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Pokémon | Downpour Despair (wip)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Pokémon | Downpour Despair (wip)
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Sun, 02/01/2022 19:11 (3 Years ago)

After a series of tremors - sourced from somewhere within Mt. Hageshī - shake the Tennokai region, its residents suddenly find themselves stranded, shrouded by a violent storm and an everlasting downpour, which has made travelling of any sort unsafe. Because of this, people have been advised to stay put in the safety of their homes, leaving only to collect essentials if necessary. It also meant that new trainers have been unable to collect their starters and begin their journies.

Furthermore, the Pokémon League Challenge has also been postponed, temporarily, until the bizarre weather passes, causing gyms all over the shut their doors and even the evacuation of the Elite 4 members from the Pokémon League. Well - all but the current Champion who, stubbornly, refused to leave her work, opting to stay behind instead to take care of the place.

It's been a week since. There's been no word from the Champion and the storm remains persistent, causing devastating flooding in many areas of the region. If things couldn't get any worse, a group proclaiming themselves to be members of 'Team Tempest' have suddenly begun showing up in towns, terrorising the people and forcefully taking their Pokémon. But for what reason?


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> Usual PH/RPing rules apply !
> Sentence/Paragraph format, please !
> Posts don't have to be super detailed, but make sure there's some substance !
> For the time being, maximum of 2 characters per person; Reservations allowed !
> Password is your favourite type of weather - put it in 'other' !

> Each trainer will be paired with an Elite 4 member (student-teacher-ish) !
> Trainers will have the opportunity to catch 1 new Pokémon per area (if any) !
> Elite 4 members start with a full (6 max) monotype team, but may also catch new Pokémon !
> Typings available for Elite 4 members: Fire, Ice, Water, Electric !

> You may not catch regional variants (ex. Alolan Vulpix, Galarian Ponyta), Mythicals, Legends, or Ultra Beasts !
> No Dyna/Gigamaxing, but Mega Evolutions will become available later on !
> Shinies are fine, as long as they're not every other encounter !
> An encounter list will be provided for every route, which you are free to pick from !
> However, you may not have two consecutive rare/very rare encounters !

> Rules to be added as and when needed !


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[b]Character Name[/b]:


[b]Gender, Pronouns[/b]:

( image or description is fine )

( strengths, weaknesses, etc )

( any additional info not covered by the above )

( copy & paste for additional Pokémon if needed )

[b]Species[/b] | [b]Nickname[/b]: x | [b]Gender[/b]: x
[b]Ability[/b]: x | [b]Nature[/b]: x | [b]Held Item[/b]: x
[b]move 1[/b] | [b]move 2[/b] | [b]move 3[/b] | [b]move 4[/b]



- Please delete anything in '()' - they're just prompts
- I will not accept a list of adjectives as a personality, please use sentences -
- New trainers should only have one Pokémon - their starter - please update your form throughout the RP to prevent confusion
- Member's of the Elite 4 can have a full team, but they must start as monotypes of either: Fire, Ice, Water, or Electric
- If it'll help, I can make a master list post to keep track of everyone's teams and encounters ?
- You don't have to make your team this detailed, but as a bare minimum, I require the species name and its moves

avalible spaces

1. [ new trainer ]
2. [ new trainer ]
3. [ new trainer ]
4. [ new trainer ]

5. [ Marin Windswept ]
6. [ Regan Rose ]
7. [ Song BingLiu ]
8. [ elite 4 member (flying?) ] res.

[ Champion (dark) ] wip

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Character Name: Arashi Toba

Age: 21

Gender, Pronouns: Female, She/Her


Arashi considers herself fairly tall, standing at around 1.72m (5'8") in her high-heeled boots, with a slender build, 52kgs (115lbs). Her pale-gold eyes are framed by thick lashes, whilst her feather-soft hair is silver, almost white, and smells faintly of vanilla. Contrasting with her charcoal black outfit, her skin is smooth and milk-white. If not already obvious, her dress was designed to resemble that of a bird, likely her Honchkrow, with black wing-like details hugging her waist and collar. Additionally, Arashi has a matching headpiece, plus gloves. Her boots are knee-high, the heels giving her a couple of inches on top of her actual height, which she feels is not important to announce. It may seem like an impractical outfit - it really is - but she's no longer your average trainer running around in the wild.


