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Pokémon ll Descent to Darkness [CANCELLED]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokémon ll Descent to Darkness [CANCELLED]"Well this is one doozy." Aino commented, hopping away delicately from the water. "What happened?"
The doctor left the Absol in the room, posting two guards to keep watch over the Pokemon. There was little need to keep it tranquilized, she decided. She would experiment on it later.
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"Aino!" Albafica hissed, shocked that people would say that. Of course he had heard others threaten it before but the Milotic still loathed the thought of anyone dying.
"Oh give your scales a rest." Aino grumbled, preening himself. "Miss leader here can definitely take care of herself."
"M' sorry." Katu mumbled. "Wasn't meaning to."
The room Tenshi had been placed in was smooth, solid, and designed to withstand even the heaviest attacks. The only way one would get out was through the door, which required a human handprint to open. There was some food in the corner, and a punching bag in another. The food tray had a small latch next to it, to allow delivery of meals. A small best was at the back of the room, near the punching bag.
Blaze had also been placed in a similar room, but he had yet to wake up.
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There were three nests in the corner. The room, Blaze guessed, was probably bug enough to comfortably hold five.
A trainer peeked into the Absol's room. She was curious about the new Pokemon Kenneth had told her about. Pokemon immune to the fog were rare (as far she knew) and she wanted to give this one a treat. She slid the berry into the room, and left.
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"Well, it's nothing you can change." Her partner grunted. "Just wait until playtime, when we let them all out."
"Yeah, yeah." Justine sighed. "Jeez."
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She peeked into the room through the observation window on the door. Thankfully, the absol really was just exercising. The new recruit felt a sigh of relief. She didn't want to know how her relatively weak Bibrael would fare against an Absol.
A few moments later, the bell rang, signalling the beginning of play time.
"Finally!" Justine muttered, bringing out her Bibrael and the Pokeball Halsey had given her. "Hey, Absol. We're going to let you play in the yard, but you have to let me take you there, okay? Nod once if you agree." Her partner sent out his own Pokemon, a much stronger pair of a Flareon and Gardevoir. She had yet to find stronger Pokemon for her team.
Blaze was ecstatic to be let out in the yard to play. It was a large underground greenhouse, with a lot of spaces to play with. Even with the half dozen pokemon they held captive, and the dozens of guard pokemon, he found there was more than enough room to play around.
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"Do you guys know where the berrymarts are?" Katu mumbled, sleepily. She didn't think they would be able to break into the item shop, it ran on an automated system and required human currency they probably didn't have.
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That was when the noticed Tenshi. She seemed to be looking for something. Blaze broke off from the chase.
"Tenshi! Tenshi!" Blaze jumped up and down, excited. "What are you looking for?"
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4. It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
-Extract from Invictus, William Ernest Henley
Albafica on the other hand was wrapped around the fountain and looking up at Hunter under the water. It seemed pretty creepy having a snake in the water staring up at you unblinking. He was pretty intrigued by the topic as well
4. It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
-Extract from Invictus, William Ernest Henley