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Caged [Sign-Up][Accepting]

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Caged [Sign-Up][Accepting]
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 15:32 (6 Years ago)
For centuries, demons and angels coexisted in peace. Don't get them wrong, they weren't friends in the slightest, but they were content to ignore each other and live their own lives. Besides, they had both decided long ago to avoid humans, so they united under the common goal. Their only concerns were the handful of demons and angels that had been disappearing recently, but it was nothing to cause a panic about. It was assumed they had hidden or run away or wanted to be alone, and often times they didn't particularly worry.
That is, until a group of humans launched a mass attack on the demons and angels, capturing a sizable chunk of their populations. They were taken to lab, where they discovered the humans had been attempting to breed whole new species of angels and demons. You are one of the ones they captured, and you're going to be their next lab rat. Now, you must team up with other demons and angels to escape your prison.
Oh, and try not to die in the process, will you?


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-Normal roleplay rules apply (no powerplaying, bunnying, etc.)
-Normal pokeheroes rules apply (no cursing, etc.)
-Try to keep the number of angels and demons the same!! I don't want like 100 demons and 2 angels
-Be creative with how demons and angels look!! Give them different wings or horns or tails - there's pretty much no set rule on their appearance, except they have to be humanoid
-You may not be a lab-born demon or angel, only one that's been captured
-Please fill out the entire form. If you need examples, my forms are available.
-If you read the rules, put 'Valkyrie' in the other section
-Any questions? Feel free to ask me!!
-Rules will be added if needed


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[b]Angel or Demon?:[/b]

My Forms:

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Chaelinn Decem Yuu (also called by his lab number, 10-CE)
Male, although several people use she/her pronouns for him. He seems uncomfortable about it, but doesn't say anything.
Angel or Demon?:
Demon (lab-born)
Chae's physical age is somewhere around 17-18. He's over average height, but he's so thin that he often appears smaller than he actually is. It doesn't help that he keeps all his limbs very close to his body and haunches his shoulders so he's less noticeable. Most everything about him is monochrome as well, which makes him seem even more sickly than he already seems with his skinny frame. His skin is flawless milky white and his eyes are a dull silver, with pretty much no emotion inside of them except for fear. His black hair is neatly cut, and even though it's short and in a typically masculine style, his long eyelashes and soft features give him an almost feminine air, which partly explains why so many people call him by female pronouns. His horns are tiny, barely an inch long, and his tail is a simple thin, stereotypical demon tail with a triangular point on the end. Both are pastel pink, and he usually hides them. Most of the time, he wears a cream-colored turtleneck and black jeans, and outright refuses to wear anything else.
No one can really get a read on Chae's personality because he's so afraid of everyone. The guards label him as having crippling haphephobia, the fear of being touched, and you can rarely get near without him trying to back away or make himself as small as possible. He also doesn't like loud noises, especially if they're close to him, fighting, arguing, or weapons of any kind. Because of this, he's as complacent as you can possibly be, and tends to follow whatever the guards or scientists say without question. These fears also prevent him from generally making friends, as they usually can't get close enough to hold a conversation with them. However, he's a very good listener, and if you can make friends with him, he's sweet and funny, but you have to break past his silent shell first.
-Because of his status as lab-born, there's a couple odd side-effects that he has. It's been documented that he's been known to lose the ability to use his vocal chords, sleep or stay awake for days on end, and will briefly lose his vision or hearing, among others. Some of these episodes cause immense panic, and it's recommended that he's consoled for fear of heart attack, breathing problems, and other medical issues.
-One of the only people he'll let near is Joshua, who is often the one that scientists will use to calm him during tests or side-effect episodes

