Forum Thread
Make a reference and see if someone gets it.
Forum-Index → Forum Games → Make a reference and see if someone gets it.also yeah i wouldve guessed the portal 2 reference, i really dont like when people just say idk, but i guess they guessed the previous one because you also said idk, this game is ruined by just saying idk, so lets atleast try from now on, please?
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
"You know, I do really hate those who can' a little more respect to those of fairer means. It's rather distasteful, LIKE BAD MEAT."
What do you want what's your request? I shall fetch it for you!
People, places, things, and nouns, anything my mouth chews!
You like it, don't you? It's what you want, but why look so gray?
Your mind it told your wants, so don't you fret, okay? Okay!
An abnormality who feeds using needles pulled from its body. A traveller from a far away land; A feeling in your depths sets you out once again, messenger...
Fighting for 'honour', or for 'loyalty'... you may as well be fighting for dust. If you want to kill, do it for your own sake. That is the nature of a true Hunter.