ISTJ | 6w5

"What... was that saying..? Calm before the storm?"

Arashi, aka "Storm Rider", is the current reigning champion of the Tennokai Region, who specialises in dark-type Pokémon. Her peers that stand beside her in the league, would probably describe her as a bit of a mystery, whose actions tend to be as unpredictable as the weather, but someone whose good mood should be taken advantage of. Challengers of her region, on the other hand, know "The Storm Rider" for the brutal battles she holds up. As a person who defends her title viciously, she wrings out every last drop of hard work that each trainer has to offer her.

Thus, whilst Arashi may seem completely untroubled on the outside, there's really no telling what may be brewing in her mind. Arashi as herself, rather than "Storm Rider", is a rather awkward person. Since becoming her region's leader, a casual social life has been pretty non-existent, usually resorting to just staying behind in the palace her region's league is set in unless needing to meet with others for business. Travelling as a teen was lonely as others avoided being around for too long because her partner, the Murkrow, was considered to be 'unlucky'. On many occasions did Arashi consider releasing the Pokémon, but would eventually decide against it. Somewhere deep down, Arashi cares and has a lot of love to give, she just is unsure of how to express it.

( any additional info not covered by the above )


If one utters a deep cry, many MURKROW gather quickly. For this, it is called “Summoner of Night.”

Honchkrow | Gender: Male
Species: Big Boss Pokémon | Height: 0.9 m (2′11″) | Weight: 27.3 kg (60.2 lbs)
Ability: Moxie | Nature: Adamant | Held Item: Muscle Band
Aerial Ace | Haze | Superpower | Night Slash

Obtained many years ago as a sick and injured MURKROW that passersby had ignored out of arrogance and superstition. Now the Champion of the Tennokai Region, HONCHKROW remains Arashi’s partner, and often gives her small, shiny gifts of gratitude to this day. He’s not fond of many other people - if any - but will settle to tolerate them in return for a shiny token or a spicy flavoured treat.

Every time ABSOL appears before people, it is followed by a disaster such as an earthquake or a tidal wave. As a result, it came to be known as the disaster Pokémon.

Absol | Gender: Female
Species: Disaster Pokémon | Height: 1.2 m (3′11″) | Weight: 47.0 kg (103.6 lbs)
Ability: Super Luck/Magic Bounce | Nature: Lonely | Held Item: Absolite
Knock Off | Night Slash | Future Sight | Thunder

It took Arashi a long time to gain the trust of, and repair the severe anxiety that had been planted into the Pokémon. The ABSOL had been given to her as a gift by a trainer who had abused the Pokémon so much, as punishment for the 'misfortune' that it was thought to have brought upon them, that they could no longer control it and had been close to releasing it. Absol is now one of Arashi's most loyal team members and enjoys spending evenings cuddling and being groomed by Arashi.

SABLEYE lead quiet lives deep inside caverns. They are feared, however, because these POKéMON are thought to steal the spirits of people when their eyes burn with a sinister glow in the darkness.

Sableye | Gender: Male
Species: Darkness Pokémon | Height: 0.5 m (1′08″) | Weight: 59.6 kg (131.4 lbs)
Ability: Prankster | Nature: Careful | Held Item: Bright Powder
Fake Out | Will-O-Wisp | Power Gem | Shadow Ball

Arashi caught the SABLEYE whilst travelling in her younger years, relieving a team of miners from the trickster's pranks. It's fair to say that the Pokémon hasn't changed a bit, and will often wander the halls of the Pokémon League, being a nuisance to Arashi's peers and any unexpecting challengers. It appears to find joy in the spooked reactions of others.

