Lilith wasn't worried because there was already a large distance
between him and her from when she made him fly backward. Ice spikes
rise from the ground in front of Travis, all of them were nearly
close enough to impale him. When he gets close enough to her she
leaps into the air, wind flying out from underneath her. She keeps
her palms faced toward the ground, tying to steady the wind
underneath her. Blood falls from her palm and she focuses on making
the particles sharp, like glass. She tries to bend the wind that's
underneath her so the wind can accelerate the speed of the blood
towards Travis. She isn't too focused on killing him now. Instead
she wants to play a game of cat and mouse
Lance rises from his position as he stares up at Suzan. He looks at
everyone around them. They were all prepared to fight him, he would
have to keep an eye on them. His sources said that Suzan was
powerful, he would have to be prepared to create temporarily
shields to protect people from fatal hits
Suzan was caught off guard. He was falling? Suzan was pulled
towards the ground by Fredrick and slammed into the dirt. “What the
hell?” He hissed. “Get back” he yelled. A pushing force slammed
into Fredrick.
Finn followed Freya, he easily started to pass her.
Poppy shot sevral beams of ice at Suzan, Eve trapped Suzan inside
the vine trap again, this time using some of the vines to keep
Suzan's mouth shut. The ice hit the vine trap and made several
thick layers around the vines. Poppy looked at her sister. "I dont
think he'll be getting out of there anytime soon."
Travis managed to stay on his feet when she pushed him back and
jumped away when the ice spikes appeared, growling a bit when he
seen her try to attack with sharp blood bullets.
when she did he merely made it avoid him and become a vortex almost
before consuming the blood she tried to attack him with, grinning
once the blood was fully consumed.
''your blood doesn't taste half bad, has a bit of a sweet note too
it....'' he chuckled, pricking the fingers on his free hand before
he fired blood bullets back at her.
Fredrick flew back and ended up slamming into a tree, a pain filled
shout being ripped out of him before he slid down and sat leaning
against the tree gasping for air, the wind having been knocked out
of him.
he was definitely gonna have a bruise tomorrow from that impact,
and was probably gonna need to ice it some how after everything is
said and done.
Freya seen Finn almost pass her before she picked up her pace,
getting to where she ran right beside him.
She raises a free hand to use her wind to shoot his bullets back
towards him. But now she is knocked off balence. Fortunately she is
now use to the wind power and she can easily stabilize herself
again. 'I'm being too cocky right now. All I managed to do is give
him more strength. I'll have to finish this' she thinks to herself.
She uses his power to stop her bleeding palm, after that she rises
higher into the air. The ice follows the wind gusts and freezes
onto the ground. She stands on top of the icy platform and stares
him down. He is going to most likely try to immobilize her, which
won't work anymore, but he may not know that. If he manages to get
close enough to her she could launch a surprise attack. She forces
her mood to change, in about a second she forces her face to turn
fearful. "How are you even still alive?" She asks shakily "S-stay
back" she has to fight back an eye roll. "Come any closer and I'll
kill you" she says fearfully.
''are you seriously playing fearful....? don't you dare pull that
with me Lilith, you know i'm not that stupid'' Travis said,
pointing his blood blade at her accusingly as he sent the returned
bullets into the ground in front of him.
he simply paced a little bit now, keeping his gaze on her as he
debated on what to do, knowing he couldn't get close and couldn't
get a strike in against her. we're literally at a stalemate right now, unless one of us kills
the other there isn't any way to land a hit... he thought,
mentally cursing to himself out of frustration.
"What a surprise, I pegged you as someone who would've fallen for
that trick" she says with a huff. She watches him, trying to think
of a plan. He was strong enough to deflect any of her long distance
attacks and getting close enough to land a physical hit proved to
be a challenge with his blood bullets. It would come down to who
landed the first good hit. She glances over at Admin's sword with a
flicker of confusion. While a weopon would be useful against Travis
she is still stuck with her original two problems. She would need
to think of a new trick. "I suppose I'll have to stop playing
around and simply kill you" she tells him. She watches his
recation. It's obvious he underestimated her a bit at the
beginning, but did he still? She could use that to her advantage
he scoffed and rolled his eyes, throwing his arms up just to be
mellodramatic because he felt like it from what she had just
''okay now that ticks me off a bit'' Travis hissed, getting rid of
his blood sword and healed his wound.
he noticed Admin's weapon as well and ended up a bit confused as
well, but shook his head before he perked up at her next words,
smirking now as he crossed his arms.
''again, i'd like to see you try Lilith, i'm stronger than you! you
can't even get close to me without risking your own life'' he said,
though he did keep his guard up just to be on the safe side.
Lilith wasn't satisfied with his reaction. He didn't give anything
away, but she had a feeling he was no longer underestimating her.
She would have to lower his guard. She leaps off of the safety of
her icy platform. She would have to attack him, and allow him to
get close to hitting her, maybe even allow a few hits. She couldn't
do anything if his guard was raised, hopefully a few hits will help
build his confidence. She curses herself for not killing him when
she had the chance down in the tunnels. "Careful what you ask for"
she mutters. She tries to use his own powers against him and force
him to fly backwards. But now that he knows that she copied his
powers it'll most likely not work. Neverless she races towards him.
Doing the stupidest attack possible, a head on attack. She summons
a ice dagger as she races towards him
(Hey Rasputin and Wolf, do you mind if Albin butts in for one
attack, then let’s the rest go on?)
Albin tested his plan for a bit, making small portals in his
bloodstream and sending the blood into a bucket he summoned out of
a portal. A surge of pain and weakness flowed through him, almost
making him pass out. Maybe he could send it into an endless loop
while out of his body, then changing one of the portals to go back
into his body once needed? That would make it nearly impossible for
Travis to do much. Even if he did manage to stop his blood
from going into a portal, at least he could summon one right where
the blood would be. That would be a lot of work and take a
lot of energy, but at least it would throw Travis off. He didn’t
even know if he could summon that much portals in a short amount of
time, and that accurately. Another wave of pain surged through him,
snapping him out of it. He quickly made the bottom of the bucket
into a portal that would lead the blood safely back into his
bloodstream. It would still mess him up because of how blood
changes when outside of the body, but it would sustain him.
Suzan struggled in the trap, But it covered only his main mouth.
One of his arms spoke, “Disable”. Again the trap started to slowly
uncoil. He was still open for an attack.
Finn slid to a stop, as he came across Suzan and the rest of
Travis raised an eyebrow at what she said and simply put a foot
back, stopping himself from moving as he turned his blood
manipulation up a tick, forcing her back with surprising strength
and knocking her down.
he chuckled, staring her down with amusement before he suddenly
felt weak.
he stumbled a bit as he clutched his head and hissed in pain,
feeling like his entire body was stinging from an unknown
source. what is happening...?! what the actual hell is happening! this
isn't Lilith's doing, who is doing this??? he thought,
panicking now since he wasn't able to actually look around because
of the pain and weakness he felt.
Freya shot ahead as she went straight to where Suzan was, snarling
loudly as she lunged for one of his arms, hoping to cause some form
of damage.
Albin noticed Travis’s sudden shock. Was he doing that to himself
and Travis? He shrugged his shoulders and decided to keep
watching, only doing something whenever things were looking bad for
Lilith. Hopefully this would give her a chance to attack.