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The Dragons' Amulets

Forum-Index Roleplay The Dragons' Amulets
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Sun, 13/06/2021 00:20 (3 Years ago)
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In case you need a refresher on the necessary plot info there, or in case I add more slots soon

Each of you have received your amulet. You each place them around your neck eagerly. The voices corresponding to each element approach their matching bearers.

Of course, you can't save the world unless you know how to use your magic! Tenshi announces to everyone. Also, don't get used to seeing us all in one place. After this, we'll have to focus all our energy on helping the dragons. The magic in these amulets will be our only link to you. So you'll only be able to hear the voice linked to your magical amulet. Also, at all costs, don't loose them! She then turns to the user(s) of light magic.


You only need to read the spoiler pertaining to your element

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Hello, fire user(s), the name's Draco. His majesty has assigned me the task of training you. As you are now, you are not yet strong enough to use the full strength of the fire magic. No matter, that will come in time. Fire magic is all about knowing your limits. He places a target in front of you, surrounded by logs. Realize the strength within you, but don't send it all out at once. Fiery fury shall only cause unnecessary destruction. Like this. He demonstrates placing the bottom of his palms together, creating a fireball in them, he then unleashes it at the the target, hitting the center perfectly, without igniting any logs. Now, you try.

After a few attempts--and failures--you manage to master the technique

Fire blast learned!

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So, it seems you're my little apprentice(s), hmm? My name's Current, by the way, voice of water. That is, if the hair didn't give it away! Anyways, water magic. Right. The secret to using the water technique is letting the power flow through you. You work best when you're...how do I explain this...one with the fluids? No, that sounds wrong. You get what I mean, right? Here, I'll show you what it looks like. He palm-strikes the air in front of him, aiming a stream of high-speed water at the target that has just appeared, landing smack in the center. He rubs his hands together afterward and smiles at you.With that amulet, you can do that too! Best not to try any stronger attacks, though, as you're just starting out. Anyways, you try! He builds a target for you to blast

After a few attempts--and failures--you manage to master the technique

Water blast learned!

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Hmm, so, you're the user(s) of darkness, hmm? I'll cut to the chase. You're still far too weak to master any technique stronger than this at the moment, but you'll need something. She pulls out a patch of flowers. This won't only work on living objects, but they're the perfect means of demonstration for now. From the palm of her hand, the girl shoots a blast of dark energy at the flowers, killing them all instantly, and leaving a blackened gash in the ground, with fading dark tendrils. Now you try. Try to kill all of them at once. The girl points to a similar patch of flowers. You work best when you aren't focusing on happy thoughts, those will only hinder you...oh, the name's Nephy, by the way.

After a few attempts--and failures--you manage to master the technique

Dark blast learned!

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You know me, Tenshi. Light magic, here we go. She pulls out a target. Feel the power within you...this may sound cheesy, but you work best when you try to believe in yourself. Believe in your ability to make a change...and it'll come. A light beam blasts from her hands, aimed at the target. It perfectly hits the center. She steps back.. Now...your turn!

After a few attempts--and failures--you manage to master the technique

Bright blast learned!

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Hi! My name's Zappu, the voice of Nature! I'm gonna teach you how to use the most basic technique of Nature magic! A target appears in front of you, and the boy, shoots a lightning blast straight in the center, a perfect hit. Strangely, a bit of flowers grow on the wood. He points to a different target Let the power of nature flow through you, and you'll surely get it! Your turn!

After a few attempts--and failures--you manage to master the technique

Nature blast learned!

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Greetings, the name's Rose, the Voice of the Mental Time Goddess. The secret to the basics of Mental magic is, well, the focus on your mind. Brains over brawn, is what they say. Here, I'll show you. a vase appears in front of her. She closes her eyes, and her hands begin to glow. She clenches her fists, and the vase shatters with a loud crash! Here's a new vase. You try.

After a few attempts--and failures--you manage to master the technique

Focus blast learned!