SHIFTRY’s large fans generate awesome gusts of wind at a speed close to 100 feet per second. The whipped-up wind blows anything away. This Pokémon chooses to live quietly deep in forests.

Shiftry | Gender: Male
Species: Wicked Pokémon | Height: 1.3 m (4′03″) | Weight: 59.6 kg (131.4 lbs)
Ability: Chlorophyll | Nature: Hasty | Held Item: Life Orb
Knock Off | Leaf Storm | Hurricane | Explosion


DRAPION’S poison is potent, but it rarely sees use. This Pokémon prefers to use physical force instead, going on rampages with its car-crushing strength.

Drapion | Gender: Male
Species: Ogre Scorp Pokémon | Height: 1.3 m (4′03″) | Weight: 61.5 kg (135.6 lbs)
Ability: Battle Armor | Nature: Jolly | Held Item: Black Sludge
Poison Jab | Pursuit | Thunder Fang | Earthquake


TYRANITAR is so overwhelmingly powerful, it can bring down a whole mountain to make its nest. This Pokémon wanders about in mountains seeking new opponents to fight.

Tyranitar | Gender: Male
Species: Armor Pokémon | Height: 2.0 m (6′07″) | Weight: 202.0 kg (445.3 lbs)
Ability: Sandstream | Nature: Careful | Held Item: Assault Vest
Rock Slide | Crunch | Fire Punch | Earthquake


Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Mon, 03/01/2022 00:46 (3 Years ago)

Tennokai Travel Guide
Please enjoy your stay !
Starter Pokemon - warning: lengthy, I'm sorry-

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please note: gender/ability/nature is completely up to you, all starters get a free oran berry, and any missing moves can be replaced with egg moves of your choice, as long as they can be learnt by that Pokémon !

Azuril | Lv. 5 | Gender: ???
Ability: Thick Fat / Huge Power / Sap Sipper (HA) | Nature: ??? | Held Item: Oran Berry
Splash | Water Gun | Tail Whip | Helping Hand

Budew | Lv. 5 | Gender: ???
Ability: Natural Cure / Poison Point / Leaf Guard (HA) | Nature: ??? | Held Item: Oran Berry
Absorb | Growth | Stun Spore | Worry Seed

Buneary | Lv. 5 | Gender: ???
Ability: Run Away / Klutz / Limber (HA) | Nature: ??? | Held Item: Oran Berry
Splash | Pound | Defense Curl | -

Chingling | Lv. 5 | Gender: ???
Ability: Levitate | Nature: ??? | Held Item: Oran Berry
Warp | Growl | - | -

Cleffa | Lv. 5 | Gender: ???
Ability: Cute Charm / Magic Guard / Friend Guard (HA) | Nature: ??? | Held Item: Oran Berry
Splash | Pound | Copy Cat | Sing

Eevee | Lv. 5 | Gender: ???
Ability: Run Away / Adaptability / Anticipation (HA) | Nature: ??? | Held Item: Oran Berry
Tackle | Growl | Tail Whip | Sand Attack

Happiny | Lv. 5 | Gender: Female
Ability: Natural Cure / Serene Grace / Friend Guard (HA) | Nature: ??? | Held Item: Oran Berry
Minimize | Pound | Copy Cat | Defense Curl

Igglybuff | Lv. 5 | Gender: ???
Ability: Cute Charm / Competitive / Friend Guard (HA) | Nature: ??? | Held Item: Oran Berry
Sing | Pound | Copy Cat | Defense Curl

Munchlax | Lv. 5 | Gender: ???
Ability: Pickup / Thick Fat / Gluttony (HA) | Nature: ??? | Held Item: Oran Berry
Lick | Tackle | Defense Curl | -

Pichu | Lv. 5 | Gender: ???
Ability: Static / Lightning Rod (HA) | Nature: ??? | Held Item: Oran Berry
Thundershock | Tail Whip | Play Nice | -

