Forum Thread
The Legendary RP
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The Legendary RPSpiri ran to her brother and hugged him. "Why did you run off? I warned you that the others may hate you."
"Oh? I...forgot about that." Archion looked at Brighton. "Why would they hate me? Because I'm black?"
Meka protested "You were taking too long!"
"We were resting." Flick flicked his tail. "Ugh, whatever. That's okay, Bri. But we do need to catch up at some point know." He pointed at Archion.
Meka turned to Archion. "What are they talking about?"
Archion stepped away from his sister and turned to Meka. "Don't ask me. I have no way of knowing."
Spiri put her hands on his shoulders. "Listen to me, Archion. You used to be evil. You were brainwashed by team Rocket. That's why they may hate you, you get it? You were on their side!"
"Don't be ridiculous!" Archion backed away. "All this is confusing already, I don't have the sanity for your pranks, sister!"
Meka sprang up. "He wouldn't!"
Flick sighed. "What part of brainwash don't you get?"
"Well, on the bright side, he's not evil now." Spiri sat down, feeling tired after the long walk.
"True.." Fyssi sat down in the corner.
Flick looked at her. "Oh, yeah. We found Lugia. Won't say a word though, or tell us her name."
"So what is the plan guys?" Shay asks

"you were too correct"