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Voice of strength here, name's Dwayne. Currently, you aren't of the right capabilities to fully master the full strength of the Earth, but I can teach you the basic technique. The trick is to never doubt your strength. Like the rocks and stones, like a diamond, be unbreakable! He stomps on the ground, causing rocks to grow in a trail that leads to a target made of stone, where it then explodes, leaving sizable dent in the rock. Okay, I guess I should have clarified. be more like a diamond then a normal rock. Anyways, your turn to try.

After a few attempts--and failures--you manage to master the technique

Earth blast learned!

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I believe I already introduced myself. Bubbles, the voice of Friendship. Now, if you were expecting to learn a blast like everyone else, sorry to dissapoint, but this magic is much better! Seemingly out of nowhere, a chipmunk appears. Leaning down, the pink-haired girl cups her hands, sending out a shockwave of pink energy towards it. It stops, and then craws into and curls up in her cupped hands, nuzzling her. Taming magic! You won't be able to directly do damage with this, but your magical friends will, and they'll stick by your side every step of the way. Once you've earned its trust, it'll follow your every command. then you'll grow stronger, through friendship!, get it? She points to a robin nearby You try!

After a few attempts--and failures--you manage to master the technique

Tame learned!

Y'know what? Ima keep these two, they're so cute! Don't worry, they'll be of no use to you on your quest! Oh, and by the way, you're in charge of the journal! It will magically update every time you discover a magical creature! Bubbles hands you the book

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Species: Dragonborn
Info: A dragon whose soul is born into the body of a human. Known abilities: The Ability to speak both dragon and mortal, as well as additional abilities depending on their draconic parent Ex. Time distortion
Appearance: Varied. Dragonborn appearance resembles their dragon parent somehow, or their element. Fire, water, nature, earth, dark, light, mental, or friendship

Species: Kitsune
Info: A fox-like creature said to live up to 1000 years. This shapeshifter starts out like any normal fox, but as it grows, its tails split, maximizing at nine. Their powers include shapeshifting, causing misfortune to those who harm them, selective invisibility, and others depending on their element.
Elemental Affinity: All. Depends on the individual
Taming Status: Untamable

Individuals discovered and Status

Name: Rain
Species: Kitsune
Elemental Affinity: Water
Abilities: The ability to create rainstorms at will.
Age: 100 years

Health: 100%

Magic abilities

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Akosua Emily Charleston: Fire blast
Lunala Forest: Water blast
Devi Monoma: Nature Blast
Meg James: Earth blast
Kazumi Tekashi: Bright blast
Crescent Libelle: Dark blast
June Yugi: Focus blast
Eira Evenspire: Tame

You now all find yourselves, together, in the middle of the busy city streets. Tradesmens' voices fill your ears once more as the voices of the dragonborn fade away. They've all gone now, it seemed as if they no longer had the energy to stay. It's all up to you now...they didn't leave any instructions...maybe you need to speak among yourselves to figure out what to do now?
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Sun, 13/06/2021 02:28 (3 Years ago)
Crescent blinked, glancing around rapidly, then down at her feet. She'd already pinched herself enough to have determined the validity of this experience; it wasn't just a dream. Goodness, there were... a lot of other people. This could be a bit of a gamble, though perhaps the voices - Dragonborn - had made sure the others wouldn't be too awful? No, that was unlikely. You couldn't "save the world" with a party of kind natured people. Besides, even when others seemed kind, she couldn't help but imagine that they were really just fake. Perhaps they just wouldn't notice her, she could do what she needed to do, then go... home. Yeah, that didn't sound like that fun of a plan. Maybe this would take awhile and staying away would prove helpful, kind of like a vacation.

It was odd, so odd, that she, of all people, had been chosen to join this little group. She didn't have anything in particular to offer; she wasn't especially physically apt, she certainly wasn't a leader, she was awful at persuasion, just conversation in general was off-putting to her, she wasn't all that courageous... The Dragonborn had said happy thoughts would hinder her, though. Maybe that was why she'd been chosen; she couldn't think of too many of those, even if she tried. Thinking about it that way may have seemed somewhat depressing to some other person, but Cres just accepted it. It sounded like it would work out for her in this case, anyway.