Riolu | Lv. 5 | Gender: ???
Ability: Steadfast / Inner Focus / Prankster (HA) | Nature: ??? | Held Item: Oran Berry
Quick Attack | Endure | Feint | -

Sewaddle | Lv. 5 | Gender: ???
Ability: Swarm / Chlorophyll / Overcoat (HA) | Nature: ??? | Held Item: Oran Berry
Tackle | String Shot | - | -

Snom | Lv. 5 | Gender: ???
Ability: Shield Dust / Ice Scales (HA) | Nature: ??? | Held Item: Oran Berry
Powder Snow | Struggle Bug | - | -

Togepi | Lv. 5 | Gender: ???
Ability: Hustle / Serene Grace / Super Luck (HA) | Nature: ??? | Held Item: Oran Berry
Grow | Pound | Sweet Kiss | -

Woobat | Lv. 5 | Gender: ???
Ability: Unaware / Klutz / Simple (HA) | Nature: ??? | Held Item: Oran Berry
Gust | Attract | Confusion | -

Zubat | Lv. 5 | Gender: ???
Ability: Inner Focus / Infiltrator (HA) | Nature: ??? | Held Item: Oran Berry
Absorb | Supersonic | Astonish | -

Kōkōtaru Resort { northern-most blue marker }
- surrounded by beaches of soft sand and the glimmering sea, Kōkōtaru was once just a modest coastal town. But since the construction of its Contest Hall, it's become a bustling hot spot for tourists, both native and from afar, and continues to grow, still.

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Pokémon Research Lab
Pokémon Center
Pokémon Daycare
Kōkōtaru Arcades
Kōkōtaru Beach
Kōkōtaru Contest Hall
Kōkōtaru Mall
Kōkōtaru Spa

plot note: Sudden commotion at the lab draws the attention of nearby trainers, but are prevented by a group of Team Tempest Grunts from getting close. There's a sudden tremor and noise that sounds like an ongoing battle inside. When the doors finally open, the Champion Arashi emerges from a cloud of smoke, followed by a Honchkrow holding a Pokéball between its beak, and flee the scene together.

Professor Yuuka can be found inside, unharmed but shaken up. She explains that a Pokémon has been stolen and that, as the childhood friend of the Champion, something seems off about Arashi. Hesitantly, she provides starter Pokémon for the new trainers and requests that they, along with the guidance of the Elite 4, figure out what's going on.

Route 1 | Environment: Forest | Level Range: 3 - 7
- Dangerous ! Please keep on the path ! Marshland ahead !

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Caterpie, Weedle, Wurmple, Pidgey, Seedot, Ledyba, Volbeat, Illumise, Pineco, Pidove, Sewaddle, Fletchling, Scatterbug

Hoothoot, Bellsprout, Paras, Spinarak, Shroomish, Nincada, Slakoth, Exeggcute, Pansage, Pansear, Panpour, Venipede

Pikachu, Venonat, Aipom, Natu, Yanma, Murkrow, Stantler, Duskull, Audino

Very Rare:
Swablu, Kecleon, Pinsir, Heracross, Tropius, Zorua

plot note: None. Unless you want a tutorial on how to catch a Pokémon?

Jimejime Town { west of Kōkōtaru Resort }
- due to the marshy ground below, the town itself has been built within the canopies of the trees, like treehouses, linked together by junctions of sturdy wooden ramps and bridges. The structure is frequently enjoyed as a playground by wild Aipom, and whilst they don't mean any harm, they can sometimes be a little troublesome.

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Jimejime Gym
- Gym Leader Bee; bug-type
- Combee, level 12; sweet scent, struggle bug, gust, bug bite
- Cutiefly, level 12; absorb, fairy wind, stun spore, sweet scent
- Beautifly, level 14; string shot, poison sting, gust, absorb

Pokémon Center
Poké Mart
Bug Collector’s Club
Herb Shop

plot note: The path onto Route 3 has been blocked by trees blown over by the storm. The sobs of a child can be heard, which turns out to be the town's young Gym Leader, Bee. Currently attempting to be consoled by a detective named 'Blakely', Bee explains that her Combee had been stolen by a Team Tempest grunt who has now fled towards Shinonome Ranch. With the help of Blakely, chase down the grunt and retrieve the Pokémon.

