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Pokemon: Heaven's Duality - Sign-Ups (Closed)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Pokemon: Heaven's Duality - Sign-Ups (Closed)Luminia, as close as heaven as it can get, some might say. But of course, for it to truly be heaven, a paradise, everything must be in harmony.
Lord Tempest has long expressed a wish to step down from ruling directly from the throne. He wanted to watch over Luminia, as well as the other islands he has created, and only act if he is required to.
Thus he has chosen a successor. From the noble family he has finally chosen one, One who has been given the title of Snowstar Priestess. She is warm and kind, and despite being naïve, is a fast learner. When introduced to the public she was widely accepted as the next ruler.
However, there have been some who have been dissatisfied with the royal family’s rule over Luminia. The unrest is beginning to spread.
Two clear factions were beginning to form. The Loyalists who want to keep the current status quo and keep the royal family. The Republicans who want reform, and for the minimalizing of power in the royal family.
It’s a fine line between who is right and who is wrong. Are the Loyalists blinded by the rule and potential brainwashing? Do the Republicans simply want power for themselves?
What was even worse was that some of the mages were also divided. Some mages hold terrible power, that had the potential to split the very island Luminia was on into two.
The political conflict even spread towards the neighbouring holiday island Rioverde. Travelling between the two island is now restricted and heavily watched. Even Rioverde, who has generally ruled itself without a ruler, having a community that all helped each other had something to say about the conflict. They wanted out as much as possible but…it could very well spread there too.
Regardless the public has to choose their allegiance, they look to the more influential members of the public to guide them…but even they seem divided.
The High General of the Royal Knights wholly believe in the King’s rule to prosperity, the Arenamaster believes the fate of the citizens lay in the hands of their own. The Star Rocker refuses to choose the side that would go against the Azure Sage and his family while also believing that the king’s rule had no faults so far. The Verdant Mistress of the café doesn’t believe in a god’s rule, preferring to thank nature for it’s bounty. It isn’t just the Verdant Mistress…most of the shopkeepers seem to believe their lives were in their hands, not to be ruled over.
If these influential members are divided…what will you do?
One of the worst events to happen to Luminia. It wasn’t a threat from a natural disaster. It was no threat from outer space.
The danger was within the citizens themselves. The era of a civil war had begun.
White Despair, Black Hope. It was all merging into one. Conflicting Ideologies between them all. And behind it all…what were the leaders of each faction thinking?
“Dead or Lie?”

Castle of Light – Loyalist – The residence of the royal family, as well as the area where knights are trained. It’s only natural that this would be a stronghold for the Loyalists. Lord Tempest lives here and is completely dissatisfied and disappointed in the situation at hand. After all…he was the one who created the islands, it wasn’t as if there wasn’t proof that he didn’t and now some of its citizens were turning against him. The knights have sworn their loyalty to Lord Tempest and are willing to defend him to the bitter end. It would be foolish to try and enter this area if you’re not a loyalist unless you wish for a swift end
School of Magic – Loyalist – Since it was sponsored by the knight, the School of Magic remains under the control of the loyalists. On top of that, the headmaster himself is in favour of the king. As such, he is persuading on the mages to side with him, which many of the mages seem to have done. However, a similar amount has either sided with the Republicans or sided with neither side, keeping neutrality. Regardless, the results could be disastrous…
Fate Arena – Republican – The Arena is lead by the Arenamaster Dart, and despite numerous attempts of for the knights to kick him out, he has held strong, with allies from the Republicans backing him up. There has started tSmall skirmishes happen here on a daily basis as a result and unlike so many of the controlled fights that happen here, it’s no bars hold, all or nothing. People tend to avoid this street altogether as a result, if they know what’s better for them.