She took a subtle step back, away from the center of the cluster, and waited for someone to speak. She certainly wasn't intending on being to one to start the conversation, but it seemed inevitable that someone would, unless she'd lucked out and all these people were also introverted like her. Unlikely, though, with one being assigned to the cheerful Dragonborn from before.
Quote“Cause You make mountains move,
You make giants fall.
You use songs of praise, to shake prison walls.
And I will speak to my fear, I will preach to my doubt;
You were faithful then, You'll be faithful now."
"Faithful Now," by Vertical Worship
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 238
Posted: Sun, 13/06/2021 08:50 (3 Years ago)
Eria still wasn't entirely convinced that she hadn't just made this whole situation up but regardless, a pleasent dream is something that you should try to enjoy as much as an enjoyable situation in reality, or at least that's how she liked to veiw it. Either way she could justify it by saying that she was chosen. If it was a dream, if course you would play one of the protagonists, if it was real, well, that was a bit harder. Maybe it was that they needed a more extroverted person to do, well, whatever it was that the voice wanted her to do.

Looking around, she saw quite a considerable amount of strangers, all she could see were wearing an amulet similar to the one she herself wore. She smoothed down her cardigan, checking to see if there were any feathers or fur. None were immediately obvious.

She clutched tightly to the book she had been given by the voice, (Bubbles was her name?) as she wondered what it contained. She had been told that it was a journal filled with magical creatures but they hadn't discovered any yet so she assumed that it must be empty so pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind. After all, she could always look later, it, unlike her, was probably not just going to get up and wander about.

It seemed to her like nobody was saying anything or was planning to in the immediate future so she decided to start and get to know her peers.
"Hi," she remarked loudly, addressing nobody in particular, "I'm Eria, nice to meet you all, I assume you all have names so I will ask, what are you all called and do any of you know why exactly we are here?"
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 13/06/2021 17:19 (3 Years ago)
Lunala blinked. Everything had happened so fast, and now she was standing with a bunch of strangers, clasping a water amulet that gave her magic powers. Something about dragons and voices, she had barely been able to hear a word they said due to her brain spinning with thoughts and ideas that she couldn’t quiet down. They were still buzzing around her head like a fly, but they had quieted enough now for her to be able to think clearly. She heard a voice speak up and she tracked it to a nice-looking girl, introducing herself and asking for a name. With a smile, Lunala spoke up, glad to have a reason to address their little crowd. “My name is Lunala Forest, but please call me Lil, and I go by she/they pronouns. Unfortunately I do not know exactly why we’re here, however I believe it has something to do with the dragons that are connected to the Dragonborn being in danger.”

They finished up their introduction with a cheerful tone, gazing around at everyone here. There were lots of strangers, all holding an amulet similar to hers. Still apprehensive and unsure whether or not she was dreaming, she fiddled with her hair, twirling a loose strand around her finger and then uncurling it, repeating this action while waiting for others to speak up.

Quote"A sword is nothing without the hand that wields it."
Trainerlevel: 46

Forum Posts: 79
Posted: Mon, 14/06/2021 17:18 (3 Years ago)
Meg blinked and rubbed her eyes .It just happened so fast all she heard was dragons and help .Meg looked down at the amulet that was around her neck and thought"well this is gonna be fun".She looked up and saw strangers with the same kind of amulet but in different colors.

She looked at her amulet again ,it was a shade of brown .She shrugged and remembered what the voice said over and over again trying to figure out some of the details that they said.She didn't find out anything .She was also surprised she was chosen for some odd reason to help save these dragons.

She moved to the outer of the cluster and was pacing back and forth.She stopped and counted how many other people there were,once she was done she got a book out of her messenger bag and started reading it.
im a banana boi

Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 238
Posted: Mon, 14/06/2021 18:11 (3 Years ago)
Eria looked around, wondering to herself if anyone else would reply. She pushed a tiny wisp of hair behind her ear, thinking about how inconvenient short hair can be at times. Still, it definitely wasn't as hard to manage as long hair was, in her experience at least.

