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Imperium | Signups

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Imperium | Signups
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Thu, 07/05/2020 14:26 (4 Years ago)

Roleplay Page - xxx

Few of the veterans remember the horrible days when the sky rang mad with the shrieking howls of a merciless blizzard; when the wind, hail and terrible cold destroyed all that one knew. That was many moons ago, when a terrible winter claimed the lives of many cats of each kingdom. Not all of the courts lasted through those terrible years, when the rogue attacked his own sister, the empress, in his jealously-driven rage. All the kingdoms suffered, what political stability they had taking blows as the starving subjects rebelled against their rulers. However, the storm wasn’t the end of it. The winter storms had brought about the rise of a sinister and enigmatic rogue tribe called the Ironguard. Hearts twisted, they started to spread dissent and discord among the cats of the kingdom, weaving lies like spider webs. The hard won harmony of the land was quickly erased,as cats turned against each other. War erupted, plunging the valley into chaos, and there were many casualties on each side.

It was only in recent decades that the Ironguard and the Moon Court, guided by the Gods,reached an uneasy truce. The spirits above welcomed the newest queen with open arms in the past ten moons, and so far the Moon Court seems to be in good hands. The borders, regularly patrolled by the Paladins and the Guardsmen, have been undisturbed for the time being, (even with the Ironguard) and prey and herbs spring up abundantly.And why wouldn't they, in the waning years of newleaf. After all, isn't greenleaf the most prosperous season of all? It all started when an innocent Neophyti is found injured on the border. The poor molly was unable to say the name of her attacker, nor could she write it. Upon careful examination, the High Seer declared that something, a curse, had befallen the molly. The attacker was a cat, like them ; that was the easiest to see.At first, the culprits seemed to be obvious, but when the Empress and her Equerry met with the Mogul, the blame was shifted off the Ironguard for the time being. Unease and fear sweeps through the Court like wildfire as peace began to fade out of reach. The normally amicable and loyal cats have started to doubt the ability of their new queen, and some have even talked of joining the Ironguards for a more secure rule. Because if the Ironguard was not responsible for the terrible attack, than what was?


❆ Follow all site rules.
❆ Palpad for rank and/or prefix reservations Reservations last 72 hours
❆ This is a warrior cat RP — however all characters will receive humanoid names (no warrior cat names)
❆ Notify me of an absence before it occurs. I don't want to have to pause certain aspects of the plot just because of an uninformed absence. It messes with the flow of the RP.
❆ If you do not post within a week, I'll Palpad / PM you. If you either do not reply to the messages or you do not post, then I will remove your characters and the RP will continue without you.
❆ If you hold a high rank (e.g. the queen's handmaid) you are required to be quite active in the RP. Please take this into account when creating your characters.
❆ This is a semi-lit to advanced RP. In terms of posting length aim for 1 - 2 paragraphs (6-7 lines.) Be sure to use proper grammar and spelling in your posts. (If you're on mobile I get it...but try your best anyway)
❆ This RP has a rating of PG-13 (that's the level of my writing anywho) However, there will be absolutely NO cussing or excessive gore (or anything of that ilk.) Fade to black when needed
❆ LGBTQ+ characters are accepted here, but due to the process of assigned mates in the Moon Court, please state the biological gender of your cat. Keep that in mind when you are creating your characters.
❆ No repeating names please
❆ Private message me for reservations.
❆ I'm pretty relaxed on activeness, but try to be at least semi-active in the RP.
❆ Hate the character, not the player. I WILL NOT tolerate outside-of-RP grudges being brought into this RP; it ruins the experience for everyone
❆ Ask the other user before you kill off or severely injure another cat.


