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The Legion of Alice RP Signups

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up The Legion of Alice RP Signups
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Fri, 05/05/2023 07:24 (1 Year ago)
Note: This is a Semi-Lit roleplay.

The RP has started!
The Legion of Alice

Alice fled Wonderland, mad and distressed,
And into Elysium, she soon found rest.
A place of beauty, of peace and light,
A land of the gods, where all was right.

But Alice, she yearned for something more,
For a life outside of Elysium's door.
So she left once more, back to the human world,
But nothing there could make her heart unfurl.

Discontent and longing filled her soul,
Until she made a choice to make her whole.
She returned to Elysium, but not as before,
For now she was a god, her heart to adore.

And there she became the weaver of dreams,
Of seven-colored illusions, and fanciful schemes.
A master of magic, she crafted her art,
And in Elysium, she found her true heart.

Alice Beaumontt-Devereux, the Resplendent Weaver of Seven-Colored Illusions, stood before her Legion of Alice. She turned to her companions- lost souls from all over Otherworld, with a sly grin on her face.

"Welcome to the Legion of Alice, my dear souls. I hope you're ready to become my minions," She said. "This is only the beginning. See, with my Legion at my command, we shall be able to...conquer a part of Elysium for ourselves."

The Weaver paused for a moment, lost in thought. "The realm of the Black Garden has been in turmoil for quite some time. Capturing it for ourselves should pose no challenge at all," Alice explained. "Well, I wish you a good time here. If you feel obligated to use any of the amenities provided, please do so."

Anastasia Blackthorne, the Necromancer of the Ghastly Rose, rose from her throne of vines. Her eyes flickered with dark magic as she glared at the messenger who had brought the news of Alice's impending invasion.

"How dare she?" Anastasia snarled, her voice like the rustling of leaves on a windy night. "After all I've done for her, after all the power and knowledge I've shared, she still thinks she can waltz into my realm and take what's mine?"

She paused, her expression turning calculating. "But perhaps this could be an opportunity," she mused aloud. "If Alice wants a fight, I'll give her one. And when she falls, her army will be mine to command."

The messenger shifted uncomfortably under her gaze. "M-milady, are you sure that's wise? Alice is not to be underestimated, and her army of lost souls are-"

"Silence!" Anastasia's voice boomed, causing the messenger to flinch. "I know exactly what I'm doing. Now go, and I shall take care of this myself."

✵ Plot: ✵
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"After ascending to godhood, Alice Beaumontt-Devereux, the Resplendent Weaver of Seven-Colored Illusions, became obsessed with power and domination. She assembled the Legion of Alice, an army of lost souls seeking to enter Elysium, to aid her in her quest to conquer other realms. Her sights eventually fell on the realm of the Necromancer of the Ghastly Rose, Anastasia Blackthorne.

Once, Anastasia, the Necromancer of the Ghastly Rose, had taken Alice under her wing and taught her the ways of magic. But when Alice was discovered practicing light magic, Anastasia banished her from her realm. Now, Alice saw an opportunity to exact revenge and claim the realm for herself.

With the immense power of the lost souls in her hands, Alice has planned an invasion on Anastasia's realm, the Black Garden. Unbeknownst to her, however, Anastasia has learned of her plans, and has assembled a group of powerful people to defend her kingdom.

You are one of the Lost Souls, pledging allegiance to the Legion of Alice. Alice has commanded the Legion to leave the Elysian Plain and cross the Acheron and Ekuto rivers, then scale the Iteruna mountain ranges, and finally cut through the Blackthorn Forests to reach the elusive lands belonging to Anastasia. Then, an attack will be made to infiltrate the ranks of the Cult of the Ghastly Rose and tear the discordant realm apart from the inside.


You are a member of Le Monde Rouge, Anastasia's mercenary defense force. You are preparing for the Legion's invasion of the Black Garden, and will have to train in physical and magical combat inside the Cathedral of the Ghastly Rose (see description below in Landmarks), as well as plan a strategy with your fellow mercenaries to defeat Alice's army of lost souls.