Anthian District – Republican – The one and only shopping district in Luminia and the headquarters for the Republicans. It is unknown where they meet, those looking to join the faction have to find the right place in order to be guided into the headquarters. Business here is virtually non-existent nowadays and shopkeepers who have sided with the Republicans (the majority), while not supposed to sell to everyone not on their side, they bypass this by selling their goods via vendors. They don’t want to cripple the innocent after all…
Suburbs – Neutral – The only place in Luminia which is held by neither faction. You’ll find that people here have mostly barricaded their homes or have retreated into shelters, those who have chosen to side with neither side regardless. Vendors come by to serve them as the Anthian District is under control of the Republicans. It’s said that now that Azure is on a journey, meaning Yung isn’t able to run the shop without him, he goes around and visits those on the neutral side and tells stories to keep morale up when he could. However, everyone just wants this to end so they won’t be forced to choose a side. After all, both sides have been known for certain coercive tactics.
Sleipnir Park – Loyalist – Completely cordoned off by the recent events, for battles using magic could have disastrous effects here. After all, this is where magic’s effects can be felt the most strongly here, where mage’s come to train and meditate, where you can truly be one with nature. Because of the power of certain mages, on both sides of the coin, for safety, this area is cordoned off. However, it is under the control of the Loyalists
Cloud Playground – Republican – The Caretaker of the Cloud Playground had been forced out of his haven, his livelihood and is currently hiding in the suburbs. Someone had taken him in and is taking care on him…he is an old soul after all. However, the Republicans have generally used this as the place to heal and recover from any battles that had come their way, at the moment, those battles are far and few. Children have been told to avoid this area at all costs now…

Pokeheroes rules apply
No powerplaying.
Minor swearing is allowed...but don’t go overboard
Minor Legendaries are allowed but palpad about it first.
I have the right to decline forms as I see fit
If you leave the Palpad group, you leave the RP
Password is...Your favourite pokemon song! From the games, anime, otherwise! Even fanmade!

Other: (Password here, allegiance: (Loyalist, Republican or Neutral) and anything else I should know? If you want your character to know some elemental magic, palpad me first)

Emerald (Main Character I will play as) – Riolu – Neutral - This young squire believes in the future of the kingdom, however, he dislikes what is currently happening to the kingdom. Is currently in hiding with his family, however is extremely worried for his friends around the city, with no way to contact them.
Age: 16
Gender: male
Pokemon: Vulpix (Alolan)
Appearance: X
Personality:A very chill and overall 'meh' sort of boi with a calm yet determined vibe to him. He's devoted to his dreams of becoming a hero and a warrior, and is often by himself with his thoughts and training. He's an introvert, and a fanboy of his heroes Kiro the Zacian and Roran the Alolan Nintales, who gave him his cape, scarf, and Zacian outfit (Which he looks adorable in).
Moveset: Aurora veil | Fairy Wind (If this is okay) | Ice beam | Ice shard
Other: Hmm, the Pokemon theme song from gen 1.
Also he has Snow warning/Is Neutral
Winter came to the Kingdom for a visit after finally fully escaping all his company(Including Meka). He was just enjoying the Kingdom and was swept into the middle of this chaos, and is honestly terrified, despite him being a squire of another Kingdom.
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Dragonair
Appearance: Boop
Personality: She is quite shy at first, but once you get to know her, she's very sociable and friendly. She can be awkward sometimes because she doesn't know how to really start a conversation properly. She's scared that she is annoying sometimes.
Moveset: Twister, Dragon Rush, Aqua tail, Slam
Other: Pokemon B/W - Route 10, Allegiance: Neutral She has a brother who is Republican and is extremely against the Kingdom's rule. She really is worried about going against her brother, but doesn't like the thought of rebelling against the kingdom. Her dragon breath is purple-pink (if that's okay)
Name: Aether
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Dragonite
Appearance: He has a metal shoulder pad and a small red cape that colour shifts to orange coming from the shoulder pad, with many rips and tears at the ends. He has a scar on his belly and purple eyes like his sister. He has tail armor on his tail.
Personality: He is friendly to those he trusts, and would protect them with his life. However, he becomes aggressive to his enemies, but can become too aggressive.
