Sorry to see you go! I've played PFQ much longer than PH, so I'll
be paying in that. (What PFQ items are you looking for anyway?)
I would love to ask about what PFQ pricing you were thinking about
for this list: Spring Ampharos, Autumn Ampharos, Summer Ampharos,
Satichu, Torcharch, Easter Buneary, and Sheriff Scrafty.
Also, are you looking for currency trade or is this just selling
your things? :) Thank you for your consideration
@PolarDegrees hey I recognize you from PFQ. It's Mari! You've
ordered from my egg shop before :)
To answer your question, since I'm used to PFQ pricing, I'd say
that all these events would be 50gp each? so, 400gp?
Just one question! Is everything in your Boxes up for grabs?
I'd love to purchase some Pokemon I'm missing for my Dexes, but I'm
not sure if you're selling everything, or just what is specified in
your thread? :o
Oh!!! I was just thinking about if I should order from you again
lol! Nice to see you XD
I would love to buy those for that price!
I'm still very very new to PH so I don't really understand the
conversion rates. If its that much, I would love to buy some other
things if you don't mind :)
Could I buy all your Electric gems and that event Lapras (I don't
know the name ahh)?
Are you accepting just gp? May I pay in either zc or credits?
(sorry for long post lol)
@Agatsuma oh yea you can choose from other boxes not shown here
too, I just didn't think they were worth showing cause not many
people want regulars lol. Lmk what mons you need, I can charge like
500pd for each mon
@PolarDegrees not only gp, you can do zc and credits as well.
Swampras is an extra 50gp and all the elec gems are 5gp per, so
another 180gp
in total, 630gp. sound good?
Sure! So 80 GP? Also can i get the shiny rapidash and maneki
meowstic along with it?
(edit: Please send trade when ready! and i also have to say that i
live in a diffrent time zone from you so just send a trade to
Solaria's Eyes with a message asking for the total amount of GP
it'll cost)
"The stars in my memories that
I can't express in words, all packed into a balloon,
Soars across the Milky Way, carrying travelers, a dream" "It won'tend yet,""I don't wantit to end" "But even so, one day.."
-Mr. Showtime
@Agatsuma oh yeah! i forgot legendaries were worth a lot on here
pff okay ill send those over for you shortly. regice and raikou
would be 25kpd each btw
@Lunastar589 shiny rapidash just got taken, but i can get the
meowstic for you
@Taavi shadow gengar is 3kpd
@pokemonblack alright, ill send over what i have left
@MsLovelyLesbian price check says all remaining eeveelutions (6)
are 1.5mil pd, luxray is 50kpd, decidueye is 250kpd, torracat is in
a trade rn and incineroar is also 250kpd. send trade if your
@Seam mawile is 150kpd, liepard is 80kpd. send trade if your buying
Update: all the pictures have been updated since they were getting
blurry. Also, all Pokemon that just look like regulars (Like the
Pidgeot and Shinx) are actually mega-able.
Again, I will NOT be holding any mons, so if you don't pick it up
before someone else, it's gone. I also will NOT be sending trades
myself anymore, once you order it is up to YOU to sends trades on
either here or PFQ.