☸ Magic System: ☸
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Magic in Elysium is different from other places in Otherworld. Being situated at the highest layer, Elysian magic relies on the power of the three constellations and each of the constellations' three resonant gemstones, with each one of them granting their wielder different magical capabilities.

Lyra Nocturna - The Night Harp
Lyra Nocturna, The Night Harp, shines in the sky with a constellation resembling a harp. It is believed that the harp's melodies can put restless souls to sleep and bring peace to their wandering spirits. Spirits who are blessed by this constellation may find themselves lulled into a deep, dreamless sleep, allowing them to recharge and rejuvenate their essence.

- Sleep magic, knowledge, healing
- Spell enhancement and mastery; spell creation

= Resonant gems:
[Enhances the user's ability to view the dreams of others, allowing them to enter others' dreams as well and experience parts of their past experiences when doing so. It can also amplify the user's healing abilities, allowing them to heal more effectively.]
[Enhances the user's psychic and telepathic abilities, allowing them to communicate with spirits and astral entities more easily. It can also increase the potency of the user's spells, making them more effective and longer-lasting.]
Lapis Lazuli
[Enhances the user's ability to gain and retain knowledge, making it easier for them to learn and remember spells, incantations, and rituals. It can also enhance the user's healing abilities, allowing them to heal physical wounds more effectively.]

Serpens Aeternus - The Eternal Serpent
Serpens Aeternus, The Eternal Serpent, is a constellation that is believed to represent the balance between creation and destruction. It is said that spirits blessed by this constellation are bestowed with the power to control the arcane essences of the astral tapestry, granting them the ability to use elemental magic.

- Elemental magic: Fire, water, earth, wind, and other miscellaneous elements
- Pacts with life and death, such as binding one's soul or offering it to a deity

= Resonant gems:
[Enhances the user's control over fire and allows them to manipulate its properties, such as intensity, shape, and temperature. It can also aid in the creation and maintenance of magical wards and protective barriers.]
[Enhances the user's control over water, allowing them to manipulate its properties, such as flow, volume, and temperature. It can also aid in the summoning and banishment of spirits and astral entities.]
[Enhances the user's control over earth and allows them to manipulate its properties, such as density, texture, and hardness. It can also aid in the transmutation of matter and the creation of golems and constructs.]

Veridians - The Truth-Speaking Blossom
Veridians, The Truth-Speaking Blossom, is a constellation that appears as a delicate flower blooming in the night sky. The constellation is said to hold the power to reveal the truth, and spirits blessed by this constellation are said to be able to see through lies and deception.

- Nature magic, communication with animals, etc.
- Intuition, premonition, clairvoyant dreams, minor polygraphy

= Resonant gems:
[Enhances the user's ability to communicate with animals, plants, and the natural world. It can also aid in the creation and maintenance of gardens and natural sanctuaries.]
[Enhances the user's intuition and premonition abilities, allowing them to sense danger, deception, and other threats before they manifest. It can also aid in the creation and maintenance of magical mirrors and scrying pools.]
[Enhances the user's ability to detect lies and falsehoods, making them a skilled polygraphist. It can also aid in the creation and maintenance of magical talismans and amulets that protect against psychic attacks and negative energies.]

✧ Locations: ✧
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The Elysian Plain

A sprawling, lush landscape of rolling hills, verdant forests, and colorful meadows, the Plain is the birthplace of all Elysian deities and a true paradise. The air is thick with the scent of blooming flowers and the sound of buzzing insects. The fields are dotted with grazing animals, and clear streams babble through the countryside. It is a place of unparalleled beauty and abundance, where life flourishes in all its forms.

Acheron and Ekuto

The Acheron and Ekuto rivers are the natural borders that separate the Elysian Plain from the Iteruna Mountain Ranges. The Acheron river is a wide and deep river with murky waters that run slowly but steadily. It is fed by many small streams and tributaries that flow down from the mountains, and it winds its way through the valley, cutting a deep channel in the earth.

