and recruited her as a full-time treasure hunter.

Gloria's most significant discovery was the Doomsayer's Stone, a legendary artifact with the power to transmute specific metals into a pitch-black stone. This remarkable find solidified her position within Anastasia's ranks, and Gloria became deeply immersed in the world of ancient artifacts and their untold secrets. Her relentless pursuit of treasures and her unwavering loyalty to Anastasia have shaped her into the skilled and experienced treasure hunter she is today.

Constellation, Gemstone, and Magical Specialty: Veridians - The Truth-Speaking Blossom | Aquamarine - Enhanced intuition and premonition | Dowsing magic (spiritually locates magical artifacts) and control over dowsed magical artifacts.

Weapons, if any: Gloria wields the Aurora Rod, a beautiful quarterstaff made with arcane metals that resonates with the earth. Through the staff's magical connection, Gloria can sense the presence and general direction of hidden treasures. It also possesses a subtle defensive enchantment. When activated, the quarterstaff generates a shimmering shield of translucent energy that can deflect incoming projectiles and absorb minor magical attacks. The shield is not impenetrable, but it provides its user with an added layer of protection during intense encounters, allowing them to focus on their strategic maneuvers. The rod can also be used to manipulate ice to some degree. (basically her replacement for her lack of magical skill)

Sexuality: Lesbian

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Yeah I'll be fine

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