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Gothbutter OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 172 |
Posted: Mon, 02/01/2017 19:52 (8 Years ago) |
Thanks for the shout out. Going on 2 years, I think 5 months now? Somewhere around there. Once I hit the end of my Premium in February it might be on pause for a while. I can put in the patience until the end of time, but putting in the money to keep premium going is another question entirely, aha... I hope everyone's hunts go quickly. It always makes me happy seeing other people's shiny Mega babies. :3 [Read more] |
Gothbutter OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 172 |
Posted: Fri, 21/10/2016 02:08 (8 Years ago) |
Chain # 9,068. Yes. I have been for about a year now. OTL. It's hard seeing all those shiny Mega Ampharos in the clicklists... not giving up yet, but dang... hopefully someday soon. [Read more] |
Gothbutter OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 172 |
Posted: Fri, 10/06/2016 23:12 (8 Years ago) |
Username: Gothbutter pokesona: Pass: Doopliss and Marikot. Entry: -To be added- Is it okay to have to character facing the other way, but still walking towards the left? (Like maybe an Ampharos is looking behind it and not looking where it's going? Aha... ) [Read more] |
Gothbutter OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 172 |
Posted: Sat, 28/05/2016 15:45 (8 Years ago) |
I was also curious if anyone knew, yet, if the different baits yield different Poke'mon? I've been mostly using no bait and seem to not be catching anything necessary for the Super Rod. Don't know if that's bad luck, or if I should be using the baits to get them. So far a pretty nice feature. I look forward to fishing more in the future. .u. [Read more] |
Gothbutter OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 172 |
Posted: Mon, 28/03/2016 23:10 (9 Years ago) |
The other was in the "Berry dex". Could someone tell me the links to go through to get to that page? (Example: To get to the Daycare you go to Town -> Daycare.) Because I can't seem to remember how to get there naturally. ^^; All in all the event was equal parts fun as it was maddening, heh. I do greatly enjoy looking for stuff, though, so thank you, Riako, for all the time you put into this (and other) events. :3 I thought it was quite clever making so many different hiding locations that varied by user. [Read more] |
Gothbutter OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 172 |
Posted: Sat, 19/03/2016 09:12 (9 Years ago) |
Gothbutter OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 172 |
Posted: Wed, 02/09/2015 23:04 (9 Years ago) |
Keep it and evolve it into a Flaaffy. Username?: Gothbutter Other?: I appreciate the opportunity. .u. Password: [Read more] |
Gothbutter OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 172 |
Posted: Sat, 25/07/2015 19:26 (9 Years ago) |
Gothbutter OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 172 |
Posted: Sat, 25/07/2015 19:17 (9 Years ago) |
Gothbutter OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 172 |
Posted: Sat, 25/07/2015 19:08 (9 Years ago) |
Gothbutter OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 172 |
Posted: Sun, 12/07/2015 08:32 (9 Years ago) |
This is copied straight from Bulbapedia. "Every type has at least one Mega Evolution: Psychic has the most (with ten), while Ice and Electric have the fewest (with two each)." So that would mean Electric and Ice wouldn't get a chance to be in the mini-games, which is kinda a bummer to me because Ice fits so well in the colder months. Oh! I've thought of an idea! Maybe there could be a rotation. I'll try and explain that as clear as possible... For example (and purely example), let's say August is Fire and I dunno, Electric. The first time you play the mini-game, you'll be clicking Fire types and rewarded with a Fire type egg. The next time you play it, however, you'll be clicking Electric types and rewarded with an Electric type egg. And it'll go back in forth in that cycle for 7 days. I've calculated if this is done every other month all types will be addressed. : D I need to know if this sounds like a good idea or not from the masses though. It is kind of a conundrum not to include all 18 types, and there are very few other options. The other option would be to have two contests of this type - being clicking and hatching - every other month. I could, personally, handle that second option easily, but other people have lives. :'3 [Read more] |
Gothbutter OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 172 |
Posted: Thu, 09/07/2015 19:06 (9 Years ago) |
I think the white Pumpkaboo is really cute. .u. Edit: Also, normally during Halloween there are candies and stuff. What would happen to the normal planned events for Halloween? [Read more] |
Gothbutter OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 172 |
Posted: Thu, 09/07/2015 18:55 (9 Years ago) |
@Nessy: I've changed February to Fairy type. :3 @MALDARKHELL: Pretty much what Nessy said. Not only that, but I don't think every Bug type was included as a prize in the current Bug-catching contest. I saw no Shuckles, Scatterbugs, Galvantulas, Shelmets, or Parasects, to name a few, as rewards. (You could click them, sure, but not recieved as prizes.) To keep it fair, there could only be Poke'mon capable of Mega Evolution as rewards as long as they are "Hard/Rare/whatever rarity" or lower. So it could be that Starters/Special Poke'mon could still keep their rarity. @Abby: That's what the original idea was, yep. :3 Just one type per month. @Midnight_Rein: Cool, I'll go check it out. :3 [Read more] |