The Ekuto river, on the other hand, is a much smaller river with a faster current. It runs parallel to the Acheron, and its waters are clear and sparkling. It is also fed by mountain streams and small tributaries, but its flow is more turbulent and erratic than the Acheron.

Together, the Acheron and Ekuto rivers create a natural boundary that separates the lush and fertile Elysian Plain from the rugged and unforgiving terrain of the Iteruna Mountain Ranges. The rivers are flanked by dense forests, rocky cliffs, and steep mountainsides, providing a stark contrast between the two regions. Despite their differences, both rivers are revered by the local inhabitants for their natural beauty and the life-giving resources they provide.

The Iteruna Mountain Ranges

The Iteruna Mountain Ranges are a vast, rugged expanse of peaks and valleys that stretch as far as the eye can see. The mountains are imposing and majestic, with their snow-capped peaks reaching towards the very top of Otherworld. The landscape is characterized by steep cliffs, treacherous ravines, and deep crevasses, making it a challenging terrain to navigate. The climate is harsh, with strong winds and biting cold temperatures that can last for months on end.

However, despite its inhospitable environment, the Iteruna Mountain Ranges are home to a variety of hardy flora and fauna that have adapted to the harsh conditions. The local nomadic tribes believe that the mountains are the dwelling place of powerful spirits and elemental forces, making them a place of great reverence and awe. For those brave enough to venture into its depths, the Iteruna Mountain Ranges hold the promise of discovery and adventure, but also danger and peril.

Blackthorn Forests

The Blackthorn Forests are a dark and foreboding place, shrouded in mist and mystery. Towering trees with gnarled, twisted branches loom overhead, casting deep shadows on the forest floor. The air is heavy with the scent of damp earth and decaying vegetation, and the only sounds are the rustling of leaves and the occasional haunting cry of a nocturnal bird. The forest is named after the blackthorn bushes that thrive in the undergrowth, their sharp, thorny branches a testament to the hostile nature of this place.

Legend has it that the Blackthorn Forests were once home to Anastasia Blackthorne, the Necromancer of the Ghastly Rose. It is said that she retreated to these woods to hone her craft, seeking the solitude and darkness that they provided. Some even claim that she made a pact with the spirits of the forest, trading her own ichor for their aid in her spells and rituals. Whatever the truth may be, the forest bears the mark of her presence, with dark symbols etched into the bark of the trees and eerie whispers that seem to emanate from the shadows.

The Black Garden

The Black Garden is a city unlike any other, ruled by the Necromancer of the Ghastly Rose herself, Anastasia Blackthorne. Its massive black wall looms high above, separating the city from the outside world and creating an air of mystery and foreboding. Despite the turmoil that simmers beneath the surface, the city bustles with life and activity.

Most of the city's inhabitants rarely venture beyond the walls of the Cult of the Ghastly Rose's cathedral, where they seek refuge from the chaos of the outside world. But for those brave enough to venture out, the city's black brick streets and stained glass buildings offer a unique beauty. Flowers of every kind adorn every corner, their colorful blooms a stark contrast to the city's dark exterior. The scent of sacred plants fills the air, a reminder of the power that Anastasia wields over both the living and the dead.

Despite the beauty of the Black Garden, a sense of unease permeates the city. Whispers of the Necromancer's dark magic and hushed whispers of her plans echo through the streets. The Black Garden may be beautiful, but it is a city on the brink of destruction, ruled by a goddess who will stop at nothing to achieve her goals.

✾ Notable Landmarks: ✾
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Flourishing between the Acheron and Ekuto rivers lies Arcadia, a small town specializing in the lore of herbs and botanical magic. This idyllic town is known for its abundance of greenery and colorful gardens, where skilled botanists and herbalists grow and cultivate rare plants for their potent properties. The town is often shrouded in a misty veil, giving it a mystical and enchanting atmosphere that draws visitors from far and wide.

Despite its small size, Arcadia is a bustling hub of magical activity, where alchemists and apothecaries create potent potions and remedies for a variety of ailments. The locals are fiercely protective of their town's secrets and traditions, making it a difficult place to penetrate for outsiders.


