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Posted: Sun, 16/01/2022 20:35 (2 Years ago)

@Popplio: Oooo, those doodles are so cool!! The dogs especially are adorable! I don't understand how anyone can draw animals like that - I love it ^^
@Kenzan: I love Bas' character design so much!!! The jacket-thing especially is so unique and inspiring! Allow me to just.... takes notes I also love the variety of styles you can pull off, the last one especially is just really appealing to me! I might have to borrow that idea for adding depth to sketches as well ^^
@Furret: She's. So. Cute!!!! Your design sense, please. You're art style in general is just so pleasing and incredibly well executed!!!! The fur especially, I just want to hug them ^^
@Endy: My goodness, you're style is amazing!! I've never seen or considered anything quite like it but it's so dynamic and interesting!! Let me live in your DND world. That art is so good and super inspiring for someone trying to do something similar in their worldbuilding. Nothing else to day but that it's amazing and I want to go there!!!! ^^

My new years resolution this year was to learn to paint and this was my first attempt - Kapp'n fanart from acnh!!:

My creation from Akemie's character design challenge a bit ago:
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I think I now realize what I don't like about this, in the future, I'm going to try a more sketchy lineart ^^

Inktober 2021! I'm happy with...most... of these:

And some miscellaneous bits!:
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A wip for a painting, any crit before I sink to much time into it is appreciated!!

Can't remember if I've already posted this one but my internet is acting up so I'm not checking!!

And a WIP of a #MeetTheArtist, same as before, crit appreciated before I sink too much time into it:

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Posted: Tue, 23/11/2021 21:08 (2 Years ago)
And done at last!!
Sorry again for how long this took, thanks so much for your patience!
Hope you like it ^^

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Posted: Tue, 16/11/2021 20:31 (2 Years ago)
Entry Submitted ^^
Good luck to everyone participating!! (x)

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Posted: Sun, 31/10/2021 11:34 (2 Years ago)

° Icefox's Little notebook °

Wheel of fortune Log

Unlocked: 31/10/21

Spin 1: 31/10/21 ~ 11:10
Pokemon Spinning:
Milcery Evolved:
Prize won: 1x Star Sweet!

Spin 2: 31/10/21 ~ 20:50
Pokemon Spinning:
Milcery Evolved:
Prize won: 1x Flower Sweet!

Spin 3: 01/11/21 ~ 07:06
Pokemon Spinning:
Milcery Evolved:
Prize won: 7400x GC!

Spin 4: 01/11/21 ~ 13:48
Pokemon Spinning:
Milcery Evolved:
Prize won: 1x Mystery Key (Pink)!

Spin 5: 01/11/21 ~ 19:50
Pokemon Spinning:
Milcery Evolved:
Prize won: 1x Flower Sweet!

Notes I need:
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Milcery Evo Guide

[color=MistyRose][b][size=10]Spin x: xx/xx/xx ~ xx:xx[/size][/b][/color][color=LemonChiffon]
Pokemon Spinning:[/color] [url=https://pokeheroes.com/pokemon?id=x][color=LemonChiffon]Boop[/color][/url][color=LemonChiffon]
Milcery Evolved: [/color] [url=https://pokeheroes.com/pokemon?id=x][color=LemonChiffon]Boop[/color][/url][color=LemonChiffon]
Prize won: xx

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Posted: Tue, 26/10/2021 14:26 (2 Years ago)
Finished! So sorry for the wait and thank you again for your patience ^^

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Posted: Wed, 29/09/2021 15:23 (2 Years ago)
Accepted! Thanks for ordering ^^

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Posted: Sun, 26/09/2021 16:26 (3 Years ago)
Pokemon needed for Johto dex:

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152 Chickorita
153 Bayleef
155 Cyndaquil
158 Totodile
159 Croconaw
160 Feraligatr
161 Sentret
163 Hoothoot
165 Ledyba
167 Spinarak
169 Crobat
170 Chinchou
176 Togetic
177 Natu
179 Mareep
180 Flaaffy
183 Marill
184 Azumarill
185 Politoed
186 Sudowoodo
187 Hoppip
188 Skiploom
192 Sunflora
193 Yanma
194 Wooper
196 Espeon
197 Umbreon
199 Slowking
204 Pineco

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Posted: Fri, 24/09/2021 16:35 (3 Years ago)
Bump ~

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Posted: Wed, 22/09/2021 14:55 (3 Years ago)
Accepted! Thank you for ordering ^^

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Posted: Tue, 21/09/2021 15:01 (3 Years ago)
The title says that this shop is closed and hasn't been posted in for over a year. I'm not open and probably won't reopen this.