Joshua "Red" Haert (also referred to as 46-RED)
Angel or Demon?:
Angel (lab-born)
Joshua's physical age is somewhere around 15 or 16. He's slender and has a bit of lean muscle, definitely in much better shape than Chae. His eyes are soft hazel with flecks of gold and he has slightly tan skin. Originally, his hair was dark brown, but he has dyed it to a rusty orange-red. There are rumors that he persuaded a guard to give it to him. No one knows if that's true. His wings are oddly mismatched. One has golden feathers and is long and thin, made for long distance flights. The other is long but thicker, with light brown feathers, and is made for speed. Because they're lopsided, he doesn't fly particularly well, and usually keeps them tucked close to his body. He wears button-ups and jeans, and has a silver tag pierced through the cartilage on his ear.
Joshua is the lab's favorite. It's not unknown that the guards are generally more tolerant of him, and the handlers that work with him the most often absolutely adore him. He's charming and sweet around them, almost always willing to do what they ask and wiggling out of the things he doesn't want with a couple sugary words and smiles. The only reason he hasn't managed to slip out of the lab yet is because some of the scientists don't particularly like him, since he had a tendency when he was younger to attack them. He's still as lovable as can be around him, but they are pretty much the only staff that haven't succumbed to his puppy-like personality. When he's not around staff, however, he's a bit different. He's still caring and loyal to no end, yet he also has a slight sarcastic streak and is known to be somewhat of a pessimist and a fighter. The changes in his attitude are so unpredictable that they can leave you with whiplash if you're not careful.
-Joshua's a better model of some of the original models like Chae, and has way less side-effects. The only notable one is his habit of brief hallucinations, which can be super disorienting for him. The best treatment is to ground him by giving him something to hold, and they'll fade away in a minute or so.
-He's unusually protective of Chae, and while he may not directly interfere if Chae is getting hurt or picked on, he's always there to comfort him.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 16:09 (6 Years ago)
Name: Lunara (Lab number 119-ARA)
Angel or Demon:
Lunara has a sturdy, warrior-like build and is a 5-7 height. She looks around 19. Since her capture, she will tense up at most sounds, and her black bird wings are usually tucked up behind her. She has hetero-chromatic eyes; the left eye is amethyst-dark purple with specks of dark blue. Her right eye is pure black with specks of red and dark amber. Her silver hair falls to her waist like moonlight when she's sleeping but in the morning, she puts it up in a coiffure for convenience. Her skin is the color of the moon at night, and her ears are pointed but typically hidden behind her hair. She usually wears a dull black dress, along with black stockings and shoes. Rarely, she can smile although emotions are usually unseen. Lunara has hard sleek muscle that is apparent on her legs, shoulders and arms. On her head are black demon horns shaped like a ram. Her tail is like a kitsune, seven tails with violet fur and black designs with red tips. She also has pitch black retractable claws that form on top of her fingertips. They usually come out when she's angry, although she turns them off and on at will. She keeps dark black metal gauntlets on her hands, for unknown reasons.
After her capture, Lunara generally prefers not to talk to anyone, especially not the scientists. She is very cunning and proud, keeping her head held high even after her capture. Nonetheless, when you get to know her, she is a caring, sugar-sweet darling with a bright and flirtatious sense of humor. Her best friend is Valkyrie, whom she cares about deeply. Lunara can be unforgiving on the outside as well, but in reality, Lunara is actually very empathetic. She is fiercely selfless, placing other people's well-being far in front of hers. She has high expectations laid out for anybody she helps to tutor. Lunara is good friends with Garrick, and enjoys sparring or in general hanging out with him
Lunara used to be a royal demon warrior that guarded royalty so she's very skilled in combat. Lunara has Umbrakenisis (a made up word which means that she can manipulate darkness to use in attacks. She can also use shadows to teleport into) and she is also a psychic so she can read minds

Angel or Demon
Valkyrie is an angel built for speed. Not only does she have a sleek and yet slight build, her wings are long and thick, which is ideal for speed. She wears a long yellow shirt, black pants, black shoes and light brown hair that she keeps in a ponytail. She has tan skin that glows in light. She has normal green eyes with spots of gold in them. Unlike Lunara, she is not muscular being built for more speed than fighting. She has two tails that stick out in a scissor position like a swallow. Her wings are primarily chocolate brown but there are tan speckles. She has a silver halo above her head that shimmers faintly.
Valkyrie is a very sweet and loving person, an easy compliment to Lunara's fiery pride. Nevertheless, she is not meek and will not hesitate to stand up for what's right. She loves to comfort people when she sees they are upset even if she doesn't know them.

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 240
Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 16:20 (6 Years ago)
Can I save two slots for myself?