Route 2 | Environment: Highland Grasslands | Level Range: 8 - 12
- Caution: Kangaskhan in the area. Please refrain from getting too close.

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Rattata, Sentret, Zigzagoon, Poochyena, Taillow, Sunkern, Hoppip, Mareep, Electrike, Plusle, Minun, Petilil, Cottonee, Bunnelby

Nidoran, Doduo, Oddish, Drowzee, Girafarig, Ponyta, Foongus, Deerling, Blitzle, Skiddo, Flabébé

Ekans, Farfetch'd, Lickitung, Scyther, Vupix, Growlithe, Castform, Litleo

Very Rare:
Kangaskhan, Tauros, Miltank, Ralts, Zangoose, Serviper, Bouffalant

Shinonome Ranch { north of Jimejime Town }
- a small yet hardworking farming community that raise everything from tiny Combees to powerful Bouffalants, as well as care for acres of berry fields, which are open all-year-round for everyone - and wild Pokémon - to help themselves, respectfully. It's also home to a cafe that sells an award-winning milkshake made from the Moomoo milk harvested there.

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Shinonome Ranch Gym
- Gym Leader Reggie, normal-type
- Herdier, level 19; work up, bite, retaliate, baby-doll eyes
- Miltank, level 19; tackle, roll out, defence curl, stomp
- Tauros, level 22; work up, payback, assurance, horn attack

Berry Fields
Combee Hives
Miltank Shed
MooMoo Milkshake Hut

plot note: The Team Tempest grunt is cornered by an agitated Herdier and Mightyena, after being found hiding within the berry field. Upon being discovered, outnumbered, the grunt drops the stolen Pokémon and flees once more. The group is met by Reggie: the Gym Leader of Shinonome Ranch. He, jokingly, offers his help to clear the blocked route, if the trainers are able to beat him in a battle. After beating him, he offers them a bed for the night, with free food and milkshakes at the cafe. Blakely later disappears and returns the Combee. Bee can be found the next day waiting at Route 3, rewarding the group with her Gym Badge for helping her.

Route 3 | Environment: Marshland | Level Range: 13 - 17
- Beware of deep mud ! Watch your step !

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Psyduck, Wooper, Paras, Shroomish, Starly, Bidoof, Tympole, Stunfisk

Hoothoot, Oddish, Marill, Gulpin, Roselia, Yanma, Exeggcute, Shelmet

Skorupi, Croagunk, Carnivine, Tangela, Kecleon

plot note: Reaching the end of route 3, the entrance to Mt. Kumotto is blocked by Team Tempest grunts who challenge the trainers to a battle. The battle ends, waking up a Miner resting in the nearby cabin. He describes that similar looking people had run off with his tools a couple of days ago, but it had been too foggy in the mountain, so he was unable to pursue them. After clarifying that he doesn't need the tools and that the group could keep them if found, he wishes them luck before returning to the cabin.

tba - I'll continue to add when I'm free from work, bc I somehow thought this would be a good idea despite having shifts everyday for the next 8 days-

also, I've only added 'mons upto the Kalos dex, primarily bc I underestimated how difficult deciding encounters would be -

so, if there's any pokemon you think that should be added to a specific environment - that isn't already there - lmk and I'll consider adding it

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Mon, 03/01/2022 17:03 (3 Years ago)

Character Name: Lily, but perfers to be called 'Tails' (irl nickname)

Age: 13

Gender, Pronouns: female, she her

Appearance: 5'03'' and has a magenta haircut with one side shaved. wears teal converse and a orange hoodie
( image or description is fine )

Personality: hyper, good imagination, hates loniliness
( strengths, weaknesses, etc )

Other: has adhd. took the eevee starter and named her cream
( any additional info not covered by the above )

