Could you draw my something?
Please draw: Shaded Pixel
It should be in size of: Whatever works best
It should contain: him
Price: 80k + tip
The password is reading
Could you draw my something?
Please draw: avatar with shading
It should be in size of 150x150
It should contain a detective pikachu
Price: how about 50k pokedollars?
The password is ice cream!
Could you draw my something?
Please draw: flat character drawing
It should be in size of whatever you want
It should contain Her
Price: 80k
The password is Vulpix
Could you draw my something?
Please draw: Simple Background but Complicated Character
It should be in size of whatever you are comfortable with
It should contain this boiagain standing in a grassland
Price: Around 125 nuggets
The password is Computers.
Could you draw my something?
Please draw: Shaded pixel
It should be in size of: any
It should contain: Farie
Price: 100k pd
The password is: Bandori ^^
Could you draw my something?
Please draw: painting
It should be in size of any size u can find comfortable.
It should contain any creo/s here, preferably including hummingale
sipping nectars of flowers. Flering peak is a rocky area with many
flowers growing on it. (it kinda reminds me of hawaii).
Price: pd
The password is food, of course.
Could you draw my something?
Please draw: Avatar with shading
It should be in size of 150x150
It should contain Lemonade with a grouchy expression
Price: 70k pd
The password is Animal Crossing
Thank you! Take all the time you need!
Could you draw my something?
Please draw: This
lil guy
It should be in size of 150x150
It should contain The cat and a sunflower backround
Price: 80K PD!
The password is My Hero Academia