Forum Thread
Friends Suggestion
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Friends SuggestionActually Me and My Bestfriend are Noisy and Talkative but I can control myself... When Im on Websites or Socializing.. But My friend doesn't.. Idk why??
Please watch your words.. Im critically offended.. :(
Happy Summerween - Candies
@FlasherGloger -
What?? I think he Supports
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Like what AutumnStar have said.. Its their Business.. And if Youre Annoyed or Not Interested.. You can Disable his/her Feeds.....
But when you say: Like what I already said....
Adding as friend means following his feeds, unfriending = unfollowing.
Ill say: I wanna Separate the Goal or Use of that two,,, So it will be handy for other users IN NEED of it.. Even I cant explain what Their reason in future... There has a Feature that can help them.... And Nothings gonna happen bad when this was Implemented.. No one will Abuse it.. Or others..
Happy Summerween - Candies
I have a few people who I love talking to and who I met on the chat whom I consider as friends. However, one user posted over 5 rather useless feeds (in my opinion) that I know that her other friends enjoy. Who am I to be that rude jerk telling her to not have her fun when everyone else enjoys it?
There's more to friending a user than JUST the feeds. You get the Feeds, the list in your friend list (Quick way to PM the user, quick way to get to their page, etc), as well as a way to palpad them if you restrict your palpad to just friends.
I have my palpad friends only because just about EVERYONE who hit me on there who wasn't a friend sent me something like this:
"Do you have?"
> Yes
> No
If yes: "Then can I have..."
If no: "Then I'm selling *Insert unreasonably high price here"
If no: "You suck"
Or "I see you have so much money, can I have"
*5 minutes later, me being away from the computer*
*Another few minutes*
I have 14 friends on my friends list. (Used to be 15, but one of them spammed too much for my liking, so I removed them, despite still considering them a friend)
I know who each of these people are, how I met them, and why I'm friends with them. They are not random friends, they aren't people who I want to remove from my lists. And they are people whom I like to know when they change their names, if they change their names on here. (Tina to ectoBiologist for example)
Is it wrong for me to want to keep up with them without getting flooded by feeds that don't relate to me that get annoying?!
I don't think so, which is why I support the separation of the two things. Or at the very least have an option to not get feeds from certain users.
but yeah in short i support the separation of the two (or an option not to get feeds from friended users) - people who still want to use both can use both, but people shouldn't be forced to use both just to conform to someone else's idea of how people need to make friends or socialize
For example, I've added a couple mods/artists/etc. to my friends list, but I still feel weird doing so because I've never talked to them. .u.; So adding them to my friends list isn't quite accurate. Although the information they do post intrigues me, and I wanted to keep getting that information, so I added them, which was pretty much my only option. (I could bookmark their profile and go there like once a day, but somehow that just seems a lot creepier. xD )
There are a few people who primarily post hashtags for contests, as well. That can be a tad annoying to those who don't participate. But maybe you still want to be friends with the hashtag poster, just without all the hashtags. Haha...
Anyway. A "Follow/Unfollow" button on every user page would be nice.
@Gothbutter ~ I thought you were Liirah
Happy Summerween - Candies