She strode over to the girl who had just introduced herself a moment earlier, noticing but not fully acknowledging another figure moving to the outskirts of the group. She seemed nice and was willing to reply, more than the rest of the group seemed to anyway which is good. She would loose her mind if she had been lumped in with a bunch of silent introverts. Not that there was anything wrong with introverts, they could just be so boring sometimes. Confidently and with the ease of practice, she shook her hand out in front of her, gesturing for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you Lil, you have a really nice name by the way!", a wide, cheerful grin spreading across her face. "Human I assume as well, never thought I would have to ask that. Which dragon wanted to see you? Sorry, am I asking too many questions?" She had to bite her lip to stop herself form going on endlessly, a quiet chuckle escaping from her lips. She had promised herself to work on her babbling. Maybe that wouldn't be a problem though with whatever this thing with the dragonborn is. After all, she wouldn't have been chosen to be taught friendship powers if she wasn't a nice person to be around, right?
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 159
Posted: Mon, 14/06/2021 18:27 (3 Years ago)
What just happened what did I learn what just what, " Kazumi thought to herself, She stared into space and thought of the yellowish amulet, she noticed that the amulet was shining and the light. "I'll lose the amulet in no time I'm so irresponsible why was I trusted with this.." she wondered.

She started to mutter about something she heard the others talking and said "Well hey there I guess I'm Kazumi" she said. Then she put the amulet into the pocket of her leather coat. Then started thinking why was I chosen what's gonna happen who are they" she muttered then started to speak "And please don't mind if I ignore you guys I tend to zone out alot."

She thought and thought but nothing seemed normal-appearing out of nowhere learning spells "what is going on why was I out all people choose to have an amulet I bet those other people are very responsible and the way tenshi saw me like she knew how irresponsible I was" she muttered and muttered.

' ' Sweet little baby in a world full of pain ' '
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 238
Posted: Mon, 14/06/2021 19:15 (3 Years ago)
Eria's face lit up and, shoving the journal under her arm, spun around, and thrust her other arm out to shake, leaving her basically tee-posing trying to introduce herself to everyone. This wasn't exactly unusual, every time she entered a new place something similar usually happens. Overcommitting herself in social situations was, unfortunately, something that she had a bad habit of doing.

Half of her was still wondering about what and why they were supposed to be doing. Something about helping the dragonborn. Helping with what she wasn't entirely sure though. She also was pondering about how useful her 'tame' could be, unless they had to tame a craze dragon or the like, or in fact, an animal friend could maybe be useful. Actually, that could be a good idea, she thought, maybe she should keep am eye out for that. Oh wait, she was getting distracted, she thought.

"Hello Kazumi, nice to meet you!" she exclaimed, wobbling slightly as she did so. She had never had the best balance and that was clearly showing. The girl in front of her looked about 15, maybe 16. She had never been too good at judging peoples ages. Once again though,
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 212
Posted: Mon, 14/06/2021 19:44 (3 Years ago)
Akosua blinked. Everything had happened so fast, and now she was standing with a bunch of strangers, clasping a fire amulet amulet that gave her magic powers witch she geeked over in her head with rushing thoughts . Something about dragons and voices, she had barely been able to hear a word they said due to her brain spinning with thoughts and ideas that she couldn’t quiet down.She heard a voice speak up and she tracked it to a group of people with the same amulets but diffreny colors introducing herself and asking for a name. With a small smile smile, Akosua spoke up, glad to have a reason to address their little crowd. “My name is Akosua , but please call me Sua ."said the red head.
The stars shine bright and are calling me to go