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▷ Empress [♀]
She has the blessing of divine right (which is the belief that the gods themselves chose her to rule.) The Imperatrix is always female. She is responsible for maintaining the well being of the clan, making the major decisions with the advice of the council, leading the armies along with her general, and conducting important ceremonies [e.g. kits - apprentices - paladins.] The Imperatrix will not come into direct contact with the commoners and her subjects (with the exception of the Opulentos). She is the main driving force for her clan — although her equerry does shoulder this responsibility. Should the queen die, retire or be exiled, her eldest daughter will ascend to the throne. If she has not produced a suitable female heir, then her equerry's firstborn daughter will become queen. She also spends quite some time in her life devoutly studying with the Ecclesia, and communicates with the gods above, but usually does not receive omens. The Imperatrix also bears a more serious duty; she is the main mouthpiece of her people with the Ironguard tribes. When the queen rises to power, she is given the suffix -rose along with her nine lives.

▷ The Emperor [♂]
The Imperatrix's chosen mate. Like the other mates in the clan, he was handpicked by the Caliphate to take her hand in marriage. Unlike other rulers that prefer to rule as the sole dominant figure (ex. the king and his consort) the Emperor is the equal of his mate. He takes care of the court while she is away, aids in important diplomatic matters, and is responsible for maintaining a semi-peaceful relationship with the Ironguards on the border.

▷ The Heirs [♂ / ♀]
Exactly what it sounds like. The Heirs are the children of the Emperor and the Imperatrix, and they are born into wealth, power, privilege and influence. While they may be of royal blood, they still take on roles in the Court. The eldest female heir will ascend to power when her mother leaves office. While the male will not ascend to the throne, they are equally important. All of the heirs will obviously hold extremely high rank, and they are highly respected thanks to their royal blood. Their mates will be arranged by their parents.

— Clergymen

▷ Spiritual Caliphate [♀]
The Spiritual Caliphate is the leader of the religious branch of the Court. (Spiritual refers to the church, and caliphate is a leader.) She leads the Antistitae in prayer, but surprisingly doesn't always receive omens ; that is the job of the High Seer. They work with the Imperatrix in assigning mates and sometimes along with the Antistitae, will preach in public. She is a trusted persona within the Court, sometimes serving as a kind of mother figure or a teacher toward the heirs, but she is not authorized to order them around. That's a job saved for the Equerry. That being said, she is also responsible for teaching the Neophyti about healing and tending to wounds, which is the final step before they become a full Antistitae. When they are recruited, they are supposed to take an oath of chastity and divine obedience; an oath that flows from the evangelical counsels of the Crone and Emperor. The spiritual caliphate is forbidden to have a mate or kits.

▷ High Seer [♂ / ♀]
The High Seer is the primary recipient of visions, omens and prophecies, which can occur in her sleep, during her prayer or even during the broad daylight. These visions can start quite early on, making it easy to distinguish who will become the Seer. The Dreamer and the Emissary are responsible for the selection of the seer; the dreamer sends the visions and the emissary is the one who speaks to the Caliphate. Being a seer is a difficult job, as Seers are often ostracized or belittled before they make sense of their visions. Like the Caliphate, they are not allowed to have kits or a mate, and they must swear the very same oath.

▷ The Antistitae [♂ / ♀]
The mouthpiece of the people to the clan. They are primarily female but it's not uncommon for males to become Antistitae as well. They are the larger and more iconic branch of the Ecclesia. Their duties include preaching religious messages, offering therapeutic advice when needed, delivering messages when the caliphate is busy, and facilitating the training and growth of the Neophyti. The Antistitae are recruited randomly as kits nearing their sixth moon. After that, they become Neophyti and train under the other ecclesiastical figures. It is extremely rare for a kit to refuse to become a Neophyti, as Antistitae have a very powerful influence and social status. Additionally, refusing to join the Ecclesia brings strong social taboo and shame to their houses, which more often than not results in exile. They are the main healers of the clan.

▷ Neophyti [♂ / ♀]
A pupil of six moons or older that is studying under the Antistitae. They can be either gender. The Neophyti are selected at their sixth moon or sometimes a few days earlier than that. They assist in the duties of the Antistitae and join them for mass. They also join the High Caliphate when it comes for herb gathering and medicine.

