Forum Thread
Erased (MHA/BNHA)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Erased (MHA/BNHA)ZUZU:
With a yawn, I sat down in my seat and started to pull out my thermos. All I could think of was coffee. Not who my teacher would be, not my classmates, just coffee.
Generic Head Pro Hero Guy Who Will Only Be Here To Talk At Meetings (GHPHGWWOBHTTAM For Short):
GHPHGWWOBHTTAM sat down at his chair and looked out at the rest of the pro heroes.
Wipeout sat down in his crude, oak chair and smirked. "Well then are we all here?"
First day at the Crawler. Matsukisu was planning to avoid their peers at all costs, which included them hiding out in a corner to paint their nails. To be fair, they wanted to look decent to make an alright first impression on the people they'd be stuck learning with. Several bottles of water were scattered at their feet, mostly because they had fallen out of their bag. Upon noticing, Matsukisu scrambled to pick up the bottles.
Sure, one could argue that they didn't need this many bottles, but they preferred to stay hydrated, thanks. Plus, their Quirk required a lot of water, so they didn't want to use up their body's own store of it before anything else.. when it came time to train, anyways!
Lyra sits in the shadows nearby, glancing at Wipeout, her glowing yellow eyes the only part of the demon that can be seen

"you were too correct"
Marluxia sighs and gets up, getting ready for the day

"you were too correct"
Upon reaching the classroom, he met the other students, which seemed to have actually been willing to come here. some were cheery, some were more gloomy, some were picking up a unusually large amount of water bottles, but they all, at that time, seemed to glow with the willingness to be a hero.
That was something Rey lacked. Maybe he had that glow once, long long ago. But now, all he wanted to do is survive. As “class ” hadn’t started, Rey took out his laptop, and continued tapping away on the project he’s worked on for months.
Life was bland, but at least it was simple, and he was safe.

"you were too correct"
The teenager paused to take a look at the time. Hm.. well, they still had a bit of time before class started, so they didn't need to worry about being late. They slung their bag over a shoulder, neatly avoiding smudging their fresh-painted nails. It didn't matter if they got chipped later, Matsukisu could always get more nail polish later, right? They brought a lot with them, varying with their favorite colors.
Matsukisu made sure everything was in good preparation. Uniform? Worn correctly. Nails? Painted. Water bottles? In the bag. They had everything they needed; they'd triple checked this morning. So off they go, heading to the classroom. Hopefully others had the same idea, so they wouldn't be walking in and catching a bunch of attention by being late. That wouldn't be ideal for the lone-wolf-introvert-type that they happened to be.
Just their luck, sarcasm. The classroom already has some people in it, meaning they may be noticed. Regardless, they'd just.. slide off to the side, hopefully no one would pay too much attention.