( copy & paste for additional Pokémon if needed )

Eevee | Lv. 5 | Gender: female
Ability: Run Away | Nature: jolly| Held Item: Oran Berry
Tackle | Growl | Tail Whip | Sand Attack

forever eating spaghetti
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Tue, 04/01/2022 01:24 (3 Years ago)
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Character Name: Marin Windswept

Age: 17

Gender, Pronouns: Female, she/her

Appearance: A tall girl with long wavy pale blonde hair and sky blue eyes. Her normal attire is a pastel yellow sundress with lavender floral designs, white sandals and a white plumeria in her hair. Sometimes she wears a pastel purple jacket over the sundress, but she is never seen without her bag, a white messenger bag with a pastel yellow bow.

Personality: Marin in public is seen as a calm, gentle lady who can be elegant one second and be scary and powerful, like the ocean. Despite these sudden emotional changes she loves people and especially new trainers who have just started their adventure because they bring back memories of her young trainer days.

She also does pokemon contests, usually Beauty class with her Primarina. She also doesn't mind the rain at all and will go outside in the rain without an umbrella.

Species Primarina | Nickname: Aria | Gender: Female
Ability: Torrent | Nature: quiet | Held Item: Throat spray
Sparkling Aria | Disarming voice | Ice beam | Perish song
No one, not even Marin knows what life Aria previously had. She was found washed up on the beach near Kokotaru resort as a Brionne when Marin was still a trainer collecting gym badges. Aria doesn't like the move throat chop since it disables 3/4 of her moves.

Species Jellicent| Nickname: Octavian | Gender: male
Ability: Cursed body| Nature: Bold | Held Item: damp rock
Rain dance | Trick room | Whirlpool | Giga drain
Octavian is most well known for setting up rain for Marin's pokemon and trapping them in Whirlpool, often playing a supporter role in her battles.

Species Lumineon | Nickname: Lumi | Gender: female
Ability: swift swim | Nature: timid | Held Item: leftovers
Rain dance | waterfall | Toxic | U-turn
Lumi is often feared for her swift swim ability, being able to outspeed pokemon in the rain and chip away at their HP. Outside of battle she loves to swim around in just about any body of water, mostly fountains.

Species Pelipper| Nickname: Orville | Gender: male
Ability: Drizzle | Nature: bold | Held Item: Mystical water
Scald | defog | Roost | Hurricane
When he's not being a rain setter, Orville is Marin's go to pokemon ride, flying through the skies to reach destinations.

Species Vaporeon| Nickname: Torrent | Gender: Male
Ability: water absorb | Nature: Calm | Held Item: heavy duty boots
scald | wish | protect | Flip turn
Raised by Marin since he was an Eevee, He loves running along sandy beaches and swimming.

Species Lanturn| Nickname: Levi| Gender: Female
Ability: Volt absorb | Nature: Modest | Held Item: Magnet
Hydro pump | Volt Switch | Blizzard | Thunder
Best friends with Aria, they love to swim through oceans together.

I do private rps! Send me a PM if interested!

Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Tue, 04/01/2022 01:36 (3 Years ago)
can I impulsively reserve the fire elite four member please?

Character Name:
Regan Rose

Gender, Pronouns:
Female She/Her

Regan is a tall, slim woman with pale skin, green eyes, and hair that is strawberry blonde in color, hanging just passed her shoulders. She is described to have a graceful gait, and a fiery sparkle in her eye, amplified when faced with the adrenaline of battle. She wears a white, rather short dress with sparkling white tights underneath, all lined with gold, giving her a burning look in the light. She wears light grey shoes and matching gloves as well.

Regan is generally a decent person, caring deeply for her pokemon. Albeit with a very short, fiery temper and strict training style and schedule that makes her choice to main the fire type very fitting. She doesn't have the greatest social skills, or much care for the emotions of others. If she thinks someone an idiot, she'll tell them how it is, with no regards to their ego. She also does not take too kindly to being intimidated, and will stubbornly defend herself from anyone if she feels it necessary.