— Opulentos (Upper Class)

▷ Royal Equerry [♀]
The Equerry is an attendant, adviser and close friend of the royal family. She makes sure that the Imperatrix is well fed, has all her tools and accompanies her into war. The Equerry along with the council carries on many of the same jobs as a deputy ; they organize the patrols, meet with the people in times of concern, relay messages, and discuss important prophecies with the Ecclesia. (However what they are told is somewhat limited) Despite being so close to the Imperatrix, should the monarch pass away, the Equerry will return to their former rank, whatever it was. When the Imperatrix ascends to the throne, she will select a new equerry.

▷ Monarchical Council [♂ / ♀]
The monarchical council is a group of senior moon court cats that serve as the main governing body and advisers to the Imperatrix, and this branch is led by the Empress herself. They decide important decisions before they are put into play; ex. choosing of the Equerry, mentors and apprentices, promotions etc.

▷ The Veldheer [♂ / ♀]
The Veldheer is the leader of the Imperial Guard and he is a personal guard for the Imperatrix. This is a gender-fluid rank - so the Veldheer can be either male of female. The Veldheer is required to be in peak physical shape should a threat arise, and they help make war plans with the Imperatrix, Veterans, and her mate. The Veldheer helps to combat threats on the border, and escorts the Imperatrix and Caliphate when she goes to communicate with the Ironguard. He is a highly trusted military official to the royal monarchs, and is responsible for facilitating the training of the Imperial Guard, and making sure that everything is in working order. His final and most important task is to protect the monarchs and their children at the cost of his / her life. The Veldheer also works with the Emperor to organize patrols and hunting tasks.

▷ The Imperial Guard [♂ / ♀]
The main defenders or bodyguards of the royal family, especially the Imperatrix. They are given rigorous exercise and training as pages in order to prepare them for danger and combat. They are tasked with protecting the royalty and each other with their life. While they may be fearsome warriors, nothing is stronger than their family. They escort the Antistitae and the royalty whenever needed (like during announcements to the public in terms of the royalty) Despite their name as the Imperial Guard, they are supposed to help the Paladins defend the Court as a whole.

► Imperial Pages [♂ / ♀]
Cats of six moons or older who are studying with the Imperial Guardsman to one day become guards themselves. They are required to undertake rigorous physical and cardio training in order to prepare them for their future role. They have the same jobs as the Paladin Cadets, and they sometimes help each other out. (cleaning out the elders den as well as their mentors.) If their mentor is killed, they will be assigned a new one.

▷ Accountants [♂ / ♀]
Accountants are required to keep track of everything that goes on as the cats do not yet manage a printing machine. They document everything from the amount of prey eaten to the daily life of the Moon courtesans to the important facts about each ruler. Additionally, since accountants are required to be literate, they are sometimes called in to write letters for cats who cannot read or write. Additionally, accountants are required to keep the royal archives updated and accurate, so they are also required to have a comprehensive knowledge of the past.

► Accountants Apprentices [♂ / ♀]
A pupil of six moons or older that is studying to be a scribe. They learn the skills that an Accountant will need, as well as history. At a young age they are also taught how to read and write.

▷ The Veterans
Cats who are now retired from their posts due to age or a crippling injury. No matter their blood status, they are treated with respect and care thanks to their service. Sometimes, certain veterans may seek audience with the Imperatrix to give their advice

— Silverblood (Middle Class)

▷ Paladins
Paladins "sacred fighters" are the main fighting force of the Court. They are skilled fighters and combatants who defend the Court at all costs. They are the soldiers who pledge their loyalty to the Imperatrix and the Emperor, and they are usually commanded by the king. They go into battle with the Guardsmen, yet are not the main fighting force. Among the whole clan, the Paladins and the Guardsman have the strongest bonds with each other.