Nestled deep in the heart of the Iteruna Mountain Ranges lies Glaize, a small town that specializes in the art of crafting idols imbued with powerful magic. The locals here are expert hunters and miners, skilled at extracting valuable materials such as iron, copper, quartz, marble, and gold from the treacherous terrain, as well as hunting down the local animals for bones and skins. Using these materials, they create intricate and ornate idols that can inhabit incredible magical properties.

The town is known for its hardy and resourceful people, who have learned to thrive in the harsh and unforgiving mountain environment. Glaize is a place of legends and mystery, where ancient traditions and arcane knowledge are passed down through the generations.

Mysterious Pagoda

Deep in the heart of the Blackthorn Forests lies an abandoned, eerie pagoda. Once belonging to a long-forgotten cult of the Kami-no-Tokoyo, the pagoda has since fallen into disrepair and been claimed by the forest. Its ornate, red roof tiles have faded to a dull orange, and the wooden walls have been eaten away by time and the elements.

Despite its dilapidated state, the pagoda still holds an air of mystery and power. Strange symbols and carvings adorn its walls, hinting at the dark rituals that were once performed within its walls. Whispers can be heard on the wind, as if the spirits of the cult's long-dead members still linger in the shadows. It is said that those who dare to enter the pagoda risk becoming trapped within its walls, unable to escape the remnants of the cult's various experiments.

Cathedral of the Ghastly Rose

The Cathedral of the Ghastly Rose stands tall and proud, its exterior made of jet black stones that gleam in the sun. But as you step inside, the contrast between the darkness outside and the colorful interior takes your breath away. The walls are lined with intricate stained glass art depicting scenes from the Cult's lore, and silk banners of every color adorn the ceiling, making it look like a vibrant, living tapestry.

The Cult of the Ghastly Rose has a strict hierarchy, with neophytes being at the bottom of the order, and the goddess Anastasia Blackthorne herself at the very top. The priests and priestesses come next, followed by the initiates and then the acolytes. Each tier has its own set of rights and duties, with the neophytes being responsible for the most menial tasks such as cleaning and cooking. As one rises in the ranks, they gain access to more knowledge and privileges, but also more responsibilities and tasks that are expected to be fulfilled with utmost diligence. Anastasia herself is the ultimate authority, revered by the followers, and her word is law.

Descriptions for Alice and Anastasia as requested:
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Alice Beaumontt-Devereux

Alice, the Resplendent Weaver of Seven-Colored Illusions, possesses an enchanting appearance that captures the essence of her magical prowess. Her long, flowing blonde hair cascades down her back, shimmering with an iridescent quality as if touched by the very light of the heavens. Her fair complexion, accentuated by piercing blue eyes, radiates an otherworldly charm.

Alice adorns herself in a simple yet elegant blue and white dress, symbolizing her connection to both the ethereal and earthly realms. However, what truly sets her apart are the bolts and tapestries of color-changing rainbow cloth that envelop her, as if they are manifestations of the illusions she weaves. Long strands of prismatic string, intricately connected to magical needles, trail behind her, weaving an ever-shifting dance of vibrant hues in her wake.

To complement her title, Alice wears accessories befitting her role. A delicate tiara adorned with shimmering gemstones rests upon her brow, catching the light and reflecting a kaleidoscope of colors. She carries a small pouch filled with enchanting dust, shimmering like stardust, which she uses to enhance her illusions. Bracelets crafted from crystalline beads encircle her wrists, resonating with the magic she commands.

Anastasia Blackthorne

Anastasia, the Necromancer of the Ghastly Rose, exudes an air of dark elegance and mystique. Her lustrous black hair frames her face, contrasting against her medium-toned skin. Intense scarlet eyes, harboring secrets and ancient knowledge, peer out from beneath her brows, captivating all who dare to meet her gaze.