Her Ninetales(Riko) is precious and none shall touch. She can speak to Riko and no other pokemon. Riko can translate the other team members


Species: Ninetales | Nickname: Riko| Gender: Female
Ability: Drought | Nature: Sassy | Held Item: Charcoal
Flamethrower | Solar Beam | Confuse ray | Mystical fire

Species Houndoom| Nickname: Roxie| Gender: Female
Ability: Flash fire/Solar power | Nature: Jolly | Held Item: Mega Stone(She can get this later if that's oki)
Thunder fang | Fire fang | Foul play | will-o-wisp

Species Rotom(Heat)| Nickname: Blaze | Gender: None
Ability: Levitate | Nature: Hasty | Held Item: Sitrus Berry
Thunder wave | Thunder | Rain dance | Shadow ball

Species Charizard| Nickname: Yuma | Gender: Male
Ability: Blaze | Nature: Relaxed | Held Item: Charti berry
Flamethrower | Breaking Swipe | Shadow claw | Fly

Species Salazzle| Nickname: Kara | Gender: Female
Ability: Corrosion | Nature: Naughty | Held Item: Black Sludge
Toxic | Flamethrower | Venoshock | Gunk Shot

Species Chandelure| Nickname: Merlin | Gender: Male
Ability: Flame body | Nature: Modest | Held Item: Focus sash
Energy ball | Shadow ball | Overheat | Will-o-wisp

Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Tue, 04/01/2022 16:14 (3 Years ago)

@Utter_nonsense - if you could add a tad bit more detail to your form, that would be great !

@Perish-Song & @BlackReshiram - Sure ! Give the thread a bump once you're finished with your forms !
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Tue, 04/01/2022 21:07 (3 Years ago)
Finished le Fire bean
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 766
Posted: Tue, 04/01/2022 21:17 (3 Years ago)

Character Name:
Song BingLiu


Gender, Pronouns:
Male leaning Agender [He/Him, They/Them]

Among the crowd, Song BingLiu cuts an elegant figure. Tall and graceful, you would be forgiven for thinking that he's an ethereal being walking the earth with cascading locks of silky hair pinned up in a half ponytail and wide sparkling olive eyes to match. His hair often changes colour with how much he dyes it but for some reason it is surprisingly healthy. There are laughter lines etched into his face and smatterings of freckles lining them. He loves fashion and places emphasis and great care in what he wears. Most of the time his apparel is a mix between street punk and cottage core, a weird combination for sure but he pulls it off somehow.

ISFJ - The Defender| 2w1 - The Companion
Just like the element he has mastered, Song BongLiu is full of cheer and energy. There's seemingly nothing that can wipe a smile off his face, always ready to face challengers with the brightest grin and a whole lot of enthusiasm. But above all, he has a heart that is much too big for his body. He gives and gives and expects nothing in return, simply content with seeing other's happiness. He hungers for knowledge above all else, striving to learn as much as he can about the world and people around him. He loved, and loves, and looses himself

Lynxie is his signature Pokemon
He is known to abuse Volt Switch and set traps, utilizing status effects and restricting movement. He is notoriously a pain to beat but the downside is that his pokemon can be easily taken out if one strategize correctly
When not beating up challengers attending to his Elite Four duties, he's usually found baking
When asked to describe him, people always answer thusly: He's sunny weather personified


Species Shiny Luxray | Nickname: Lynxie | Gender: Male
Ability: Guts | Nature: Jolly | Held Item: Flame Orb
Wild Charge | Facade | Volt Switch | Superpower
His very first pokemon. Perhaps it was luck that a brilliant gold Shinx attached himself to Song BingLiu so quickly, but with the latter growing up within a breeding daycare, it wasn't all that surprising. Lynxie is Song BingLiu's confidant, his best friend, his partner. There is nothing that will separate them and they have utmost trust in one another.