► Cadets of The Paladin [♂ / ♀]
Cats of six moons or older that are taught to defend, hunt and fight for the clan. They are not taught to fight as intensively as the Imperial Pages, but they must be well versed in combat and discipline nonetheless. Otherwise, they are supposed to clean out the dens of their mentors and the Veterans along the imperial pages.

▷ Emissaries [♂ / ♀]
The emissaries work with the equerry to maintain stable diplomatic relations with the Ironguard and/or other rogue tribes. Emissaries work as the representatives of the Court - and as such these cats are trained to be tactful, patient, and eloquent at all times.

▷ Ferrariae [♂ / ♀]
The Ferrariae are basically metalsmiths who work with metals to create armor and/or jewelry for the clan.

▷ Queens [♀]
The queens are cats who are nursing, expecting or raising the kits of the clan. They are given priority feeding, so as to ensure the health of their kits. When their kits are apprenticed, they will return to their former rank.

— Kalators (Servants / Lower Class)

▷ Maids of Honor [♀]
Maids of honor are young mollies who meekly wait on the royalty and Opulentos. They are required to, among other things, keep the palace in pristine cleanliness, run messages for the high class, and answer any call or complaint given of them. Like all of the other servants, maids of honor are looked down on as objects, but they are required to bathe and are fed more regularly. A maid of honor is required to wake at the crack of dawn and snack quickly before going to wait upon the royals. These fae are often treated as poorly as the scullery folk, despite being one rung above them in the social ladder. Additionally, some of the Maids are told to play instruments by breakfast, dinner, and lunch. (or whenever they are summoned.)

▷ Scullery Folk [♂ / ♀]
The Scullery are responsible for doing all the work around camp - save for the heaviest work which goes to the Outcastes. They are asked to do whatever is required of them, and are considered to be below the entire Court. Most of the Scullery Folk are half-blood moon courtiers, former outsiders, or moon courtiers that have violated the code. That being said, they are not allowed to be alone with the Royals, as they aren't as frail or helpless as the Maids. They are ostracized and sometimes physically attacked due to their low status. The attacks have somewhat diminished as of late by the Imperatrix's command, but before, conditions were as brutal as they could be for a cat who was not an Outcaste.

▷ Outcastes [♂ / ♀]
No cat wants to be an Outcaste, and for good reason. It's rumored that these cats are cursed-and they are treated as such. They are abused horrendously-physically and emotionally, while also ordered to do all the heavy brute force work that nobody else will do- not even the scullery folk. It's very common to see these cats toiling in the blazing heat or cold, or in the mines, scavenging for gold or silver. They wear chains at all times, and are always guarded by two or even three Paladins depending on size. They are considered to be much, much lower than even the scullery.


▷ The Erros [♂ / ♀]
Errors, or rogues, are fierce, territorial cats that have permanently settled on the surrounding territory. Some were born that way, and others left their original courts to live this way. Note: these are also cats who do not swear allegiance to the Ironguard.

▷ The Solitaires [♂ / ♀]
Cats that never quite stay in one place, but are significantly more friendly than their erros counterparts. Like the Erros cats, they have no affiliation to the Ironguard, although they may know a little sweet something about the mogul's plans once in a blue moon. They are the ones that Paladins / Emissaries will speak to.


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▷ Empress
Miryam | ♀ | age | smoky dark dappled she-cat with jade green eyes

▷ The Emperor [♂]

▷ The Heirs [♂ / ♀]

— Clergymen

▷ Spiritual Caliphate [♀]

▷ High Seer [♂ / ♀]
Lleu | ♂ | 12 moons | fluffy grey tom

▷ The Antistitae [♂ / ♀]

▷ Neophyti [♂ / ♀]

— Opulentos (Upper Class)

▷ Royal Equerry [♀]

▷ The Veldheer [♂ / ♀]

▷ The Imperial Guard [♂ / ♀]

► Imperial Pages [♂ / ♀]

▷ Accountants [♂ / ♀]

► Accountants Apprentices [♂ / ♀]

▷ The Veterans

— Silverblood (Middle Class)