Moveset: Fire punch, Dragon tail, Dragon rush, Hyper beam (Doesn't use it much due to being extremely exhausted afterwards)
Other: ^ Allegiance: Republican The older brother of Aero, he tries to protect her with his life while trying to convert her to republican. However, sort of respects her decision of remaining neutral.
Age: 23
Gender: female
Pokemon: Ditto, but will only turn into ghost type non-legends. Never anything else, she hates other types and thins legends are too power hungry for their own good
Appearance: any ghost type depending on what she chooses, mainly haunter. She wears glasses
Personality: smart, but shy, but very outspoken when it comes to topics she feels strongly about
Moveset: shadow sneak, shadow ball, shadow claw, shadow punch
Other: (Password here, allegiance: (Loyalist, Republican or Neutral) and anything else I should know? If you want your character to know some elemental magic, palpad me first) Loyalist, pKmN master red mt. Silver champion theme, hope this is the fun roleplay I have been desiring, (besides the other one ^^)

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Torracat
Appearance: Helda has, as her name suggests, somehow lost half of her left paw, which gives her a slight limp when she walks. Where the bell on her throat was is now a tuft coal black fur, slightly lighter than the rest of her coat, and the red coloring on her is a bright, firey red. Her eyes are a light, forestry green, though they are also cold and merciless, often worked into a glare.
Personality: Stubborn and observant, she will do what she wants when she wants, not waiting for anyone else. She works alone, mostly from fear of losing the people she knows. She is also truthful, which gives her a cold, bitter side, as well as making her a pain to be around, though she will lie if it will protect herself or whatever she is trying to save. Overall, she isn't too nice a character, but though she may appear bitter, she cares more than most people realise.
Moveset: Flare Blitz || Flamethrower || Double Kick || Bite
Other: Allegiance: Neutral.
She came to Luminia for no reason in particular; she just wanted to see how the city was doing. The result of her curiosity she finds amusing. Currently, she is simply watching the wars taking place, and hasn't seen anyone she knows yet, though she is keeping an eye out for Emerald.
She is capable of performing most fire spells, and knows a bit of her own nature magic [as detailed in the palpad conversation]
Password: ngl I don't really like any of them.. ig the black & white TV series theme tune is alright.
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Absol
Appearance Normal Absol, but has one red eye and a dark blue bandanna
Personality: Firey Personality, very passoniate about evreything
Moveset: Slash, Swords Dance, Dark Pulse, U-Turn
Other: (Password here, allegiance: (Loyalist, Republican or Neutral) and anything else I should know? If you want your character to know some elemental magic, palpad me first) Loyalist. Password-Littleroot Theme

Name: Fortem
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Lycanroc
Appearance: He's a lycanroc with navy accents on his face, paws and back, but he changes form depending on the time of day. It's a family trait. His eyes are blue, no matter the form.
Personality: He's actually a little timid, despite his name meaning 'brave' (he finds it ironic). He gets anxious a lot. However, he is respectful, and very thoughtful for those who care about him. If you compliment or insult him, he will never forget. He doesn't like to hurt others, but will if there is no other option. He’s just very peaceful and playful in general, and has grown braver through the help of his friends.
Backstory: He's lived in the castle in luminia all his life. came from a long time of Median Lycanrocs, Lycanrocs who's form changes depending on the time of day. His parents took pride in that, and are both esteemed members of the knights who serve Tempest. They put a lot of pressure on him to do well in battling, when he really didn't want to, out of fear, and also didn't know what he wanted to do with his life.
After falling through the portal to the ground (Below the Clouds RP), Fortem became friends with Emerald and Hiro. He gained a little more confidence with help from his new friends, and he's determined to be a good friend to them. On their journey on the surface (Dreams of our Generation RP), he learned basic water magic from the spirit of Tenko the Lucario and helped save Luminia from ultra beasts.
Since then, Fortem made an effort to explore the city of Luminia as well as a few surrounding islands (Private RP), and has grown very attached to them. He has grown more comfortable with the prospect of battling, and, with encouragement from Dainn, the captain of the knights, has become more interested in becoming a knight. He has also befriended Audax the eevee, and wants to attend the school of magic because of him.
