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What Role in Pokemon would you be?
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Discussion → What Role in Pokemon would you be?
Forum Posts: 55
Posted: Fri, 13/05/2022 00:13 (2 Years ago)
Would you be a hero? Main character? What about the rival that
tries to dominate the world? The breeder that runs the PokeNursery?
How about the chef that makes all the delicious poffins? Discuss ^^
Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 13/05/2022 21:35 (2 Years ago)
If I were in one of the trainer classes I'd be a painter
( )
or else I'd be the main character's mom.
Forum Posts: 12
Posted: Tue, 17/05/2022 20:37 (2 Years ago)
Probably some sort of collector. I NEED THEM ALL
My first hatched shiny!!
My other shinies!!
My first megas!!
Daiko OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 57
Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Wed, 18/05/2022 04:51 (2 Years ago)
probably some dude you find on a random route that gives you an
item that probably isn't useful
"The phrase “it’s just a
game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what
happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you
stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice .
There’s always something to learn, and always room
for improvement, never settle."
-Sun Tsu, The Art of Gaming
oh hey what's this
Forum Posts: 9
Posted: Sat, 21/05/2022 15:16 (2 Years ago)
Probably just one of those pesky trainers that try and battle you
every time you try to get past.
<a href=""><img
<a href=""><img
Forum Posts: 299
Posted: Sat, 21/05/2022 15:25 (2 Years ago)
Probably a Gym Leader that specializes in psychic types whose team
Mega Gallade
Quote from Pokemon
Gold/Silver You know how pokemon have different
abilities? People are like that too. Everyone has different
Forum Posts: 83
Posted: Mon, 27/06/2022 08:27 (2 Years ago)
Maybe that one kid that’s obsessed with liepard and would just say
“Hey could I have some purrloins?” And if you didnt give some
prepare for battle xD
Rickrolls, amiright?
bbun OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 20
Forum Posts: 21
Posted: Mon, 27/06/2022 17:23 (2 Years ago)
Probably a pokemon with 3 seconds of screen time
also i would immediately run in the games
Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Tue, 28/06/2022 16:05 (2 Years ago)
I would be the rancher in the
middle of nowhere with a safari zone sized property that has
multiple habitats and hundreds of pokemon.
Forum Posts: 21
Posted: Wed, 29/06/2022 12:48 (2 Years ago)
I would be one of the trainers in the graveyard.
Please deal with them.
Forum Posts: 184
Posted: Mon, 04/07/2022 14:18 (2 Years ago)
i would be whoever she is
" All it costs is your love!! "
Welcome! I am quite friendly and I love chatting as well as
meeting new friends . [she/he/they]
Sabito OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 29
Forum Posts: 212
Posted: Mon, 04/07/2022 14:23 (2 Years ago)
I would want to be a traveler who goes after legendary and mystical
Pokémon and meets them and study’s them.
The stars shine bright and are calling me to go
Advi From Demon Slayer season 1
Forum Posts: 222
Posted: Mon, 04/07/2022 14:30 (2 Years ago)
I would be the lucario champion which is the strongest but acts as
the weakest trainer
The noobs are the gods of tomorrow
Want some quick pd or some cheap mone visit our pawn shop
Pawn Heroes
Forum Posts: 9
Posted: Sat, 30/07/2022 20:29 (2 Years ago)
I know what I would like to be, but if I was actually in the game,
I would be a trainer girl that all Pokemon love. Even IRL, I am
really good with animals. I would be able to get a rly good team,
and leveling up with happyness would be no problem.
Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Wed, 31/08/2022 23:38 (2 Years ago)
im always the main character, everyone else are npc's in my main
adventure in life
Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Thu, 08/09/2022 14:31 (2 Years ago)
Probably Id want to be one of those bird keepers that weirdly have
legendary pokemon
Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 04/10/2022 15:01 (2 Years ago)
Maybe a trainer or a Pokémon zoologist.
Maybe an adventurer
Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Wed, 05/10/2022 06:37 (2 Years ago)
I feel like I'd wander around doing oddjobs with my pokemon
partners. Wouldn't really focus on pokemon battles, but I'd probs
enter a pokemon contest every so often.
Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 05/10/2022 08:29 (2 Years ago)
Title: this is for the badge
amog us
Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Sun, 01/09/2024 09:58 (6 Months ago)
Probably a pokemon trainer aiming to be the best and later becoming
an dark/ghost-type gym leader.