▷ Paladins

► Cadets of The Paladin [♂ / ♀]

▷ Emissaries [♂ / ♀]

▷ Ferrariae [♂ / ♀]
Sidhe | ♀ | 22 moons | lithe black fae with a white locket and bright gold eyes

▷ Queens [♀]

— Kalators (Servants / Lower Class)

▷ Maids of Honor [♀]

▷ Scullery Folk [♂ / ♀]

▷ Outcastes [♂ / ♀]


▷ The Erros [♂ / ♀]

▷ The Solitaires [♂ / ♀]

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Thu, 07/05/2020 15:27 (4 Years ago)
Miryam - Empress

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Name Miryam
Age 49 mns (4 yrs. 1 mn)
Gender Cisfemale; molly
Rank Empress
Desired Rank Achieved

Breed Egyptian Mau
Description Despite all the pressure that has been on her shoulders lately, Miryam still carries herself with pride and grace. Her sleek ebony mottled pelt is devoid of blemishes, save for a few scars on her pelt that she earned from the First War. Miriam’s pelt is mainly black, however there are a few smokey-brown spots and patches like those on a leopard. Her eyes are a pale jade green. She wears the traditional Moon Court royal attire at all times, although she deems it quite unnecessary.
> Jewelry and Inventory moon court crown; amethyst silver amulet; golden cuffs; inherited from her father whom died in the First War.

Personality Miryam is taciturn, level-headed and immensely dignified. wip

History Miryam was born the sole surviving kit and heir to the reigning royal pair right smack in the middle of a winter and the dawn of the First War. For most of the time, Miriam was left for a royal-appointed nursemaid to be raised, leaving her without a steady mother figure for the majority of her life. /wip/

Family all deceased

Sexuality bisexual (closeted-female leaning)
Crush she’s got her mate for that

Vanity - Outcaste

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> Name Vanity
> Age 27 mns (2 yrs 3 mns)
> Gender Cismale; tom
> Occupation Outcaste

> Description
> Jewelry and Inventory none; all that he had was taken from him upon his capture.

> Personality
> History

> Sexuality heterosexual
> Crush O.o what?
> Mate

Arlaekh - Ironguard Mogul

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> Name Arlaekh
> Age 28 mns (2 yrs 4 mns)
> Gender Cisfemale; molly
> Occupation Ironguard Mogul

> Description Arlaekh is a rather tall and muscular molly with vivid calico fur. Her muzzle and chest are white, and she has white mittens. Her eyes are a sinister amber, like the flame of hell. She is of average height, and with her long legs it looks like she is built for speed, not combat and bloodshed. It only takes for her to lunge to prove you wrong. She has a significant amount of scars due to being a former imperial guard. She regards them as signs of her bravery and steel-hard resolve, and holds them in high regard. They are mainly visible along her flank and leg area. The most obvious one is the scar going down vertically across her right eye, where an opponent tried to blind her and failed.

> Personality If you want three words that define this fae it's cruel, apathetic and enigmatic. She delights in the hunting of prey and the flow of liquid iron over her claws. The calico fae is cold, observant and quiet, sharpening knives behind her back where no one can see-even brutish doesn't cut it.

In terms of temperament, Arlaekh isn't quite as hotheaded as one would believe she is. No cat has really ever heard her raise her voice above a normal conversational murmur. Her rage is something frozen in an eternal winter, something that cannot be thawed by even the currents of time itself. That's what makes her all the more intimidating. She speaks in a quiet and some would call cold-blooded voice. She may smile to your face, but if she feels like you are no use to her, she will show her aggressive side to a full extent. Compassion, forgiveness, and patience are not her strong suites and this is something you do come to realize pretty darn fast. She views it as a weakness. Despite her quiet voice, Arlaekh is very bold and fiercely stubborn in her opinions, and oftentimes this is what causes other cats to get into a fight with her. After all, ideas are not something everyone can agree with.

