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BabyEevee22's Rando Dando Diario :)

Forum-Index Diaries BabyEevee22's Rando Dando Diario :)
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Wed, 03/07/2019 22:59 (5 Years ago)

it's messy enough her so pls dont post lolol

Shadow diary

Day 1/ 1st July
Choices: Golbat(easy), Tentacool(easy), Weezing(easy)
Chosen: Weezing(easy)
Chain: around 50

Day 2/ 2nd July
Choices: Goldeen(easy), Seaking(easy), Magikarp(easy)
Chosen: Magikarp(easy) lol
Chain: 2

Day 3/ 3rd July
Choices: Pidgeotto(easy), Zubat(easy), Weezing(easy)
Chosen: Zubat(easy)
Chain: 85

Day 4/ 4th July
Choices: i forgot...
Chosen: Gastly(easy)
Chain: forgot...

Day 5/ 5th July
Choices: smth i forgot, Pidgey(easy), Pidgeotto(easy)
Chosen: Pidgey(easy)
Chain: suprise suprise O.o

Day 6/ 6th July
Choices: forgot :/
Chosen: koffing(easy)
Chain: ran away

Day 7/ 7th July
Choices: Kakuna(easy), Pikachu(easy), Gyarados(easy)
Chosen: Pikach(easy)
Chain:ran away...

Day 8/ 8th July
Choices: Clefairy(easy), Wigglytuff(easy), Gengar(easy)
Chosen: Wigglytuff(easy)
Chain: 35

Day 9 /9th July
Choices: Kakuna(easy), Fearow(medium), Machoke(medium)
Chosen: Fearow(medium)
Chain: 68

Day 10 / 10th July
Choices: Pikachu(easy), Nidorino(medium), Vileplum(medium)
Chosen: Vileplum(medium 31st os)
Chain: 25

Day 11 / 11th July
Choices: Raticate(easy), Tentacruel(easy), Koffing(easy)
Chosen: din get it

Day 12 / 12th July
Choices: Pidgeotto(easy), Raticate(easy), Doduo(medium)
Chosen: Doduo(medium 41st os)
Chain: 98

Day 13 / 13th July
Choices: oof forgot but buterfree
Chosen: buterfree
Chain: crashed

Day 14 / 14th July
Choices: Clefable(easy), Graveler(easy), Poliwhirl(medium)
Chosen: Poliwhirl(medium 55st os)
Chain: 84

Day 15 / 15th July
Choices: Pidgey, Clefable, Rapidash
Chosen: Pidgey
Chain: gave up :/

Day 16 / 16th July
Choices: Raticate, Golbat, Gyarados
Chosen: Raticate (141st os)
Chain: 3 O.o Proof? Below?

Shadow Hunt
A Shadow Raticate appeared!

Choose a Pokéball:
x23 x10 x5
Current Chain:

Shadow Radar says:
You found 3 in a row so far!
Keep searching!
Cancel your hunt

Day 17 / 17th July
Choices: ...
Chosen: ...
Chain: ...i forgot...

Day 18 / 18th July
Choices: Machop(medium), Seaking(easy), Magikarp(easy)
Chosen: Machop(62th os)
Chain: 9(oof my luck)

Day 19 / 19th July
Choices: Golbat(easy), Grimer(medium), Koffing(easy)
Chosen: Grimer(69th os)
Chain: 30

Day 20 / 20th July
Choices: forgot :/
Chosen: nup ^
Chain: din get it

Day 21 / 21st July
Choices: Vileplume(medium), Poliwhirl(medium), Graveler(easy),
Chosen: Poliwhirl(85th os)
Chain: 112 :/

Day 22 / 22nd July
Choices: Psyduck, forgott
Chosen: Psyduck
Chain: 92 but crashed

Day 23 / 23rd July
Choices: Golem, Koffing, Rhydon
Chosen: din get any
Chain: nah

Day 24 / 24th July
Choices: idk, Muk(medium)
Chosen: Muk(98th os)
Chain: 85

Day 25 / 25th July
Choices: Machop(medium), Machamp(meduim), Forgot(easy)
Chosen: Machamp(113th os)
Chain: 59

Day 26 / 26th July
Choices: uhh
Chosen: ...
Chain: nup

Day 27 / 27th July
Choices: Zubat(easy), Dugtrio(medium), Haunter(easy)
Chosen: Dugtrio(88th os) :P
Chain: 12 (fun fact i was like " I'll stretch till i get it (like the hand touch toes thing) ) " loll

Day 28 / 28th July
Choices: Raichu(easy), Dugtrio(medium), Geodude(easy)
Chosen: Dugtrio again lol (93rd os)
Chain: 72

Day 29 / 29th July
Choices: Buterfree(easy), Bellsprout(hard), Slowpoke(hard)
Chosen: Bellsprout(32nd os)
Chain: 67

Day 30 / 30th July
Choices: Forgot...
Chosen: Staryu(medium)(99th os)
Chain: 37

Day 31 / 31st July
Choices: Forgot, Vileplume(medium), Starmie(medium)
Chosen: Starmie(110th os)
Chain: 11

