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Everlost - Roleplay

Forum-Index Roleplay Everlost - Roleplay
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Wed, 25/05/2022 00:00 (2 Years ago)
A fatal accident occured. One that ended in taking your life. You're either a Greensoul; a new soul that has just woken up from a long sleep into this new echo of a world, or a more experienced soul. (Called an Afterlight)

The world of Everlost is one where children, who didn't get to where they were going, are forced to roam this ghost of the earth forever. The earth is still living but dead spots are here. Places once were in the real world but have passed over to this world.

Roselia was sitting down in her hideout that she had found a long time ago. She was luckily able to find some crossed-over furniture to use, but that still made her feel bad. Any items crossed over from the real world into Everlost had lots of love incorporated into them, and it probably devastated whoever had used this desk before her. But it made an excellent place to store all the items she had found scattered around this echo of the living world. Her hands consciously fiddled with a gear while her mind was at work.

Tyler was nowhere near Roselia's so-called 'workshop'. He was laying down in a soft patch of grass outside of his house. He quickly realized he wasn't in his bedroom. Opening his eyes, he had found he had awoken out in the outdoors, on a soft patch of grass. He quickly sat up, wondering how he got out here and trying to remember. A light. . He remembered a tunnel. And at the end of the tunnel, a light, and he remembered he was almost touching it. And something sent him spiraling down, knocking him out of the tunnel.

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Wed, 25/05/2022 00:40 (2 Years ago)
Death was quite the unfortunate thing for many reasons. For example: there was the pain of leaving your loved ones behind, or being unable to eat your favorite food.

But one thing Maverick was completely unprepared for was how boring death was!

Chilling laughter can be heard throughout the streets of Everlost as Maverick vaults across rooftops with his latest experiment. Unlike Roselia, he held no guilt in 'borrowing' items he found during his travels. He found many items. A blanket, an old fishing pole, and a box of arts and crafts. To one person, it was junk, to the owners, an item that held significant importance. But for Maverick, it was nothing but an opportunity!

"Oh how boring this new life is!" Maverick chants while picking up speed. "But with this new invention! Maybe life won't be so horrible!" His giddiness rises as he nears the end of the final rooftop. He extends his arms out. He had tied fishing poles to his arms and attached the blanket to each pole. If his math is correct- and why wouldn't it be? He spent three seconds considering it- he should be able to glide!

"Here we go!" Maverick screams out while leaping off the rooftop. His laughter quickly turns into a panicked scream as he sails towards the ground. Fortunately, the rooftop was low and his fall had been caught by some bushes. A groan of pain can be heard from the bushes as Maverick sits up and rubs his hurt back. He curses to himself and glances at his ruined experiment with a saddened expression. "Man... I was certain that this would work!" He whines.

Well, that was about two minutes of fun. Now what? He stands up and glances around. "Hmm, I wonder if anybody new has woke up" he asks himself out loud, as if someone would magically appear by his side. "I believe it's time for new friends and new opportunities~." With newfound excitement and newfound purpose he skips through the city, determined to find a new friend... Preferably one that wasn't afraid of him.
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 25/05/2022 01:26 (2 Years ago)
death was something Snow knew was coming for him, yet he never expected it would come so soon. he opened his eyes and looked around already feeling lost. he was in a meadow, of which he definitely didn't remember.