The anarchist environment that she grew up in has warped her soul and heart in sinister ways, allowing her to take a colder route. There is no question that she has the air and bearing of a scorpion on the frogs back; waiting to sting while appearing completely innocent. When threatened, she has one hell of a smart mouth — driving her opponents into fits of rage and striking them during their period of incoherence. She gets close to others to see who they really are, and then she turns that unto themselves.

Arlaekh is fluent in the dark language of trickery and deception. She can make engaging conversation with her silver tongue, just to expose all your weaknesses and flaws. It's not like she will blackmail you outright, but once she has the information, there's no making her forget it. This calico has a rather cynical air around her, which is apparent in her every action. Most would call this calico the lowest sort of scum; her fur a mask over a heart of decay. But that is not so. Underneath her cruel facade, Arlaekh has a passionate heart she shows to a few. Because she knows that if she shows it to the wrong person, they could crush her like an insect.
> History

> Sexuality demi-romantic / heterosexual
> Crush not. interested.
> Mate
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Thu, 07/05/2020 17:33 (4 Years ago)

The camp is set in an old yet wonderfully well-kept japanese-style castle. the castle is a few feet up on a hill, the grass forming a smooth meadow underfoot. The camp entrance looks like this, and it opens up to a marble hall. xxx The area directly up front is what is referred to as the 'common area.' This is where cats can hang out and socialize. Going up the stairs and taking a right, you find this archway xxx, marked by two of the maidens angels' statues. This leads to the areas where the ecclesiastes and neophyti reside and preach. The Neophyti study and pray in this room xxx and they sleep in a separate room down the hall. The room on the very other end is the quarters of the high caliphate and the high seer. The moon court priestesses sleep in a large room (similar to the neophyti room) on the left side of this commons area. Leaving the spiritual area and going back to the commons, to the left are the separate barracks for the guards and paladins. If you go past that room, you come to a rather small white room with dual doors. This is where herbs and prey are kept (left and right respectively) Going to the very end and left will take you down a marble hall, which leads to where most of the opulentos reside. Again, there is a split. To the right is a small white bedroom. That is the bedroom of the equerry. To the right is this. The door directly across the entrance is the Veldheer's quarters. Otherwise, the room on the far left houses the accountants, the adjacent doors on the far right house the queens and elders respectively, and the stairs to the right lead down to the servants quarters.

Outside the castle - territory wise - the territory is essentially a wide plains area that leads to a densely wooded forest xxx. During the warmer seasons, such as spring and summer, the forest is both challenging and bountiful, since the prey always find ample places to hide. Since the forested grounds are much below the castle, there is actually a series of stairs that lead to the back entrance to the castle and thus the food cellar. However, at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, the resulting snow can make finding food extremely difficult.

To the west, the light level dims until the world leads up to a pitch black tunnel entrance. The tunnels will lead to the catacombs that the Ironguard cats call home. Cats are highly ill-advised to go into these tunnels unless you are an ironguard cat since it's extremely easy to get lost - and thus become easy prey to an ironguard sentinel. The actual staircase looks like this. Opening up, the commons looks like an abandoned palace, dark and brooding just like the inhabitants. Going down the hall, they come out to the 'barracks' or sleeping quarters for the combatants. Leaping upwards, the tunnels go up to den of the mogul xxx. The actual sleeping place is beyond the coils of the snake. (note that the snake is the only statue left standing). The sable blade(s) sleeps in the largest den in the combatant area.

[*]various rodents (vole, shrew, mice)
[*]hares and rabbits
[*]frogs / toads
[*]fish (trout, chub, pupfish)
[*]birds (lapwing, finches, thrush...)

