Forum Thread
In the Kingdom of Laozia
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → In the Kingdom of LaoziaBehind him, past the entire crowd, sat a Shiny Oddish who was smiling their head off, even though they clearly weren't listening, and instead scanning the crowd. Their leaves parted halfway down their head, spreading out like a veil, further adding to their unusual appearance. Their eyes caught on someone and they smiled, nodding to said Pokemon.
And further, hiding inside of a dark, dimly lit room with one lightbulb, sat a Pumpkaboo. The Pokemon's yellow eyes glowed with alertness, as they glanced back and forth, searching the empty building. They took a step forward. The floorboards creaked.
A rustling sounded in the walls...
Advi From Demon Slayer season 1

"you were too correct"

"you were too correct"
Suddenly the Water Fur Glaceon who was the King suddenly was hit by a Seed Bomb blowing the king’s head out.
The crowd gasped as guards flooded trying to identify the killer
A bunch of grass type Pokémon were gathered, At least the ones with Seed Bomb in their move set
A seed Bomb came down blowing up a portion of the crowd
The shadow figure kept jumping building to building