Advi From Demon Slayer season 1
Trainerlevel: 46

Forum Posts: 79
Posted: Mon, 14/06/2021 19:53 (3 Years ago)
Meg looked up from the book she was reading.She make an ahem and said"yo I'm meg"and continued to read. She sat down and continued to read ,when she was finished out put it in her bag and took out another book and started reading it.She was very concentrated on the book she was reading.
im a banana boi

Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Tue, 15/06/2021 16:43 (3 Years ago)
Oh dear, of course they would have to introduce themselves. The girl sighed quietly. It would be best to speak now so no one felt they had to go out of their way to ask her to do so. "Crescent," she said, forcing a little smile into her tone. There, good. She didn't think that came off as sulky, but certainly not outgoing, either. She rubbed her forearm and glanced away, scanning the area they were now in. She was uninterested in having a one-on-one conversation with anyone and hoped her body language would convey that. There was a little jewelry booth behind them and she couldn't help but admire some of the earrings. Something told her shopping would soon be rendered impractical, though. This didn't seem like the type of mission that would allow for such past times.
Quote“Cause You make mountains move,
You make giants fall.
You use songs of praise, to shake prison walls.
And I will speak to my fear, I will preach to my doubt;
You were faithful then, You'll be faithful now."
"Faithful Now," by Vertical Worship
Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 738
Posted: Tue, 15/06/2021 18:00 (3 Years ago)
June was confused. All the magic and such - yeah, sure, makes sense. Big epic quest? Why not! Sounds fun! June's question was more along the lines of "why on earth did they choose me" because as far as she could tell, all of these other chosen people looked very much like normal human beings. Fiddling with the amulet she was given that seemed to twinkle at her like the night sky, she listened to the introductions people offered as she gathered herself. A girl named Eria was the first to speak up, and June noted her as either a fellow extrovert or just someone who hated awkward silence. Lunala - Lil - followed up in a very formal way of speaking, and June thought that they looked a little overwhelmed. One of the chosen had her nose in a book, but piped up to give her name - Meg.

June was particularly drawn to the girl who just muttered, "Crescent," before tapping out of the conversation. While all the others had at least a vaguely friendly air, Crescent seemed annoyed to be here, but more in a "great, now I have to interact with people and I have a dark past" way than a mean way, she thought. Well. These guys had better be prepared for their second heart attack of the day.

"Hello everyone! My name's June Yugi, I was fifteen years old and I have uh, mental magic I think is what the voice said." Grinning deviously, she hopped up into the air - and hung there. Suspended a few feet off of the ground, June giggled and flopped onto her stomach in midair, crossing her legs lazily and propping her head on her hands as she looked around. "Oh, and I'm a ghost."
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Tue, 15/06/2021 20:39 (3 Years ago)
The city streets were filled with the usual it seemed. Loud noises, greedy scammers and tradesmen, peasants trying to sell their produce for cash...Anyone who wasn't focused on the discussion for whatever odd reason, and instead looking around at their surroundings, would maybe spot the superstitious artist. An old, bearded man that no one else seemed to see. He appeared to be homeless, and poor, but there was something about what he was painting...

He sat surrounded by shadows, but the colors of the art drew the eye in. He seemed important. While the group of chosen had been introducing themselves in the middle of the street, earning some irritated grunts from passerby, he barely seemed to notice, yet it seemed as if some force was drawing attention to him
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Tue, 15/06/2021 21:39 (3 Years ago)
While shocked, Cres couldn't help but be slightly amused as well by the floating girl. This really just seemed par for the course, though. She'd always been able to kill flowers, her horrendous gardening skills saw to that, but now she could do it rapidly and efficiently with a power given to her by a dragon in a human's body. At this point, why not have a dead flying person as a traveling companion, if that's what she was to be?