He was recently made a proper (though junior) knight, and he is currently in the castle.
Rock Throw
Stone Edge
Sand Attack
Other: Fortem knows the splash spell from the anima water magic section, but that’s about it. He does want to learn more, though.
As for where he stands in the revolution, Fortem is more of a loyalist. He doesn’t see anything wrong with the system currently in place and thinks the system of knights is pretty good, but he’s willing to open an ear to those who do. Really, he just wants the fighting to stop, so that Luminia can be safe, and he and his friends can meet up again.
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Lycanroc
Appearance: He's a lycanroc with navy accents on his face, paws and back, but he changes form depending on the time of day. It's a family trait. His eyes are blue, no matter the form.
Personality: He's actually a little timid, despite his name meaning 'brave' (he finds it ironic). He gets anxious a lot. However, he is respectful, and very thoughtful for those who care about him. If you compliment or insult him, he will never forget. He doesn't like to hurt others, but will if there is no other option. He’s just very peaceful and playful in general, and has grown braver through the help of his friends.
Backstory: He's lived in the castle in luminia all his life. came from a long time of Median Lycanrocs, Lycanrocs who's form changes depending on the time of day. His parents took pride in that, and are both esteemed members of the knights who serve Tempest. They put a lot of pressure on him to do well in battling, when he really didn't want to, out of fear, and also didn't know what he wanted to do with his life.
After falling through the portal to the ground (Below the Clouds RP), Fortem became friends with Emerald and Hiro. He gained a little more confidence with help from his new friends, and he's determined to be a good friend to them. On their journey on the surface (Dreams of our Generation RP), he learned basic water magic from the spirit of Tenko the Lucario and helped save Luminia from ultra beasts.
Since then, Fortem made an effort to explore the city of Luminia as well as a few surrounding islands (Private RP), and has grown very attached to them. He has grown more comfortable with the prospect of battling, and, with encouragement from Dainn, the captain of the knights, has become more interested in becoming a knight. He has also befriended Audax the eevee, and wants to attend the school of magic because of him.
He was recently made a proper (though junior) knight, and he is currently in the castle.
Rock Throw
Stone Edge
Sand Attack
Other: Fortem knows the splash spell from the anima water magic section, but that’s about it. He does want to learn more, though.
As for where he stands in the revolution, Fortem is more of a loyalist. He doesn’t see anything wrong with the system currently in place and thinks the system of knights is pretty good, but he’s willing to open an ear to those who do. Really, he just wants the fighting to stop, so that Luminia can be safe, and he and his friends can meet up again.

Name: Audax
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Eevee
Appearance: He’s an eevee with gray-brown fur, and dark flecks all over his pelt. He has pensive green eyes. He carried a heavy, book-filled bag everywhere.
Personality: He’s very introverted. He’s logical, but also indecisive and takes a long time to make decisions. He doesn’t like taking risks, and he’s relatively shy and quiet. Knowledge drives him, since he thinks that all good things come from knowing.
Backstory: He lived in the suburbs for most of his life. doesn’t like talking about his past much, and that much is a mystery. What he does tell others is that he’s been working at Remus’s party shop for a while, and he’s been training at the school of magic, learning dark magic. He grew up with a lot of books and a lot of time alone, which naturally led to him being a huge bibliophile and knowledge lover.
After Luminia’s ultra beast incident, Audax joined the school of magic, and befriended Fortem and Emerald (Private RP), though he still doesn’t know either too well. He’s still very shy and quiet, and feels awkward in social situations.
When the tension started between the loyalists and republicans, Audax had to make a choice between his job, or his education. After a long time contemplating, he chose the latter, and the school of magic offered him a temporary room at the school to stay at. Seeing him as a loyalist, he doesn’t feel safe entering the anthian district, though he is neutral. He feels bad about not even telling Remus where he went.