Day 32 / 1st August
Choices: Uhhh forgot, Drowzee(hard)
Chosen: Drowzee(51st os)
Chain: 73

Day 33 - 35 / 1st - 3rd August
Choices: oops i was lazy, Slowpoke(hard)
Chosen: ... Slowpoke(42nd os)
Chain: 70

Day 36 / 4th August
Choices: Raichu, Koffing(i think), Seaking
Chosen: Raichu
Chain: 47

Day 37 / 5th August
Choices: smth, Drowzee
Chosen: Drowzee
Chain: Chain broke nxt day

Day 38 / 6th August
Choices: Muk(medium), Kingler(medium), Pinsir(hard)
Chosen: Pinsir(44th os)
Chain: 39

Day 39 / 7th August

Day 40 / 8th August
Choices: Staryu(medium)
Chosen: Staryu(117 os)
Chain: 93

Day 41 / 9th August
Choices: Sandshrew(hard)
Chosen: Sandshrew(58th os)
Chain: 43

Day 42 / 10th August
Choices: Tangela(hard)
Chosen: Tangela(56th os)
Chain: 122

Day 43 / 11th August
Choices: Diglet(hard)
Chosen: Diglet(132th os)
Chain: 22

(fun fact I gave up on that came back 10 days ltr my first try was a shadow)

Day 55 / 23rd August
Choices: Dewgong(rare)
Chosen: Dewgong(53rd os)
Chain: 107

Day 75 / 12th September
Choices: Zubat, Rapidash, Jynx(hard)
Chosen: Jynx

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in memory of xiaoblue822 who gave this to me and somehow got banned ;w;

oc is mine, do not use
art by Valcristsan
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Tue, 09/07/2019 23:59 (5 Years ago)
Box opening diary

Summon Items

Date: 6/7/19
Box: Dark Blue
Item: Light Stone

Date: 6/7/19
Box: Purple Box
Item: Cold Rock

Date: 6/7/19
Box: Gold Box
Item: Enigma Stone

Date: 10/7/19
Box: Light Blue Box
Item: Volcano Cave (Map)

Date: 14/7/19
Box: Gold Box
Item: Cold Rock(after 5 boxes)

Date: 18/7/19
Box: Dark Blue(1st box opened tdy)
Item: Griseous Orb

Date: 17/3/20
Box: Light Blue(1st box opened tdy)
Item: Terra Cave (Map)

Date: 9/4/20
Box: Light Blue(1st light blue box opened i think)
Item: Dark Stone

Forme-Change Items

Date: 18/7/19
Box: Redd??(4th box)
Item: Toxic Plate

Date: 18/7/19
Box: Light Blue(6th box)
Item: Reveal Glass

Date: 17/3/20
Box: Light Blue(2nd box)
Item: Spooky Plate


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in memory of xiaoblue822 who gave this to me and somehow got banned ;w;

oc is mine, do not use
art by Valcristsan
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Tue, 20/08/2019 10:05 (5 Years ago)
Hatched a ho oh 1896th os :P
free shiny shop i got a shiny oricorio 68th os frm Prinklix thankies

Emera Beach Shinies

claimed corphish from emera beach 142th os 1st sept

claimed clamperl rom emera beach 351st os 1st sept

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in memory of xiaoblue822 who gave this to me and somehow got banned ;w;

oc is mine, do not use
art by Valcristsan
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Tue, 08/10/2019 15:45 (5 Years ago)
Shiny hunt


Date started: 16/01/2019 :O

Date hatched: 8/10/19

Months it took to hatch: 8 months and 22 days wow

Lets say i take 1k for each day for the daycare: 265 days × 1k = 265k for 1 shiny
Hmm... now thats kinda worth the pd- but not for the time :/

Chain: #74

Shiny chance: 2.75%

6th os shiny hipopotain (female)

Date hatched: 12/10/19

Months it took to hatch: 8 months and 26 days

Days away from the other shiny: 4

Chain: #80

Shiny Chance: 2.75%

7th os shiny hipopotain (male)

You are currently hunting Hippopotain!
Good luck!

Total hatched: 115
Current Shiny Chance: 2.75 %

Normal Shiny

113 hatched 2 hatched

Time to say bye to this and move on ^^

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in memory of xiaoblue822 who gave this to me and somehow got banned ;w;

oc is mine, do not use
art by Valcristsan
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Sun, 13/10/2019 00:37 (5 Years ago)
SCS Shinies

Tapu koko

Date obtained: 12th Oct

Date hatched: 12 - 13 Oct (it hatched at ard midnight so)

15th os

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in memory of xiaoblue822 who gave this to me and somehow got banned ;w;

oc is mine, do not use
art by Valcristsan
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Tue, 31/12/2019 07:47 (5 Years ago)
Galar shinies

31 Dec 2019
By PokéRadar - 4 Minutes and 11 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Chewtle hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #25)!

0.192 chance of shiny
11th os ( i evolved it and now its a 8th os )

1 Jan 2020 ( new year luck XD )
By PokéRadar - 16 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Chewtle hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #45)!