(One Angel and One Demon?)

Personal Favorite Couple

These were made by MetalHeadKendra

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 681
Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 16:59 (6 Years ago)
Name: Evelyn
Gender: Female
Angel or Demon?: Angel
Appearance: Evelyn is an angel with lark wings (Wings that are similar to a Lark's, meaning they are the same colour as a lark's as well as same shape) She also has a white halo. She's 14 years old and is quite small. She normally wears a cream and white long sleeved jumper with pink jeans. She wears a necklace of a Lark that she received when she was only 6 years old. It's the only thing she has to remember about her family while she's captured. She's partially blind, but tries to hide it because she's kind of annoyed about being partially blind.
Personality: She can be a bit ignorant sometimes. However, she can show her caring side sometimes. The rest is to be roleplayed.
Other: Oof

We're truth seekers and artists, perched on the boundary as we search for an answer.
Art shop | Toyhouse | Discord: Aergalia
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 18:47 (6 Years ago)
please reread the rules!! it says you may not be lab-born, so please adjust your forms accordingly.

of course you can!!

accepted!! please remove the password and advertise!!
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 19:28 (6 Years ago)

when do we start?
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 19:31 (6 Years ago)
accepted!! please removed the password and advertise!! we'll start when we get a few more people.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 905
Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 19:54 (6 Years ago)
Angel or Demon?:demon
Appearance:very short In stature , messy blonde hair, blue eyes, wears clothes that are rather big for him, slightly curled horns , smallish wings, and a long tail (wings horns and tail are all a dark grey) has a gap in between his middle teeth on the top row. He is twelve and a half and wears a dark green hoodie, green trainers and denim jeans
Personality: slightly shy but once you know him he’s very talkitive. If slightly afraid of others due to being backstabbed many a time. Very positive. Very emotional and easy to make cry.
Other: (totally didnt already have a demon baby already xD i hope you accept:> i will also put a picture of him up later because i dont feel like I explained him enough xD I will try to be as active as possible but school is stressful 0.0)
Angel or Demon?:angel
Appearance:lizzy is Kaz’s older sister . Shes 18 and has long hair with half shaven off and blue tips. She wears a cropped top that hangs off her shoulder on the left side with a dark blue strap shirt on underneath that. She also wears black shorts and blue tubesocks( knee high socks) with black stars on them, she tends to have star shaped sunglasses on her head most of the time.she has very large cream wings which the tips are dyed blue ( she did this herself) and her halo is slightly chipped .she is very tall. She has a small scar near her right eye . Her eyes are green(right) and blue(left)
Personality: can be seen as quite agressive and has a tick that makes her shake when under stress (which is all the time) shes rather miss understood and loves her brother dearly. She doesnt like to talk to those which she doesnt know but if she has to she will. Tends to get in fights and has scars from them
Other:again i will put a drawing here to show a better description of her xD
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 20:00 (6 Years ago)
I think you can -- I have two myself
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 905
Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 20:11 (6 Years ago)
Thanks for letting me know:>
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 20:16 (6 Years ago)
accepted!! please remove the password and advertise!!
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 905
Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 20:17 (6 Years ago)
Thank you and ok!
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 668
Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 20:21 (6 Years ago)
Name: Shine
Gender: F
Angel or Demon?: Demon
Appearance: Short black hair, red + purple jacket, average red and black horns, wings, and tails (2) She always looks either super happy or super angry. She can change her eye color, (black, purple, red, or white [rarely]) She looks like a succubus, but definitely isn't one.
Personality: She is generally nice, but when she's angry, you better not get in her way. She likes being rude to the scientists, and is on the slightly bright side. However, she is known to back out of everything last second. She is sometimes confused for an angel when her unhuman features are hidden, and has a dark voice when angry. Mistaking her for a boy is very flattering, in her opinion.
Other: demons are cool
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 20:26 (6 Years ago)
Angel or Demon?:Demon
Appearance:Shes in her 20s who has short white hair. Wears a black an grey sweater with a torn up shirt. They have two stubbed horns on the head, they tend to get bigger when she is angry. Two goat like ears with a bite mark on tip on one. They have small fire like wings on the back(the angrier they get the brighter the wings are). Their face is grayish red with a scar near the cheek. They have a dark red eye(gets lighter when they are using a attack)They have regular hands(turns to claws but rarely show them)
Personality:A chilled type of girl, they can work with others but can get annoyed easily. Tends to avoid things that can make it angry, holds the anger within to not hurt herself. She will protect others than herself.
Other:[Password has been edited out]
This might be a interesting rp :3
Yo I am remaking this
Give me time B)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 20:58 (6 Years ago)
@JosieThePanda and @TimeKidRalsei
both accepted!! please remove the passwords and advertise!! and here's the roleplay.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 21:06 (6 Years ago)
(I hope you don't mind if I use this to get back into some good roleplaying on here?)
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Angel or Demon?:
Eura has dark skin and straight, shadowy hair that comes to about her chin. Her eyes are brilliantly green and seem to always be observing and watching everything around her. Her wings, small and almost frail looking when compared to her muscular build, withhold a surprising amount of strength. Shiny, jade green scales adorn them (though she was always somewhat ashamed of them; they always looked silly to her). Her horns are similar to a markhor's, twisting upwards into long antlers. These, too, are scaly, but (unlike her wings) they are a neutral gray color that refuses to shine even in the brightest of light. While they're pretty, Eura finds herself hating them sometimes. They tend to bump into things. Her tail is virtually nonexistent (and thank god, she never saw how other demons can stand those things).