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Posted: Sun, 12/09/2021 16:07 (3 Years ago)
Accepted! Thanks for ordering!
Yep, that's right, you send over 75 nuggets and I send you back 50 ^^

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Posted: Sun, 12/09/2021 15:45 (3 Years ago)
Accepted! Thank you for ordering!
And it is just the one form of payment, whichever you would prefer ^^

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Posted: Sun, 12/09/2021 14:47 (3 Years ago)
And we are open again!
Just to let you know, most of the examples are out of date and I'm in the process of reworking them but the only way I get art finished it seems is if they are commissions ^^

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Posted: Sun, 12/09/2021 13:57 (3 Years ago)
My #1 favourite plushie is Appultun(842)
I also quite like the following:
~ Anything on my favorites
~ Any missing Plushies

Thanks ^^

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Posted: Wed, 01/09/2021 18:15 (3 Years ago)
Even with her earmuffs on, the music was almost unbearably loud, but, as it seemed like nobody else was bothered, she chalked it up to being too sensitive. What are you doing, just sitting here and twiddling your thumbs? she reprimanded herself, Assuming you haven't just lost your mind, you have been teleported hundreds or thousands of Kilometers from where you just where and the best you can do is sit twirling your hair?! Ellise had always been very harsh on herself, it was her nature to be pessimistic, to talk down on herself and idolize others. To be productive, or at least attempt to be, she removed her phone from the pockets of her jeans and switched it on. It was only a cheap phone, barely used at that, there was never any need to after all. Truth be told, she liked the case (a dark green Chinse vine print) more than the actual device. It took a while, but eventually, she managed to compose a message to send her Mum, to summarize telling her that she somehow had managed to teleport or be teleported back to Kanto, Viridian city to be specific, and that she would somehow need to get home, that she didn't run away, not to worry and wishes to be back at home.

Tap. Send.

She was glad of the presence of others, it would stop her spiraling into more of a mess at least. "Actually" she whispered to Olive, "I suppose we aren't making a very good impression here are we? After all, if I'm going to have to make acquaintances with these people to ask for directions, I would much rather not have them think me a miserable and depressed wreck." Olive nodded and shook her head along throughout as if to say No, we're not, good idea and you're not miserable, you are a really friendly person back at home! when in reality all that could be heard from her was the occasional "Whiim!" It was strange as well, Eria was usually so stoic and unreadable and, upon thinking this, her face returned to her blank mask, a hit of a frown but nothing being given away.

Then, Olive did something very strange. With a knowing look in her eyes, she turned way from Ellise, dug around in her bag and triumphantly picked out her own Pokeball. Ellise cocked her head to one side, confusion clearly visible in her body language even if not on her face. Still, Olive didn't respond to her, just dropped her nest ball to the ground only to have a smile spread across her face. Then Eria realised what she was doing, forcing her into making conversation and meeting with the other trainers. Still, she watched in horror as the ball rolled across the room coming to a rest at the feet of one of the group who she saw playing with their invisible Pokémon.

There was nothing else for it. Zipping up her backpack and putting it on for reasons unapparent to anyone other than herself, she walked over to the group meekly: "Oh, I'm so sorry, my Whimsicott and I, we are a pair of butter fingers!" she exclaimed, though he voice was barely at a normal volume level as she bent down and retrieved Olives Pokeball.

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Posted: Wed, 01/09/2021 09:55 (3 Years ago)
After managing to slightly calm down, Eria looked up from Olives face once again. It seemed as though every other trainer in the area was migrating towards the Pokecenter. She was sure that the area was less crowded when she arrived in her current location but brushed it off. Somewhat begrudgingly, she made her way over to the building, holding tight the hand of her Whimsicott, taking great comfort in the and he rustle of her other 5 Pokeballs in her canvas backpack.

She had always hated Pokémon centers and had done for as long as she could remember. As far as she was concerned, they were sterile and over commercialized, the ones on the mainland sold coffee there for goodness sake. She had never really battled much though, probably because there weren't even any Pokecenters where she came from which is more than likely why battling was never explicitly encouraged. Oh how she missed home already she thought to herself miserably. She lived in Freezington, a small town on a small Island off the coast of Galar. She had always loved it there, it was quiet and life was slow, but, without any high paying jobs, she had only ever been on holiday to the mainland of Galar beefore unitl last month herself and her family went on a trip to Kanto. In a way, it was proving useful, she knew roughly where in the region she was and could guess how to make her way to a port to get back home. Her parents insisted she came with to, she quoted to herself, "Get her mind off her studies" If they wanted her to go on holiday so badly, why didn't they let her choose the destination instead of them? She would rather have gone to Kalos which, she was convinced, she would have enjoyed much, much more. This was because she was desperate to get a scholarship for a college in Kalos to live out the rest of her life in Couriway town, set up her own business, a plant shop decorated to perfection - every detail she had planned out perfectly in her mind - or, if she was in a more pessimistic mood, fail in doing so but earn a comfortable living in some sort of mind numbing job, just a cog in a corporate machine.