Cloaked in an elaborate gown that blends the colors of night and blood, Anastasia embodies the essence of her dark arts. The gown, predominantly black, is adorned with intricate patterns of deep red roses, representing her dominion over necromantic forces. She wields a long magical staff, crafted with meticulous detail and entwined with thorny rose vines that evoke both beauty and danger. The staff serves as a conduit for her necromantic and dark spells, channeling her formidable powers.

Anastasia's accessories mirror her title, enhancing her enigmatic presence. A pendant in the shape of a black rose hangs from a silver chain around her neck, a talisman infused with the essence of her necromantic abilities. Dark, fingerless gloves accentuate her hands, the fingertips adorned with delicate silver that glimmers ominously. As she moves, a cloak of shadow seems to follow her, an ethereal reminder of her mastery over the Ghastly Rose's secrets.

♥ The Rules: ♥
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1. Hate the characters, not the roleplayers. Be respectful.
2. Cursing at a minimum. Alternatives are allowed. "[Gosh darn] it!" or "[Redacted] it!" are both acceptable.
3. Characters may be as powerful as you like, but please avoid making them an idealized form. Perfection is not objective, and everyone has flaws.
4. Feel free to add small pieces of lore at your own discretion. However, please avoid directly manipulating the roleplay in a way that disrupts the plot, or affects the timeline in a major way.
5. Try to keep your characters relatively consistent.
6. Paragraph-style and third-person writing is preferred, but you may use other styles of writing if you are more comfortable with it. There is no minimum word count, but please try to avoid one-liners.
7. If your character joins in the middle of the roleplay, you may choose to begin at the location the current characters are in. Otherwise, you may only begin the roleplay in the Elysian Plain. This is to ensure everyone's posts can coincide.
8. You may not move the plotline forward in a major way (arriving at another location to progress is fine) without asking me, the host. Magic not written in your form may not be used unless I permit it either.
9. Respect the rules and have fun. :)

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The Legion of Alice:

Lydia Kyouko Satou (ItsKendo)

[Veridians - Aquamarine | Skeletal manipulation, witchcraft; A sword fashioned from every bone in her left arm, a frying pan, and probably more]

Arachne (Starchasm~Nyx)

[Serpens Aeternus - Emerald | Poison, trapping, buffing magic; Poison stingers and spider minions]

The Mad Hatter (Starchasm~Nyx)

[Veridians - Citrine | Illusion and enchantment magic, slight elemental control; those weapons]

Andrea [Dawn's Dissonance] (andrea~)

[Lyra Nocturna - Moonstone | Sensory manipulation; Throwing knives]

Akari Nagai (Marginal~Red)

[Lyra Nocturna - Spectrolite| Shielding magic and light manipulation (compression and dilation); Ceremonial dagger]

Adrienne Tourmaline (Junghyun)

[Serpens Aeternus - Garnet | Vanilla constellation magic, i.e. Basic elemental manipulation; Long spear]

Le Monde Rouge:

Ariadne (Junghyun)

[Lyra Nocturna - Lapis Lazuli | Light magic; Scepter]

Jasmine [Dusk's Symphony] (andrea~)

[Serpens Aeternus - Emerald | Blood manipulation; Throwing knives]

Kaori Kim (RoyalUltima)

[Veridians - Citrine | Elemental tapping; Two small hunting daggers]

Shieta LaVil [The Witch] (AprilxSkye)

[Lyra Nocturna - Lapis Lazuli | Poison and antidote magic; Sniper rifle and butterfly knife]

Aria Sonari (Milotic6721)

[Lyra Nocturna - Moonstone | Mind reading and teleporting and twisting thoughts; Blade kept in her pocket]

Quentin Burns (JustCath)

[Lyra Nocturna - Spectrolite| Telepathy and psychic powers; Daggers and a magical walking stick/staff]

Lifei Vaknov (andrea~)

[Serpens Aeternus - Garnet| Vanilla constellation magic, i.e. Basic elemental manipulation; A whip and fan with dart-like daggers]

Gloria Murphy (Marginal~Red)

[Veridians - Aquamarine | Dowsing magic that allows her to spiritually locate magical artifacts; The Aurora Rod that can summon a shield and control ice to some degree]

Faction TBD:

Reservation for Serendibite
Reservation for Sylvie~

Sign-up Form:

Name of Character:

Character Age:

Faction: (Legion of Alice / Le Monde Rouge)


Appearance: (Your character's physical form must be human)


Constellation, Gemstone, and Magical Specialty:

Weapons, if any:


Show a recent RP post that demonstrates your ability to write 3-4 sentences or 1-2 paragraphs. Alternatively, complete the literacy test provided below:
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1. Type the following sentence. Capitalization and punctuation all count.