Her attire is rather standard; a blue hoodie, black cargo pants. She was always a minimalist at heart.
The best way to describe Eura is that she simply doesn't care. Oh boo hoo, problems! Yeah, no, she doesn't care. She doesn't act like she cares, either. At most, she'll go "uh huh" to tell you that she's still listening. Unless you are really, truly, a good person/friend to her, if you complain or whine she does not care. That being said, she's pissed at her current situation (she cares a lot about that) and finds herself trying to be a bit more caring as a result. Allies are important to her and she does enjoy the company of others as long as you don't complain to her 24/7. She's a surprisingly good listener, but don't count on her for advice or to cheer you up. She's good if you just need to rant to somebody, anybody. Has a good sense of humor and just slightly sadistic (as in, if someone slips and falls, she'll laugh before checking if you're alright). Appealing to her humor or agreeing with her point of view are definitely the two best ways to win her over.
-Has the ability to create lifelike illusions

I'm sticking to one character for now, if that's alright. Not too good with two.

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 21:11 (6 Years ago)
accepted!! welcome back to the roleplay forum!! i guess we're both trying to get back into this, huh??
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 240
Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 21:20 (6 Years ago)
Name: Ava Law
Gender: Female
Angel or Demon?: Angel
Appearance: She has the body of an adult, British woman, mostly in her late 20's. She is usually seen with medium, black hair, tied in a ponytail, having a bit if floof on the front. Her attire is usually anything Navy blue. Her wings are similar to the shape and structure of a dove. She has white skin, blue eyes which one has a scar over it.
Personality: She's a caring woman, who usually drinks any kind of tea. She knows when she needs to take a lead and is a proud person. She seems to have a fondness for Apolline, thinking of her as a daughter. She also is a very positive person, even if she's sensitive about her scarred eyes, not talking about it.
Other: Maybe i'll put a drawing here.

Name: Apolline d'Leon
Gender: Female
Angel or Demon?: Demon
Appearance: She has the body of a female child, mostly stating that she is 10 years old. She has long brown hair, with the back braided, with bangs in the front. She's french in origin, and can speak English and french. She usually likes wearing orange, and carries around a red, dragon plush.
Personality: She has the personality of a 10 year old child, usually using honorable like Miss or Mister when talking to others. She can also be polite, and is a big fan of drawing.
Other: I'll add in a drawing soon.

Personal Favorite Couple

These were made by MetalHeadKendra

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 21:34 (6 Years ago)
accepted!! please advertise and remove the password!!
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 1,733
Posted: Mon, 28/01/2019 21:48 (6 Years ago)
(Sorry if this is considered spam, but this RP looks really interesting and I do want to join... But I used to do RPs, and they made my anxiety really bad. And I don't know if I would be able to handle a group RP...
This looks like a lot of fun, though!)