Another step forward and the doors to the Pokecenter opened up in front of her. A bright, glaring light spilled out of the doors, forcing her to blink away the momentary blindness and shrink her neck down into her turtleneck against the cool of the air conditioning. Advancing further into the room only confirmed her suspicions, the place was packed with chaotic trainers talking loudly and one of them even someone playing a sort of loud, rugged music that didn't agree with her overly sensitive ears. At least there weren't any shops but in a way, that made the place seem even more sterile and uninviting. Maybe she didn't realize what she liked? "There are probably more people in this building now than there are in the whole of Freezington" she muttered quietly to Olive as she made her way over to a table on the right hand side of the room. She took a seat and extracted a pair of earmuffs that she always kept on her person from her backpack and proceeded to put them on. Much better she thought

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Posted: Tue, 31/08/2021 20:07 (3 Years ago)
Ellise had been sat in her bedroom on the end of her bed, head in her hands and silently mourning the loss of her Pokémon. Only Olive - her Whimsicott - had been out of her Pokeball at the time and thus was the only one to survive. No, she told herself strictly, the rest of her team were not dead. They would be free again soon. They are alive, no matter what anyone says. That still didn't stop the salty tears leaking from her eyes, one landing with a splash on the old photograph she held in her hand. It showed her, a couple of months ago, sat on a bench outside Ericas gym playing with her Pokémon: Appultun, Mincinno, Swadloon, Bellossom and Eldegoss. Appultun was an Applin and Eldegoss was a Gossifleur at the time but it was the best she had and it wasn't like she could get another one now. That, once again, set the tears flowing, fast and fresh. Olive then squeezed herself under Ellise's arms, her fluffy ail brushing against her face sending the fragrance of her tangerine shampoo swirling aoround her trainer - a comforting smell to say the least.

Then, all of a sudden, her bedroom wasn't there.

Upon looking around, a slightly dazed Ellise came to the conclusion that she was in Viridian city. It took longer than she would like to realize that, especially considering the gym sign proclaiming Viridian City Gym - The Last Stop Before The Elite 4!. She had never been any good at paying attention though so that didn't surprise her. It then hit her just how strange this was, she hadn't walked there, she knew that much. As for how she got there though, Ellise wasn't ashamed to admit that she was at a loss.
Olive floated up into her arms and she held her tight in her arms, still clutching her photograph in one hand. No matter what happens, Ellise vowed, she wasn't going to loose Olive. It might be too late for her mid though. Unless this was actually happening (unlikely) her mind was well and truly lost, she thought to herself bitterly.

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Posted: Sat, 28/08/2021 17:50 (3 Years ago)

Username: Icefox

Character name: Ellise

Age: 17

Appearance: Ellise is tall, she used to tower over her friends at school but is now just a touch above most people - enough for her to be considered quite tall but not too much that it causes her problems. Lanky would be a good way to describe her build, occasionally people will comment on how her legs and arms seem too long for her body. Her hair is a blond, curly mess that she struggles to control but when it has been brushed properly, it is extremely soft and resembles her partner Pokémon. She wears a desaturated, blue green knitted turtleneck jumper with sleeves that are a bit too short. Her jeans are a pale blue ad has a small, subtle, white floral print over them. Her chunky trainers were white when she bought them but now appear to be gray, almost as if dirt is magnetically attracted to them. The laces are also white. Other than that there is nothing notable about them. She carries a green, canvas backpack with her wherever she goes.

Personality: Ellise is a very friendly person who enjoys the company of others, even if she doesn't often have anything to say or want to speak up. She can't stand loud noises because she has very sensitive ears. If you offend her for any reason, be it disrespecting the environment, other people or Pokémon, then she can be very vicious and spiteful towards you, she holds grudges for a long time. Other than that, she can seem a bit mysterious: she doesn't share her emotions or thoughts often. She is definitely a pessimist, thinking lowly of herself and her abilities instead idolizing others. Her favorite hobby is playing the piano but she hates performing in front of anyone except her Pokémon.

species: Whimsicott
name: Olive
any held item: Grass Gem
ability: Chlorophyll
Moves: Moonblast, Razor Leaf, Cotton Guard, Giga Drain

Weapon: A bow and arrow based off razor leaf. The bow is a light brown painted with crisscrossing green vines and the tips are cream and are carved into the shape of Whimsicotts fluff. The bow string is a bit difficult to see as it is so fine. The arrows are tipped with metal, painted green and shaped like a leaf and are very sharp. The arrow shaft is similar to the bow, brown with green vines and is fletched with fluff.

Other: Her other 5 Pokémon were Appultun, Mincinno, Swadloon, Bellossom and Eldegoss. She misses them dearly and keeps a team photo of them in her bag which she touches when she gets nervous, a habit she doesn't want others to notice, it was taken before Appultun and Eldegoss evolved but it was the only one she has of them all together. She thinks Giovani is very rude.

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Posted: Wed, 25/08/2021 09:57 (3 Years ago)

@Furret I love those sprites! The lines are so clean and thy are so cute ^^
@Kitkat Those are amazing! I absolutely adore your style, especially how you shade and add highlights and your colours, they are so perfect! I spent way way too long just staring at them ^^
@Kenzan Those are really good! I especially like the one of Ankh and Eiji: the hair looks beautiful and I really like the line work!

I'm on holiday so haven't had time to do anything polished (Just this and some unfinished landscape sketches) so I did some hand gesture studies because I had a moment of free time ^^

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Posted: Sun, 22/08/2021 07:14 (3 Years ago)
Whilst you wouldnt necessarily be able to trust the person, you would get the pokemon back automatically, regardless of what they want to do when the timer runs out.

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