2. Next, complete the following sentences.
When they get [there|their|they're], [there|their|they're] going to return [there|their|they're] scarf.
[Your|You're] being ridiculous if you think I'm going to follow [your|you're] gut instinct.

3. Finally, you must answer this fiendishly difficult trivia question: What color was George Washington's favorite black horse?

*proof of literacy is optional if you've posted at least once in the rp
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Fri, 05/05/2023 07:28 (1 Year ago)

Name of Character:
[The Twilight's Ace]
Lydia Kyouko Satou

Character Age:
17 physically, roughly 210 years old

A bubbly, cheerful girl, Lydia is one of the, if not the single most energetic girl in the universe. She's extremely high energy, which masks her crippling insecurities and inferiority complex. Despite this, she's incredibly unhinged and unpredictable. She's batsh*t insane.

Her appearance is battered and bruised. her beautiful azure eyes are glazed over like she's blind. Her silky raven-black hair is singed at the ends, and cut short, like it was burnt away with an explosion. Her fair skin is bruised and cut. A wide grin graces her face. Her jacket is burnt at the ends, and a golden locket rests against her tattered white shirt. She wears black track shorts and battered pink slippers.

A long time ago, there was a child. two children, actually. One was perfect at everything, skilled, charming, handsome... and the younger child got jealous. So she tried to top everything the other child did. This led to the relationship between the two deteriorating. Long after the older child left home, the younger sibling was faced with a challenge. And that challenge led to her death. Now, she spends eternity walking along the boundary of life and death, stuck forever in her mortal form.

Constellation, Gemstone, and Magical Specialty:
Veridians, The Truth-Speaking Blossom

She's long since lost sense of her body, but she manages and powers through. Every moment is a living torture for Lydia Satou, as she manipulates her own skeletal structure through witchcraft, to make her limbs and body act in the way she wants.

Weapons, if any:
her fists, a sword fashioned from EVERY BONE IN HER LEFT ARM, a frying pan...

oh she's gay as f*ck.

Palpad? You will be added into the group palpad, but you may leave whenever you like.

Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Fri, 05/05/2023 09:55 (1 Year ago)
Reserve ?

This is not related to Ōmagatoki, right?

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 24
Posted: Fri, 05/05/2023 10:11 (1 Year ago)
Username: starchasm Nyx (why do we have names here?)

Name of Character: Arachne

Character Age: 2081 physically 7

Personality: unhappy with her life, always unsatisfied with what she has. Likes being fonded over, like being petted on the head, but tries not to show it. Makes a small fist around her thumb when hiding something, squeezing it super hard. Is an extremely talented artist, mainly with tapestry.

Appearance: (Your character's physical form must be human) a young girl with 8 cute bright red eyes, looks cute till you get close up and realise her dress isn't just made out of webs, but also with millions of spider children she commands. She uses her childlike form to trick prey into getting close, then her true form is revealed, large spider legs springing out of her back to impale the enemy and fangs sliding out of her wrists to inject poison.

Backstory: Arachnes greek myth blah blah blah, skip forward, when alice came recruiting lost souls she agreed to sign the contract and sold her soul for a chance to live.

