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「➳」Genshin Impact

Forum-Index Fan Clubs 「➳」Genshin Impact
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Sat, 14/08/2021 01:20 (3 Years ago)

At AR 56, Oceanid is probably my second least favourite boss, Pyro Hypostasis taking first place c':

It's not difficult, per se, just rather annoying and slow-

But, I can just imagine when Fontaine arrives-

Like the Geovishaps thingy we have in Liyue - what if we get an even bigger Oceanid? :o

My Oceanid team is currently:

Ningguang, bc she's one of my mains, so she's built, a tad fraile but she can hit everything

Diona, bc her shields and healing carry me through it and they freeze things

Eula, to smack and freeze the ground stuff, plus cryo resonance

And Razor, bc he's the only other built character that I trust could survive, and his skill (or burst? or both?) can also hit the annoying swoopy birds

But if you're at world level 5 (AR 40+) you can decrease your world level for easier boss fights

On the downside, however, I believe you have to wait 24 hours to be able to change it again, and your rewards probably won't be as good-

Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 768
Posted: Sat, 14/08/2021 01:31 (3 Years ago)
I used to dread Oceanid in earlier AR days. Oceanid was my main reason for stopping at AR 35, I just hyper farmed Oceanid before doing the domain challenge.

Now I dont find it hard at all but I also have Fischl with talent levels 9/11/11
I have diona for Shield and heals. Kazuha to spread the ice and fourth slot could be any character.

My early game team for oceanid was Fischl, Barbara, Kaeya and anemo Traveler.
They get the job done quite well.
Works for F2P where you can substitute Fischl with any other Electro char you own.

I HATE Cryo hypostasis, that is the world boss I personally find the hardest followed by Pyro hypostasis.
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Sat, 14/08/2021 01:36 (3 Years ago)
in Fontaine, we're gonna get Azhdaha, but make it Oceanid....yeah we're probably gonna die
my Oceanid team is Hu Tao as main dps to take out non-birbs enemies before they kill me due to my lack of shield
Fischl for Oz sniper damage
Kazuha for his ult and skill to deal with the birbs
and Keqing for when my Hu Tao is down, and birbs

Cryo hypostasis is easy for me since it takes a lot of dmg from any pyro users in general, just make sure it doesn't kill you first before you can defeat it
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 461
Posted: Sat, 14/08/2021 01:55 (3 Years ago)
Cryo Hypo is easy tho lol, I pretty much swept it with Benny alone rip

But Oceanid is absolutely doable but I'm impatient and get bonked a lot xD
“I, Iudex Neuvillette, hereby declare…
People of Fontaine, your sins are forgiven."

Trainerlevel: 98

Forum Posts: 516
Posted: Sat, 14/08/2021 02:19 (3 Years ago)
Hihi! Here to join the club c:

Username: Mimi
Pronouns: she/her
UID + Server (optional): 618797907 / NA
Character(s) you main: Xingqiu, Eula, and Yanfei~ Mainly Xingqiu though hehe
Extras: I'm a huge Zhongli simp... despite being a non-Zhongli haver </3 I also have a love/hate relationship with the Oceanid! -w-

Trainerlevel: 53

Forum Posts: 91
Posted: Sat, 14/08/2021 03:13 (3 Years ago)
Razor helps alot with oceanid birds or non birds, I'm still using him now, razor best precious boi 🐺
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 241
Posted: Sat, 14/08/2021 04:13 (3 Years ago)
I feel Ganyu is the best character for Oceanid. Freeze plus bow, it's very easy to take the Oceanid enemies down with em'

Anyway! I got Razor on the normal and Sayu on the character, and with that, I have every 4-star character!
Gotta save up for Baal, I'm praying I win the 50-50 and Kujou Sara.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 461
Posted: Sat, 14/08/2021 06:14 (3 Years ago)
I do carry Razor for the easy mining with Claymore... and his kit is rather nice. I can test run him on it with Rosa. If it fails oh well xD And GG on Sayu! She's too adorable lol
“I, Iudex Neuvillette, hereby declare…
People of Fontaine, your sins are forgiven."

Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 801
Posted: Sat, 14/08/2021 11:40 (3 Years ago)
I'm gonna do 20 pulls on baal banner. If she comes good. Otherwise Ganyu.

Also I totally forgot La Signora fight is coming in the next patch.
Man that's gonna be another weekly boss fight.

