Forum Thread
QUITTING Selling everything
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Item Trades → QUITTING Selling everythingomg im so sorry i missed all those other messages lmao hold up
@Minesphalt5680 sharpedo would be 80gp on PFQ and 130kpd on here
@AlienSnowflake Yep! You paying with PFQ or PD?
@Doma 400kc and 350gp would get you all my boxes, my super honey, my retro starter vouchers, and my relics. Does this sound good to you? I can probably throw one of the gem types in there as well of your choosing. (Ground is taken)
Btw how much for:
Sloyore + evolutions
Shadow Pikachu
The 3 retro gen 1 starters
Retro hoot hoot and topegi and cyndaquill
Shiny swampert, riolu and scizor (the spelling ~)
I’m sooooo sorry for all the hard work you have to go through but if you can’t do all in one shot, maybe the event and the shinies first
As a possible quiting PFQ player and a person who recently got into PH again, this is honestly the best thing i have come across. I have many shinies there and some credits and pokegold lol
Im interested what the set/expected price is for the shiny sylveon and/or shiny corvsquire and/or aviator talonflame. Dms and palpad are always open btw (edit: also my user there is Solaria's Eyes)
Soars across the Milky Way, carrying travelers, a dream"
"It won't end yet," "I don't want it to end"
"But even so, one day.."
-Mr. Showtime

Buttercream, 5kpd
sloyore + evos 5kpd each,
shadow pika 5pkd
retro starters 25kpd (hold off on these cause someone else asked for them and i wanna see if they grab them or not)
retro hoothoot togepi and cynda would all be 3pkd each
shiny swampert - 200kpd
shiny riolu - 120kpd
shiny scizor - 150kpd
does this sound good for you?
@Lunastar589 if your quitting pfq, i could give you a buttload of stuff here for most of the stuff your willing to give away on there. but to answer your questions
shiny sylveon - 140gp
shiny corvisquire - 60gp
i think you mean messenger talonflame - 20gp
sound good?
EDIT FOR Lunastar589 sylveon was taken, my bad. been having to jump around so much with all these trades lately lol
@Shinymew3217 sure thing, price check says 200kpd for him. deal?