Constellation, Gemstone, and Magical Specialty:
Serpens aeternus, are we allowed to have more than 1 gemstone? If so, i'd like all 3 under the serpens constellation, i just feel they all fit under arachne so well ;-; if not, emerald. They specialise in poisons, trap and buffer magic, prefering to send her minions to do the job for her instead of having to go into danger. Extremely dangerous due to her speed.
Weapons, if any: poison stingers,
Steel sharp spider leg stabbers

Sexuality: ambiguous

Palpad? You will be added into the group palpad, but you may leave whenever you like: yee

Other: nope! Tell me if there's anything to fix, or if u need a clarification on which version of arachnes tale.
The ashes rained down from the sky like snow, cinders scattered through the breeze…
And where was I? Burning in hell, of course.

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Fri, 05/05/2023 10:15 (1 Year ago)
@kendo, starchasm

reserved, it does indeed have nothing to do with oumagatoki
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 115
Posted: Fri, 05/05/2023 15:59 (1 Year ago)
I still reserve the right to steal your leeks but


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Username: @YourGod

Name of Character: Adrik Volkov

Character Age:

Faction: (Legion of Alice / Le Monde Rouge)


Appearance: (Your character's physical form must be human)


Constellation, Gemstone, and Magical Specialty:

Weapons, if any: His enormous forehead can act as a mirror and blind foes.

Sexuality: Omni, preference for women and enby people.

to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Fri, 05/05/2023 16:50 (1 Year ago)
reserved :D
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 452
Posted: Fri, 05/05/2023 17:05 (1 Year ago)
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Fri, 05/05/2023 17:06 (1 Year ago)
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 97
Posted: Sat, 06/05/2023 01:17 (1 Year ago)
The burgers were never cooked.

Username: JustCath

Name of Character: Quentin Burns

Character Age: 66

Faction: Le Monde Rouge

Personality: In his old age, Burns can be whimsical and eccentric, but adversaries would be wise not to underestimate him. Professor Burns understands human nature and can flawlessly control his emotions, making him a superb diplomat. He enjoys puzzles, and romantic matchmaking in his spare time.

Appearance: (Your character's physical form must be human): Steel-grey eyes, steel-grey beard. He is older, but do not underestimate him. 6' 10", says he's 6'9". Strong build, but not too bulky. Wears practical clothes. [x] and [x]

Backstory: Tbd. I need to adapt this.

Constellation, Gemstone, and Magical Specialty: Lyra Nocturna, Spectrolite, Telepathy and psychic powers

Weapons, if any: Daggers and a magical walking stick/staff.

Sexuality: Asexual, panromantic.
My unfinished symphony, forever unfinished! If I can't have this, then no one can.
It was never meant to be.

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟

My current RP work:
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Andry for Clockwork Man (paused)
Leanne makes her PH debut in House on the Edge
Vesi prime + Ivy prime on discord.


We cool.

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Sat, 06/05/2023 01:18 (1 Year ago)
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Sun, 07/05/2023 01:05 (1 Year ago)
Tiny reminder that anyone who made their form before I realized that I forgot to add the option to pick which side you fight on that you can now edit it onto your form. Otherwise your character will default to the Legion of Alice.

(i hope that sentence made sense)
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Sun, 07/05/2023 01:20 (1 Year ago)
my gay girl be up
Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Sun, 07/05/2023 01:27 (1 Year ago)
cool character, accepted again because why not
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 24
Posted: Sun, 07/05/2023 03:50 (1 Year ago)
Username: Starchasm Nyx

Name of Character: Mad hatter

Character Age: 420 years old, 23 in body.

Faction: (Legion of Alice / Le Monde Rouge)

Legion of Alice

Personality: "C'mon old chap, put a smile on that face! As long as I'm here for you, which'll always be the case, you can count on me to do whatever you want, whenever you want, however you want! We were friends in wonderland after all, weren't we?"

Appearance: (Your character's physical form must be human). Humnlike with pale skin and a mask made of cards, specifically the 2 of clubs, the 2 of hearts, the 2 of diamonds, the 2 of spades and the ace of hearts, which covers the top right half of his face. He wears a white top hat with gold and green threads interwoven into it, along with a fine white cloak with purple stars shining inside. Carries with him a staff that can act as both a quarterstaff in battle and a spear/polearm. Blonde, with bright green eyes.