Please Mihoyo let it be Co-Op capable. She has the same bug as Dvalin on my stupid phone. So I can't handle another non-Co-Op bugged boss please.

Free Palestine
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 801
Posted: Sat, 14/08/2021 18:43 (3 Years ago)
I know last post is mine and I should edit that instead of posting again but this is important.

they're available using twitch or something so don't forget to check them out.

Free Palestine
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Sat, 14/08/2021 20:16 (3 Years ago)

Jean has officially reached level 10 friendship ♡

Her namecard is super pretty cx

I, currently, only have 5 characters at level 10 friendship: Razor, Amber, Ningguang, Diona, and now Jean c':

But Eula's level 9, whilst Noelle and Barbara are level 8

So they'll probably be the next to level 10, thank you serenitea pot ;w;

However, I also really like Rosaria's namecard but she's only at friendship 3 atm-

Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Sat, 14/08/2021 20:18 (3 Years ago)
my highest friendship level is like... 5 on kaeya and i dont use him anymore ;-;

im so poor i have 497 primos currently LMAO

i plan on raising chongyun and ayakas friendship level to 10 so i can get their cool namecards :DD

Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sat, 14/08/2021 20:23 (3 Years ago)
Kaeya is my highest, which isn’t much (I think I’m at 4 with him but idk). But I LOVE his voice so I’m trying to get our friendship up XD

Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 801
Posted: Sat, 14/08/2021 20:36 (3 Years ago)
I think I'm the only idiot who plays with no volume lmao.
(Personal reasons.)

So I don't know what anyone sounds like.

Anyways. My highest is Jean at 8. Then Rosaria and Lisa at 7.

Teapot helps with this lmao.

Free Palestine
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Sat, 14/08/2021 21:03 (3 Years ago)
haha i play w/o volume most of the time, i just dont feel like linking my headphones to my phone.

my highest friendship is diluc at 9, halfway to 10, and razor is also at 9 a bit under half-way. xinqiu is at 8.

i plan to get them all to 10 at some point, xinqiu's namecard is very nice imo.

mona's namecard is super pretty so i wanna get her friendship to 10 so i can get it <3
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 768
Posted: Sat, 14/08/2021 21:04 (3 Years ago)
I have 6 characters at friendship level 10, Fischl, Venti, Childe, Diona, Kaeya and Xiangling.

Working on Kazuha, Barbara, Yanfei and Sayu right now, Barabara is probably going to be the next one to hit 10 as she is at 8 right now. Kazuha might go past her though as I use him alot in co-op domains, he is currently at 7.
Yanfei is at 3 and Sayu at 2 so they have a long way to go still.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 461
Posted: Sat, 14/08/2021 22:54 (3 Years ago)
lol, my highest friendship level is like 8/9 with Venti... everyone else is between like 2-4 xD
“I, Iudex Neuvillette, hereby declare…
People of Fontaine, your sins are forgiven."

Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Sat, 14/08/2021 23:02 (3 Years ago)
i have 9 characters at friendship lvl 10 and those dorks are Xingqiu, Sucrose, Hu Tao, Diluc, Fischl, Diona, Keqing, Yanfei and Chongyun
Bennett is about to the friendship lvl 10 gang though
Trainerlevel: 98

Forum Posts: 516
Posted: Sat, 14/08/2021 23:20 (3 Years ago)
I think my highest friendship is with uhhh. Kaeya? And Xingqiu. Both level 7, realllly close to 8. I don't know how to level them up faster ;w; I want Xingqiu's namecard SO bad..

I haven't touched the game in a super obsessive way in a while, I used to play all day everyday and I got REALLY burnt out from it. I tend to do that with a lot of games. I remember when Sw/Sh came out, I played it religiously and then never touched it again since I played SO much, lol.

I hope that doesn't happen to me w/ Genshin though, I love the story and the characters and everything! I'm actually playing right now, lol.

ALSO!! Does anyone have any Silk Flowers they'd let me come take? WL 4 or lower (since I don't wanna revert my WL to 5 again until I ascend my team LOL)
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 21
Posted: Sun, 15/08/2021 00:52 (3 Years ago)
Pulled finally on Yoimiyas Banner today!
I wasn't disappointed.
Got Sayu on my first ten pull and on my third ten pull I got her again!
And my fifth ten pull I finally got Yoimiya! :D
Quote I'm lost in the path of life since a very long time

Foxes are life