the one thing he was surprised about though was how much death hurt. he was in so much pain still standing and nearly fell over. after a bit of comprehension Snow heard laughter in the distance and bolted away nearly tripping over Tyler, though seeing him caused Snow to have flashbacks making the thin boy curl up in a ball trying to control his breathing
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 53
Posted: Wed, 25/05/2022 02:16 (2 Years ago)
Luna was resting in some grass, soaking wet. She shook off, realizing… she wasn’t on the anymore? She then remembered… a light… a tunnel… and spiraling darkness… into here, perhaps? Suddenly, she hears laughter in the distance along with a scream. What is this place? Some kind of mystical forest? How did she get here?
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 121
Posted: Wed, 25/05/2022 03:37 (2 Years ago)
Caleb sat up quickly, suddenly on a soft patch of grass. What had happened? He thinks for a moment, then tried to recall what had happened in his head. He was going down a tunnel with a bright light at the end of it. After a bit of walking, he had felt himself turning, and then suddenly fell down into the bright light. Then he had woken up here. The question was, where was here? He heard the laughter, but decided to ignore it for now. He stood up and took a look at his surroundings. Where in the world could he be?
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Wed, 25/05/2022 05:46 (2 Years ago)
Wake up... Wake up... Wake up...! An unfamiliar light begun to pour into Illusia's eyes, rejuvenating them as they woke from a long slumber. It's been a while since her body ever moved, and everything felt so... odd... The body she was in, it was uncomfortable, foreign, like she didn't belong. Her mind was heavy with questions and thoughts, but most importantly, emptiness. Illusia usually had that small voice in her head that judged her every movement, thought out all the possible outcomes of her actions, scolded her for anything out of the ordinary, but now it was gone. The silence was deafening, and her own thoughts became more prevalent then ever. She wasn't sure on what she was supposed to do, what exactly happened, and why everything was just so... different. These unfamiliar feelings and emotions, it just all came so quickly. She immediately sat up on the small patch of grass she had been on, staring at the emptiness and dullness that lied ahead. The sight was so familiar, yet so vague and meaningless to her at the same time. She looked closer, not yet moving from her spot, only to immediately regret ever looking. It was her town, crumbled to ashes and worn down rubble. The place where she was the most, only to be forgotten and reduced to nothing. Oh no... Why...? What was going on? She was so confused, so overwhelmed, so... tired that she simply broke down and cried. She pulled at her hair and wailed, never wanting to lift her head ever again.
"The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice. There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle."
-Sun Tsu, The Art of Gaming

oh hey what's this
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 145
Posted: Wed, 25/05/2022 14:09 (2 Years ago)
Bertholdt woke up abruptly. He stared around the terrain he was sitting on soft moist grass. "Wh- where am I?" He whispered. He stood up and observed his surroundings and quickly fell back down on the ground. His legs were feeble and he had a headache. Why was he so groggy? After many minutes of struggle, he finally was able to stand up. "Mum? Dad? Where are you?" He said in a hushed voice. He ran from the grass but only saw the same grass until he found a tunnel. "What the?" He saw the heavily illuminated tunnel. He thought quickly and decided to run into it. But the tunnel went on and on. Until the light ended and Bertholdt found the end of the tunnel...
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 299
Posted: Wed, 25/05/2022 15:10 (2 Years ago)
Ruby blinked open her eyes. Had she made it? Something about her felt odd. She looked around. This was not where she had wanted to go. Then she realized that she was lost. Had the hurricane pushed her somewhere else? But what about her younger siblings? What if they got separated as well? Who would take care of them? They had lost their parents a while ago. Hopefully, somebody else would find them and take them in. She didn't want anything bad to happen to them. For now, she needed to focus on where she was. She decided to walk around for a bit to see all of her surroundings.
Quote from Pokemon Gold/SilverYou know how pokemon have different abilities? People are like that too. Everyone has different potential.

Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Wed, 25/05/2022 15:19 (2 Years ago)
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Maverick murmurers as he stumbles across a new soul. The poor soul was small, and young. For a split second, Maverick feels pity towards the boy. He, like the others, were taken far too young. He shouldn't be in a place like this. He should be alive and happy!

But that feeling goes away quickly. "Alright, just like you practiced" Maverick tells himself while advancing towards Bertholdt. He spreads his arms out wide and forces a smile onto his face. Just smile! They won't be afraid if you seem friendly! The grin is forced, almost making look like a crazed maniac. It certainly didn't help that he was appearing almost out of thin air towards the most likely distraught boy.