Backstory: Loyal companion of Alice and magician extraordinaire, the mad hatter has never revealed his true name to anybody, only appearing in a grove now come to be known as "the eternal tea party" to have tea, he never seems to age physically, staying in his prime and continuing his tea party, refusing to leave the grove. When Alice came to wonderland, the hatter was intruiged by her and offered her tea. When Alice left, mad and distressed, the hatter followed her out of concern for her safety, and tried to nurse her back to health unsuccessfully. The hatter was glad when she found rest in Elysium, though that was short lived. To the human world she went, and to Elysium she returned to, the mad hatter followed her and took her orders. To tell the truth he was rather infatuated by the veryr concept of Alice, she was like a goddess to him...till she became a true god. Even now as he's seemingly cast aside by Alice in favour of her army of lost souls, the mad hatter still smiles and tries his best to keep the humanity in Alice alive.

Constellation, Gemstone, and Magical Specialty:

Veridiens - Citrine - Illusion magic, enchantment magic and elemental control.

Weapons, if any: Top hat that when spun counter clockwise becomes a mercury tipped bladed hat the hatter can throw like a boomerang, and when spun three times it explodes after 7 seconds, throwing mercury as shrapnel.

Quarterstaff/polearm/spear self explainatory

Card mask can be detatched and thrown like a throwing knife into the heads of enemies, also helps him to concentrate with aiming when covering his right eye. Would make him a great sniper.

Cloak: when opened allowes him to make portals anywhere within 30 meters, and allows him to throw anything the size of an average adult human male through it.

Sexuality: bisexual

Palpad? You will be added into the group palpad, but you may leave whenever you like: yee

Other: naw
The ashes rained down from the sky like snow, cinders scattered through the breeze…
And where was I? Burning in hell, of course.

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Sun, 07/05/2023 03:54 (1 Year ago)
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 75
Posted: Mon, 08/05/2023 00:54 (1 Year ago)
Username: Junghyun

Name of Character: Ariadne

Character Age: 16

Faction: (Legion of Alice / Le Monde Rouge) Le Monde Rouge

Personality: Kind, Warming, brave.

Appearance: (Your character's physical form must be human) A girl with long white hair up to her knees. She has light blue eyes. She also wears long white robes and white boots. Inside she wears a white dress, with white socks and white boots. Wears white gloves.

Backstory: Ariadne unknowingly came into this world when she was 4. She was cared by a member of Le Monde Rouge and after the member passed away, she vowed to one day defeat Alice with the help of other members.

Constellation, Gemstone, and Magical Specialty: Lyra Nocturna - The Night Harp, Light Magic, and Lapis Lazuli.

Weapons, if any: Sceptor

Sexuality: Asesexual

Palpad? You will be added into the group palpad, but you may leave whenever you like.

ੈ✩‧₊˚Hi I'm Junghyun♡ ⋆。˚

and this is Lily <3

₊˚ʚ Pfp Credits ❥・@pinterest/google
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Mon, 08/05/2023 00:55 (1 Year ago)
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 24
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2023 10:51 (1 Year ago)
when do we start?

The ashes rained down from the sky like snow, cinders scattered through the breeze…
And where was I? Burning in hell, of course.

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 707
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2023 11:07 (1 Year ago)
Username: Drakonia

Name of Character: Vortex

Character Age: 16

Faction: (Legion of Alice / Le Monde Rouge) Legion of Alice

Personality: Likes to talk with others, she is kind and brave, would never harm anyone unless she had reason

Appearance: (Your character's physical form must be human) Has zorua ears, black eyes and pale skin, wears black clothings um... something like that but with ears

Backstory: Shown later

Constellation, Gemstone, and Magical Specialty: Serpens Aeternus, Obsidian, Elemental magic

Weapons, if any: Axe

Sexuality: Lesbian

Palpad? You will be added into the group palpad, but you may leave whenever you like. Yeah

Other: I think you forgot add gender on the form
"What you do with the gift of life determines who you are" - Mewtwo