2.75 chance of shiny
11th os

By PokéRadar - 2 Minutes and 33 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Chewtle hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #46)!

12th os O.o shiny twins i found in the wild oop-

26 Dec 2019 (i think)

4th os
Bought frm Greggory_Lee for 2 maps

3 Jan 2020

Bought fron AriaWolf for 100k or 150k pd i forgot lol

7 Jan 2020 (i think)

Hmm shld be 20 os
Bought from SleepyKerfuffle for 100k :P

Ma flappyy its 9os
Yeet hatched on chain #52 i think

9 Jan 2020

Lul 15 os
Hatched on chain #71

12 Jan 2020

Hmm 36 os ahah
Hatched on chain #108

15 Jan 2020

34 os
Hatched on chain #130

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in memory of xiaoblue822 who gave this to me and somehow got banned ;w;

oc is mine, do not use
art by Valcristsan
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Tue, 18/02/2020 09:42 (5 Years ago)
shiny hatched

18 February 2020

Congratulations! A shiny Eiscue hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #52)!
7th os

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in memory of xiaoblue822 who gave this to me and somehow got banned ;w;

oc is mine, do not use
art by Valcristsan
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Sat, 22/02/2020 13:43 (4 Years ago)
shiny hatched

21 February 2020

Congratulations! A shiny Eiscue hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #109)!

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in memory of xiaoblue822 who gave this to me and somehow got banned ;w;

oc is mine, do not use
art by Valcristsan
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Sun, 23/02/2020 07:16 (4 Years ago)
shiny fished frm emera beach

23 February 2020

Shiny Remoraid caught!

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in memory of xiaoblue822 who gave this to me and somehow got banned ;w;

oc is mine, do not use
art by Valcristsan
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Mon, 24/02/2020 12:38 (4 Years ago)
shiny hatched

24 February 2020

Congratulations! A shiny Eiscue hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #131)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.
35 os

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in memory of xiaoblue822 who gave this to me and somehow got banned ;w;

oc is mine, do not use
art by Valcristsan
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Sun, 08/03/2020 22:51 (4 Years ago)
shadow caught

8 March 2020 (ph time, my time was 9th alr)

The Shadow Lickitung has been caught successfully! (Chain 134)

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in memory of xiaoblue822 who gave this to me and somehow got banned ;w;

oc is mine, do not use
art by Valcristsan
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Thu, 12/03/2020 13:55 (4 Years ago)
shadow caught

12 March 2020

The Shadow Marill has been caught successfully! (Chain 51, i almost fell asleepcatching it)

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in memory of xiaoblue822 who gave this to me and somehow got banned ;w;

oc is mine, do not use
art by Valcristsan
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Fri, 13/03/2020 14:38 (4 Years ago)
shadow caught

13 March 2020

The Shadow Sentret has been caught successfully! (Chain 23)

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in memory of xiaoblue822 who gave this to me and somehow got banned ;w;

oc is mine, do not use
art by Valcristsan
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Sun, 15/03/2020 15:46 (4 Years ago)
shadow caught

15 March 2020

The Shadow Ninetales has been caught successfully! (Chain 89)

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in memory of xiaoblue822 who gave this to me and somehow got banned ;w;

oc is mine, do not use
art by Valcristsan
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Mon, 16/03/2020 15:14 (4 Years ago)
shadow caught

16 March 2020

The Shadow Venonat has been caught successfully! (omg Chain 5)

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in memory of xiaoblue822 who gave this to me and somehow got banned ;w;

oc is mine, do not use
art by Valcristsan
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Tue, 17/03/2020 10:46 (4 Years ago)
shiny bought

16 March 2020

bought from Elpihas at Shiny Shop of Horrors

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in memory of xiaoblue822 who gave this to me and somehow got banned ;w;

oc is mine, do not use
art by Valcristsan
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Wed, 18/03/2020 16:59 (4 Years ago)
shadow caught

17 March 2020

The Shadow Azumarill has been caught successfully! (Chain 17)

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in memory of xiaoblue822 who gave this to me and somehow got banned ;w;

oc is mine, do not use
art by Valcristsan
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2020 00:38 (4 Years ago)
shadow caught

18 March 2020

The Shadow Eevee has been caught successfully! (Chain 119)

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in memory of xiaoblue822 who gave this to me and somehow got banned ;w;

oc is mine, do not use
art by Valcristsan
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Fri, 20/03/2020 16:47 (4 Years ago)
shadow caught

20 March 2020

The Shadow Dunsparce has been caught successfully! (Chain 95)

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in memory of xiaoblue822 who gave this to me and somehow got banned ;w;

oc is mine, do not use
art by Valcristsan
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Wed, 25/03/2020 22:45 (4 Years ago)
shadow caught

26 March 2020

The Shadow Kangaskhan has been caught successfully! (Chain 30)

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in memory of xiaoblue822 who gave this to me and somehow got banned ;w;

oc is mine, do not use
art by Valcristsan