Double Kick
Other: Audax knows the first two dark magic spells. He is neutral to the fighting, and thinks that the government is good mostly, but has some notable flaws, such as the fact that the people don’t get too much of a say, though (most) authorities try to rule justly. He fakes being a loyalist to keep on learning at the school of magic.
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Eevee
Appearance: He’s an eevee with gray-brown fur, and dark flecks all over his pelt. He has pensive green eyes. He carried a heavy, book-filled bag everywhere.
Personality: He’s very introverted. He’s logical, but also indecisive and takes a long time to make decisions. He doesn’t like taking risks, and he’s relatively shy and quiet. Knowledge drives him, since he thinks that all good things come from knowing.
Backstory: He lived in the suburbs for most of his life. doesn’t like talking about his past much, and that much is a mystery. What he does tell others is that he’s been working at Remus’s party shop for a while, and he’s been training at the school of magic, learning dark magic. He grew up with a lot of books and a lot of time alone, which naturally led to him being a huge bibliophile and knowledge lover.
After Luminia’s ultra beast incident, Audax joined the school of magic, and befriended Fortem and Emerald (Private RP), though he still doesn’t know either too well. He’s still very shy and quiet, and feels awkward in social situations.
When the tension started between the loyalists and republicans, Audax had to make a choice between his job, or his education. After a long time contemplating, he chose the latter, and the school of magic offered him a temporary room at the school to stay at. Seeing him as a loyalist, he doesn’t feel safe entering the anthian district, though he is neutral. He feels bad about not even telling Remus where he went.
Double Kick
Other: Audax knows the first two dark magic spells. He is neutral to the fighting, and thinks that the government is good mostly, but has some notable flaws, such as the fact that the people don’t get too much of a say, though (most) authorities try to rule justly. He fakes being a loyalist to keep on learning at the school of magic.

Name: Clamor
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Luxio
Appearance: He’s a luxio with a varied pattern, more tufts of fur all over, and piercing amber eyes. He is unable to speak, and he carries a slate and chalk everywhere.
Personality: He’s inventive and extroverted, always finding creative ways to solve problems. He will gladly talk with whoever can find a way to reach him. He’s a ruthless fighter and is able to use his anger at anything to fuel his speedy attacks. He really, really wishes he could speak like most other pokemon do.
Backstory: He lived with his mother in the suburbs since he was a shinx. She was a doctor at Luminia’s hospital, but also crafty and a part time inventor, and Clamor picked up his resourcefulness from her. It was his mother who came up with the idea to give him a slate with chalk to hit over a claw, so he could write out his thoughts.
Throughout his life, Clamor has had a lot of bad run-ins with the Knights of lumina, some of who treated him unfairly or treated him like he was incompetent because he couldn’t speak. He lost respect for them when he almost ended up in jail during one encounter. He hates that he doesn’t have a say in what the government of Luminia does at all.
Things took a turn for the worst when his mother died during the initial destruction of Luminia when it was hit by meteors and attacked by ultra beasts. He had to adjust to living alone and having no one to write to. The one pokemon who understood him best was gone. To make money, Clamor signed up for a job at the school of magic (he has no mana, but he can still help out) doing whatever tasks were needed.
When the revolution started, he immediately went to the arena to declare where he stood with the pokemon there, and has been helping them out, seeing their cause as noble. He quit his job at the school of magic, seeing as the majority of pokemon there didn’t share his opinions.
Other: As he has no mana, Clamor doesn’t know any magic, though he does know about it from working at the school of magic. He’s firmly republican, and thinks that Luminia’s government is deeply flawed. He’s happy to finally have a way to voice his opinions about the matter.
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Luxio
Appearance: He’s a luxio with a varied pattern, more tufts of fur all over, and piercing amber eyes. He is unable to speak, and he carries a slate and chalk everywhere.
Personality: He’s inventive and extroverted, always finding creative ways to solve problems. He will gladly talk with whoever can find a way to reach him. He’s a ruthless fighter and is able to use his anger at anything to fuel his speedy attacks. He really, really wishes he could speak like most other pokemon do.