Gothbutter OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 172 |
Posted: Thu, 09/07/2015 03:39 (9 Years ago) |
Actually, Midnight_Rein, I think that's an adorable idea that could be its' own separate game. The Pumpkaboo sizes, as far as I know, have yet to be addressed yet. And picking/growing/etc. them could be a cute, fun way to implement them. If you decide to make a suggestion about implementing such a game or something let me know, I would like to see it implemented. :3 [Read more] |
Gothbutter OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 172 |
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2015 21:55 (9 Years ago) |
Thank you for all the support thus far. I've updated the top of the thread with Nessy's list of types by month and Piolla123's quote from Dokku. [Read more] |
Gothbutter OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 172 |
Posted: Tue, 07/07/2015 09:25 (9 Years ago) |
While, true it is based off the games, the Safari Zone actually does have more than just Bug types in it, too, but on PH only Bugs are present. Plus I think more than just Bug type Poke'mon deserve to be beautiful and talented and judged. Dogs and various other animals get their own shows on TV about being judged on their intelligence/obedience and beauty. It also occurred to me that Mega Bugs are even easier to get than before with the Safari Zone and now this allowing capture of them. Granted I've only seen a few posts from users get megas from this new thing, so it's possible it's not really all that high. But I wouldn't know the statistics on that. There are only 12 months, so not all types would be addressed, and it's only for one week in that year that each type would get the spotlight, anyway. So it's not like any Mega would lose its' value, really. Just Bug Megas might be a little more evened out? As a final note, which I'll be adding to the first post, if your aim is anything like mine, and you plan to get a shiny Meloetta, you will be at that game a lot. And a little variation at what you're clicking on would run down the tedious level just a bit. [Read more] |
Gothbutter OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 172 |
Posted: Tue, 07/07/2015 08:32 (9 Years ago) |
Maybe a different type for every month? For example October could be Ghost type Poke'mon to click and hatch. And December, Ice types, etc. There could even be a small drawing competition to draw backgrounds that's present on the clicking part of the game. (The bugs fit well in the current grassy terrain, but maybe some Ice types or Ghost types might make a little less sense.) Rewards could be a small sum of Festival Points or something. :3 Although, you can find any type of egg in the Tall Grass, so it's possible the background doesn't really need changing. Just a thought. It's mainly an aesthetic change, but I'd personally find it really great, as I've felt the site has been a little Bug happy lately. And it seems like a fun idea that could have good potential to get the community involved. :3 Edit: The goal to a shiny Meloetta is a long, repetitive road, and a little variation on what you're clicking could be like a nice glass of lemonade to counter the tediousness. Other Suggestions/add-ons: Although not directly about the suggestion (but still on topic of the Bug Hatching game in general), I do agree that I feel like the shiny Bug Poke'mon you click should give you at least one more point than a normal Bug Poke'mon, as you recognize the Bug even though its' color is different than normal in the split moment it's on screen. As a consequence, maybe clicking a shiny of any other Poke'mon type gives you a -4 or more depending. Ultimately it would be up to Riako to decide which type would go to each month, if the idea appeals him, but I do like a lot of these. .u. I actually hadn't even thought of giving points to Events, but really I feel it kinda should. Knowing the events' types on PH is more of a feat than knowing the regular ones in my opinion. I still don't remember most of the Harvest Sprites' secondary types. So I think that would be cool. I'd make myself remember if it meant getting more points. x3 Honestly I feel like there's a lot of wiggle room in my suggestion as a whole. So I don't see why it can't change over a years time. 2015s July could be "Bug types" while next year could be something completely different like "Only Event Poke'mon" or "Only Pikachus" or it could always be "Bug types". Although, personally, I find the more variety in one thing, the better. :3 [Read more] |
Gothbutter OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 172 |
Posted: Sun, 31/05/2015 19:57 (9 Years ago) |
Nickname: None. About how often do you get online?: At least once a day. :3 What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: It's so hard to choose. x3 I'm going to choose Seele. ♥ ![]() Which Flight do you like most and why?: The Light flight. The Lightweaver is a beautiful creature that just spoke to me. [Read more] |
Gothbutter OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 172 |
Posted: Thu, 28/05/2015 03:44 (9 Years ago) |
Gothbutter OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 172 |
Posted: Thu, 28/05/2015 01:39 (9 Years ago) |
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