I really like the cave so far. It took me a few attempts to get
through the beginner level (more like several) and then now I've
got a cool egg.
I know a lot of adults lead much busier lives than I do but I wish
sometimes I could just be like...an adult cat. Anyway, off to drive
for a few hours...
My party in Emerald rn is Femboy the kirlia, Dirtmouth the breloom,
Toby the mightyena, Thrifty the zigzagoon, Ronnie the nuzleaf, and
Toddy the combusken
I don't plan ahead well. I filled my party with eggs then won some
pokemon from activity and have three eggs from daycare that I'm
hoping will all still be there when the eggs in my party hatch. I
wish I could put eggs in boxes.
Even though I can't give plushies right now, I really appreciate
the ones people have given me. Thank you so much!!
I don't have any dream points yet to give plushies to people,
I just started here yesterday but I've already collected a lot of
the pokemon I'm fond of. The pokedex only knowing the ones you
currently have is a bit odd. I suppose I'll have to nab up baby
versions and everstones of the pokemon I like to evolve. I did not
expect to find a yorkshire terrier; that's one I wasn't previously
acquainted with.
The first pokemon game I played was Sapphire on an emulator. Or was
Ruby the first? I'm unsure...but I also have both of those games as
cartridges for my gameboy advance.
I'm playing Pokemon Emerald on my gamebody advance and I chose the
same starter for here as I did for that game.