Backstory: He lived with his mother in the suburbs since he was a shinx. She was a doctor at Luminia’s hospital, but also crafty and a part time inventor, and Clamor picked up his resourcefulness from her. It was his mother who came up with the idea to give him a slate with chalk to hit over a claw, so he could write out his thoughts.
Throughout his life, Clamor has had a lot of bad run-ins with the Knights of lumina, some of who treated him unfairly or treated him like he was incompetent because he couldn’t speak. He lost respect for them when he almost ended up in jail during one encounter. He hates that he doesn’t have a say in what the government of Luminia does at all.
Things took a turn for the worst when his mother died during the initial destruction of Luminia when it was hit by meteors and attacked by ultra beasts. He had to adjust to living alone and having no one to write to. The one pokemon who understood him best was gone. To make money, Clamor signed up for a job at the school of magic (he has no mana, but he can still help out) doing whatever tasks were needed.
When the revolution started, he immediately went to the arena to declare where he stood with the pokemon there, and has been helping them out, seeing their cause as noble. He quit his job at the school of magic, seeing as the majority of pokemon there didn’t share his opinions.
Other: As he has no mana, Clamor doesn’t know any magic, though he does know about it from working at the school of magic. He’s firmly republican, and thinks that Luminia’s government is deeply flawed. He’s happy to finally have a way to voice his opinions about the matter.
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Clefairy
Appearance: Normal clefairy. But likes to collect leaves and wear them as bracelets. Also HATES being mistaken for a female and is Toto’s brother.
Personality: Loves Luminia and wants it to stay like the way it was. Isn’t to good offensively but is great at supporting in battle.
Moveset: Moon light, moonblast, gravity, metronome (will usually just be heal bell or life dew.)
Other: Is a loyalist. (Password is route 210 sinnoh.(
Age: 10
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Togedemaru
Appearance: Normal togedemaru, but is spikier than usual.
Personality: Loves Luminia and wants it to stay like the way it was. Isn’t too good defensively but is great at making other ‘mons flinch.
Moveset: Zing zap, poison jab, iron head, spiky shield
Other: is a loyalist. (Password is route 210 sinnoh.)
Accepted. Glad to see you here! ^^
Did you read the rules? Perhaps the form too?
Age: Looks young
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Drizzile
Appearance: A tall Drizzile with his green scales replaced with orange ones, and plain white fox mask on the top of his head.
Personality: Very smooth in nature, quite relaxed and cold when you meet him. Veil is smarter than he seems, and a lot clumsier than he wants to show. He’s not really that strong, however his agility makes him appear very skilled.
Moveset: Swift, Muddy Water, Rest, Protect
Other: (prob the vs Yveltal and Xerneas theme) Neutral, leaning Loyalist. Has the magical ability to make plant monsters with vines which he summons with the word Diversæn. He also runs a café for hot drinks.
Name: Mordred
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Thievul
Appearance: Mordred is actually missing an eye and the other is bright crimson. She also has crimson gloves and a grey bandana on with a tear through the side. She lost her eye in a fight some time ago against a guard catching her steal something important to her.
Personality: A warm motherly type with young people she’s close to, a cold, unrelenting killer with opponents. She’s very good at lying to all, however to those she’s close to, she will recluse after telling a big lie.
Moveset: Dark Pulse, Thief, Parting Shot, Agility
Other: (vs Yveltal and Xerneas theme) Hard Loyalist

Vanity ( Vanny for short )
male ( any pronouns )
lycanroc ( midnight form )
a crimson red lycanroc ( midnight form ) with neon pink eyes, a stocky build + a blue spiked collar that looks to be very dull in color and worn down
Vanny is very upbeat, but not nessecarily an optimist by any means. In fact, one could consider
??? ( i've got no clue what this means, my apologies )
three things:
[1] my character is Nuetral, [2] I can provide a sketched out visual of what Vanny looks like later on ( I cannot currently, as i'm not at home as of typing this out )
- my favorite song is the Pokemon Theme Song ( the song that plays at the beginning of the pokemon show )
kuro / clown / furby • he / it / other