[*]birds of prey (hawk, falcon, etc.)
[*]woodland snakes and adders (also can be caught as prey)
[*]black bear
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Thu, 07/05/2020 18:04 (4 Years ago)
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Name Jessamine

Age 22mns

Gender Female

Rank Imperial Guard

Personality Absolute brat. Her attitude can change on the spot. One minute, she's you best friend (Usually when she wants something, or, very rarely, if she's close to you), next minute, if you step out of line, she'll be your worst nightmare. This arrogant brat delights in making other cats mad, and enjoys arguing, especially when she genuinely believes in what she's saying, though sometimes she'll do it just to be annoying. She has a sweet side, which she always shows to her close family and friends she battles alongside, and will die to protect them. She also, of course, has a high level of respect for those she guards, and will grudgingly shut her mouth if ordered to do so. Those who gain her respect are rewarded greatly, for she will stick with them even when they know their wrong, as she values the pride of those she forms close bonds with. Though she really would make one earn her trust.

History She grew up knowing what she wanted in life. She was very overconfident and quite the overachiever, always striving to get ahead to grow her ever demanding pride. She more often then not impressed her mentors during the apprenticeship, and frowned upon those that she believed should, and could, try harder.

Sexuality Straight

Crush Nada

Mate Still Nada
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Thu, 07/05/2020 18:22 (4 Years ago)
@furry you are accepted~
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 766
Posted: Thu, 07/05/2020 23:03 (4 Years ago)
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Name: Sidhe
Gender: Molly
Age: 22 moons
Rank: Ferrariae
Personality: Sidhe is a mischievous fun loving cat who occasionally plays harmless pranks. She is energetic and spunky, always eager to help out. Much of her energy goes towards creating exquisite pieces for usage but still somehow has extra energy to use. She is always a source of good fun and jest, able to lift the mood in a matter of seconds. She has no problem taking on more difficult tasks, always completing them and turning the worst scraps of metal into masterpieces. She however, likes to take artistic liberties and often makes wild adjustments to requests to make them prettier. She gets off the hook for this type of behavior for creating breath taking pieces, but she's on thin ice most of the time.
History: Sidhe had a knack for getting into trouble even when a young kit, always making trouble for her mother and other Queens. She would often play harmless pranks on the servants and always escaped to frolic around the camp grounds. She would often watch the other Ferrariae work, mesmerized by the magic worked within the forge. She immediately leapt to the chance to work with metals by the time she reached 12 moons, dedication brimming in her tiny body.
Sexuality: Female leaning Pansexual
Crush/Mate: n/A
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Name: Lleu
Gender: Born a tom but generally refrains from associating with any gender
Age: 12 moons
Rank: High Seer
Personality: Lleu is meek and reclusive, often found hiding in between the narrow gaps of banisters or corridors within the castle. Any words spoken are always forced out in stutters and whispers. Rarely seen outside the halls of the ecclesiastical section, Lleu has trouble connecting with other cats, preferring to commune with the gods and receive visions. As a cat with a very weak constitution and body, Lleu is often under the care of an Antistitae leading many to question if the existence of the High Seer is even real. Most of the belittlement that Lleu receives is always taken to heart, only breeding more scorn and internal pain.
History: Born as a weak kit in the household of a fairly well to do family, Lleu spent the first few moons wracked with horrible nightmares. Learning from a young age that to be quite was to be useful, Lleu never spoke of these visions until they began to bleed into daily life, distancing the frail kit from the other young children. The moment that set Lleu's life on the course it is currently on was unassuming and regular. During a regular visit from an Antistitae who was simply checking up on the Queens and Kits, Lleu had a brief vision during the check up that caught the other's eye. There the young kit was whisked away to begin training.
Attire: As someone who rarely goes out or attends court, Lleu is usually simply swaddled in worn cloth for warmth. On rare occasions, Lleu can be found in a more relaxed and less formal version of Neophyti clothing. If there is one thing Lleu is never seen without is a pair of Ear Cuffs gifted on the day that Lleu was appointed as the High Seer
Sexuality: Asexual
Crush/Mate: None
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Thu, 07/05/2020 23:06 (4 Years ago)
@tsuko Lleu is accepted~
your other chara is good once you finish the backstory

EDIT: Sidhue is good too