Every soul reacts differently towards being here. Most were confused, some were sad, a few, angry. Others... Well, it was rare, but they were happy. Regardless, Maverick is cautious and he keeps his distance. There was no telling how this boy would react. "Hello!" Maverick calls out. "Welcome to Everlost! My name is Maverick and-!" Shoot, he had this scripted out. What was he supposed to say next? He pats his pants, trying to feel for his notes. Dang! I'm screwing this up already! I'll just wing it! "What brings you here?" He asks, then cringes. Perfect! That's exactly what you want to say to a new soul. Good thinking Maverick!
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 145
Posted: Wed, 25/05/2022 19:41 (2 Years ago)
Bertholdt was walking around staring at the ground hopelessly, he couldn't find anyone around! He walked defeated until he heard a voice. It greeted him. Had he finally found someone? He saw a boy with the craziest attire and the coolest-looking hair. Do I talk to him Bertholdt thought? He had asked where he came from. Where did I come from he thought "Uhm... Hi... To be honest I don't know. Do you know what this place is Sir?" Yes! Bertholdt wasn't one for socializing yet he was able to do it and he did it politely he thought. But is this boy a friend or an enemy? I'll have to find out.
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Wed, 25/05/2022 19:55 (2 Years ago)
Similar excitement bubbles up from within Maverick when he realizes that he hadn't scared the boy. Best of all, the boy was actually interested in responding to him! Okay, okay, don't mess this up now! He had asked a question, and Maverick was busy staring at him with a Cheshire cat grin on his face.

"This place? I'm not too sure what it is myself" Maverick responds while pacing around back and forth. "I've pieced together that we are in a world commonly known as Everlost. You can think about this place as the 'in-between.' We're in the real world... But we also aren't... We're in some form of an afterlife... But we also aren't." Maverick suddenly stops pacing and turns his body to face Bertholdt. "I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news. But, it would appear that something horrible has happened to you. Hense why you're here." To his credit, Maverick manages to say the last part gently. "I'm sorry" he adds earnestly.
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Wed, 25/05/2022 20:56 (2 Years ago)
Roselia had been unconsciously fiddling with the gear for a while. She hadn't even known what it was to or what it was from, or what she would incorporate it into. She just figured it had some use, some meaning. After all, it had crossed into Everlost. That must mean it was important.

Tyler stood up, almost losing his balance. Where am I? It seemed . . . familiar to him, as if this meadow had some importance. A sudden memory came back to him. This was the meadow a little ways away from his house. Why was he here? He figured he could probably make his way back to his house from here. That would be the best choice. His parents were probably scared and worried about him. Mum's probably crying her eyes out. That made him feel sad. It was his fault for making his mom worry all the time.

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 145
Posted: Wed, 25/05/2022 23:04 (2 Years ago)
Bertholdt listened to his calming voice which led him to believe that this was a person to trust.

Wait I'm- dead he thought to himself. "But that's impossible..." he thought aloud. Now he was nervous but more than that he was confused. Last I remember my school was under a lockdown. And my brother was there in a ski mask... I tried to stop him from hurting my friends and then... and then I ended up here... If my theory is correct did my brother actually? No, he couldn't have. I'll figure out about this later but for now, I have to focus on talking to this boy.

"Oh, I see. Well, what's your name?" Bertholdt said as he calmed down.

Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Thu, 26/05/2022 01:31 (2 Years ago)
A pitied look crosses over Maverick's face as he watches Bertholdt's expression. Just as Maverick expected- the news about where he was and why he was here would leave him confused, and likely in disbelief. It was completely understandable. Here, in Everlost, you certainly felt alive. To all the new souls, the idea of death seemed impossible. It would take time to realize the truth.

Maverick is smart enough to not push the matter any further. Overwhelming the boy wouldn't do any good. "My name?" Maverick asks. He grins a toothy smile and places a fist proudly onto his chest. "My name is Maverick the great!" He boasts. "But you can call me Maverick." He cocks his head slightly and stares down at Bertholdt. "And what's your name?" He questions.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 145
Posted: Thu, 26/05/2022 02:00 (2 Years ago)
Bertholdt smiled, he felt safe at last. "My name? Er.. it's Bertholdt Brando." He felt embarrassed about saying his own name. He had so many questions. "I- I- presume that you've been here for a while? H- How long have you been here?" He said stuttering. Darn, my stuttering it's so annoying he thought to himself.

Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 259
Posted: Thu, 26/05/2022 02:59 (2 Years ago)
Maverick simply blinks at the question. For all he knew it could've been a few minutes, or even a few years. Maverick didn't understand how it worked, but time seemed to stop here. The world as they knew it continued onward, while they remained in a standstill. Maverick could only judge time based upon his intuition and well, his wasn't very great. "About a year?" Maverick guesses while shrugging. "It ain't all that bad. There's plenty of company... If you know where to find it" Maverick says while squinting and looking around, as if he were searching for hidden souls. "It can get pretty boring, but hey, this is life now. So you'd better get use to it!" He says with a smirk.
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Thu, 26/05/2022 06:01 (2 Years ago)
There was some talking nearby. Yes... there was, it was faint but the noise was still there. Of course, it would be hard to hear through Illusia's extreme wailing and bawling. As soon as she heard it though, she tried her best to stop. The girl managed to kep it down to frequent sniffles, but her face was sticky from the tears. The landscape around her, was relatively dull, all that was in front of her were broken down buildings, some sort of podium she was standing on, and the forest beyond. She wasn't sure how exactly she was able to hear what seemed to be 2 people talking, considering the fact that the little village that once was had been secluded and probably became unnoticeable to the rest of the world. Illusa considered getting closer, which she eventually did, but her fear overwhelmed her and made her worry about the smallest details. What if they were dangerous? What if they noticed her? What if... What if... Oh no, she was about to start crying again... Luckily, the paranoid child was able to pull herself togethe this time and built enough courage to walk over. She stepped off the large, wooden platform she had been standing on and quietly made her way through the forest, where she would most likely end up running into Maverick and Bertholdt, the two making the aforementioned chatter, on the other side. She hoped she wouldn't get lost or somehow get distracted enough that she revealed her existence to them, but she had a few moments before she could worry.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 791
Posted: Thu, 26/05/2022 08:38 (2 Years ago)

𝕃𝕦𝕔𝕚𝕦𝕤 ℂ𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟
" He had those kind eyes;
That shone with the light of
'Everything will be okay' "

His golden eyes slowly fluttered open.

He let out a small groan as he rubbed his eyes, like he had just awoken from long months of slumber. He felt the blades of grass brush against his pale skin, illuminated by the warm glow of the sunlight breaking through the forest canopy. He could hear the sound of nature, the slow rush of the wind and water playing a soft melody with the rustling leaves.

He was unfamiliar with the place, with no memory but his name, and was more lost as he had woken up alone in the middle of greenery. However, he didn't panic nor did he feel any hint of fear. Instead, he simply laid down further, enjoying the peace nature had to offer for a moment before he heard the sound of a distant chatter. With the realisation that he wasn't alone here, he got up, his muscles surprisingly not sore even when he'd probably been sleeping for a long time, and followed the voices that echoed throughout the woods.

He could see two figures having a nice conversation between the creak of the trees he was peeking from, though he didn't want to disturb the two so he backed away from his spot, yet he did feel a little wave of relief trickle through him knowing he had company in this unfamiliar world.

He decided to wander around a little to get to know the place better. Most people wouldn't be too fascinated with the boring trees that looked identical to the next nor would they pay attention to the finest detail of the moss climbing up the tree barks. The boy, however, saw it all through different eyes. He watched in awe at the scene before him, like one would see beautiful art. His eyes made out dragons from the vines and fairies from the occasional sprouts of yellow flowers.

While he was busy entertaining his fantasy thoughts, he crossed paths with another person, a girl. She looked like she was headed somewhere, towards the direction of the two other people he saw earlier. Nervously, he cleared his throat to speak.

"Hey, are you new here too?" He asked quietly, his voice almost blended with the wind with a soft tinkle in it.

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 145
Posted: Thu, 26/05/2022 13:41 (2 Years ago)
Bertholdt smiles to Maverick's response. "I figured that was the case. Well um have you found anyone else here?" This place is so odd he thought to himself. I can't stop moving or else something weird happens...

Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 27/05/2022 00:15 (2 Years ago)
(Sorry didn't relise you made this untill now)

Bri wondered around humming the tune ment for a music recital. Sadly she wasn't able to perform since she died the week before. Bri wandered and wandered and found a violin. She started to play a soft sad melody as she continued to travel. She wished she had her piano ,but knew she couldn't carry it. She kept her violin close and slowly drifted her music guilding lost souls.

Bri smiled remembering how she got here. She was happy. She got to perform every once in a while to a mockingbird she kept as a pet. Traveling the land she learned a lot of things. One of these were the rules of the world she lived in.