Species Magnezone | Nickname: YuShi | Gender: Female
Ability: Analytic | Nature: Modest | Held Item: Choice Specs
Volt Switch | Thunderbolt | Flash Cannon | Hidden Power: Fire
Holding down the role as the main attacker, YuShi is vicious in combat but is the sweetest doting mother once the last pokemon is knocked out. She acts as secondary transportation, carrying Song BingLiu around when Lynxie can't or when heavy cargo must be ferried. She doesn't like this job but still does it with pride

Species Electrivire | Nickname: MinJue | Gender: Male
Ability: Motor Drive | Nature: Jolly | Held Item: Life Orb
Wild Charge | Ice Punch | Cross Chop | Earthquake
The only pokemon on his competitive team that doesn't know Volt Switch. When Song BingLiu pulls MinJue out, challengers know that they're in for a world of pain. He serves as the anchor of the team, both in and out of battle, his jolly nature giving a much needed moodlift. The only thing stronger than his Ice Punch are his Punch Lines

Species Lanturn | Nickname: HeXuan | Gender: Male
Ability: Volt Absorb | Nature: Calm | Held Item: Leftovers
Scald | Ice Beam | Thunder Wave | Volt Switch
Song BingLiu's aquatic transport, HeXuan never usually lingers on the battlefield. Her role is to stun enemies and afflict status ailments before quickly retreating, calm under the immense pressure such a position holds. He's heard that another Elite Four has a Lanturn as well but has never felt compelled to meet her

Species Gavantula | Nickname: XuanJi | Gender: Female
Ability: Compound Eyes | Nature: Timid | Held Item: Life Orb
Sticky Web | Bug Buzz | Volt Switch | Thunder
Every battle against Song BingLiu starts out with XuanJi, the Gavantula laying down Sticky Web. She is a trap setter and sweeps unsuspecting teams that have come unprepared. Despite her vicious battling, she is very shy and always worries that she goes overboard. She is very close with YuShi

Species Raichu | Nickname: MingYang | Gender: Female
Ability: Static | Nature: Timid | Held Item: Focus Sash
Encore | Fake Out | Thunderbolt | Volt Switch
MingYang was his second pokemon and another resident of Song BingLiu's daycare family business. She is yet another trap setter though in the beginning she had used status ailments to chip away at the opponents health. Her role changed after she expressed uncertainty of being on the field and is now much more comfortable trapping opponents within Encore before switching out

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Tue, 04/01/2022 22:38 (3 Years ago)

@BlackReshiram - accepted, and added to the main post !

@Tsukoyomi - That's fine ! Give the thread a bump once you've finished with your form !
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 766
Posted: Tue, 04/01/2022 23:08 (3 Years ago)
Sparky Boom Boom Boy is all done!

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Wed, 05/01/2022 00:08 (3 Years ago)

@Tsukoyomi - added to the main post !
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Wed, 05/01/2022 00:14 (3 Years ago)

Character Name:


Gender, Pronouns:

( image or description is fine )

( strengths, weaknesses, etc )

( any additional info not covered by the above )

( copy & paste for additional Pokémon if needed )

reserving ice type elite four?
possible change to flying?
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Wed, 05/01/2022 01:17 (3 Years ago)
Rain dance elite 4 has been finished!
I do private rps! Send me a PM if interested!

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Wed, 05/01/2022 02:00 (3 Years ago)

Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Wed, 05/01/2022 11:46 (3 Years ago)

@Perish-Song - All seems fine ! I'll add you to the main post once I get a chance !

@Aethernyx - whilst I was going to have the champion be flying-typed, if you would prefer flying, that's fine !
Give the thread a bump once you've finished your form !

I'll either make the champion dark or just mixed typing instead - trying to base the league off of different types of storms, if that clears anything up about the typings ^^"
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Wed, 12/01/2022 22:46 (3 Years ago)
Ehhh, hilfe, can I... still even join or do someone? Looks like all the Elite Four members are occupied! Means I gotta try a trainer... anything I need to consider there like special restrictions?