Not wanting to be rude by staring, she turned her attention away once more, back to the jewelry stand. As her eyes moved, though, something in her peripheral vision seemed to prick her interest more. Just a man, painting. Though not normally the type to spontaneously act on her curiosity, this time she couldn't help it. Glancing behind her, she reckoned the other girls wouldn't notice or mind if she just went to look at it momentarily. She'd give up the effort if anyone voiced any objections, though that wasn't particularly likely; she wasn't in the mood to make enemies so early on. Shoes tapping softly against the stone ground, the darkly-clad girl moved towards the painter, trying to make out what art he was working at.
Quote“Cause You make mountains move,
You make giants fall.
You use songs of praise, to shake prison walls.
And I will speak to my fear, I will preach to my doubt;
You were faithful then, You'll be faithful now."
"Faithful Now," by Vertical Worship
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Tue, 15/06/2021 22:13 (3 Years ago)
The art depicted many different creatures in great detail, the most notably the Devine dragons of legend, portraying them in such a way that it seemed as if he had ripped a page from the legends, and recreated it with a perfect image in his mind, as if he had personally been there to witness it.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 212
Posted: Tue, 15/06/2021 22:52 (3 Years ago)
While shocked, She couldn't help but be slightly amused as well by the ghost abs she was over with joy to see such a wonder.She tried to not notice the poor old man and felt bad so she looked for a place to get him some food and a drink. Looking away not being rude she looked at the wonderful art of ancient creatures.

The stars shine bright and are calling me to go

Advi From Demon Slayer season 1
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 238
Posted: Wed, 16/06/2021 18:39 (3 Years ago)
As Eria turned around from speaking to Lil and Kazumi to look at the person who just started speaking, her mouth and heart dropped, forming a slightly squashed 'o' in the process. There was a girl - June, she said her name was - just floating in the air in front of her. She seemed to be enjoying herself, adjusting her position and and, well not showing off exactly, more of showcasing what she could do. Showing off seemed much to negative of a descriptor for someone who seemed to be a nice person.

Eria must have been standing and staring awkwardly for a few long seconds before she realised that she probably looked very stupid and at least a bit rude. She could feel her cheeks burning bright red as they usually did and could almost guarantee
that her face was drained of color. "A.. A ghost?" she muttered, the shock with a slight edge of a tremor showing through her voice. Not wanting to seem prejudice in any way though, she swallowed hard and smiled as confidently as she could before continuing. "As in, a dead... something? How does that even work? Oh wait, no, does that seem rude? I probably seem very uncultured right now..." Yes she was babbling. Yes, she knew she could stop.

A thought occurred to her in that instant. She should check the journal, maybe that would have the answers to her questions. Would a ghost count as a new species that would register, she wondered. At any rate, it would be worth a shot, any attempt to make her seem less nosey might be worth it. She took the book from underneath her arm and opened it up, the smell of a new book wafting through the air. "Now how does this work?" she muttered to herself.
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Wed, 16/06/2021 20:50 (3 Years ago)
The book just stared back at her her, sleepily and quietly. It seemed as if a mere ghost wasn't quite magical enough for the journal.
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Sun, 20/06/2021 01:50 (3 Years ago)
Cres stared at the painting for a moment, mouth open slightly in amazement. The colors were so... life-like. It was beautiful; she couldn't imagine where to even start when creating something so pretty. But the subject itself... dragons? Something pricked at the back of her mind. It was almost too coincidental. Saving the world was the goal, right? That did seem like something that would require her to step out of her comfort zone a bit more often than she would like. Perhaps this was just the start. Sure, someone else could come over and initiate an interaction, but relying on others had never gotten her very far. Steeling her self, she moved forwards hesitantly. "Excuse me? Sir?" she said quietly, not wanting to interrupt him if he was deep in creative concentration. Maybe I misjudged; this could be just that, a coincidence. Pass it off as artistic interest if it goes wrong, maybe?
Quote“Cause You make mountains move,
You make giants fall.
You use songs of praise, to shake prison walls.
And I will speak to my fear, I will preach to my doubt;
You were faithful then, You'll be faithful now."
"Faithful Now," by Vertical Worship
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Sun, 20/06/2021 15:59 (3 Years ago)
The artist looked up at the girl approaching him. "Oh?" He straightened his back, pulling away from his work for a moment. Strangely, he didn't sound old at all, maybe like a man in his 20s